What powerset do you have a special relation with?




Gravity... god help me, I'm a gravity enthusiast.

Gravity Control is the Power Glove of CoX.

{}... .-



I won't say that I try not to repeat sets, because it's not really a conscious choice. After playing a set for awhile though, I generally just have no real desire to play (see: level) it all over again.

There are exceptions though.

Dark. All of them. They tend to be my go-to sets if I don't have a specific theme in mind. Playing a defense set without a heal or end recovery power? Dark Melee. Playing a support set without a self heal? Dark Blast. Looking to play a specific blast set, not sure what it would work with? Dark Miasma. (I get the feeling this pattern will repeat itself once Dark Assault goes live,... though Psi Assault I also have multiples of, even after having played it to 50 Pre-PWS nerf. The buffing of Psi Assault's low end performance more than made up for the hit to High End performance for an altaholic.(at least for me))

Time Manipulation. This has gotten to be a big one for me. I have 6 Time alts, and just might make more.

Time/Fire Defender
Time/Sonic Defender
Time/Dark Defender
Electric/Time Controller
Fire/Time Controller
Ice/Time Controller

Electric Control/Time is SOOOO safe, but SOOOOooooooooooooooo slow. (Solo)

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



The first character I ever made, and my first to 50, was a Gravity/Kinetics Controller and whilst I haven't made any Gravity Controllers or anything to do with Kinetics since, I have made several Gravity Dominators. I've found that if I play anything that uses Gravity Control then I end up getting a sense of nostalgia from my first forays into Paragon. It's a warm, fuzzy feeling that doesn't care if it isn't the best - it's just fun.

Plant Control is kind of the same to a lesser extent too because my second 50 was a Plant/Storm Controller.



Dark Miasma on so many.....



I will have a special relation (I hope) with Staff fighting when released.
Waiting for that powerset since my day 1, 5 years ago.



Energy Blast, and to a lesser extent Energy Melee.

I love knockback.
I love the classic 60's visuals of the set, and they fit in very well with the science-y spandex genre that my characters inhabit.
Both sets look and feel very powerul.



Originally Posted by Placta View Post
Any and all electric sets. Driving home with the game, I wanted to make a character who shot lightning at her enemies, and so my first character was an elec/elec blaster. I made an elec/elec tanker the day Issue 16 went live, and a elec/cold troller when I got GR, as a counterpart to my ice/storm troller. I also now have an elec/elec dom (the Praetorian version of my main), and someday would like to make an elec/storm corruptor.
Ever since Electric Control was released, I've found myself just like this. With the exception of a blaster I have several AT's with electric. When it was first released on doms I made a Fire/Elec then I waited till elec/ was released to doms/trollers to pick it back up. Now I have an elec/cold and an elec/time troller, an elec/fire dom, a dark/elec def and a claws/elec brute.

Also the bold section is my favorite if you couldn't tell.

Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE -- _Ilr_
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.



Sometimes I like a powerset so much that I find endless other sets to use it with: Storm, Dark Armor, Dark Melee, Energy Blast, Illusion, Sonic Attack, Empathy.

Sometimes the first character I have with a given set works so well I feel like they've written the book on that set and it would be almost insulting to do another: Dark Miasma, Invulnerability, Battle Axe.

But anyone who knows me would tell you I'm pretty much known for storm, storm, and storm.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



Originally Posted by Snowzone View Post
The first character I ever made, and my first to 50, was a Gravity/Kinetics Controller and whilst I haven't made any Gravity Controllers or anything to do with Kinetics since, I have made several Gravity Dominators. I've found that if I play anything that uses Gravity Control then I end up getting a sense of nostalgia from my first forays into Paragon. It's a warm, fuzzy feeling that doesn't care if it isn't the best - it's just fun.
I kinda feel the same way about gravity. I first saw the game watching over my brother's shoulder as he teamed with our cousins. When he let me make a character on his account to try out the game, I made a grav/storm controller. As can probably be guessed from the fact that I'm still here 4+ years later, I had a blast. I had never had so much fun as I did tossing baddies into the air with lift and beaning them with cars with propel, not to mention hurling them every which way with gale. I was probably a terror to play with (although I don't recall any complaints about the KB), but I was too new (to the game and MMOs both) to realize that I was 'doing it wrong'. All I knew was that this was some of the most fun I had ever had in a video game.

I remade that character when I got my own account, but he never got seriously played. Even then I was an altaholic, and I was far too eager to try out all of the ideas I had gotten by seeing other players' characters and messing around with the character creator. It was months before I got back to him, and by then I had learned enough about the game to realize just how subpar gravity was. He was still fun to play, but in a true case of 'ignorance is bliss' it was harder to get into him knowing just how much I was missing. He's still sitting at level 23 on a server I don't play on anymore - I moved him when we had the free transfers, as I just couldn't bring myself to delete him.

I've since come full circle and made a new grav/ controller - a grav/time who is both closer to the original concept I had for the character and arguably a stronger character overall thanks to the secondary. Nowadays I'm experienced enough with the game and have enough resources to not only know that grav's a subpar set but to get good enough performance out of it anyway, and one thing that hasn't changed is that it's still immensely satisfying to hit things with cars. And every time I fling a water cooler at something, I remember my first adventures in paragon city and smile.

