Inherent Fitness




Oh Ultimo_...

Welcome back to the boards. Why didn't you use the form letter I put together for you in your last thread about endurance for your first post?



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
*posts an interesting and illuminating analysis regarding point-based character creation systems similar to the Hero System that she thinks would be workable within the limitations of MMO design*
Some interesting points there. Most of which seem rather obvious to me, though admittedly not in a quantified form.

That's why in my earlier post i stated that Hero System-based character creation mechanics would not be workable within an MMO, and simply stuck to pointing out that both the Hero System and this game are based on using endurance to generate damage, and that both systems have ways of managing and modifying the costs.

Y'know, if i had the resources to finance an MMO based on Arcanaville's design concepts i'd probably do so. Well, except maybe the option to punish players by giving them exactly what they ask for that she's mentioned before.

Although i think it would be interesting to have the game provide multiple genres of superhuman/scifi/fantasy settings with several different worlds/dimensions based on different genres. The problem of course is to supply the amount content to make each genre have enough content unique to itself at launch. It would require the sort of robust and flexible content generation tools that CoH is only getting 6 years on, and that as far as i know no other MMO has available at this point.

There have been a few PnP games based on characters interacting with and within multiple settings, but it may be a bit overambitious to attempt launching an MMO based on this premise.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
Oh Ultimo_...

Welcome back to the boards. Why didn't you use the form letter I put together for you in your last thread about endurance for your first post?
Some rhetorical questions make me smile. See above.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
Oh Ultimo_...

Welcome back to the boards. Why didn't you use the form letter I put together for you in your last thread about endurance for your first post?
Perhaps because my first post was about the Fitness Pool, and not endurance in general?



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
Perhaps because my first post was about the Fitness Pool, and not endurance in general?
From first post:
As I've said elsewhere, Endurance management is far too onerous.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
Perhaps because my first post was about the Fitness Pool, and not endurance in general?
If you don't recall, you and I have had this argument before. I am very aware of your opinion, as wrong as it is.

The best part of this change, it it actually does what you begged for in the previous thread, by giving you, someone who has no apparent idea how to mitigate endurance issues in the low levels, another way to mitigate endurance issues in the low levels. The hilarious part is that you are actually against this change.

To me, it just shows that not only do you have no idea what game balance is, or enough game knowledge to work that balance to your favor, you also don't actually have any idea what it is you want.

Once again, you have provided me with a reason to not take you seriously, so I laugh instead. The only way I could be more amused is if Johnny_Butane posted in the thread that it was his idea to make fitness inherent.



I think it's hilarious when people play a game but refuse to learn the rules and then complain when they lose.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Now all we need is a few more enhancement slots!



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
I think it's hilarious when people play a game but refuse to learn the rules and then complain when they lose.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
I think it's hilarious when people play a game but refuse to learn the rules and then complain when they lose.
I think its hilarious when people complain about losing a game that can't be beat, only played.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
From first post:

The passage you quote was explanatory. It provided the reason for the opinion the thread was started to express, it was not itself the reason for the thread.

If your sole contribution to the thread is going to be to make insults, I'll ask you not to post. Further namecalling will be reported.

That said, this thread has devolved, as usual, into arguing about arguing. As such I wash my hands of it, it serves no further purpose.

To conclude, I'll say this:
I don't like the Fitness Pool being made inherent. I don't believe it adequately addresses what I percieve as problems with the game. I believe it adds NEW problems, including forcing powers on people that they might not want and leaves us with more powers and no new slots to put in them.

I would rather have seen the pool reorganized so Stamina was available at L6, or Stamina ALONE made inherent, and something new put into the Fitness Pool at L20.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
I don't like the Fitness Pool being made inherent. I don't believe it adequately addresses what I percieve as problems with the game. I believe it adds NEW problems, including forcing powers on people that they might not want and leaves us with more powers and no new slots to put in them.

I would rather have seen the pool reorganized so Stamina was available at L6, or Stamina ALONE made inherent, and something new put into the Fitness Pool at L20.
Really? Dreams dont always come true. Stamina avail at lvl 6 is like epic pools being avail at lvl 1. I don't see the problem with fitness being inherent, especially since i think all toons except wp's and regen's need it. As for it creating more problems, i don't see that in anyway whatsoever.

adapting is more fun to me than complaining about change
showing your repertoire proves your true range ;^}



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
The passage you quote was explanatory. It provided the reason for the opinion the thread was started to express, it was not itself the reason for the thread.

