Inherent Fitness




i think his idea is that all AT's, no matter what they are, should be strictly damage dealers and forget their actual primary roles. and it shouldn't cost any end to deal damage, at all, cause it isn't fun.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
However, I never lie or deliberately present false information.
This post is a lie in and of itself. Your other threads, at least those of recent note, are entirely predicated on you consciously and intentionally misrepresenting game mechanics and your game experiences. You are not a credible or trustworthy person, as your post history clearly shows, and yet you expect people to treat you as such and accept your outlandish claims as gospel truth.



I realize this won't be a popular reply but....

A few years ago when I first stated playing this excellent game I found it to be a fun challenge.

Then the AE came along as well as the invention system. The auction houses got added. The game didn't change in response to our increase in power. Basically our characters were given training wheels in the game. Fun to use training wheels, but training wheels nonetheless.

Now with Fitness becoming automatic and nearly every character getting three more power slots to add on because of it we are getting training wheels for our training wheels.

As it is now a trained monkey can get to 50th level in 2 days playing the game. Do we really need it to be even simpler?

This is not to say that we aren't having fun....but seriously? When do we become so coddled by the game that our playing ability starts to be insulted? Do we really need to have our hands held even more than they are?



the change for fitness is basically to help out in the lower levels. and is something that should have been done since the begining. the game is also balanced around so's. io's are not needed to play and are considered "fluff". AE was introduced as a way for people to express their creativity with their own stories. please do not compare your play style/time to others. that is a baseless argument in itself.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
the change for fitness is basically to help out in the lower levels. and is something that should have been done since the begining. the game is also balanced around so's. io's are not needed to play and are considered "fluff". AE was introduced as a way for people to express their creativity with their own stories. please do not compare your play style/time to others. that is a baseless argument in itself.
You can't deny that the AE and IO's hasn't made the overall game much easier for us. It has nothing to do with playstyle.

You also can't say that this change will only help out lowbies. In effect a large majority of level 20+ characters in the game will be getting three extra powers from having three power slots devoted to Fitness powers being freed up. That again will be making the game easier for us.

True there are a few rare exceptions but really, who are we kidding?

Even if you try to say that the game isn't easier for you now because you don't use the AE or inventions on your character you would still be wrong. The thing is if you skip getting AE tickets and don't want to use IO's you are still picking up recipes and salvage, which can be sold for money. Lots of money, making our characters richer than they were in the past.....and able to always keep on top of their SO's/DO's/training enhancements. No character has to scrape for inf to buy these enhancements to keep up with the base game difficulty. Before these changes many characters were too broke to be able to keep topping out all of their enhancements!



Okay, so from what I've seen, in Ultimo_'s opinion:

  • Endurance management is not an impossible problem, but merely a large concern for many players. And there are solutions (some of which he and others have mentioned) for making it less of a concern, so that players don't have to worry about their blue bar.

(If I am wrong, feel free to point it out.)

Endurance is manageable. Everyone here has made that clear. It seems that Ultimo_ believes that the game could benefit from a different design, where the player could spend less time worrying about endurance and/or waiting for powers to recharge, and more time taking down enemies or taking care of teammates. (Ultimo_, if I am putting incorrect words in your mouth, I apologize, and feel free to correct me.) I'd bet money that "living the action of the hero universe" is what draws the majority of the current player base to continuously renew subscriptions.

All of that having been said, a re-design is highly improbable. But it seems to me that the Devs are doing all in their power to make this idea more of a reality. Examples:
  • IO sets that not only offer enhancements that enhance multiple aspects of a power, but global set bonuses.
  • IO enhancements that offer bonuses towards these very concerns (such as Luck of the Gambler +7.5% recharge, or Numina's Convalescence +Regen, +Recovery)
  • And now, Stamina available to slot at the earliest level that we get slots (3), making even the lower levels easier to continuously play through
Now, as to why all of this wasn't done in the first place? Who knows? We all could go on for ages postulating why the Devs chose to design the game this specific way. Hell, someone who has been around longer than I have may know. All I am trying to say is:

Isn't this thread kind of a moot point? We've started discussing a whole bunch of different things, when the original post was more in regards to existing game mechanics, and how some would prefer they were different. If we were staying strictly on topic, we would be arguing game mechanics which, again, would be moot.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
Now, as to why all of this wasn't done in the first place? Who knows? We all could go on for ages postulating why the Devs chose to design the game this specific way. Hell, someone who has been around longer than I have may know.
This is a fairly standard pattern in MMOs over the course of their lifetime. Generally the game is made easier, and things are done to make leveling faster/easier/more convenient

Part of it might be trying to draw in and/or retain players. Part of it may be looking to remain relevant in light of new games with lower perceived "grind", or old competitors making the same kinds of changes. Part of it is probably evolution in dev team collective mentality about appropriate leveling speed. (Our original devs had pretty strong opinions about their "vision" of how we should be playing, but even they relaxed some things before moving on.)

