Discussion: Party Pack Now Available In The NCsoft Store!




Sorry, NC/PS. The Party Pack is an epic fail, and I outlined my thoughts on the subject in another thread. They boil down to:

1. Emotes only, no powers or costumes. Pretty limited in terms of utility.

2. I could live with (1) above, if the price wasn't so outrageous. $8 for an emote-only pack is, with due respect, a rip off. The Going Rogue booster had emotes, AND costumes, AND a power .... for a buck CHEAPER! I would have purchased the PP had its price been somewhere south of 5 bucks.

I'm also pretty disappointed there was no Red Name response to the pretty extensive "meh" feedback on this booster.

I'm a 75-month vet, and have purchased all prior boosters to date, so my loyal customer bona fides are genuine. For the most part I keep my head down, and enjoy the game .... but this Party Pack matter has really rubbed me the wrong way.

In the past 6 months, I have purchased GR pre-order, the mutant pack, the GR pack, and paid my annual subscription. This latest attempt to squeeze more money out of me for a bunch of emotes that should have been included with GR is .... irritating.

I'll be taking a pass, thanks.

As always, IMHO.

(Please note, I acknowledge the snippy tone of my post, but have nothing but respect for the folks at PS. They make a great game that I've enjoyed for 6+ years. They've just made a mistake here, and I'm calling them out on it, like I'd call out a good friend for screwing up on something.)

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

1387 badges, and counting



The pack is overpriced, though I'd pay $1 or 2 for airguitar. I won't pay $8 for this pack of junk and I sure won't pay $8 for the next one either, even if it's got /e devilhornsalute




Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
For me that would depend on the emotes. For the record, I am not thrilled with the price/emotes of this pack but I have wanted the airguitar emote for so long and at the cost of 2 McDonald's breakfast meals I caved.
I'd rather have the mcdonalds meal, at least I could enjoy it 4 times for I'd never see it again, instead of once in a life time.



Originally Posted by UltraTroll View Post
Major lack of emotes or costume pieces in Going Rogue especially compared to what came out in City of Heroes and City of Villains and this was the same cost as those.
no it wasn't.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Oh, and nice Cwen's Quest banner. Is that a new one? i don't recall seeing it before.
Thank you good you to say so, it is in fact a new banner. We came up with it last month but I only added it here today.


Just a recap from the last thread on the price break down if we assume emotes are worth 1 dollar each:

Martial Arts
5 Head pieces
3 Hats
9 Helmet Pieces
9 Upper body pieces
5 Robe pieces
3 Emblems
9 Lower Body Pieces
3 Weapons
1 Inherent Bonus Power
2 Emotes
2 Costume Change Emotes

That is 51 items which comes out to less then .20 cents a feature over all.

According to the party pack though the value break down must be something like
2 - Emotes $2 or $1 each
2 - Costume change Emotes $2 or $1 each
46 - Costume pieces $5 or $0.11 each
1 - Inherent Power $0.99

In which case I hope this means the next pack will just be 46 costume pieces and 1 power for 5.99, that would be an amazing deal and one I would be praise loudly as I did with GR.

And it only looks worse if you check out the Magic pack break down.

5 Emotes
4 Costume change Emotes
60 Costume Parts
1 Inherent Bonus Power
Total 70 items at $0.14 per item

Again if we're going by the Part Pack pricing that work out to be:
5 Emotes $5 or $1 per Emote
4 Costume Change Emotes $4 or $1 per CC Emote
60 Costume Parts 0.98 or $0.016 per costume Part
1 Inherent Bonus power $0.01



Passing as well. A Party Pack has so much potential. Even if it had just a couple of extra costume bits I probably would have gotten it.

And I absolutely cannot believe no CoH Rep has even responded. Maybe marketing is forcing hands here, and Mods/Devs are just too embarrased to comment on it



Slash the price of this horse armor and I'll probably pick it up.



Lisa bounces back into thread.

know something guys..maybe our next Booster Pack will contain all the costumes to match the emotes

I mean, so far all the Boosters have been superb, they know what we like...why would they suddenly seemingly give us an outright turkey of a booster????

Maybe there is more to this than we can see right now...mayhaps there is more to that Shadowy power too

I choose to be positive now. No more being negative, and no more yelling at PvPers on the forums


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Marsha_Mallow View Post
Seriously, you guys could have work on more important things that have been bugged for weeks or months? I think you’ve wasted your time and resources working on a booster pack that maybe 1% or less of your population would even buy.
The people that work on emotes can't fix bugs.
All they can do is work on emotes.

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Originally Posted by Endlessly View Post
Slash the price of this horse armor and I'll probably pick it up.
They can't. Once people have started to purchase it, any attempt to reduce the cost would require refunding money to credit cards, PayPal, ect... It would also run a high risk of transatction errors, and people not getting their refund. It would be an accounting nightmare. Like it or not, the price is set in stone.

It may be possible to add something to it, however. I'm not sure what kind of code work that would take, but it's more possible than dropping the price.

