Discussion: Party Pack Now Available In The NCsoft Store!




Originally Posted by corridor View Post
Ah, my bad. Someone was showing me the party emotes and added the throwconfetti in there for some odd reason.

Anyway, my point still stands. Boo.
Sorry if that was me! I remember doing that several times while showing off the emotes, but only cos throwrosepetals is still one of the most awesome emotes ever

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Tee Hee!



Originally Posted by MrAlex311 View Post
I'll pass on this one but how about a travel pack next time? I'd love to see a grappling hook, an ice bridge ala Iceman or even a skateboard or jet as travel powers.
THIS is something I would pay $8 USD for! With Batman and Spider-Man both known for swinging from building to building, it seems a valid mainstay travel mode for a superhero game. Not sure the iceman bridge would be practical, as it would be dependant on a trail left behind it which interferes with other toons and can be interfered with, but a variation on superspeed called superslide would be great, with customizable effects ranging from ice to skateboard to...

Ah, who am I kidding? They won't even give me a guitar customization for Battle Axe, much less power pool customs. At this point I see this Party Pack as an example of a premium that players do NOT have to buy to remain competitive, which was a complaint many had about the Martial Arts booster. Thankfully they DIDN'T throw in some important item we couldn't live without, forcing us to buy what is otherwise a lacklustre purchase to many.



Want to thank ncsoft for releasing this product , and releasing me of one of the two mmo games left

A sincer thank you , after 10 years of mmo there was only 2 products i supported no matter what happened , finally 1 left .
Just wish the other one would do something too , to irk me off .
Thank you very much and i mean it sincer .

Dont worry i see with the incarnate system the game going to be fun again .
So most of the angry post and rants on this topic wont hold.
I do see a postive outlook for CoX , just for me this product is not worth my time and support.
Especially since i hardly play it much anyway .
And CoX community is still the best ever , dissapointed that predicted negative feedback about this product or marketing greed has pushed the community so far.
While it could have simply being avoided .



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
My observation was based on looking at what they did from a player perspective and reaching a conclusion.

The "observation" I castigated pretended concrete knowledge of sales numbers and internal developer projections.

so I'm not pretending to have secret insider knowledge, whereas he did.
Again, not that confusing.

In any case, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
I'm seeing plenty of players rocking the new emotes, which bodes well for its sales.
The next booster release will give us an indication of whether the devs really do love enraging players and not making any money because they try to sell garbage at Tiffany prices, or whether it was something they were trying out to gauge its feasibility.
Liar. You have been continuously makeing crap up and try to pass it off as intelligent assessment. Give it up little troll.



Originally Posted by Ynaught View Post
Just quoted the things that apply to myself since I haven't bought everything just yet. I still need to get the the Science and Mutant boosters.

Even if this pack were $1 I'd be sorely pressed to find a reason to purchase it and at $8, not a chance. Anyway, this pack isn't for everyone and not everyone it's aimed at will buy it.

Seems like a bit of a wasted opportunity in my eyes, but if they feel they'll make money off it then good luck.
I agree. Even if this pack was a dollar, the effort spent in buying it (and then probably being told it can't be bought at this time, lol) makes it unworthy to me, especially considering there are no new costume parts or an interesting "deuce"-type minor power. If they had added some new Prestige Sprints, maybe. I've bought all the other Origin packs and felt I got more than my money's worth, but as some have said, this particular Pack should have just been GIVEN to us as a new issue expansion.

Someone else said the Wedding Pack was worth it for costume parts. Do others agree? I could afford it, but felt it was a rather limited dealy-o. I do some RP, but how many times can one do a Reed & Sue type wedding? ; )



Originally Posted by CanaDixieMan View Post
Someone else said the Wedding Pack was worth it for costume parts. Do others agree? I could afford it, but felt it was a rather limited dealy-o. I do some RP, but how many times can one do a Reed & Sue type wedding? ; )
The perceived value of the wedding pack really depends on your ability/desire to integrate the costume parts there with other parts, not simply use them by themselves. If you only make "wedding outfits", then their value is certainly debatable.

However, for me just the "with lace" patterns for some of the female costume pieces are almost worth the entire pack. I also find myself using some of the suit options for males. Ironically, i did just use the bridal veil piece to make The Jade Bride the other day, but I feel pretty comfortable in saying she's in anything but your typical wedding-themed costume.



Originally Posted by CanaDixieMan View Post
Someone else said the Wedding Pack was worth it for costume parts. Do others agree? I could afford it, but felt it was a rather limited dealy-o. I do some RP, but how many times can one do a Reed & Sue type wedding? ; )
The Wedding Pack (WP) is a pretty limited "dealy-o" (LOL), and overpriced at $9.99 (IMO), but the costume parts are nice. You don't need to use the entire costume (tux, or bridal gown), the individual pieces to the costumes can be insert into any type of costume-build. The emotes are neat, but I'm not a big emote guy -- I got WP for the costume bits, and they do see some regular usage (in full on a couple of toons, in part on several).