If your sole contribution to the thread is going to be to make insults, I'll ask you not to post. Further namecalling will be reported.

That said, this thread has devolved, as usual, into arguing about arguing. As such I wash my hands of it, it serves no further purpose.

To conclude, I'll say this:
I don't like the Fitness Pool being made inherent. I don't believe it adequately addresses what I percieve as problems with the game. I believe it adds NEW problems, including forcing powers on people that they might not want and leaves us with more powers and no new slots to put in them.

I would rather have seen the pool reorganized so Stamina was available at L6, or Stamina ALONE made inherent, and something new put into the Fitness Pool at L20.
I think that is a reasonable suggestion given that a new fitness power at 20 would be interesting, and there are people that don't want swift or hurdle due to character concepts.



It's like the man who loves Cherry Pie, but cannot stand eating with a spoon.
One day he goes to a diner where the special of the day is Cherry Pie, and when they deliver it to his table they hand him a fork.




Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
The passage you quote was explanatory. It provided the reason for the opinion the thread was started to express, it was not itself the reason for the thread.

If your sole contribution to the thread is going to be to make insults, I'll ask you not to post. Further namecalling will be reported.

That said, this thread has devolved, as usual, into arguing about arguing. As such I wash my hands of it, it serves no further purpose.

To conclude, I'll say this:
I don't like the Fitness Pool being made inherent. I don't believe it adequately addresses what I percieve as problems with the game. I believe it adds NEW problems, including forcing powers on people that they might not want and leaves us with more powers and no new slots to put in them.

I would rather have seen the pool reorganized so Stamina was available at L6, or Stamina ALONE made inherent, and something new put into the Fitness Pool at L20.
lmao. you do realize you called yourself a liar in the first sentence of this post, right? and again, your opinion about end usage can, has and will be proven wrong time and time again. but you won't listen and will be back within 1 month with yet another thread about how end usage needs to be changed. at that point, even for this one, it is against forum rules and i hope you get time to learn your lesson.

as for the last of your post, if people are unhappy with getting swift and hurdle, they do not have to put any enhancements in them. and if it is for RP reasons because they want to be a regular human with no powers, then they need to move to another game or make an ar/dev or arch/dev blaster and level lock it at lv 1 and use walk to move around.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
If your sole contribution to the thread is going to be to make insults, I'll ask you not to post. Further namecalling will be reported.
If your sole contribution to the boards is going to be to discuss (and I say discuss, when actually I mean that you state your opinion that something is broken, and ignore all other positions unless they mirror your own) vapid theories of game balance, I'll ask you not to post.

Reporting that someone called you a liar? Seriously? Are you younger than six?

Anyway, was good to see you post again, and that your M.O. hasn't changed a bit during your hiatus. Great to see you still expect a different result when you do the same thing over and over again. Stay gold Ponyboy.



Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
It's like the man who loves Cherry Pie, but cannot stand eating with a spoon.
One day he goes to a diner where the special of the day is Cherry Pie, and when they deliver it to his table they hand him a fork.
Maybe I don't know enough about cherry pie to get this metaphor... but wouldn't he be happy with the fork?

Or... was the point that he is happy?

I'm confused by your metaphor.



The thing about rules is...

...if you are going to break them...

...break them good and hard!

(Apologies to Terry Pratchett.)



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
From the Forum Rules. I have highlighted the relevant parts. If you want to discuss the topic of the thread, do it without insulting me.
I see your Abuse and disrespectful behavior are not tolerated and raise you a Non-Constructive posts are prohibited.

5. Non-Constructive posts are prohibited.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of examples of non-constructive posts. As a rule, non-constructive posting is not permitted:

Spam - this is considered to be repetitive posting of the same topic or text or nonsensical posts that have no substance and are often designed to annoy other forum users.

Do not create threads/posts to “petition” for game features, additions, changes, or other issues.

Do not engage in Lobbying on the Official Forums. Lobbying is continually bringing up the same topic repeatedly in numerous different threads or as an off-topic post in official threads to get developer attention. This form of posting is not permitted. We recognize you may be passionate about a specific subject, however this sort of posting is non-constructive and will not be tolerated.
Hmm... Any of that sound familiar?



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
I see your Abuse and disrespectful behavior are not tolerated and raise you a Non-Constructive posts are prohibited.

Hmm... Any of that sound familiar?

Oh, welcome back to the thread Ultimo_.



Folks, we've been here and done this all before. I let the last one go on far too long and won't be doing it again. Opinion stated, counter opinion stated, end of discussion.


If you are using Latin in your post you are probably trolling

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