Where are my 400 "free" points?




I am *hoping* to get something soon. I got my last points (400) on Oct 12 (1200 on Sep 13, then 400 on Sep 14). Sub was up today, expired (whoops, CC card past expiry date), reupped. Last token was on Oct 23. Really I'd like to get the token first, as while I look like I should be Tier 9 (it's unlocked), I haven't placed one in Tier 9 and I'm still showing as being in the 400 points level rather than 550.

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I got my Paragon Points on both accounts but still waiting on tokens, probably will have to wait until December for them.

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Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
I got my Paragon Points on both accounts but still waiting on tokens, probably will have to wait until December for them.
Same here.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



I've gotten points and server transfers so I'm not worried about those.. but I've not gotten any reward tokens since freedom launched.

This prob could have gone over smoother with an idea on when you should be rewarded your next reward token. Under the old system I could see the day that I would have earned by next reward if I continued to subscribe to the game... or at least view the rewards coming up if you used a timecard and/or bought additional playtime in advance so that you know when something was coming.

Right now I can't tell until after the fact so I don't know if something is screwy somewhere as I've no indication of what should have been awarded when.. just an idea that something should have been awarded but wasn't/hasn't been rewarded yet for something reason.



No points for 5 weeks over here, but it looks like I did get my latest transfer token. Weird thing, that.



I am having the same issue with the free points and contacted support this weekend. Here is the question I sent and the response:

Based on my past billing history I have been receiving the monthly VIP points of 400 on about the 12th of the month. I have not received my points in the month of November. When will I receive the monthly points owed?


Keep in mind that the Paragon Points were granted early in September and October. This means that everyone with a VIP subscription on October 12th received 400 points on or about October 12th, regardless of their true stipend date. This means that it would have been possible to receive your stipend up to two weeks early resulting in up to six weeks between the October and November stipends.

I am showing that your next stipend date is November 30th, which is more in line with your billing date. Please let us know if you do not have the additional points added by December 1st.

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I received my November Transfer Token and my points, but not my Token, but I'm in no hurry for my token since I have the T9 Vip set already and would rather wait for the next one before using tokens

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Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
See, were I working for customer service, I would be less likely to feel like assisting you because of this belligerent and wrong-headed approach. Chill out and be polite.
I don't care about your hypothetical feelings. The inability of the hypothetical company you work for has disgruntled mine. If you can't do your job pass me on to someone who can. I'm not going to be grateful for getting what I've already paid for.

I just got my points today. (21st November.)



Originally Posted by evertheskeptic View Post
I haven't received my points nor token (nor transfer I think), and it's been over a month since my last points were awarded



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Yeah... seeming broken. I have two accounts and both got the Paragon Points around October 12th. One account got the next batch on November 12, but the second account hasn't gotten them YET. If they don't show up by the end of the month, then I'll contact support.
Update: the points showed up today.

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I haven't had any issues with paragon points (except maybe the first month when everyone had issues)...

But the Paragon Rewards points/tokens I haven't received one of those since Freedom went live.

I had 39 (I think 39) when Freedom went live; I spent 3 on the Celestial Armor Tier 9 VIP stuff; then 1 on the Signature Summon; have 1 token left and still have 1 token left.

I put in a support ticket and they basically said that due to an error in the system, any accounts that were made before CoH went live (4/28/2004) were credited 1 extra token more than they should have...and now that the error is fixed I should be receiving a token next month.

I could copy and paste what they said but...*shrugs*

Basically some error with "old" accounts (that were made before CoH went live; which mine was), it's been fixed and everything should be fine come December.

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Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
I got my points, but not my token or server transfer :/ if it's anything like last month...I'll get them one week apart after my points.
Transfers are/should be the first of the month regardless of the other dates in your account.

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Received VIP 400 points on Sept 13th.

Received VIP 400 points on October 12th.

November 22nd, still no 400 VIP points received.



Apparently i'm not getting extra points. Here's why:

My points for the billing period 20thOct-20thNov were given to me on the 12thOct.

That's right. Apparently my monthly stipend for this period was given to me BEFORE I even paid for them.

It's absolute bollocks. They're trying to say i'm "confused" because I haven't taken into account that my points from September were included with the veteran reward points when the market launched. That's bollocks, here's why:

Since Freedom has launched I've paid for three months:
20th Sept-20thOct

All of those dates are AFTER the launch of the market. Any points I got DURING the launch of the market cannot be attributed to them. Why is this? BECAUSE I HADN'T PAID FOR THEM YET.

