Is everyone making EVERY 50 an Incarnate ?

Adeon Hawkwood



My fifty 50's are all unlocking the Alpha slot and eventually they all will have the Alpha slot activated with a basic booster. However select alts will take it as far as they can.

Currently my tanks and brutes are respecing into inherent stamina, plus taking the ancillary pool that has Superior Conditioning and Physical Perfection for even more stamina and all three of those have the perf shifter proc, and they are starting their alpha with the Cardiac booster. Thus in a nutshell they are slowing becoming something akin to the Energizer bunny, keeps going...and going...and going.



Originally Posted by Flower View Post
My opinion is that the in game story behind the alpha slot allows any character to get it regardless of their personal story. At some point they come to Ouroboros and meet Silos and Ramiel who will set them on the path to the incarnate abilities to stop the "Coming Storm". Now if your toon never joins Ouroboros then to stay in character you probably would not take the alpha slot, otherwise I think you can and still stay true to whatever back story your character has.
Well bare in mind the lore states that some incarnates don't realize that they are connected to the well so you could potentially say that although you had to run Ramiel's arc to unlock it that was non-canon for your character and they've unconsciously tapped into the Well's power (or even ignore the canon entirely and simply say that they're gaining power through other means).



After the tedious process of respecing all dozen 50's, I'm sure I will at least unlock the ability in all of them. This way, if the shards happen to drop I can put them to some use. I am, so far, only actively seeking shards on two or three of them. (the ones that I prefer for teaming and tf's)


currently reading: A Mighty Fortress (David Weber)



Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
And since there will be different kinds of alpha abilities (not only enhancement, but specific attacks, etc.), I think it will be well worth the minimal effort.
All Alpha abilities are enhancement boosts.

The AOE abilities are Judgement abilities from what we've learned.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Unlocking, yes.

Going through everything that they'll release for it? Probably not.
I thought about unlocking it but knowing my personality if one of my 50s got some lucky shard drops I'd get stoopid and try to incarnte them so I am keeping the door closed on them unless I want to go all the way with it.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I will unlock them as I play them. Some however, like my emp/ice troller, will more than likely never even get logged on again.



I am making one Hero and one Villian an incarnate... they will be the toons that I use the most as for my "Oh sooooo many" other 50's ... nah



All of them? No, probably not simply because several aren't played much. However, I probably will run all of the ones I play to any extent... eventually.

Right now I've unlocked on 4 of them, and 2 are slotted.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



Per my character story I'll only Incarnate two; my Elec/SD Scrapper, and my follow-on to him, my Elec/Elec Dom.

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"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



I'll probably run a few of them through the Ramiel arc just for the heck of it. But most of them get played so rarely, they'll never earn enough shards to actually slot anything.

99458: The Unbearable Being of Lightness
191775: How the Other Half Lives
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I'll kit out one of my favorites and they'll be my go-to INCARNATE ONLY CONTENT character.

That's as far as I'm planning on going, unless the process is tremendously more fun than it looks.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Im not in any hurry to do anything, including the incarnate stuff. Maybe one tank and one blaster. Im still trying to get all my respecs done. They don't call me Largo for nothing.


Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
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Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
Its like I see my many guys like a Justice League. Sure there are a LOT of really power guys in the Justice League but there is ONE Superman... ONE Green Lantern... Kind of like that..
And only one Aquaman. So someone has to be the wuss.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



At least one per server I play on, so that if friends want to run Apex or Tin Mage, I can join them.



Any 50's who receive any amount of play will get their Alpha slot. I'm not worried about the Incarnate "story", it's an extra boost of damage/endurance/etc for my characters to enjoy. If they put in a level 51, it's not as though I'd refuse to get that and the associated extra power. I can work out the character details in my head, as much as anyone cares.



While I plan on taking advantage of the incarnate boosts for 3 or 4 of my 50's (out of like 5 or 6), only one ore two would actually BE "incarnates". The others will just have the boosts to enhance their playbility and allow them to do the endgame content. Storyline/Gameplay segregation ftw!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Just like when the RWZ and Cimerora came out, I'll be running through all my characters to open up their content. Whether I pursue getting the Incarnate drops, is not a priority.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



I'm unlocking the slot with all my characters that I plan to play as. Honestly, you'd be stupid not to.

However, not all of them are incarnates: Only one or two are. The rest are just extra powerful through other means.

Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender



Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
For me the answer is no. I have a lot of 50's just that I cant see everyone of them becoming an incarnate. Its like I see my many guys like a Justice League. Sure there are a LOT of really power guys in the Justice League but there is ONE Superman... ONE Green Lantern... Kind of like that..

SO I find myself selecting certain 50's being elected to Incarnate status.

Anyone else going this way ???
I guess this is one place where Gameplay walks up to Lore, asks lore if a damp rag smells like chloroform, then bashes Lore on the head with a baseball bat.

The reality of the game is that if you want to take part in the new and upcoming post-50 content events, missions, task-forces, and whatever, you will need to be incarnate slotted, regardless of whether or not your particular character is god-like or has a god-like background.

So, the only real determination of whether or not a character unlocks the incarnate powers is: do I want to play that content?

If you don't, don't bother unlocking the slot.

If you do, take the time to unlock the slot.

Okay, I do realize that the official incarnate storyline is a bit on the mystical / magical side of things. That does not mean that your own personal character has to treat the canon lore as that own player's personal lore. From a role-play perspective, a Science origin could claim they've developed a new chemical formula, and behold with the power of science, they have become more powerful. A Tech origin could claim they've discovered an entirely new engineering principle, and this principle grants them increased power. A Mutant can claim they are continuing to mutate... and so on... and so on... and so on.

I also realize that there are 6 years of content that don't require having the alpha-slot unlocked, and I realize that there will be future content that will continue to not require the alpha-slot to be unlocked. So, if you want to play the game but not worry about the challenging post-50 content, then nothing will change.



I only have the one 50 at the moment; Alpha, my global.
So, by the time I get the next of my way-too-many alts to 50, yeah, I think I'll be taking them Incarnate. Then it'll take ages to get the next one to 50 on and so forth. So I won't get too burned out on it

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Can't speak for anyone else, but by tomorrow night I will have the alpha slot unlocked on every 50 of mine.

Only 1 has anything IN it right now, but I wanted each of them to be able to get shards etc whenever I run late games TFs.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
For me the answer is no. I have a lot of 50's just that I cant see everyone of them becoming an incarnate. Its like I see my many guys like a Justice League. Sure there are a LOT of really power guys in the Justice League but there is ONE Superman... ONE Green Lantern... Kind of like that..

SO I find myself selecting certain 50's being elected to Incarnate status.

Anyone else going this way ???
Well, i have at least 6 or 7 50s i rarely play at all, so those will not be going Incarnate for some time.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



I have 6 50s. They will probably all get at least the Alpha slot, but I doubt I will get all 10 slots on all of them, simply because that is going to be a lot of work, and I don't have that much time to spend on it.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I will be unlocking the slot on all of my 50s, but won't be trying to crank out shards and stuff on them. I figure I'll play them as normal and when they gather what they need, their unlocked slots will be filled.

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only have 3 50s myself. Unlocked 2 of them and busy respeccing out the 3rd before I do the Arc (needed 2 respecs to swap out enhancements without losing them). Will probably make the rest of my alts Incarnates too once they hit 50, shouldn't be too hard as I only have 10 toons in total