Inherent Fitness




Well, I'm back after another hiatus, and I return to find that the Fitness pool is going to be made inherent.

Now, I'm sure my usual detractors will think me delighted with this, but I'm afraid I'm not. I'll explain why.

As I've said elsewhere, Endurance management is far too onerous. It undermines the enjoyment of the game. It's most noticeable at lower level, prior to Stamina, but it doesn't exist ONLY there. Part of the reason for this is that the ATs and Power Sets are not balanced for endurance use. As an example, consider the Defender and Blaster power sets for Energy Blast. The Defender version does less damage, but uses the same endurance. Certain ATs suffer more than others for this (eg. Tankers and Defenders).

However, their method of dealing with the problem is far from ideal.

First, it does nothing for characters that have Stamina anyway. That is, higher level characters that suffer endurance issues despite Stamina will see no difference in their play.

Second, it does nothing to address the disparity between ATs and Power Sets.

Third, it forces Hurdle and Swift on people. Since these are Autopowers, we can't turn them off, even if they're inappropriate to our character concepts.

All this does is help lower level characters with endurance issues. As I say, it's a laudable goal, but it's not the right way to go about it. What they should have done, and it would be a half measure as well, in my estimation, is simply raise the global recovery rate. That is, EVERYONE would recover endurance faster. Those with Stamina at L20 would recover it EVEN FASTER than that, perhaps to the point of not needing to worry about endurance unless faced with sappers or very long fights.

It hasn't gone live yet, but I hope they'll reconsider this.



It hasn't gone live yet, but I for one cannot hardly wait. I have several Alts just hanging around doing nothing so they can play through the low levels with this change and see how it goes.

The change does not address any disparities that may exist between ATs and Powersets, but I am not sure that was the purpose for the change.

The biggest thing that this change DOES in my personal opinion is change DRAMATICALLY which powers you will pick and at what levels you get them. Currently, at level 20, you will have 12 powers, and will have access to 7 of your primary and 6 of your secondary powersets. If you are like me, 5 of those 12 powers will be consumed by Fitness(3 powers) and Travel (2 Powers), leaving ONLY SEVEN powers to pick and choose from 13 available primary/secondary choices. That means just over 50% of your main-course choices can be on your power tray and the rest have to wait till your 20's or 30's. With this change, you could have 10 of those 13 available powers (just over 75%). Not to mention many, many other subtleties that this makes possible. For instance, Scrappers who want Tough. Think about it for a minute.

So, Inherent Fitness at level 2 = 1 more power pool to choose from,
Slotted Stamina at level 3 = soloing lower levels just got much easier,
3 more Powers on my Tray at level 20 = PRICELESS !




I agree, it does do some good things. Having three more power slots, especially at lower level, will be nice. Actually having Stamina at lower level will be nice. It just doesn't fix what I see as the actual problem, and it creates some new ones (albeit rather minor ones...).



There have been several threads on Fitness since it was announced, and one idea of mine was to drop a power at the top end and move up the ancillary/patron level minimums similar to the following;

Tier 8 Secondary power at level 34
Tier 9 Secondary power at level 36
Tier 1 Ancillary/Patron at level 38
Tier 2 Ancillary/Patron at level 41
Tier 3 Ancillary/Patron at level 44
Final Power choice at level 47

At levels 48, 49, 50 you would get 3 slots each level.
Then add 1 more slot to levels 3, 11, and 21

Currently we get 24 powers, 67 slots
This would become 24 powers, 70 slots

I chose levels 3, 11 and 21 carefully, based on when characters get enhancements and when those enhancements naturally "kick-in". At level 2 you have 3 powers, so at level three you can put an extra slot on each power. Its minor, but it feeds well into later improvements. At level 11 you are on the verge of DOs. So being able to plan ahead for them and throw some extra slots into the build will smoothly increase the character.
And of course level 21 is the "cusp" of SO-level enhancements.

One of the biggest complaints with this change is that we are getting 3 more powers but "zero" more enhancements for the added powers, unless we scrape them off Health and Stamina. I agree with the sentiment, but with Incarnates right around the corner, I think that everyone will soon find that they could afford to move slots around from other powers. For example, Biospark is "Heavily" recharge focused. When I have an "Alpha" slot available and can sink a "global recharge" into it, this could very well free up 1 slot in each of the following powers: Hasten, Regen Aura, Healing Aura, Heal Other, Adrenaline Boost, Fortitude, Recovery Aura. Thats a potential of 7 new slots that can slide around to other powers. In reality, I will be surprised if I get 7 slots to "re-assign", but 3 more slots is VERY reasonable to expect.