Heck, with a new "end game" coming on line, maybe the devs really want it to be easier to get to 50. That may be a big stretch, and it's a theory that's probably likely to get a big negative response here, but I think it's at least possible.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Mack Avenger View Post
I realize this won't be a popular reply but....

A few years ago when I first stated playing this excellent game I found it to be a fun challenge.

Then the AE came along as well as the invention system. The auction houses got added. The game didn't change in response to our increase in power. Basically our characters were given training wheels in the game. Fun to use training wheels, but training wheels nonetheless.

Now with Fitness becoming automatic and nearly every character getting three more power slots to add on because of it we are getting training wheels for our training wheels.

As it is now a trained monkey can get to 50th level in 2 days playing the game. Do we really need it to be even simpler?

This is not to say that we aren't having fun....but seriously? When do we become so coddled by the game that our playing ability starts to be insulted? Do we really need to have our hands held even more than they are?
Finally a reasonable objection.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
Okay, so from what I've seen, in Ultimo_'s opinion:
  • Endurance management is not an impossible problem, but merely a large concern for many players. And there are solutions (some of which he and others have mentioned) for making it less of a concern, so that players don't have to worry about their blue bar.

(If I am wrong, feel free to point it out.)

Endurance is manageable. Everyone here has made that clear. It seems that Ultimo_ believes that the game could benefit from a different design, where the player could spend less time worrying about endurance and/or waiting for powers to recharge, and more time taking down enemies or taking care of teammates. (Ultimo_, if I am putting incorrect words in your mouth, I apologize, and feel free to correct me.) I'd bet money that "living the action of the hero universe" is what draws the majority of the current player base to continuously renew subscriptions.

All of that having been said, a re-design is highly improbable. But it seems to me that the Devs are doing all in their power to make this idea more of a reality. Examples:
  • IO sets that not only offer enhancements that enhance multiple aspects of a power, but global set bonuses.
  • IO enhancements that offer bonuses towards these very concerns (such as Luck of the Gambler +7.5% recharge, or Numina's Convalescence +Regen, +Recovery)
  • And now, Stamina available to slot at the earliest level that we get slots (3), making even the lower levels easier to continuously play through
Now, as to why all of this wasn't done in the first place? Who knows? We all could go on for ages postulating why the Devs chose to design the game this specific way. Hell, someone who has been around longer than I have may know. All I am trying to say is:

Isn't this thread kind of a moot point? We've started discussing a whole bunch of different things, when the original post was more in regards to existing game mechanics, and how some would prefer they were different. If we were staying strictly on topic, we would be arguing game mechanics which, again, would be moot.
Very well said. Indeed, you captured what I've been saying perfectly.

You're also right, the thread is somewhat pointless, all I wanted to do was say I wasn't crazy about how they decided to address some of the problems with endurance management. I've done that, so I think I'll take the high road and avoid any further mud-slinging.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
Very well said. Indeed, you captured what I've been saying perfectly.

You're also right, the thread is somewhat pointless, all I wanted to do was say I wasn't crazy about how they decided to address some of the problems with endurance management. I've done that, so I think I'll take the high road and avoid any further mud-slinging.
no. what YOU were saying is that YOU have end management problems and refuse to accept any help to get it in line and YOU expected the devs to take care of this for YOU.



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
Finally a reasonable objection.
Thank you! (tips virtual hat)



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
You're saying Defenders have no need to do damage?
Is this the same Defender AT that is capable of soloing AV's & GM's? I'd say they do plenty of damage.

I didn't say endurance was unmanageable. I didn't say it there, and I didn't say it here.

Originally Posted by Ultimo_
It impacts virtually every aspect of the game and can't be sufficiently mitigated.
Please make up your mind.



sorry if i came across rude mack, i didn't mean to. i was in the heat of the moment between this thread and a few others. my bad.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
sorry if i came across rude mack, i didn't mean to. i was in the heat of the moment between this thread and a few others. my bad.
No worries. Besides how can you not like a guy with a Jaws reference in his name?



I need more popcorn...



This change wasn't introduced as a veteran reward or some form of high level reward.

As such I believe this change isn't for veterans at all but instead is for the benefit of new players. The new character experience is dramatically different for veteran players who have the advantage of inf and knowledge to mitigate many of the frustrating problems that a new player will face during the starting levels.