* steps onto soap box *

The Wedding Pack, IMO, was the worst pack to be released up until the party pack, given its extremely focused theme. I waited a little over two months to purchase it. At the time, it was only the second 'booster' to have been offered for sale - and was seriously lacking in comparison with its predecessor. The first one, the GvE pack, had much, much more stuff for the same price:

1. Jump Pack temporary power
2. Pocket D teleport temporary power
3. Pocket D VIP badge
4. Sinister and Justice costumes

As such, I felt (and still feel) the WP was overpriced for what it offered, and did not want to be part of that initial "rush" of sales. That initial rush would really be what determined the success or failure of the pack. I hoped initial sales would fall short of their expectations, forcing them to rethink future boosters. Up until the Party Pack, all packs have been much better than the WP, and I have purchased them all immediately upon release. Whether sales, or lack thereof, of the WP had anything to do with this, I can't say.

With PP, it will very likely be the first booster I don't buy. If I do, it will be for obsessive-compulsive reasons only. However, I will wait several months to do so for the same reasons as the WP above. And, who knows, maybe they'll drop the price eventually. There's no precedent for this of course, but no prior booster has received such widespread negative feedback before, either.

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

1387 badges, and counting



Personally, I have used many of the wedding pack costume pieces, esp. the wedding tux. My leprechaun, Uncle Sam, Bride of Frankenstein, Jack Skellington, and quite a few other toons use pieces from this pack. I have never felt disappointed with its potential.

On the other hand, I see no reason to ever pay for a handful of emotes, though I may have done so anyway if the price was negligible. Eight bucks is not negligible in my budget.



Oh man, I've used the wedding pack in tons of costumes, and I have *no* wedding themed toons. Two notable costumes being


though I've used pieces here and there on many, many costumes.

I think the takeaway here is that people have different opinions on what justifies spending $6 or $8 or $10 of their own cash. I wasn't interested in the Cyborg pack at first, but bought it because I hate the idea of not having access to some of the game's content, regardless of how often I intend to use it. To my surprise I found great uses for a small number of the Cyborg pieces (though I will never ever use a majority of the pack, because I personally find most of it ugly). A huge number of people feel that the Party Pack isn't worth their $8.. and yet there were at least a significant number of people who felt it was. While I would hate to see the free content we're used to getting with each issue be shoved into additional specialized packs, I do also want to see Paragon Studios remain profitable so they can keep this game running far into the future. I'm sure it comes down to a balance between the two.

In the end if you don't like it, don't buy it. Suggestions are great, feedback and concern are a cornerstone of this community, but getting angry about it doesn't really solve anything. If you don't like what has been done in the game, if it's no longer fun, if you'd rather spend your money elsewhere, by all means entertain yourself in some other way! Just remember, that's what this is supposed to be: entertainment. If you get totally bent out of shape over it, you're taking it way, way too seriously. And getting angry over speculation about what may happen in the future and what direction the game may take or not take is just silly.

(Edit) And before anyone questions my dedication to this game, I absolutely love, love, love this game. It's the topic I talk about more than anything else to anyone who will listen, it is my entertainment of choice when (for whatever reason) I am not spending time with my Man, it is my motivation for exercising*. While I may not be as knowledgeable as others, or spend as much time in-game as others (not nearly as much time as I'd like), my adoration of this game cannot reasonably be doubted. It's not that I care less about this game than the people who are angry, I am just as passionate; the difference is that I look at it as a form of entertainment. Even when things don't go the way I want, I don't get angry about it, because there's still so much about the game I love. If that ever changes, I'll take my money elsewhere, but for now it's still my favorite game ever. (/edit)

*OLD, old setup, not my current furniture layout, but you get the idea



R U KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me see here. $8 bucks for 8 new e-motes. That's, um, 53 divided by 35, carry the 12, PI by 167, o never mind. i think that works out to about $1 per e-mote!! I have never seen this game go so petty and cheap before and I have 75 months in game. Horrible.

You should go back in and retroactively add some things for the people that did get ripped off by this thing before they realized the true lack of extent of the lack of interesting things in it. Add 3-4 new full costumes or something. Shoot, I have been sending in suggestions for arrow quivers, holsters, spears, some very modern SWAT type long guns, their "machine guns" and other types of weapons and other cool things. It's about time that you took some of those up.

Come on for all of our sakes. If you did just those things you'd sell a jillion of them and make the national debt in money back for you!!

"Courage is fear holding on one minute longer."