I'm not sure why you think it's unbalanced that Defenders deal less damage for the same Endurance than Blasters or Corruptors. DPE (damage per endurance) is what matters early on in the game because most builds will run out of endurance eventually. Usually quite soon. This balances high damage ATs with low damage ATs early on, because this way high damage ATs get to deal more damage when the constraint is endurance rather than time.

In the end-game when you can build characters to be more sustainable even with SOs only due to the higher number of slots and possibly available utility powers, DPS is what matters. Again, high damage ATs get to deal more damage than low damage ATs.

Balanced as I see it.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
There have been several threads on Fitness since it was announced, and one idea of mine was to drop a power at the top end and move up the ancillary/patron level minimums similar to the following;

Tier 8 Secondary power at level 34
Tier 9 Secondary power at level 36
Tier 1 Ancillary/Patron at level 38
Tier 2 Ancillary/Patron at level 41
Tier 3 Ancillary/Patron at level 44
Final Power choice at level 47

At levels 48, 49, 50 you would get 3 slots each level.
Then add 1 more slot to levels 3, 11, and 21

Currently we get 24 powers, 67 slots
This would become 24 powers, 70 slots

I chose levels 3, 11 and 21 carefully, based on when characters get enhancements and when those enhancements naturally "kick-in". At level 2 you have 3 powers, so at level three you can put an extra slot on each power. Its minor, but it feeds well into later improvements. At level 11 you are on the verge of DOs. So being able to plan ahead for them and throw some extra slots into the build will smoothly increase the character.
And of course level 21 is the "cusp" of SO-level enhancements.

One of the biggest complaints with this change is that we are getting 3 more powers but "zero" more enhancements for the added powers, unless we scrape them off Health and Stamina. I agree with the sentiment, but with Incarnates right around the corner, I think that everyone will soon find that they could afford to move slots around from other powers. For example, Biospark is "Heavily" recharge focused. When I have an "Alpha" slot available and can sink a "global recharge" into it, this could very well free up 1 slot in each of the following powers: Hasten, Regen Aura, Healing Aura, Heal Other, Adrenaline Boost, Fortitude, Recovery Aura. Thats a potential of 7 new slots that can slide around to other powers. In reality, I will be surprised if I get 7 slots to "re-assign", but 3 more slots is VERY reasonable to expect.
I could approve of the new levels idea, but I'd still keep the number of slots at 67. I don't think we need more slots, because the only builds that actually want them are those that are already ridiculously powerful (set IOs). With SO/generic IO builds I often end up slotting powers I normally wouldn't, just because there is nothing else to spend those slots on.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



One thing about Inherent Stamina that I rarely see mentioned is that you're not only getting three power picks freed up, but that you're getting your level 20 power freed up.

Most secondaries have a very good power become available at level 20. Before i19, players are forced to choose between that power and Stamina. If you exemplar a lot, that's a significant choice. Does your /kin controller want Stamina or Speed Boost for Posi runs? Does the /SR scrapper want Stamina or Quick Reflexes? Now, you can have both!




If you don't like the lower damage ATs, just dont roll them.

All the ATs have the same DMG/RCH/END formula (roughly) and what makes the difference is the Damage Mod.

So yes, higher damage mod means better know...later levels, when some of those low damage ATs are putting out more damage than the higher damage ATs.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I guess I was wrong when I said: oh, free stamina? nobody can hate that! guess you can't please everybody.

I'm not sure what the problem is..

1. Lowbies get free recovery, faster regeneration (which some actually needed for less down time) and faster traveling, once more very useful for less downtime as a lowbie.

2. 3 more powerslots for those of us who already took stamina. There is no negative here. can't think of 3 powers that would help your build? Whining that you can't slot those powers? Why did you make a build that required those 3 powers to be slotted in the first place?

3. Swift and Hurlde have no impact on concept. Considering everybody already runs faster than a car and can jump, like, 7 feet, I doubt this will ruin any of your character's concepts.. unless they are slow and boring or something.

4. I agree with the idea that there was a simpler way to do this. I was thinking of simply reduing every single power's endurance use by exactly 30% but I understand that would take awhile. We also wouldn't get the other lovely bonuses that come with free fitness.

For us who will have to respec characters to make fitness inheritent, I'm not sure what all the fuss is considering these 3 powers not having slots. Some powers don't need slots, heck, some powersets have too many slots to go around! (I'm looking at you Forcefield... and Dark Miasma).

Not all powers can naturally be 6 slotted so mabye people just need to get out of this mind set that 'if a power isn't 6 slotted, it isn't worth taking' or something similar. We already take many powers that don't need more than 3,4 some are 1-slot wonders. These include powers such as Combat Jumping, Vengeance, Teleport Friend, Teleport Foe, and other powers. So, I'm not what the problem is here.