'Going Rogue' seems to addresses several of the unpleasant issues new players used to face in COX. I believe inherent fitness at level 3 is also a step in this direction. If it helps new players stick with COX then I am for it 110%.



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
Just because people complain about something does not mean it needs to be fixed. My sister-in-law for example complains that she never has enough money. She does not have a job, she collects money from the state for "disability" because she was able to convince a doctor she is bi-polar. It did take her 3 tries with 3 different doctors until she finally figured out the answers to the questions the Dr was looking for to make the diagnosis. She has not made any effort in the last 6 years to even apply for a job because she claims it gives her a panic attack. All she should get is enough to keep her from starving and a enough to keep a roof over her head. Yet she still complains about never having enough money. To me (and hopefully the majority of others), that is not a problem that needs to be fixed by others just because she is complaining about it.
After my wife suffered from NTSD after having a gun shoved in her back in a bank robbery while she was 7 months pregnant, I don't ridicule nor presume with mental issues. You are right, she is the only one able to solve her issue. However, not everyone is able to see that, no matter how many times you show them. Something I learned, however, is that the moment you try and push someone with a disorder, you lock them out and will never help them.

Which brings us back to the issue of endurance. While inherent stamina is one solution, one that several people do not agree with, I find it at least an acceptable solution. It frees up slots I'd otherwise skip, and gives a chance to further adjust once everyone is on the same playing field.



Dev's already said why they couldn't just make the base recovery rate higher.

It F-s up the game balance, making them have to tweak the numbers on all recovery powers to make sure they don't give people too much endurance.

It's not an elegant solution... but it's okay.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
It's funny, you know. If my "past crusades" were so off target, why did so many of them result in changes and additions to the game?

I said Defenders needed help with damage output (and was vigorously flamed for saying so).
Defenders recieved a boost to damage output.

I suggested street sweeping should generate missions (there was little resistance to this idea)
We now have Tip missions.

I (and others) argued Invulnerability needed a revamp (and was vigorously flamed for saying so).
They modified the Invulnerability autopowers.

I (and others) suggested allowing weapon customization (and was vigorously flamed for doing so).
We got weapon customization.

I (and others) suggested power customization (and was vigorously flamed for doing so).
We got new animations and colour customization.

I suggested Secret IDs (and was vigorously flamed for doing so).
We got Day Jobs (not quite what I was after).

I suggested getting rid of the Rep system on the Forums (and was vigorously flamed for doing so).
It's gone.

I could go on.

Of course, some things I've suggested haven't appeared yet, but one never knows.
Seems like you think you're a lot more important than you really are. In reality, you probably had little or nothing to do with those changes. I can guarantee the devs did NOT say "Hey, Ultimo_ wants this done, we should get cracking on it". You weren't the first person to suggest any of those things, but in many cases you were the least reasonable.

In the case of Defender vs. Blaster endurance usage. On a team a defender's DPE actually improves, because they get an endurance discount on teams. When solo they get a 30% damage boost, which closes the gap considerably.

Endurance is used as a means to ensure that characters cannot become so powerful that the game would need to be made more difficult to compensate. Recharge and damage scales are the other means of doing that.

If you were to remove recharge, you would see Super Strength characters using nothing but Foot Stomp because there would be nothing preventing them from doing so. If everything had the same damage scale, tanks and defenders would become by far the most powerful characters in the game, making just about everything else obsolete. If a defender did the same damage as a blaster, what is the incentive to play a blaster? IF tanks, brutes, scrappers and stalkers all did exactly the same damage, why would anyone choose to play anything but the toughest of them (tanks)?

If no one ever had to worry about endurance, only the highest damaging powersets would ever be chosen. Claws deals less damage than other melee sets because it uses less endurance. If you remove endurance, you remove one of the advantages Claws has, and few people would play it. If you were to then remove recharge, even fewer people would play it because it's other advantage of lower recharge times would disappear. If you then normalized the damage of everything in the game, well, people would most likely stop playing scrappers and brutes altogether.

Endurance exists as a balancing point to keep the higher damaging sets from becoming too powerful. The harder a set hits, the more endurance it will consume. That is working exactly as it is intended to. You are given the option of lower endurance usage, which is balanced by lower damage output. Defenders use the same amount of endurance as blasters and corruptors and are compensated by more potent secondary effects than either one. A Sonic defender will reduce a targets resistance more than a blaster or corruptor will. You want them to use less endurance because they deal less damage? Remove that secondary effect advantage while you're at it.

