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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
    Add all the individual costume pieces to that list.

    When you look at the total number of relatively low-cost items that could be in that giveaway, the odds of a higher-cost item getting picked free are relatively low.

    Still a great promotion, not complaining, just don't think people should expect "costume slot 6" for free anytime soon...
    Can't you get up to 5 more costume slots from the store? If so, why wouldn't one be allowed? You get it free once and never again...would be nice, especially for me since all of my chars are stuck with 5 (or less) atm.
  2. If its free, and I don't need to stand in a long line to acquire it, I ACCEPT!!! Thanks in advance.
  3. Awesome_Clawsome

    Pet AI Potential

    Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
    I didn't know there is a "stay" command for pets? I know there is goto, follow, dismiss...

    Is "stay" the same as "goto, passive"?
    I always edit one of my commands into "follow + passive".
  4. Awesome_Clawsome

    Pet AI Potential

    Originally Posted by icemanstryketh View Post
    Troll post from someone who overtly doesn't play Masterminds. (check the sig)
    1/10 because it made me laugh.
    your reply is a troll post lol ;-)

    I have two level 50 MMs and have never had a problem with either one of them...maybe its just that I don't expect them to be what they weren't intended to be.

    I didnt make the sig, I found it...and I never realized MM wasn't on there until you pointed it MMs are staying put, in my regular rotation ;-)
  5. not sure, but i think it will only lengthen the stun, not magnify it.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
    Maybe you don't understand confuse powers and how they work. I suggest you take a look at my Illusion/Rad guide (link in my sig below) and the lengthy discussion about Deceive. I did my best to help folks understand how the power works and why skipping it is a bad idea.

    As Argentae said, you will not miss out on drops from foes defeated by Confused foes unless you have done NO Damage whatsoever. As long as you do any damage, you get some amount of XP and drops from the foe defeated.

    I'm curious why your build is so tight that you have trouble fitting in what I would consider essential powers.
    I reached level 45, then deleted the guy, lol. DC just isn't my cup of tea...I like coffee! To everyone else with DC, have fun.
  7. Awesome_Clawsome

    Pet AI Potential

    So sad that so many people, or so few (depending on how you look at it), want MMs to become OP.

    First of all, MMs are original villains. There are no hero bosses...just heroes and superheroes...and since villains always lose in the end, they all need to have some type of weakness, lol.

    Fixxing these so called problems they might as well make all stalkers' attacks AS's...all controllers' holds 10 secs...all scrappers' attacks critical 100%...etc.

    A Mastermind is a boss, not a Master Controller (which would be sooo OP)...and NO boss gets everything they ask for from their employees/minions, lol.

    BTW, it is just a game...have fun.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Awesome_Clawsome View Post
    I agree.

    The only powers I have skipped on my 42 d/d troller is Possess, Fearsome Stare, Haunt, Soul Absorption, and Black Hole. I like Fearsome Stare but not sure if Fear counts for Containment.
    As you all see, I was still only level 42. At that point I did skip those powers I stated. Was always thinking of getting Fearsome Stare, but wasn't sure if it had room in my build, which is almost always built in preparation for level 50+. Atm, I'm level 45, and WILL be getting it at 47 (instead of Seismic Smash). As for possess, its great for those who don't mind skipping on a possible good drop. As for me, I'm greedy, plus I don't have room for another power.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PsychicKitty View Post
    Actually aside from the Black Hole power...

    I actualy am plannig to keep all the powers including the single Target Immobolize...

    And my reasoning isnt for damage yes thats important....but i want to stay as a controller.

    When i play i dont just sit there and focus on one target...even on trials i am not focused on one target....I focus on everything...

    So that means i may use some powers in one place...switch targets and use my powers somewhere else....

    Sure I can use an Area of Effect Immobolize or Hold but the ability to switch to a drasticaly different target is important to me as a controller.

    When i hit a group i dont always make everything get immobolized...i dont think anyone else gets 100% on that either all the time...and so that extra immobolize is important to me.

    Also on those monsters and archvillains....holds are nto going to cut the mustard...they are not going to be held allthe time....but they will get immobolized...and i am going to make sure they stay that Archviallains like Katie are not going to FLy away and make everyone chase her for just one example....or how about Nosferatu that a bunch of people whine about how he runs.....he doesnt run from me....he wishes he could.,,,but i dont let him...

    So...thats why i am keeping that single target Immobolize...I dont know how anyone else plays.....sounds like on teams a bunch of people dont help much when the teams really need it....but thats just what it sounds like form the posts about needing more damage over control...and skipping a single target Immobolize.

    Its like people can switch targets....and heck even bind the keys to the important ones...

    and make macros for the next important ones that change allthe time: target_custom_next
    I agree.

    Yes, there are alot of people setting up their controllers mainly for teaming. I balance mine out always, even though I have one team build, and another solo/pvp build.

    Keeping the st immob is always good, even if buffing/debuffing is the priority. It only takes a split second to click, and it rechs faster than all other controller powers which is why its the first attack available.

    On my f/k, after respec'ing her many times, I finally gave up RoF to fit in another power. So until I need to give up one power for another, I personally will be keeping Shadowy Binds with its 2 secs rech.

    The only powers I have skipped on my 42 d/d troller is Possess, Fearsome Stare, Haunt, Soul Absorption, and Black Hole. I like Fearsome Stare but not sure if Fear counts for Containment.

    Btw, I like Fade. It only lasts for 15 secs (adding about 30 to my def), but it only takes a minute or so to rech. I hit it when near at least a few other teammates and it helps enough to keep it in my arsenal. Of course its in my first tray.
  10. Awesome_Clawsome

    Log In Problems

    Originally Posted by Lathan_Macleod View Post
    Can't login to freedom atm. say's its lost connection to DBserver. however, i can log into the other servers
    Same here. ???
  11. Your reply was no help at all. LOL
  12. My computer has a NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 graphics card, and Windows 7. Since I19 I'm getting the dreaded red words at the bottom right corner of my log in screen stating that I'm running an old card or driver. After updating the card through the Nvidia site the red words are no longer there but the game now freezes/crashes at any given time. I rolled back the driver and the game doesn't crash or freeze at all, but them red words are there. Anyone else having or have had this problem? If so, what did you do to solve this problem? If anyone else knows of a solution I'd appreciate it. Pre-thanks everyone.
  13. Ran an ITF, a LGTF, and joined in on popping the Hamidon (lol...bubble). After all of that I had 16 (nice even number) incarnate shards and the 2 shinies I got from the TFs. Used them all to give myself Cardial Boost...and I'll never have to worry about end problems anymore. Its great!!!
  14. This is why we have 2 builds per toon and temporary powers available at the markets! A summoning/sidekick pool would be nice, but would also be pointless. This is also the reason the field analysts/fateweavers difficulty scheme has changed. If you find that you can't solo well, -1x1 is what you should be running'll seem unstoppable then!
  15. I love to see teammates that have both or at least one of the same powerset(s) as the toon i'm using...without saying its always a quiet competition between them and when i'm using my ma/sr scrapper, i like to have other ma toons or sr toons teaming with me...just to see who gets the most kills, does the most damage, or keeps their health bar fullest...its all about friendly competition. d;-)
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
    So, it has become abundantly clear why some items cost 2 Billion per enhancer. It is a trick outlawed on Wall Street. It is called cornering the market. Take corn for instance. Buy up all the corn, or corn futures, that will arrive on Wall Street for the year. Then set your own price as to the selling price corn we be for that year. THis is especially easy to do in the game with items that are limited drops. (like PvP I/Os, purps, etc.)

    So, I now know exactly how to approach the Devs to complain about who exactly is ruining play for their consumers, and exactly how they are doing it. Wish me luck.
    noone actually "cornered" the market by buying up all the "corn", the idiots just posted the first few of these items at extremely high prices, and the rest is unchangable history. Once they started selling at those high prices they seem to never go down, because some actually think a 2b recipe/IO will make them uber, lol. there is so many sets that are selling high, while others are way better yet selling a lot less. the ones that "cornered" the market are the ones buying the pieces.
  17. Awesome_Clawsome

    Inherent Fitness

    Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
    I don't like the Fitness Pool being made inherent. I don't believe it adequately addresses what I percieve as problems with the game. I believe it adds NEW problems, including forcing powers on people that they might not want and leaves us with more powers and no new slots to put in them.

    I would rather have seen the pool reorganized so Stamina was available at L6, or Stamina ALONE made inherent, and something new put into the Fitness Pool at L20.
    Really? Dreams dont always come true. Stamina avail at lvl 6 is like epic pools being avail at lvl 1. I don't see the problem with fitness being inherent, especially since i think all toons except wp's and regen's need it. As for it creating more problems, i don't see that in anyway whatsoever.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by nosatufer View Post
    If you have two builds, and you're not really using you second build, you can already respec that second build with inherent fitness in mind that's what i did
    dont know if that build is going to automatically receive the inherent fitness pool...may still need to respec, unless the devs are up on their game...some of my toons, like my regen and willpower toons never needed the fitness pool...hopefully swift, hurdle, health, and stamina will appear in their inherent section ala warshades and peacebringers inherents...for some reason i dont think the devs are going to have a bunch of toons running around with two identical fitness powers ---> "chosen" swift, hurdle, health, stamina and "inherent" swift, hurdle, health, stamina...that'd be kinda like manipulation imo.