Is Issue 20 the most hyped issue ever?




Issue 20 offers only two new incarnate trials, new incarnate slots, 1.5 task forces below level 50 (Sorry Villains), a LFG queue, leagues and some Arachnos helos in the middle of Longbow bases (No I didn't make that up lol).

As of right now, no new costume pieces, no power proliferation, no power/epic pool/ custimization, etc.

I am curious to hear opinions as to why a NDA was required for any of this content, or is this secretive content being planned for issue 21? Thoughts?



I assume the NDA was inspired by the league/turnstile thing but I'm not sure why they felt they needed it. Neither is something that hasn't been done in other games so it's not as though anyone would be saying "Hey, CoH is doing something totally new that we should steal!"

Of course, costume sets or power proliferation wouldn't require a physically signed NDA either.



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
I am curious to hear opinions as to why a NDA was required for any of this content, or is this secretive content being planned for issue 21? Thoughts?
Why does it matter? Perhaps they were testing concepts out that they had no intention of using? Who knows? Perhaps the Destiny slot originally caused a hologram of an old dude and a little green midget to appear and tell you you had to murder your father.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Presumably for the 4 Incarnate slots and the Trials, probably also the turnstile system. Why would they need an NDA for costume pieces or power proliferation/customization?

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Every single issue should include a free head-to-toe costume set. But I guess it's better to pay extra money for them, since double-dipping is more profitable.



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
Issue 20 offers only two new incarnate trials, new incarnate slots, 1.5 task forces below level 50 (Sorry Villains), a LFG queue, leagues and some Arachnos helos in the middle of Longbow bases (No I didn't make that up lol).

As of right now, no new costume pieces, no power proliferation, no power/epic pool/ custimization, etc.

I am curious to hear opinions as to why a NDA was required for any of this content, or is this secretive content being planned for issue 21? Thoughts?

1.5 TFs?

Both sides are getting a level 20-40 TF.

Now not saying I personally wouldn't have wanted either other things or different things. But, the turnstile thing could of been a lot of work for all we know.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I really don't get what people have against the new villain SF. I played it during one of the Beta previews, and really enjoyed it. Yeah it doesn't use any radically new maps like the Hero one (the ones in the villain SF are customized, but still the same basic tilesets as always)... but is that really that big of a deal?



Originally Posted by Xaphan View Post
I really don't get what people have against the new villain SF. I played it during one of the Beta previews, and really enjoyed it. Yeah it doesn't use any radically new maps like the Hero one (the ones in the villain SF are customized, but still the same basic tilesets as always)... but is that really that big of a deal?
I agree with Xaphan. While the SF isn't teh hyper shiny newness for tilesets, it does a great job of making you feel like a proactive villain, it has a nice Paragon City version of a Praetorian map, and marks the return of the underused forcefield defense system.



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
As of right now, no new costume pieces, no power proliferation, no power/epic pool/ custimization, etc.

I am curious to hear opinions as to why a NDA was required for any of this content, or is this secretive content being planned for issue 21? Thoughts?
*snipped for brevity*

All the stuff we are getting i20 looks pretty substantial. The NDA might have been for that reason alone: Because there was so much stuff they were working on at one time (i21 material as well, if I recall), they wanted to keep it all under wraps. And so far, it looks promising.

Personally, though, I would have preferred to have seen a new power set or two, and/or further power customization. I am glad we are getting some big endgame content, but I'd like my character customization from levels 1-49 be exactly the way I want it, before I start thinking about his/her 50+ career.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
I am curious to hear opinions as to why a NDA was required for any of this content, or is this secretive content being planned for issue 21? Thoughts?
When the signed NDA was announced for i20, my guess was "there's not actually anything notably special, but it's a great way for marketing to build hype." My suspicions have not changed.



Issue 13 was hyped more, but then they noticed their planning team sucked and had to give AE the custom critter ability. So Issue 13 was just Day Jobs and crap, and poor Jimmy in marketing had to try to NOT make a total let-down of the whole thing in the announcement.

Issue 14 promptly introduced the Mission Architect which the devs have since forgotten about.

Oops! Hype was nothing but hot air. At least there were no big promises of "Issue 20 is gonna be soooooooo awesome, you guys!"... Which, as it turns out, wouldn't be too far off the mark like they were for Issue 13.



Hype is a two way street. It takes a hype generator and a hype receiver to truely be hype with a capital H. I find it really easy to not care at all about any hype. I think other people should consider doing the same, especially if the "hype" is making them unhappy in some way.



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
Issue 20 offers only two new incarnate trials, new incarnate slots, 1.5 task forces below level 50 (Sorry Villains), a LFG queue, leagues and some Arachnos helos in the middle of Longbow bases (No I didn't make that up lol).

As of right now, no new costume pieces, no power proliferation, no power/epic pool/ custimization, etc.