Lets also not forget IO Sets which can easily fill in the gaps left behind by not having 6 slots in powers. Most IO sets have better percentages with only 5 IOs becuase usually the 6th one is a proc or something similar. So, in a way, this encourages IOing out your character. I soubt this came up on the drawing board for I19 but the option is definantly there.

If you honestly can't think of what to put in those three slots go for Aid Other, Aid Self and Resuscitate. Already got them? Pick up Teleport Ally, Stealth and Grant invisibility. Already got Super Speed (so no stealth), then pick up Combat Jumping.

The list goes on. There are plenty of powers to choose from so theres honestly no reason to complain about this shear buff to every character.

Whining about everything since 2006.

Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
One thing about Inherent Stamina that I rarely see mentioned is that you're not only getting three power picks freed up, but that you're getting your level 20 power freed up.

Most secondaries have a very good power become available at level 20. Before i19, players are forced to choose between that power and Stamina. If you exemplar a lot, that's a significant choice. Does your /kin controller want Stamina or Speed Boost for Posi runs? Does the /SR scrapper want Stamina or Quick Reflexes? Now, you can have both!
Does your /Ice blaster want Stamina or Ice Patch...yes, I thought of that


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
Well, I'm back after another hiatus, and I return to find that the Fitness pool is going to be made inherent.

Now, I'm sure my usual detractors will think me delighted with this, but I'm afraid I'm not. I'll explain why.

As I've said elsewhere, Endurance management is far too onerous. It undermines the enjoyment of the game. It's most noticeable at lower level, prior to Stamina, but it doesn't exist ONLY there. Part of the reason for this is that the ATs and Power Sets are not balanced for endurance use. As an example, consider the Defender and Blaster power sets for Energy Blast. The Defender version does less damage, but uses the same endurance. Certain ATs suffer more than others for this (eg. Tankers and Defenders).
The sets are balanced for endurance use. Both the blaster and the defender sets have the same power, the same endurance use. The difference is the damage modifier for the AT. There has never been and probably never will be a DPE balance between the different ATs. While a blaster mostly does just damage, a defender can use less endurance and end up causing the whole team to do much higher damage as a result. In effect the damage that the defender caused with his/her buffs and debuffs per unit of endurance, on teams, can end up being much higher than a blasters DPE.

Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
First, it does nothing for characters that have Stamina anyway. That is, higher level characters that suffer endurance issues despite Stamina will see no difference in their play.
And why should it? All this is meant to do is make low level play easier on the blue bar. If you can't make a build that is not an end hog, the problem is you, not the game. The devs have never stated that their intention was to make the blue bar irrelevant. If you have end issues before, you will have end issues in the future. This is mainly a QOL change, not a buff except for the few that can manage just fine without stamina.

Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
Second, it does nothing to address the disparity between ATs and Power Sets.
Whoever said it should?

Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
Third, it forces Hurdle and Swift on people. Since these are Autopowers, we can't turn them off, even if they're inappropriate to our character concepts.
The baseline for running speed and jumping has increased. Deal with it. If you insist on running slower than everyone else for your “concept” then use the walk button or don’t slot any enhancements in the power.

Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
All this does is help lower level characters with endurance issues. As I say, it's a laudable goal, but it's not the right way to go about it. What they should have done, and it would be a half measure as well, in my estimation, is simply raise the global recovery rate. That is, EVERYONE would recover endurance faster. Those with Stamina at L20 would recover it EVEN FASTER than that, perhaps to the point of not needing to worry about endurance unless faced with sappers or very long fights.
And there it is. If they do that, they may as well just remove endurance from the game. Once again, the goal was to make the low levels easier on the blue bar, not to make it irrelevant. What you are asking for is to make it irrelevant except for extreme situations. Not going to happen, nor should it.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
Well, I'm back after another hiatus, and I return to find that the Fitness pool is going to be made inherent.....................

.............It hasn't gone live yet, but I hope they'll reconsider this.
I think you'll find yourself overwhelmingly in the minority on this one.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
I agree, it does do some good things. Having three more power slots, especially at lower level, will be nice. Actually having Stamina at lower level will be nice. It just doesn't fix what I see as the actual problem, and it creates some new ones (albeit rather minor ones...).
The issue here is that you see a problem and the majority of others do not. Just because one person thinks there is a problem does not mean that it is true.

Example. Joe thinks that it is a problem that his blaster is so squishie and thinks he should be albe to have a tanker primary as his secondary with the tanker modifiers. Most others think that is a bad idea.