I've expressed my displeasure with this pack in other places, but I want to add something to that here. It's not that it's an emote pack that turns me off, it's what the emotes are. These are emotes that I can see maybe a couple at most of my (vast numbers of) characters using one or two of. Some of the emotes don't even match the theme of the pack, and it confuses me as to why they're even in here.

Had the emotes been ones that appealed to me, I might find the price tag agreeable. These emotes, however, do nothing for me.

Better luck next time, Devs.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

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Stuff that SHOULD have been added.... (they did call it a party pack right)

/em tapkeg
/em jumpoutofcake
/em beerpong
/em mixdrink
/em dj (if they can make a giant drum appear, a dj table would not have been hard)
/em kegstand
/em baloonanimal

Ok, I realize the game has a "T" rating so the beer ones might not be acceptable, but the others would work.

Then add a "give good gift" and "give bad gift" temp power. In the good gift you would recieve a short duration buff like the read fortune thing, the bad gift would be a vacum costume piece or a really ugly tie that appears on your caracter.

Then an "party invite" power, where you could send a character to pocket d. I know most people have the Pocket D teleporter, but some don't.

Or, you could have a "Instant Dance Party" power where all the thugs from the MM power "Gang War" , appear around you and start doing the different dance emotes. Of course they wouldn't fight and you would be able to pass through them like regular summoned MM pets.

A "Summon Clown" power, or "Summon Evil Clown" redside. Blue side he would make baloon animals, redside, he would point at other villains and laugh.

Obviously some "Clown Themed" costume pieces. I would never use them, but I know people have been wanting those for years. More than just the "Jester" pieces.

Oh well. I guess the Dev's don't go to many parties. They really could have made this one fun. Add me to the "Pass on this one" list.

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Passing on this one. I've bought every other pack, many of them twice, including the wedding pack. There simply is nothing worth buying in this one, as far as I'm concerned.



Originally Posted by Mr_Frost View Post
That is 51 items which comes out to less then .20 cents a feature over all.

According to the party pack though the value break down must be something like
2 - Emotes $2 or $1 each
2 - Costume change Emotes $2 or $1 each
46 - Costume pieces $5 or $0.11 each
1 - Inherent Power $0.99
An all emote pack is clearly a specialty offering aimed at a smaller audience than the more broadly targeted super boosters. The most popular way to ensure a profit on an item with an intentionally limited audience is to charge a premium.

Comparing the Party Pack to previous boosters isn't a useful exercise as it isn't the same thing.

That said, if it's not worth the price to you, don't buy it. It isn't required.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
To recap my thoughts from the official announcement thread:

a) I find the Party Pack to be sub-par, even though I like a few of the emotes.

b) As an emote-only pack it is already of somewhat questionable value, and a $1/emote price-point is simply too high.

c) I find the complete lack of any red-name response to the overwhelmingly poor reception in the official announcement thread, which reached over 1000 posts, very disappointing.

d) I will not question anyone who buys this pack because they actually like the contents and find it to ba a good value to them.

e) I think anyone buying the pack for any other reason is potentially harming the future of this game, by encouraging Paragon Studios to release similarly sub-par/overpriced boosters in the future.

f) This will be the first in-game add-on (be it a boxed item or electronic add-on/booster) that the CoX team has ever put out, that I will not buy as a 75+mo vet.

g) If I see another similarly sub-par/over-priced pack in the future, I will seriously re-evaluate if this game still merits my continued loyalty. At that point, we go from a poor decision (and response) to a trend.

Essentially, the composition/price of the pack was strike one. Lack of a red-name response was strike two. Another pack similar to this will be strike three. At that point, I'll have to decide if I'm coming out for another inning.
passing on this one --bought all the rest and 63 month vet
"Price is Right" fail! song--boopbiyty dooooo waaaaaa!



To preface, I read the description of what was in the pack... no suprises there. No one forced a gun to my head to buy the pack.

I also like to purchase everything that my favorite hobby(ies) put out... my way of supporting them for future endeavors as well and to show my support in general. 75+ mo veteran here, so my loyalty isn't in question.

I purchased the pack, and while the emotes look nice (in fact, really splendid overall) it is a bit overpriced for what we get. Sure, it is great for a role-playing niche, or if you are one of the talented few who make movies of their characters.

I hope we aren't seeing a trend here:

Shadowy Presence - a real loser of a power
an emote only pack at pretty much the same price as a complete frills pack

Suggestions? Rerelease it with a few costume change emotes (disco ball or dancing lights from 'above'... wrestling grunt & arms flexing a la Hulk Hogan) and of course give them to those of us who bought the pack in the first place. Similarly, a few more costume choices like some really snazzy party gear (glow-in-the dark necklaces/items like a raver... using the tech from bioluminescent set, for example). Heck, even a badge that said how cool we were for buying the pack! Or, what about negating the teleport-suppression in Pocket D (since obviously, we LOVE to party down and wouldn't cause any grief).

Just my 2 inf, but I'm on the bandwagon with the others who say that it isn't worth it _as is_. I also hope we get a bit better quantity/quality with the future packs.

Thanks for reading this and accepting it as one person's opinion.