So now I have been shortchanged 400 points. I think this is very deliberate. I've seen other people in this thread say that CS told them they were "given points early". Don't be fooled, this is just a ploy to shortchange subscribers.




Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Apparently i'm not getting extra points. Here's why:

My points for the billing period 20thOct-20thNov were given to me on the 12thOct.

That's right. Apparently my monthly stipend for this period was given to me BEFORE I even paid for them.

It's absolute bollocks. They're trying to say i'm "confused" because I haven't taken into account that my points from September were included with the veteran reward points when the market launched. That's bollocks, here's why:

Since Freedom has launched I've paid for three months:
20th Sept-20thOct

All of those dates are AFTER the launch of the market. Any points I got DURING the launch of the market cannot be attributed to them. Why is this? BECAUSE I HADN'T PAID FOR THEM YET.

So now I have been shortchanged 400 points. I think this is very deliberate. I've seen other people in this thread say that CS told them they were "given points early". Don't be fooled, this is just a ploy to shortchange subscribers.

Wow, paranoid much?

They did give us the points early.
Just add them up yourself. You can check on the NCSoft site.

When Freedom launched we got points for June, July, August and September up front.
So, you got 1600 right away, when you should have only gotten 1200 and then another 400 on 20th of September.
Then October's points were given to everyone on the 12th. So people who had their billing date before that got them late, while people who had their date after the 12th, like you, got them early.

For November, they seem to have sorted it out, so you got your next points more than a month after the first, making you think these ones were late, while in fact they were on time and it was the previous ones that were early.

Also, remember you get your points at the start of the billing month, not the end. So points you get in October are for Oct-Nov, not Sep-Oct.

Edit: As for getting the points before you paid for them. So what? Have you never been to a restaurant before?
Sometimes in life you pay for things before you get them, sometimes you get the things before you pay for them.
This time it seems more like a database error, rather than an intentional trust of your willingness to pay, but that is, nevertheless, what happened.

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So what would have happened if i'd cancelled my subscription between the 12thOct-20thOct?

Would I have scammed the system for 400 free points?



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
So what would have happened if i'd cancelled my subscription between the 12thOct-20thOct?

Would I have scammed the system for 400 free points?
Like I say. Database error.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



I wish I had a ******* time machine then.



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
I got my points, but not my token or server transfer :/ if it's anything like last month...I'll get them one week apart after my points.
I appear to be getting my points on one day, my transfer token on another, and my paragon reward token on a third date. They shouldn't make it such a pain to keep track of - i subscribe to the yearly plan after all. It's not like I can rip them off for any extra. Just give it all out one one date.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

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Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
I put in a support ticket and they basically said that due to an error in the system, any accounts that were made before CoH went live (4/28/2004) were credited 1 extra token more than they should have...and now that the error is fixed I should be receiving a token next month.

I could copy and paste what they said but...*shrugs*

Basically some error with "old" accounts (that were made before CoH went live; which mine was), it's been fixed and everything should be fine come December.
Ok I think I can see the logic.. and boy is it confusing.. I dropped a timecard back in august. So I'm paid up for august and september.. august is counted for the old system, september is under the new system. I get my september token early rather then getting it at the end of october when the month is up. I also get an extra token. I drop another timecard in october so this november I should have gotten a token, but I had already gotten my token do to an error back in september. The second half of my timecard kicks in and come december 27thish I should be all set.

Gah that's a long wait but it makes sense.



I'm a little confused about all this myself as last week I got my reward token for the months and..a global server slot instead of a transfer token. I still don't have my points for november however.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
So now I have been shortchanged 400 points. I think this is very deliberate. I've seen other people in this thread say that CS told them they were "given points early". Don't be fooled, this is just a ploy to shortchange subscribers.
Sounds like they are just trying to get rid of you. Devs really really really need to look at this. Customer Service isn't doing there job (and for all I know, they don't have the resources to properly assess the situation).

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Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
I'm a little confused about all this myself as last week I got my reward token for the months and..a global server slot instead of a transfer token. I still don't have my points for november however.
Server transfers were given on November 1. A new server transfer will be given on December 1. This is the only thing that is working correctly in regards to VIP rewards.

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I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Server transfers were given on November 1. A new server transfer will be given on December 1. This is the only thing that is working correctly in regards to VIP rewards.
I see.. that still leaves me a little confused on why I was given a free global server slot this month when it isn't time for my new year of being a vet badge yet.