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
Example. Joe thinks that it is a problem that his blaster is so squishie and thinks he should be albe to have a tanker primary as his secondary with the tanker modifiers. Most others think that is a bad idea.
Good example.



Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
Does your /Ice blaster want Stamina or Ice Patch...yes, I thought of that
I was just looking at my DP/Storm corrupter and thinking about how he'll be able to get Hurricane at 20. And I''m planning an Archery/Dark corr - who can now get Fearsome Stare at 20 without endurance problems. There's lots of good powers at 20.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
Balanced as I see it.
The OP is not interested in balance, only his idea of how the game should function, which, from numerous posts and heated arguments, is not what the majority of the posters here want, nor, it seems what the developers want.

No amount of reasonable or unreasonable discussion has ever gotten through to the OP about the fact his expectations of the game are the problem, not the game.

Sad really.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
Well, I'm back after another hiatus, and I return to find that the Fitness pool is going to be made inherent.

Now, I'm sure my usual detractors will think me delighted with this, but I'm afraid I'm not. I'll explain why.

As I've said elsewhere, Endurance management is far too onerous. It undermines the enjoyment of the game. It's most noticeable at lower level, prior to Stamina, but it doesn't exist ONLY there. Part of the reason for this is that the ATs and Power Sets are not balanced for endurance use. As an example, consider the Defender and Blaster power sets for Energy Blast. The Defender version does less damage, but uses the same endurance. Certain ATs suffer more than others for this (eg. Tankers and Defenders).

However, their method of dealing with the problem is far from ideal.

First, it does nothing for characters that have Stamina anyway. That is, higher level characters that suffer endurance issues despite Stamina will see no difference in their play.

Second, it does nothing to address the disparity between ATs and Power Sets.

Third, it forces Hurdle and Swift on people. Since these are Autopowers, we can't turn them off, even if they're inappropriate to our character concepts.

All this does is help lower level characters with endurance issues. As I say, it's a laudable goal, but it's not the right way to go about it. What they should have done, and it would be a half measure as well, in my estimation, is simply raise the global recovery rate. That is, EVERYONE would recover endurance faster. Those with Stamina at L20 would recover it EVEN FASTER than that, perhaps to the point of not needing to worry about endurance unless faced with sappers or very long fights.

It hasn't gone live yet, but I hope they'll reconsider this.
How the heck does Hurdle and Swift destroy concepts? A hero is athletic oh it ruins me!!



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
Well, I'm back after another hiatus, and I return to find that the Fitness pool is going to be made inherent.

Now, I'm sure my usual detractors will think me delighted with this, but I'm afraid I'm not. I'll explain why.

As I've said elsewhere, Endurance management is far too onerous. It undermines the enjoyment of the game. It's most noticeable at lower level, prior to Stamina, but it doesn't exist ONLY there. Part of the reason for this is that the ATs and Power Sets are not balanced for endurance use. As an example, consider the Defender and Blaster power sets for Energy Blast. The Defender version does less damage, but uses the same endurance. Certain ATs suffer more than others for this (eg. Tankers and Defenders).

However, their method of dealing with the problem is far from ideal.

First, it does nothing for characters that have Stamina anyway. That is, higher level characters that suffer endurance issues despite Stamina will see no difference in their play.

Second, it does nothing to address the disparity between ATs and Power Sets.

Third, it forces Hurdle and Swift on people. Since these are Autopowers, we can't turn them off, even if they're inappropriate to our character concepts.

All this does is help lower level characters with endurance issues. As I say, it's a laudable goal, but it's not the right way to go about it. What they should have done, and it would be a half measure as well, in my estimation, is simply raise the global recovery rate. That is, EVERYONE would recover endurance faster. Those with Stamina at L20 would recover it EVEN FASTER than that, perhaps to the point of not needing to worry about endurance unless faced with sappers or very long fights.

It hasn't gone live yet, but I hope they'll reconsider this.
go back on your hiatus. please. not trying to be mean or rude, but you honestly seem to not like this game. your ideas of what balance should be woudl kill this game if they were implemented. learn to build your toons better. get the accolades that give you hp/end.



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
No amount of reasonable or unreasonable discussion has ever gotten through to the OP about the fact his expectations of the game are the problem, not the game.

Sad really.
And amusing...



Higher level character who suffer from endurance issues have a lot of options to solve this problem already.

They have plenty of slots. They can slot for end reduction over recharge, say. Do you want to be able to go all out for brief periods of time, or keep going at a steady slower pace? Choice is yours if your attacks are 6 slotted. Thats just with SOs.

They can get the best of both worlds with IOs. They can also build up global recharge. eg Thunderstrike in a Blast set = 2% Recovery global AND 60% End redux in the power.

