P.E.R.C. Presents: Memory Lane
Ugh.. only 600 words?
Anyway, is there a specific style of story we should be writing from (retrospective, or from the character's point of view, etc etc)?
Hey there Orion! You can write in any style you choose. Whatever you find most fun and are comfortable with.
I know it can be tough to work in all the detail you want for a story like this (I have a love/hate relationship with the in-game bio space, which is roughly 200 words if I recall correctly). If you can keep the entry to 600 words or less that would be fantastic; but if you end up going over it a bit we'll still accept the entry. Use it as a guideline, but let your creativity flow!
Is profanity allowed? I have an idea and the last sentence would include a single one. I could use %$#^$ if it's preferred, but it doesn't have the same effect as a single, well-placed, f-bomb.
Is profanity allowed? I have an idea and the last sentence would include a single one. I could use %$#^$ if it's preferred, but it doesn't have the same effect as a single, well-placed, f-bomb.
Gol- |
Just popping in to answer this question (hi Infinity!). All entries for this contest must follow City of Heroes Official Forum rules. As the guideline states: "Profanity in any form is prohibited. Using any means to bypass the profanity filter (for example: partial masking, such as asterisks or punctuation marks) is prohibited. This rule also includes any images displayed on the forums, or any pages directly linked to from the forums." So please plan your entry accordingly. Sorry it is not the answer you wanted, but I hope it was helpful.
Looking forward to reading some awesome short stories!
PS- had a great time at the player auction, well done R-Tech, Ska, and HC!
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
There's still a few days left to enter your story, folks! We've got billions in prizes up for grabs and we're eager to give them away!
Level 50 Blaster
Energy Blast & Energy Manipulation

Greatest Achievement: 850 Badges Earned
For many players, City of Heroes is a casual game that provides hours of endless content and in-depth optional systems such as Inventions and the newly unveiled Incarnates. For me, this tagline was certainly true. I created my first character, a blaster, in 2006. My costume was hideous and my biography was poorly written at best. Thankfully, both have improved with time, but those memories have not been forgotten. My fondest memories were the days I spent exploring. My missions were either not interesting, or too difficult to complete alone. Instead I prioritized history and friends over influence and experience points. As you can imagine, I discovered badges quickly. Do you remember when you were young and toiled for hours in your single player game to unlock that one meaningless achievement? I certainly do. To me, badges were the spiritual successor to my childhood habit of getting that 100%, doing everything just for the fun of saying you did. I spent days, weeks even, combing over each zone for badges at my own pace. I discovered every badge, read every plaque, tagged every villain. Naturally, I reveled in each detail the badges revealed. City of Heroes lore is so expansive; its easy to get lost in it. Badges were not everything, however. I enjoyed just playing in the games environment. Have you ever raced a friend to the top of one of the citys many skyscrapers without using any of your powers? Its possible, I assure you, just land on the window sill! The most magical aspect, in my opinion, is that this game is not only massive, but truly multiplayer. What City of Heroes developers havent thought of, a player has. Each person who logs in brings with them another story, another unique costume, and their own ideas. Some of these ideas have even made their way into official content, or so Im told. I make it a point to read the biography of each player I interact with it, be it teaming or otherwise. Why? Its interesting! Its with the advice, guidance, and encouragement of these fellow players that have elevated me to the place I am today. My costume is no longer hideous (or at least, I think it looks nice!), and my biography has expanded into a real story. My build has achieved some sort of cohesion, and my badge count has soared. That number in my personal info box has evolved from just a number, but rather a meter of my growth as a hero, a character, a player. Two days ago, I earned my 850th badge. While the total number of badges that a character can earn is now far over 1200 in number, this is still a huge achievement for me. I look upon that personal info box with pride and see a challenge. Until I hit that maximum number, theres still more to do. I have more zones to explore, more challenges to complete, more friends to make and more missions to complete. As the city limits of Paragon City, Rhode Island expands, so do the opportunities that each of us have to grow and interact. Heres to having lots of fun, more issues, and lots of badges along the way!
((Total words: 563. Thank you for your consideration!))
Today is the last day for the contest everyone! There's still some time before the deadline, so hurry!
This is a cross-forum contest so make us proud, Infinity!
The Player Event Resource Committee would like to thank all those who participated in "Memory Lane." We will do our best to get the winners announced in a timely fashion, and we thank you in advance for your patience as there are many entries to read and score! We had a wonderful time designing this contest and watching so many different styles of entries pop up. We hope you enjoyed this contest!
If you have any ideas for future contests, events, etc. please do not hesitate to contact a PERC Representative.
�Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.� - Sun Tzu, The Art of War
I didn't submit this because it's way too long, but a long time ago, Tony used to write little short stories about Taxis when they joined our garage here on Infinity. He got better and better at them, and one of the last ones he wrote was a story about when Taixbots Ciar, Pip, and Shorty joined. You can read it here. I think it's one of the best stories I've ever read, and I still tear up even today when I read it!
Anyway, I'm not submitting it for a prize, but it's there in case you want to read a really good short story about me and my friends. I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but if you ever meet me in person, you'll see that I still always wear that badge, the same one I've been wearing for years.
Yay, Infinity Taxis!!!
Try my City without Taxis story (1679) if you get a chance and let me know what you think!
As promised here are the Top 25 (increased from Top 20 due to tied scores) in alphabetical order with their randomly drawn(random.org) prizes:
Archiviste- 25 million inf
Damianamae- 25 million inf
Dr Byron Poe- 25 million inf
Fiery Hellraiser- 25 million inf
galadiman- 25 million inf
Garent- Full set of Gladiator's Strike PvP IOs
Grey Pilgrim- Full set of Gladiator's Net PvP IOs
Ineffable Bob- 25 million inf
jchinds- 25 million inf
Justaris- 25 million inf
Menrva Channel- Full set of Javelin Volley PvP IOs
Mister Squinty- 25 million inf
Morvani- 25 million inf
Mr Grey- 100 million inf
OHakubi - 500 million inf
Pattern Walker- 25 million inf
Pheonyx- 25 million inf
PhoenixPhrenzy- 25 million inf
Riverdancer- 200 million inf
Sardonic Paladin- Numina's +Recharge/+Recovery, Celerity +Stealth, and Miracle +Recovery IOs
Sooner- 25 million inf
Stalemate- 25 million inf
SultrySiren- Full set of Fortunata Hypnosis Purple IOs
Turgenev- Steadfast Protection +3% Defense, Steadfast Protection -kb, Karma -kb, Blessing of the Zephyr -kb, Performance Shifter +Endurance IOs
Ura Hero- Luck of the Gambler +Recharge IO
Judge's Favorites (prize of 500 million each)
Pattern Walker
Ura Hero
Surprise Redname Favorite (prize of Costume Code of choice)
Winners, please contact PERC 1st Chair Madame Pistacio via PM with your global name so that you may be emailed your prizes. Thank you again to all who competed! We look forward to providing the community with more events soon.
-The Player Event Resource Committee
�Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.� - Sun Tzu, The Art of War
P.E.R.C. Presents: Memory Lane
April 16th - 30th
Every character has a defining moment in their career; maybe they stopped a powerful Archvillain in their tracks, saved their team from immenient peril, or perhaps they are that cackling villain who constantly stymies the heroes. Do you have such a story to tell? We want to read about it!
P.E.R.C. is looking for stories that show off what you consider your favorite character's crowning achievement. What made that character stand out to you? What daring plan did you pull off (or thwart)? Here's your chance to share the tale and potentially win a prize for your creativity!
Entries will be accepted from April 16th until April 30th.
Ten stories from the top 20 we pick will be randomly selected and awarded a prize. In addition to that, 5 qualifying stories will be picked by the judges and awarded a "Judge's Favorite" prize.
(10) Random Prizes:
1. 500 mill Inf.
2. 200 mill Inf.
3. 100 mill Inf.
4. Full set of Gladiator's Strike PvP IOs
5. Full set of Javelin Volleys PvP IOs
6. Full set of Gladiator's Net PvP IOs
7. Full set of Fortunata Hypnosis Purple IOs
8. Numina's +Regeneration/+Recovery, Celerity +Stealth, and Miracle +Recovery IOs
9. Steadfast Protection +3% Defense, Steadfast Protection -Knockback, Karma -Knockback, Blessing of the Zephyr -Knockback, Performance Shifter +Endurance IOs
10. Luck of the Gambler +Recharge IO
(5) Judge's Favorites:
500 mil Each
Rules & Additional Info:
1) Only one entry per player.
We will only accept the first story submitted by a player. You may edit and update the story as you see fit until the deadline of April 30th.
2) Your story must be between 150 and 600 words long.
While Flash Fiction is an artform in and of itself, this is a short story contest. The maximum length helps keep entries manageable from a judging standpoint.
3) You may attach a screen shot of your character.
This is optional, but encouraged. As they say, "a picture is worth a thousand words." You may insert the image in your post, or you can e-mail it to us at PERC.COH@GMail.com.
4) Please submit your story in a reply to this post.
5) Prizes will be awarded on North American servers.
The group funding this event is limited to NA servers, and due to current global e-mail restrictions we are only able to award prizes to players also on NA accounts.
If you have any questions about event rules/details, please feel free to contact a P.E.R.C. representative by replying to this thread or sending them a private message.
Good luck, and happy writing!
�Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.� - Sun Tzu, The Art of War