74 -
Quick question, if anyone's willing to answer...
I'm playing a Sith Juggernaut, I have a shield generator equipped in my left hand, do I have to do anything to activate it? Does it give any sign that it is on or when it blocks an attack? I've never seen it do anything.
g- -
Started playing today on Harbringer. I'm playing MinaGoroshi, a level 9 Sith Warrior currently.Wanting to join a guild to get info about how to build the character. I'll usually be on weekday afternoons and evenings.
If you can help and wat to set up a time, mail me here or in SWTOR.
g- -
I bought a copy on ebay for $28 shipped. My 30 days ends in a week...I doubt I resubscribe.
I enjoyed the trial period so much I ordered the game after my first day. I liked the setting and the lore and decided I could live with the graphics. I did nearly every mission in Kingsmouth before moving on.
Now I'm kinda "meh" about it and haven't played much in the past 2 weeks and not at all in 4-5 days.
Gol- -
I'm in the same boat. I last got VIP points on October 12.
Around Nov 16, I got a reward token, but no points. My sub date is the 20th of each month.
I figure I'll give it until the 30th before I contact support. If it's not taken care of by Dec 20, I go premium until it's fixed. I'm in Tier 8, so I won't lose much.
Golgothen -
I'd like to join too. I rolled a ninja/ninja name Bikininja. Currently level 22 and a Rogue.
Gol- -
I'd like to join with my Tank Clevis. He can not start the SF.
I need the badge for the accolade
Gol- -
there's my 3
Unless this gets better, my pull list is going to get even smaller
Gol- -
Is it named Hoi Hoi-san?
The reference, if anyone cares:
Gol- -
Found a minor issue:
Spring Attack has 2 damage components, both are smashing, first is for 1/3 total damage, second for 2/3rds. It's only displaying the first one in the power summary.
And yes, I'm on damage per activation at level 50.
And thanks for the update
Gol- -
I dropped $20 to get the 2 tokens to fill out tier 7. I doubt I'll spend more anytime soon (other than my monthly subscription)...but I could be wrong.
I bought Beam Rifle, the Barbarian pack, and 5 charges of self rez. I had planned to buy some of the recipe and salvage increases but decided they were too expensive.
I'm still undecided about the Hover Board. It'd be useful, but 10k inf gets me a flight pack, and I'm far richer in game than out of game. Maybe later if the stipend goes unspent for a couple months.
I have enough points to buy Street Justice when it comes out and some of the Holloween stuff if I like it (which will depend on if it's horror or cutesy based)
Gol- -
Quote:unless you're pulling an 80's era WWF and having the company president pretending to be an announcer...The *head honcho* in the studio is Brian "Crosscheck" Clayton.
so that means that Zwillinger must be the actual head of the company
And I still blame Positron for shooting JR.
Gol- -
Nevermind...it's back. It's even back on the character who had it originally and lost it.
Gol- -
They haven't been available for me in years. I started the game with the CoV CE box near the end of Issue 6, and had the cape. It disappeared sometime after applying the code for Good Vs Evil. I don't know exactly when. I only used it on 1 character, so never noticed it until I wanted to change her costume. Decided I didn't care enough to report it.
I'll check in a few hours and see if it's there again.
Gol- -
"We're going to need another Timmy!"
-Mr. Lizard -
DJB--do you have Peerblock or some other form of port blocking program running? I use it for ad blocking and just found out it's blocking access to the updater (I have no idea for how long, I just started using the program last week)
I use 2 computers and the main one had the .88 IP. The little one (which hasn't been updated in weeks) still had the .4 so I ran the updater. I notice Peerblock is blocking the connection so I disable it and restart. This time the launcher works, updates the files, characters load, all is well. addcache now says .88
This doesn't explain why the launcher said you were up to date but I figure every little bit of info helps.
Gol- -
With or without the flying invisible motorcycles?
Blah. I was afraid of that.
I should be on Tier 7 when Freedom hits.
thanks for answering
Gol- -
I'm curious about the Going Rogue Enhancements that are part of Tier 7. I already have them so will I need to spend a token to buy them again?
Gol- -
Cutscene macros I use:
the simple "Hi Mom!" for Mother Mayhem
For Marauder I use "If this is about all those parking tickets, I can explain."
Statesman's speech during the LRSF: "You're telling me that if I turn on these idiots during the fight you'll not only set me up in an apartment, I can join the Vindicators?"
There are a few others, but they probably violate the forum rules.
Gol- -
Is profanity allowed? I have an idea and the last sentence would include a single one. I could use %$#^$ if it's preferred, but it doesn't have the same effect as a single, well-placed, f-bomb.
Gol- -
Stalker Spots (please list either ele/wp or spines/wp):
Dominator Spots: (Please choose- Mind/Fire, Earth/Eng, Earth/Fire, Mind/Eng)
1)Lis mind/fire
Blaster Spots: (sonic/em)
4) -
My first thought was The Boys comic book by Garth Ennis
Loved the first 10 minutes, kinda meh on the last 10. I'll definitely keep watching unless the whole thing becomes meh.
Gol- -
Global Name: @lis
Server they mainly play on: Infinity
Level of PvP experience: Practically none
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: Yes.
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: Yes
I would also need some help getting the character leveled.
Gol- -
I'll bring either Yukitama or Wounded Chi. Probably WC since she's my next project toon.