Lots of Epic pools have extra end management tools. Everyone can get some endurance help with the right epic, either a Consume clone, or Conserve Power, Physical Perfection or Hibernation. (OK, everyone except khelds...)

The inherent Fitness change is to take the edge of the lower levels when you don't have all these choices, and partly aimed at new players too.

If a high level character is having end issues you already have all these avenues with which to solve the problem. I'd rather have build options than just a blanket raise for everyone.



Originally Posted by Hot_Head_Mike View Post
How the heck does Hurdle and Swift destroy concepts? A hero is athletic oh it ruins me!!
Because a lot of people have concepts that are "I'm not a hero or villain, I'm a normal person." at which point I go "You play this genre why? You realize the game has you doing things normal people can't do anyways, right?"

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Vel_Overload View Post
4. I agree with the idea that there was a simpler way to do this. I was thinking of simply reduing every single power's endurance use by exactly 30% but I understand that would take awhile. We also wouldn't get the other lovely bonuses that come with free fitness.
It's more than just taking awhile that kept it from happening this way.

If they just went about applying a 30% END reduction to every single power, people would still take Fitness to get Stamina, and it would be the majority of people, just as it is now.

So, what would change? Nothing. People would still complain about END issues, because people don't want to be slowed down.

Fitness free, makes it so people can have more varied builds (with Fitness they weren't as varied), and make it so people don't feel forced into anyone power pool (outside of PvP )

Oh look...INV/SS can now take Fighting, Fly, Super Speed, Energy Mastery and for their classic hero and not have to skip many of the INV/SS powers to take them.

Same goes for other homages and/or original concepts.

At even if it's no additional slots, it still allows people to take those concept powers they want to have for concept, even if they're not likely to use them often.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
First, it does nothing for characters that have Stamina anyway. That is, higher level characters that suffer endurance issues despite Stamina will see no difference in their play.

Second, it does nothing to address the disparity between ATs and Power Sets.
I pretty much disagree with your whole post but special mention must go to your reasoning here. There are countless additions to the game, and it doesn't make sense to say "this addition is bad because it doesn't fit x" when its intention was never to fix x in the first place.

Following your logic, we shouldn't add the two new Taskforces either because (1) they don't help endurance recovery and that (2) buff/debuff archetypes are force multipliers.



I absolutely love the change, and I've been hoping for inherent Fitness for roughly 5 years now. I really like that I'll have access to another 3 powers, but the biggest problem I'm facing is a lack of slots. Even now with my current build I am hurting for slots So even with those three new powers, there is not much I can actually DO with them as I would need to take slots from other powers.

Don't mistake coincidence for fate.
Tyrant Kaiser Necro/Pois ~ 50
Moriyama Emp/Dark ~ 50
Divine Leliel Claws/Invuln ~ 50
Divine Zeruel Dark Melee/SR20DET ~ 50
Lil Mori Fire/Kin ~ 39
Wii: 1567 8323 2516 8943
XBox Live Gamertag: Loki 240SX



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
Well, I'm back after another hiatus, and I return to find that the Fitness pool is going to be made inherent.

Now, I'm sure my usual detractors will think me delighted with this, but I'm afraid I'm not. I'll explain why.

As I've said elsewhere, Endurance management is far too onerous. It undermines the enjoyment of the game. It's most noticeable at lower level, prior to Stamina, but it doesn't exist ONLY there. Part of the reason for this is that the ATs and Power Sets are not balanced for endurance use. As an example, consider the Defender and Blaster power sets for Energy Blast. The Defender version does less damage, but uses the same endurance. Certain ATs suffer more than others for this (eg. Tankers and Defenders).

However, their method of dealing with the problem is far from ideal.

First, it does nothing for characters that have Stamina anyway. That is, higher level characters that suffer endurance issues despite Stamina will see no difference in their play.

Second, it does nothing to address the disparity between ATs and Power Sets.

Third, it forces Hurdle and Swift on people. Since these are Autopowers, we can't turn them off, even if they're inappropriate to our character concepts.

All this does is help lower level characters with endurance issues. As I say, it's a laudable goal, but it's not the right way to go about it. What they should have done, and it would be a half measure as well, in my estimation, is simply raise the global recovery rate. That is, EVERYONE would recover endurance faster. Those with Stamina at L20 would recover it EVEN FASTER than that, perhaps to the point of not needing to worry about endurance unless faced with sappers or very long fights.

It hasn't gone live yet, but I hope they'll reconsider this.
WHEEEEE! Ultimo_'s back and nothing's changed!

*adds popcorn to the shopping list*

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...