Is everyone making EVERY 50 an Incarnate ?

Adeon Hawkwood



I'm definitely not. I've got 2 or 3 out of my 8 50s that I still really enjoy playing. Those will probably become incarnates, the others won't.



I've unlocked the alpha slot on all 5 of my 50's, but I don't plan to fill it on all. I parked all my 50's as soon as they became 50, and in doing the unlock arc, I rediscovered I really don't like to play my psi blaster very much.

I think my tanker and scrapper will get alpha slot stuff, but not so sure of the others. Not the blaster. Maybe the dominator and the stalker.



Only half of my accounts have GR, so only the 50s on those accounts are elligible. Out of the 17 50s, I am going for four incarnates right now. However, when I am done with them, I will probably slowly try to make the other 14 incarnates as well.



To the original question - no way. I've got 50s I haven't played in over 3 years, at all. I won't give an exact number (because I don't know it) but there's well in excess of 50 50s I have to consider. So I'm just prioritizing a top 5 for now, then I'll get to the next 5. Maybe another round of 5 and that will be that, except for leisurely adding one at a time from there.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



I'll probably end up unlocking the Alpha slot on every one of my 50s. Plenty of time to do so and no downside. Beyond that, it depends on how difficult it will be to open and fill the other 9 slots, and how much time I'll have inbetween releases.

Character index



I have 28 lvl 50's accumulated over 5 years.

So far 4 have become incarnates. 3 of them already have their uncommon slotted and 1 of them only has the common, hoping to get her uncommon one slotted sometime today. I plan to make all of my 50's incarnates...eventually.

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

My Characters



Pretty much all my alts give up everything ot my main to make him more aesomer. he's the one I went out of the way to find badges, get Accolades and such. he will more than likely be the one gettign his omega first. the others will eventually, but we're talking a long time from now.
hell, my blaster is the only character I have IO'd to the hilt, my tank and emp have empty slots all over the place. theyve unlocked their alpha slot so they can progress, but until my blaster has everything HE needs, will i move on with the emp and hten the tank.

I rob peter to pay paul... and paul is very much happy about it. Peter, is just glad to still be aorund.



My few 50's don't actually get a lot of playtime, as I'm an alt-oholic and spend more time on lower levels.

That said, I'll be unlocking the slot on all of my 50's (about 1/2 way done now), so at least when I do play them they won't miss out on any potential shard drops.

There's only 1 (or maybe 2) characters where I'll be spending any time actually TRYING to build up shards and components for, the rest will just get them whenever they happen to drop . . .

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



While I have about seven level 50s out of 40+ alts, only three are incarnates so far, and of those three, one has uncommon boost, while the other two have commons.

At the most, I'll get the rest of the level 50s to be incarnates, and have at least common boost, but I won't go out of my way to rush them into doing it. They'll be ready when it's ready. :3

As for uncommon and higher, probably only the alts who have any real playtime, in which case, I'll work to get them using better boosts. Otherwise, they can be content with common boosts. :3

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Member of Paragon/Rogue Knights
Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
"Keep living the dream, and never let any jerk tell you what to do."
-- High-Roller



I have 8 50's and all should eventually unlock it. Running them through the arc is not that bad. Now how much I will play any given one so that they get enough to actually craft and use the slot, who knows.

I see it this way, as long as they are unlocked they can earn shards (if they are fighting the right content) so why NOT unlock the slot so that if I play a fifty at fifty, they can at least get the rewards and if they get enough shards, then they will craft.



In my mind I see every character as a unique identity as I am sure others do. There are definitely characters that MUST be an incarnate. Im my world they are as Iconic as Superman, Green Lantern, Flash etc etc all characters I would consider an " Incarnate " in the world of comics.

Then there are those really powerful characters that I have that I dont consider
" Incarnate " although they are very unique and powerful.

However my issue is that I still dont know what all the Incarnate levels are and what the powers do. The way I have been looking at it lately is that as they release more info I might roll more 50's into Incarnate status, but they might not get everything available.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



I opened up the alpha slot on three characters over the weekend. Wasn't hard. But so far, that's all the attention I've paid to the incarnate thing. I have 18 level 50s now... I'll probably unlock the alpha slot on all of them eventually, but it could take me a while.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I'm expecting the shard grind to be ramped up a lot as they release more incarnate slots. The first Alpha power requires 12 shards. The second requires 20. Obviously ingredients reduce the shards required. Going by that pattern, we can expect the third Alpha boost to cost 28, unless you want to consider ingredient costs.