-- George Patton



Originally Posted by Archangelis View Post
R U KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me see here. $8 bucks for 8 new e-motes. That's, um, 53 divided by 35, carry the 12, PI by 167, o never mind. i think that works out to about $1 per e-mote!! I have never seen this game go so petty and cheap before and I have 75 months in game. Horrible.

You should go back in and retroactively add some things for the people that did get ripped off by this thing before they realized the true lack of extent of the lack of interesting things in it. Add 3-4 new full costumes or something. Shoot, I have been sending in suggestions for arrow quivers, holsters, spears, some very modern SWAT type long guns, their "machine guns" and other types of weapons and other cool things. It's about time that you took some of those up.

Come on for all of our sakes. If you did just those things you'd sell a jillion of them and make the national debt in money back for you!!
The power of hyperbole commands you!

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Archangelis View Post
R U KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whatever, man! The disco dance is worth, like, $8 alone!

Just picture my avatar doing the disco dance.

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To each their own opinion Captain-Electric. I will admit his post felt a little over the top but, he is welcome to have it as you are too. Besides which, if Paragon Studios were to follow his advice, they would easily improve their profits on this pack.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
To each their own opinion Captain-Electric. I will admit his post felt a little over the top but, he is welcome to have it as you are too. Besides which, if Paragon Studios were to follow his advice, they would easily improve their profits on this pack.
You're correct. But I was sort of being tongue-in-cheek.

Seriously though, I see both sides. $8 is not much money for me. And I'm not a big earner, and I pay my own bills. I bought the pack, not because I think it's super-awesome, or to take one for the team (well, maybe a LITTLE for this reason). Mostly I bought it because, uh, just because. I dunno. Which, yeah, puts me in the minority.

So I suspect Paragon Studios will put more stuff in their booster packs in the future. Many MMO subscribers can be weird with money. I know MMO players who blow a lot of money on random stuff like junk food, but get infuriated over the price of a booster pack.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
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I happen to like all the extras that are thrown into the game, and for me, it makes my gameplay even more fun. I hope the devs keep brining them on. (I think it must take a LOT of time and hard work to make even one animation/emote.) People can either buy them or not...I like having the option!

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Originally Posted by Crazy1van View Post
Personally, I have used many of the wedding pack costume pieces, esp. the wedding tux. My leprechaun, Uncle Sam, Bride of Frankenstein.....
aw geez, you just gave me an idea that might finally add the Wedding Pack to my account.


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I think my biggest problem with the Wedding Pack is that I just can't find any costume pieces that I want to keep on a toon. Many times I have put them on a toon in the Tailor Shop, only to change it out because they just don't feel right.



sort of on-topic, I sold a copy of the Mutant pack to a teammate last night because he loved the Organic Armor boots my fire blaster was sporting so much he had to have them for his earth controller.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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For me it is the Bio boots, the ones that look kinda like skin with veins bulging out and can be duo colored to really make them POP out at you. I love those boots. It used to be I would try to find a way to fit them into at least one costume on every toon. I have since cut back on that, but I still love that costume piece. I just wish they would come out with that design on a cape.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
aw geez, you just gave me an idea that might finally add the Wedding Pack to my account.

I was extremely disappointed in the Wedding Pack, and felt it was overpriced.

There, now you can buy it to spite me.

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

1387 badges, and counting



Originally Posted by Spatch View Post
I was extremely disappointed in the Wedding Pack, and felt it was overpriced.

There, now you can buy it to spite me.
Alas, your dislike of the wedding pack is reasonable and sane, so I feel no compulsion to counterbalance it with cold, hard cash.

Now, if you added some conspiracy mongering and paranoid ranting to your post, I might reconsider....


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
I think my biggest problem with the Wedding Pack is that I just can't find any costume pieces that I want to keep on a toon. Many times I have put them on a toon in the Tailor Shop, only to change it out because they just don't feel right.
I get the most use out of the wedding tuxedo myself, makes a nice magician's coat



I heard a rumor that to help promote sales there is going to be a new CoX contest -- and that FIRST PRIZE was going to be a free Party Pack!!!

(Second prize is TWO free Party Packs, and third prize will be THREE free Party Packs.)

Has anyone else heard about this?

Or is this the kind of post that people normally call "trolling"?



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
sort of on-topic, I sold a copy of the Mutant pack to a teammate last night because he loved the Organic Armor boots my fire blaster was sporting so much he had to have them for his earth controller.
This kind of thing happens at least once per booster pack with me. You'd think I was paid by Paragon the way I market the things to my SG mates. One of them, who had been away from the game for a while (before I bought her GR) got 2 boosters in the last week after I showed of costumes and powers.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
aw geez, you just gave me an idea that might finally add the Wedding Pack to my account.

Just some examples of what I've done with the Wedding Pack.

Princess Die won me a CC. :-)