I am curious to hear opinions as to why a NDA was required for any of this content, or is this secretive content being planned for issue 21? Thoughts?
Since I have no idea what you are talking about I'd have to say no I20 is not the most hyped issue ever. I knew more about a lot of previous issues before they came out than I do about I20.



I think a lot of the ...'letdown' over I20 is because of the WAY it was hyped. When I20 was first talked about by the Dev team all we got was "it's going to be huge!" and comments like that. In hindsight, there's your problem. All the other 'huge!" issues for the game, like Inventions, the Rikti Invasion, Side-Switching/Praetoria affected all levels of characters. There were also other bits and pieces thrown into the mix. In essence, all the "game-changing" issues still had something for everyone, even if it was something simple like costume pieces or even converting Inspirations.

So when the playerbase heard another 'huge!' issue, thats what we all thought it was. That's where it fell through. The items in I20 ARE game-changing, are 'huge' in their own right. BUT apart from 2 TFs, it's entirely lvl 50 focused- entirely. That is a paradigm shift in issue design, and it's not well recieved by a lot of people, especially in a game that promoted alt-itis!!!! Even the Turnstile, which will eventually help in all levels of teaming, is right now only 50 focused.

Will it kill the game? Hardly. But it did burn quite a bit of.. playbase goodwill. I seriously hope the Devs are paying attention, because if I21 and 22 (I'm assuming the Praet storyline will be wrapped by then) are just as narrowly focused, then it WILL hurt the game severely.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
I think a lot of the ...'letdown' over I20 is because of the WAY it was hyped. When I20 was first talked about by the Dev team all we got was "it's going to be huge!" and comments like that.
You seem to have forgotten Issue 15. That was the only issue that was overhyped and a huge letdown.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
You seem to have forgotten Issue 15. That was the only issue that was overhyped and a huge letdown.
Fear the return of M. BISON! RRAAAARRRR!



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Perhaps the Destiny slot originally caused a hologram of an old dude and a little green midget to appear and tell you you had to murder your father.
I must be having a 'bad brain day' because it took me a few seconds to get that one.



I'm pretty sure I18 got way more hype

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
You seem to have forgotten Issue 15. That was the only issue that was overhyped and a huge letdown.
Punching Nazis is never a letdown - as I19 and I20 clearly show

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm pretty sure I18 got way more hype

Punching Nazis is never a letdown - as I19 and I20 clearly show
Eh, Praetorians strike me more as Red Commies rather than Nazis.



Imagine if they had stuck the turnstyle system in the standard closed beta and it didn't work. Then they had to remove it, when the NDA was lifted (as it always when an issue goes live) everyone would have known about it, and the DOOM cry would have been epic.

I am willing to bet that there were things tested by those who signed NDAs that are not in issue 20. I am also willing to bet that they are still under an NDA for things they tested, and can't talk about. I have no proof, because I am sure they are not going to talk.

Everyone is assuming that i20 was all they tested. Also with signed NDAs they can fall back on those same testers for future testing. There is no implied agreement because they signed in, they have a piece of paper to present to a judge along with the log in agreement. I like my house, I also like my account. I don't want to lose either. Leaking in the regular CB gets you banned from future CBs. I bet leaking after signing will at the least get your account banned.

On Topic: The only thing that could make it better would be some costume stuff. I think all in all it is a solid issue.

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Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post

I am curious to hear opinions as to why a NDA was required for any of this content, or is this secretive content being planned for issue 21? Thoughts?
My guess is that they didn't know if the turnstyle system would work, much less that the incarnate powers would be kept as is. If it didn't work, they'd have to redo the trial(s) potentially.

By putting in a signed NDA, they (in theory) would have a tighter lid on information and could make massive changes without the player-created stink about "They PROOOMMMIISSSEEEEDD this in this issue and TOOK IT AWAAAAYYYYY!"



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Eh, Praetorians strike me more as Red Commies rather than Nazis.
They're sort of a blend of the two, to make one super-repulsive system

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I have to agree with GG as well. Going Rogue introduced Side Switching, new powersets, 3 new events, 20 levels of content, and 4 new zones. It also was supposed to have Alpha until people complaining it needed content.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



I completely agree...After being told be the Dev apologist when GR came out to "just wait" for i20 and how HUGE and awesome it was going to be, I still feel like GR was overpriced for what we got and so far nothing has changed that. From base what has been added to GR in i19 and i20 is four new TF, two trials, five incarnate abilities, and a handful of tip missions. I just don't see what was so special about GR still and so far incarnate content has been so slow in coming it feels like it will be another year before it is even finally "done."

TLDR version; Yes i20 was incredibly over hyped and I can see absolutely no reason for the huge fuss over an NDA for it.

No relation to Arachnos!

Part Pack: Now the majority of players know how we, PvPers, have felt for years now. Don't want to be so "civil" now that you have been completly ignored, do you?