You clearly see things differently than me. In MY opinion, a game in which everything is exactly the same except for cosmetic differences is a boring game. If everything were identical you might as well remove ATs completely and just let people make their tankmages.

You're also completely ignoring the fact that what you're asking for here would require the game to be redesigned from the ground up to compensate for the fact that endurance is no longer a balancing point between various powersets.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Seems like you think you're a lot more important than you really are. In reality, you probably had little or nothing to do with those changes. I can guarantee the devs did NOT say "Hey, Ultimo_ wants this done, we should get cracking on it". You weren't the first person to suggest any of those things, but in many cases you were the least reasonable.
I never said I was responsible for any of those things. I said I was reviled for bringing them up, told I was wrong and that none of those things were needed or possible. Obviously, I wasn't wrong.

In the case of Defender vs. Blaster endurance usage. On a team a defender's DPE actually improves, because they get an endurance discount on teams. When solo they get a 30% damage boost, which closes the gap considerably.
Yep, but that's new. It's one of those things I was told wasn't needed, yet the devs seem to have agreed that it was.

Endurance is used as a means to ensure that characters cannot become so powerful that the game would need to be made more difficult to compensate. Recharge and damage scales are the other means of doing that.

If you were to remove recharge, you would see Super Strength characters using nothing but Foot Stomp because there would be nothing preventing them from doing so. If everything had the same damage scale, tanks and defenders would become by far the most powerful characters in the game, making just about everything else obsolete. If a defender did the same damage as a blaster, what is the incentive to play a blaster? IF tanks, brutes, scrappers and stalkers all did exactly the same damage, why would anyone choose to play anything but the toughest of them (tanks)?
I didn't suggest removing recharge or changing the damage scale. I suggested evening out the endurance scale.

If no one ever had to worry about endurance, only the highest damaging powersets would ever be chosen. Claws deals less damage than other melee sets because it uses less endurance. If you remove endurance, you remove one of the advantages Claws has, and few people would play it. If you were to then remove recharge, even fewer people would play it because it's other advantage of lower recharge times would disappear. If you then normalized the damage of everything in the game, well, people would most likely stop playing scrappers and brutes altogether.

Endurance exists as a balancing point to keep the higher damaging sets from becoming too powerful. The harder a set hits, the more endurance it will consume.
The problem is that this isn't true. Harder hitting sets use the SAME endurance as weaker sets. The Blaster set is identical to the Defender set, but hits harder without using more endurance.

That is working exactly as it is intended to. You are given the option of lower endurance usage, which is balanced by lower damage output. Defenders use the same amount of endurance as blasters and corruptors and are compensated by more potent secondary effects than either one. A Sonic defender will reduce a targets resistance more than a blaster or corruptor will. You want them to use less endurance because they deal less damage? Remove that secondary effect advantage while you're at it.
As I said, debuffing the enemy doesn't defeat them, damage does. Now, debuffing their resistance will help defeat them, but not all sets do that.

You clearly see things differently than me. In MY opinion, a game in which everything is exactly the same except for cosmetic differences is a boring game. If everything were identical you might as well remove ATs completely and just let people make their tankmages.

You're also completely ignoring the fact that what you're asking for here would require the game to be redesigned from the ground up to compensate for the fact that endurance is no longer a balancing point between various powersets.
I'm not asking for anything, really. I'm saying I'd have preferred a different approach.



Okay, say they DO make it so no one ever has to worry about endurance at any point in the game.

If that happens, what do you do with: Accelerate Metabolism, Speed Boost, Transference, Power Sink, Consume, Dark Consumption, Heat Loss, Heat Exhaustion, Adrenaline Boost, Recovery Aura, Painbringer, Drain Psyche, Superior Conditioning, Conserve Power, Physical Perfection, Energize, Quick Recovery, Energy Absorption, Energy Drain, and a number of other powers that I'm sure I'm forgetting.

Every one of those powers is designed either in whole or in part to alleviate endurance problems. Things like Speed Boost and Adrenaline Boost would still have some use, but the recovery boost facet of those powers would be useless. Things like Recovery Aura and Consume would be completely useless. If no one had to worry about endurance, Recovery Aura would never need to be used, and Consume doesn't dela enough damage to make it a viable attack, so it would become useless as well.

There's also things like: Endurance Reduction enhancements, Endurance Modification enhancements, and blue inspirations. If endurance was never an issue for anyone at any time those 3 things, which have been in existance since the game's inception, would be useless as well.

It is completely intentional that endurance use is something the player needs to get a handle on themselves. If it were not, none of the powers or enhancements I just mentioned would ever have existed in the first place.