The great thing about micro-transactions is that you get to pick and choose. I'm passing on this pack like I did with the science and wedding packs. Certainly not angry that they created the pack.

I only hope that they stay reasonable with their micro-trans as they have been up to now. This is a bit overpriced IMO, while the costume packs have been great bargains.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Passing as well. A Party Pack has so much potential. Even if it had just a couple of extra costume bits I probably would have gotten it.

And I absolutely cannot believe no CoH Rep has even responded. Maybe marketing is forcing hands here, and Mods/Devs are just too embarrased to comment on it
To your first point, too true. Given that the devs have indicated that they want to make all NPC costumes available to players, some of the Carnival costume pieces would have been a great addition to the PP.

To your second point, as every passing day goes by with no mod response, I have come to strongly suspect marketing and/or the high-up-mucky-mucks are forcing hands.

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

1387 badges, and counting



Just to echo many people here ...

I've gotten all of the booster packs, including the Mac pack, the Collector's Edition DVD packs, and the wedding pack.

This one ... however ... I will be completely skipping.

$7.99 for only eight emotes is just too much. I'd spend maybe $3.99 for that, and even then it's an iffy proposition. Now, if they had included a costume or two, I would've gladly paid $7.99 for that.

Just my 2 cents.

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Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Passing on this one. I've bought every other pack, many of them twice, including the wedding pack. There simply is nothing worth buying in this one, as far as I'm concerned.
At least the wedding pack enabled me to have my zombie bride mastermind!

All emotes? Not so cool. I will pass as well.

Interesting idea from the marketers to try this and price it as they did. Sales will determine if they try it again.

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Originally Posted by Citizen_Razor View Post
Just to echo many people here ...

I've gotten all of the booster packs, including the Mac pack, the Collector's Edition DVD packs, and the wedding pack.

This one ... however ... I will be completely skipping.

$7.99 for only eight emotes is just too much. I'd spend maybe $3.99 for that, and even then it's an iffy proposition. Now, if they had included a costume or two, I would've gladly paid $7.99 for that.

Just my 2 cents.

I'm just glad the devs listened to the massive, and almost unanimously negative feedback on this and responded to it.

...oh, they just ignored it and released the pack as is/was? Nevermind...



Pack fail. bought everything prior to this. This one is a really poor deal compared to everything else NC SOFT has put out. You guys can do better.



Passing on this one and I have also purchased every Expansion/Booster so far.

Not only is the cost to product value horribly off, IMHO, but to release a pack that is just emotes, less than a month after the release of a major expansion, especially when some of the emotes being released were tested as part of that expansion's beta.

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



I will confess, I will be buying this pack.
Personally, I'd rather not.
No, no one is putting a gun to my head, BAB (the character) did not bust into my room and start pounding my head on the keyboard, nor had maelstrom threatened to read his and scirocco's collaborated poetry from their Hot Topic nights.
I am buying it because marketing and/or the devs had apparently heard some of use commenting "I would buy a booster with just X!" which... included emotes, and decided see me put my money where my mouth was.
But you know... When I said I'd buy a booster with emotes only I had kind of expected more than eight.

Also, I really would like to see what marketing or the Devs have to say about all the negative feedback they've been facing so far.
No booster has EVER met this poor feedback. Not even Mutant. (A thread which Devs did respond to) So why the silence.
Not even going to try to tell us what experiment you are trying to perform?

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
An all emote pack is clearly a specialty offering aimed at a smaller audience than the more broadly targeted super boosters. The most popular way to ensure a profit on an item with an intentionally limited audience is to charge a premium.

Comparing the Party Pack to previous boosters isn't a useful exercise as it isn't the same thing.

That said, if it's not worth the price to you, don't buy it. It isn't required.
That is a fallacious argument since we know these were originally developed as part of Going Rogue. Since the stripped it from an existing product it didn't actually cost them a premium to make so it in no way means they need to charge premium to make a profit.

Further you've lose credibility suggesting it isn't “a useful exercise to compare the booster packs to each other” when attempting to determine value. Clearly in the previous packs emotes were not priced at a premium which tell us that even if this content was produced specifically for this pack and marketed at a smaller audience then the other packs they did not need to place it at this high a price point. Additionally even if that was the case here it is a bad business move to make a product so nitch that you have to massively over charge for it to make a profit verses a more mass marketable thus less risky product. Bad business choices hurt the game which in turn hurt the players. If they waste time making content no one buys they'll have to make the money up somewhere else and we'll end up it indirectly. In short anyone who paid the $40 for Going Rogue has already negatively been impacted by this product.

Yes the company that runs this game is here to make a profit and we should not be hostile to that fact, however, we as consumers want a quality product for our money and have no desire to be ripped off/overpay and consumers are insulted by offerings which do either. Just as we the consumers should not be hostile to game being run as a business enterprise designed to make a profit both they and you should not be hostile to consumers for seeking value and consitency from the enterprise they have done business with.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Not even going to try to tell us what experiment you are trying to perform?
they're testing the appeal of niche packs catering to small player demographics.

anyone interested in a base pack, or a PvP pack, or any other narrowly focused booster should be rooting for this one to succeed.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone