Where are my 400 "free" points?
In the same boat here.
I don't want to sound aggressive about it, but there really needs to be a better system for subscriber rewards than the randomness we've experienced thus far.
I got my points, but not my token or server transfer :/ if it's anything like last month...I'll get them one week apart after my points.
Same no token, points, or transfer yet
I got mine too.
The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)
I got the points today, but not my other stuff. And my billing date's around the 12th.
and that the points themselves aren't granted at the START of a paid month,
Points are awarded at the start of a paid month. Reward tokens at the end of a played month.
You're likely not getting any more points now, because you've already had them. You should never have to resubscribe to get feedback on such an issue because, if you don't get the points at the start, you have a whole month to raise the issue anyway.
Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.
BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"
I haven't received my points nor token (nor transfer I think), and it's been over a month since my last points were awarded
Still no points here either.
My billing date is the 29th, but my microtransactions show I got points last on Oct 13, and before that, several on Sep 13 (I assume that's the loyalty bonus for staying subbed over the summer).
I'm sitting on 3 transfer tokens, none used ever.
How much is it to expect the system to work?
I never had to worry about Vet rewards, so why is this, several months in, still a clusterf?
I have had to SUBSCRIBE FOR ANOTHER MONTH just so I can talk to customer services about this. (Freems aren't able to do that.)
This is absolutely disgraceful. Sort out your damn game. |
Anyway, I'm in the same position. Two VIP accounts, one billing date on the 21st (which expires tomorrow, and I'm not going to renew until this nonsense is sorted out), and the other on the 28th (paid in advance until March). Both got VIP points on the 12th of October, and nothing since then. I got my reward tokens, I think...but there's no easy way to confirm that. Server transfers I don't know or care about, I have no need of them.
It's going on 6 weeks since I last got VIP points, something is clearly wrong here, and nobody on their end seems to realise or care about it. From my perspective all of the VIP reward process is pretty much an unmitigated disaster, and going by forum and global channel responses I'm not alone in this thought.
To be brutally honest, it seems like they're ignoring the existing problems in favour of thinking up new ways of trying to get money out of us. If there was a billing problem on their side of the transaction (eg. people getting VIP access without getting charged) I'm sure they would drop everything to fix it ASAP, and I would agree with that. But when the problem is on our side, it's ok to leave it unaddressed for months?
A circle forms, everybody comes round
Just to hear the incredible sound
Of a genius smashing expectations
- Jonathan Coulton
I haven't verified this personally, it sounds wrong somehow...surely they don't think of customer support as a VIP only perk? |
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Something does seem a miss. My last reward token was given on October 15; I haven't been awarded one for November yet.
Yeah... seeming broken. I have two accounts and both got the Paragon Points around October 12th. One account got the next batch on November 12, but the second account hasn't gotten them YET. If they don't show up by the end of the month, then I'll contact support.
You'd think something this straightforward would work correctly. It's a bit simpler than an incarnate trial.....
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I'll have to chime in too on the wackyness of how things are getting awarded...
Got PPs on the 13th/14th of the last two months.
Got Transfers on Head Start and 1st of Oct & Nov.
Got PRT on the 20th or so of Oct.
Have not yet received PPs or PRT for Nov yet.
Billing is 27th/28th of the month (Use 60-Day time cards).
According to this, I 'should' expect my PPs on my Billing date. I was directed to the link by a GM after bring this topic up after I got a response to a help petition for a different issue (The GM asked if there was anything else he could help me with, so...). Weather or not that's the case, I'll be waiting until the 27th, I guess.
Thank you for the time...

I don't think I have ever gotten any Paragon Rewards tokens since the time that system was implemented. I have had 37 tokens and bought all of the VIP tier 9 on day one and have never received anything since. I have never bought anything in the regular tier 9 section.
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I also have two accounts. Both of which received their respective points on the 12th of last month. This month only one account has gotten them. Given the amount of hype they put on this new rewards system I find it so disappointing to see this level of shoddy customer service. They have had problems with this system since the get go. This isn't even technically a gaming issue but rather a billing one so clearly we can't point fingers at the devs. But the publishers of this game really should be holding someone accountable for making sure that they're systems run as flawlessly as possible. At the very least they should give us some feedback on their progress with resolving the issues.
I also have the exact same number of tokens I had the day the new system was introduced. I contacted support yet they say I have the proper amount. I can't see how that is possible since I should at least have a new token for October even if my billing date for November hasn't come yet.
Got my points and transfer but no token yet. Now whats that saying patience is a virtue lol
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Got my points and transfer but no token yet. Now whats that saying patience is a virtue lol
![]() |
That, and the fact that it shouldn't be too much to ask for to get these points and tokens regularly, or at the very least within a few days of the regular date. Not weeks like some folks are waiting.
I'm in the same boat. I last got VIP points on October 12.
Around Nov 16, I got a reward token, but no points. My sub date is the 20th of each month.
I figure I'll give it until the 30th before I contact support. If it's not taken care of by Dec 20, I go premium until it's fixed. I'm in Tier 8, so I won't lose much.
Someone on the Dev team really needs to look into this. What has customer service been saying to all of these irregularities / problems.
One of Six, Cannibal 6
I received my Transfer token several weeks ago, but none of the rest of my monthly rewards, of which some are now over a month overdue. I'll have to look at my logs to see when my various other rewards were issued, but I'm going to record everything diligently from now on.
I'm paid-up though January. If these issues are not resolved by then, I will likely drop down to Premium and take another year or two off (I only just completed Tier 6, and I doubt I want to rework my characters with just SO's anytime soon).
It is now the 20th of November. I renew my account on the 20th of every month. The last time I got any points was on the 12th of October. (Which suggests I am owed my last lot OVER A WEEK AGO.) It's bad enough that being a subscriber gets you so little, and that the points themselves aren't granted at the START of a paid month, but for the love of god can you please ensure that points are handed out ON TIME. Especially when marketing insists on time-gating items.
I have had to SUBSCRIBE FOR ANOTHER MONTH just so I can talk to customer services about this. (Freems aren't able to do that.) This is absolutely disgraceful. Sort out your damn game. |
I'm not entirely sure why this process hasn't been automated, or if it is automated what sort of demonic monstrosity of a cron job is running it. Not that I'm all 'gimmegimmegimme' on my points, but it would be nice to have it at least on a consistent basis, just in case.
It is now the 20th of November. I renew my account on the 20th of every month. The last time I got any points was on the 12th of October. (Which suggests I am owed my last lot OVER A WEEK AGO.) It's bad enough that being a subscriber gets you so little, and that the points themselves aren't granted at the START of a paid month, but for the love of god can you please ensure that points are handed out ON TIME. Especially when marketing insists on time-gating items.
I have had to SUBSCRIBE FOR ANOTHER MONTH just so I can talk to customer services about this. (Freems aren't able to do that.)
This is absolutely disgraceful. Sort out your damn game.