In wanting the devs to fix a problem that they gave us the tools to fix ourselves, you're basically saying that you want them to make all your decisions for you. The next step would be to want the game to automatically choose the best power available at each level for you, and slot it with the most optimum enhancements.

When you make decisions such as choosing to slot for end reduction before damage or vice versa, you are taking one of many steps that makes your character YOURS and yours alone. If you want the devs to fix your problems for you, it removes an important part of making your character what YOU want it to be, because a decision that is currently ours to make will have been decided for us.

Inherent Fitness is simply the devs saying "Here you go, now you have a few more options at the lower levels, instead of trying to cram 3 powers in so you can function later". It was nver intended to fix every endurance issue in the game, that's what all those powers I mentioned are for.

Your defender vs. blaster endurance use argument is pretty moot. On teams, which defenders were designed to work better on, they DO get an endurance discount, and have for a long time now. Furthermore, on a team, a defender is not expected to be a primary damage dealer, they are there to support and increase their teammate's damage (even a FF defender increases their team's damage, because dead teammates deal no damage at all). Their lower damage and lower DPE are the price they pay for that ability. The devs threw them a bone when they made both the secondary effects of their blasts and the potency of their buffs and debuffs better than other ATs. If you want the DPE of their blasts to be in line with blasters, they would probably have to give up those advantages.

And since they get a damage bonus while solo or on small teams, it seems the devs already HAVE addressed your DPE concerns.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
Yep, but that's new. It's one of those things I was told wasn't needed, yet the devs seem to have agreed that it was.
Based on timing of the change, I feel it's pretty likely that the devs felt it was worth doing because of the impending merger of AT access across sides. They wanted to give Defenders more damage to make them a more competitive choice for solo play when someone could choose to create a Corruptor instead.

This might suggest that Corruptor-level damage was "right" and Defender levels were "wrong". Or it might instead suggest that Corruptor damage levels were set to something sufficiently different (to keep the AT from being a Defender "clone") without a view towards ever being in direct choice competition with Defender levels.

I believe your past position about Defender damage was not that it was too weak in relation to other ATs, but in relation to its own absolute performance. How fast did it defeat stuff? How fast could a solo Defender level? Was it fun? But it's not clear that the answer to those kinds of questions are why it was increased.

So yes, you may have been right in the sense that something you wanted done was done, but it's not clear that you were right in the sense that it was done for the reasons you thought it needed to be. It seems more likely to me that it was a happy coincidence.

I think that sort of thing applies to some of your other improvement suggestions as well. I'm not sure why you were reviled for suggesting improvements to Invincibility, as I think it was a weak set for quite a long time. Then again, I don't know what your suggestions were.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Personally, I think all argument over the Fitness change is premature (unless you are/were in the beta testing).

I am going to reserve my final judgement until after I19 has gone live and I get the chance to level some new alts that are just sitting around waiting for this opportunity.

The best thing anyone can do, including you ULTIMO_ , is to make a new toon and level them up after the issue goes live. Make sure you choose something that you are fairly sure of how their performance would have been prior to the change and then see how it goes. Because, as I have said before, making fitness inherent is only half of the change you are going to experience levelling to 20. And its not even the most significant half IMHO.

For any new players that come along and join the game after I19, I am most decidedly a "touch" envious. Because I can still remember my first characters back in 2004. always penny-less, running out of endurance every fight, sometimes during the fight. Rest was on what, a 5 min timer. They were gaining slots and powers but without the ability to put anything in the slots. I was still using DOs at level 22 because I couldnt afford SOs. Yeah, I remember the "good ole days" still. We have come a long ways and I will probably have an explosion of alts after I19 because the game will be that much better suited for lowbies than ever before.




My first "main" character at release was a Science Invuln. tank.

All of that untyped Vahz damage hurt like heck.

I still don't know how I got him to 10 without quitting.



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
My first "main" character at release was a Science Invuln. tank.

All of that untyped Vahz damage hurt like heck.

I still don't know how I got him to 10 without quitting.
How is this one for you. My first Scrapper (my 2nd toon created) was Martial Arts / Super Reflexes. My RL brother decided to roll his own scrapper, but because I chose MA he decided that he would do something else, but really liked how /Dark sounded. So he rolled a Dark/Dark instead. If he had been a little less picky, he would have been playing a Martial Arts / Dark Armor scrapper. Needless to say, we were both trying to figure out how everyone else was having so much fun with their /Regen scrappers while we were getting pounded into the pavement.

My first controller : Earth/Storm
My first defender : FF/Rad

Yeah, let's just say I somehow can find the "gimpiest" solo-er in any new MMO. It happens every time in fact.