Grav is my guilty pleasure. It may not fulfill the job of a control set very well, but it's just so much fun I don't care anymore. Perhaps someday it'll get the buffs it needs, and in the meantime if I need mechanical effectiveness I can lean on my secondary while still laughing maniacally as I have fun with my primary by teleporting mobs off cliffs, flinging them into the ceiling, and braining them with lamp posts.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



For me it's the combination of Energy Blast and Energy Manipulation on a Blaster. All my life when I've created heroes in my head or imagined what it would be like if I had powers it was almost always some kind of energy blast. Unfortunately, I just can't come up with any one concept and I'm one of those people that needs a concept in order to play the character. I need to know who they are and why they are doing what they are doing in order to keep playing them. Sometimes I'll roll an Energy/Energy Blaster and come up with a cool concept only to log out at the end of that play session and never log that character in again. By the time I think about it, I've got another concept in my head and my overwhelming desire is to roll the new character.

All that said, my main (and forum namesake) is an Ice/Ice Blaster that has been around since about a month after the game went live (couldn't afford the game at launch and had to wait a month) but can't seem to get past 31. My second "main" is a Lvl. 50 Bots/Traps/Mace Mastermind. Bots/Traps may be my second favorite combo of all time. I've rerolled that character on Exalted and currently have her at about 16.

your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



It may relatively "new", but as a melee enthusiast, I'm a huge fan of Street Justice. I love a set that can be so damn punchy and do it so well, and has that visceral oomf to it. I'm also pretty pumped for Titan Weapons in that same regard.

On a more classic note, anything that looks like it hits hard has always held a place of endearment for me. Super Strength, Martial Arts, and a few other select powers from various sets. In that same regard, I don't understand how people can roll a blaster and not fire off their nova the very second it's off recharge.



I have a weakness for the dark/regen combo. Whenever I try to make a dark/something character, I always rerolling /regen.

I think it's some sort of leftover trauma from when the game was first launched. My original character was a dark/dark scrapper. Dark Melee is cool, but Dark Armour was terrible. Meanwhile, a RL buddy was playing a /regen scrapper. So there was a healthy dose of set-envy involved.

I've never actually managed to get very far on dark/regen though. I don't know why. It just ruins every attempt I make at rolling a dark melee alt.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Thanks for all the replies, it's been very fun to read

I'll add by elaborating on my own love for plant controll I mentioned in the opening post.

The set just feels so complete and versatile to me, to the point where I have trouble playing other control sets. It's very high in damage (for a control set), it looks very cool and just feels all around powerful. A special mention going to Seeds of Confusion, in my opinion one of the best control powers in the game and you get it at level 8!

... and I love the look of the carrion wines, creepy, creepy things.. stick a damage proc or two in them and they really start to shine.

I have promised myself that I will Dark Control an honest chance when it comes out though!



Umbral Blast and Umbral Aura. I can't get enough of either.



For me, Super Strength,and that's coming from two concept builds, the first being my first ever blueside character, which was a Hulk tribute.

Every move in the set screams power, even if I disagree at times with the sounds that go with them. And Foot Stomp...who doesn't love Foot Stomp? When the alternate animations came in for the set, I was over the moon with happiness, because then you weren't just throwing a punch or stomping the ground, you could really mix and match. I do wish that its animations could work a little like Street Justice with a bit of movement and color, but not as much as I'd like to see Hurl draw animations from the environment so you could throw cars or trucks or well...anything.

Even Stone tankers get bigger boulders than Super Strength folk. That sole lacking element of interacting with your environment (something that Super Strength is so closely associated with) makes me look at other superhero MMOs and how they do it with varying degrees of success, but then Super Strength has the full package, and still does.

Maybe a suggestion to 'throw' random objects ala Controllers would get up someday....


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



I usually try not to repeat powersets too much, but when I look over my relatively small roster of characters, it seems that I do have an affinity for Ice, in a variety of forms. My eponymous main is an Ice/Dark/Mu corruptor, then I have a Dark/Ice/Dark defender, a Storm/Illusion/Ice controller, a Fire/Ice tank, and a new Electric/Ice stalker.

I'm also a big fan of Sonic Attack, but I've explicitly kept that set to one character and not let myself do any repeats (so far).



Willpower and I are getting married next week. I'm actually rolling EA for my TW toon, but WP understands. We've already gone to level 50 together lots of times.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Kinetic Melee. Prior to KM it was Claws, which I still have a soft spot for, but KM wins because Tanks can have it. All my tanks have KM and all of my tanks have enough recharge to (when the situation demands it) go ranged without having to sacrifice for any of the epic pools.

My dream toon would be a KM/Regen tank. But since the tank thing may never happen given how well willpower works for Tanks, I have settled for a KM/Regen brute to be my in game namesake.



I have the following L50 Corrs


That says it all, really.



I still love Fire Blast/Energy Manipulation for Blasters. So insanely destructive

So how do you want to be done? Medium, Well or Extra Crispy?
@BW. The REAL @BW.... oh alright, @Catheram
Honourable United



Dark sets.

Going to have to re-exile my tank so I can roll a controller on Exalted - got a Dark/Dark Rajani Isa on the other RO servers already (Scrapper, Defender, and Blaster; the blaster is working to join the other two at fifty was we speak).

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Radiation Emission - It's super flexible with a heal, an awesome buff, great debuffs, a rez, and even some control with only one really poor power (fallout.) It's also strongly front loaded with the best powers coming nice and early.

PS Can I haz radiation emission as a mastermind secondary?




Let's see:

First 50: Empathy/Dark Defender
Next: SS/SR Brute

Spines/Fire Scrapper
SS/Shield Brute
Dark/Shield Scrapper
Demon/Pain MM
Dark/Dark Defender
Street Justice/Energy Aura Scrapper

And next will be a TW/Elec Brute. Can you find a common denominator in that group?

TW/Elec Optimization



Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
Gravity... god help me, I'm a gravity enthusiast.

Gravity Control is the Power Glove of CoX.
at least tell us you are a controller and not a dom