A common costs 4 shards and it takes 3 commons to make a common boost. An uncommon ingredient costs 12 shards (8 shards + 4 for the common) and it takes 1 uncommon and 2 commons for the uncommon boost. Going by that pattern, we can expect the rare ingredient to cost either 20 (12 shards + 8 uncommon), 24 (12 shards + 8 uncommon + 4 common), or as much as 28 (16 + 8 uncommon + 4 common). The rare boost will probably cost 1 rare ingredient, 1 uncommon, and 1 common, for a total of up to 44 shards just to craft the rare boost. Adding in the common and uncommon costs brings the grand total to 76 shards. This doesn't even get into the cost of the very rare boost, which says it costs any two rare to craft. We could be facing a grind of hundreds of shards.

This is all speculation, though. It may be easier than I'm guessing. But, if it is as much of a grind as it appears to be, it will force players to choose their favorite characters.



Of the 23 level 50's I have, the 18 on my main account will be getting the Alpha slot done at the minimum. The other 5 on my secondary account are cheapy builds so I won't bother. Of the 18, I'll probably only choose 11 (brutes, doms, VEATs) to get other incarnate slots for. I tend to play those characters more and not surprisingly, they also happen to be my most expensive builds so it's worth the time investment for me.



Originally Posted by GPBunny View Post
Oh Hell no. Redo the incarnate arc over and over, so I can redo the same TF's that I've already done over and over? No Thank You. Shards are just the new grind of the same old.
That's called "endgame", and it's what people have been whining for for 5+ years.



Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
For me the answer is no. I have a lot of 50's just that I cant see everyone of them becoming an incarnate. Its like I see my many guys like a Justice League. Sure there are a LOT of really power guys in the Justice League but there is ONE Superman... ONE Green Lantern... Kind of like that..

SO I find myself selecting certain 50's being elected to Incarnate status.

Anyone else going this way ???
Nope. Just 1 so far. If I find I'm not playing them at 50 to begin with, no reason to go through the arc imo.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
For me the answer is no. I have a lot of 50's just that I cant see everyone of them becoming an incarnate. Its like I see my many guys like a Justice League. Sure there are a LOT of really power guys in the Justice League but there is ONE Superman... ONE Green Lantern... Kind of like that..

SO I find myself selecting certain 50's being elected to Incarnate status.

Anyone else going this way ???
I suppose in the long run I'll eventually get around to slotting all the incarnate slots on all my alts but in the immediate future I'm going to work on my most used alts.

Those alts being my dm/sr, ill/rad, emp/son, spine/da. I might get around to slotting my MMs but only if the minions somehow benefit from the bonuses.



Unlocking on all most likley, I dont have many.

Dreading the 100's of shard grindfest for rares.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Unlocked the alpha slot on 5 characters so far, one for each archetype I have at 50. The remaining 6 (all dominators) may get the slot unlocked at some point and future 50s will probably get it unlocked.

As to have many will actually have something slotted there, that remains to be seen - I am not grinding/farming any shards. But if I end up playing a character, I might has well have it there in case a few shards and components would end up in the inventory.

[url=""][b]My Story arcs[/b][/url]: [i]The Siren Supremes[/i] ([b]1143[/b]), [i]The Missing Geneticist[/i] ([b]2542[/b]), [i]Elemental Jones[/i] ([b]263512[/b]), [i]The Soul Hunter[/i] ([b]294431[/b]), [i]Heart of Steel[/i] ([b]407104[/b]), [i]Project Serpens[/i] ([b]434082[/b])



Ive unlocked on three so far. Some of my characters are intertwined. Friends, Rivals, Brothers etc etc so if one gets the Alpha then the other one will get one.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Well...I dunno

If you are talking about superman and JL...then you know your comix

On one point, why not slot them all, but by that rational, if you have something that you think is epic, and you love the toon more than superman (I think we have all created something more dynamic or something we love more than him...because it's our own device) then spec them. Mold them and make them more epic than someone elses idea.

To me, my mains Show-Girl and Nyte-Terror are so much cooler than Super-I-Put-My-Undies-Over-My-Tights-Man, so why would I not want to make them even that much more epic.

In the end, the options there. If you want flaws in your toon because they make you feel better or a better gamer then more power to you.

Personaly, I like beers with my battle thong wearing demoness, so more power means less effort...and shes epic enough to pull it off.



All of my 50s will be to me its just like getting all my toons to 50 if i made them why would i not want them to be there best?

List of my toons




Ive decided to unlock them all. Even if I dont get the Alpha Slot there may be something down the line I WILL want.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-