Discussion: Party Pack Now Available In The NCsoft Store!




Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
Part of me thrills to the equivalent $8 PvP pack. :-)
Ah yes, I can see it now, the new PvP Booster Pack $7.99 in the NCSoft Store:

Emote 1: cowering in a corner crying.
Emote 2: holding your arms in front of your head while screaming, "Not in the face! Not in the Face!"
Emote 3: arms crossed, shoulders rolled forward and pouting while saying, "No Fair!"
Emote 4: jumps on a teammates shoulders, hits him about the head and face screaming "Run Away, Run Away, Faster, Faster!"
Emote 5: holds up the white flag and waves it over his head.
Emote 6: toon falls down and "plays dead".
Emote 7: toon stands still staring at his hands and says "How did I miss AGAIN?"
Emote 8: toon runs away screaming "I'm just a defender, stop picking on me!"

And the all important one for that occasional victory,

Emote 9: toon stands on top of a golden Dias, hands clasped over his head and saying, "I did it! I finally did IT!"

Of course that 9th emote will have to raise the price of the pack to $8.99 each.



Originally Posted by Lady_Cyrsei View Post
but its not worth $8, $4.99 maybe but not $8 for just a hand full of emotes
You have 8 fingers on 1 hand?

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
I'm not touching this pack with a 10-foot pole.
I'm sure you might be able to buy /e usetenfootpole eventually

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
Part of me thrills to the equivalent $8 PvP pack. :-)
A temp power that makes the PI trainer targetable?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Ah yes, I can see it now, the new PvP Booster Pack $7.99 in the NCSoft Store:

Emote 1: cowering in a corner crying.
Emote 2: holding your arms in front of your head while screaming, "Not in the face! Not in the Face!"
Emote 3: arms crossed, shoulders rolled forward and pouting while saying, "No Fair!"
Emote 4: jumps on a teammates shoulders, hits him about the head and face screaming "Run Away, Run Away, Faster, Faster!"
Emote 5: holds up the white flag and waves it over his head.
Emote 6: toon falls down and "plays dead".
Emote 7: toon stands still staring at his hands and says "How did I miss AGAIN?"
Emote 8: toon runs away screaming "I'm just a defender, stop picking on me!"

And the all important one for that occasional victory,

Emote 9: toon stands on top of a golden Dias, hands clasped over his head and saying, "I did it! I finally did IT!"

Of course that 9th emote will have to raise the price of the pack to $8.99 each.
or just compact them all into one "Grab your ankles"



well,I will pass on this.now to tin foil hat time, this pack will be a success. I have no access to real numbers but will use estimates,

Cost to create pack at most 5000.00
assuming 1% buy it at 7.99 1500 players
total approx 12000.00

profit approx 8000.00


Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



I liked the pack and bought one.

It IS overpriced, though. However, it's overpriced like buying snacks from the convenience store, not overpriced like ordering pasta at a fine dining establishment.

I would certainly enjoy seeing useful packs, i.e. packs with an Autocomplete Azuria missions power, Carp Melee, etc., but I don't mind seeing some fluff from time to time.

President of the Arbiter Sands fan club. We will never forget.

An Etruscan Snood will nevermore be free



Dear Devs,

As a gamer I have to respond to your booster pack of emotes with "What the hell were you thinking?" while as a Critic I have to ask "What the @$% are you doing?"

Not to bash too harshly but this pack of only emotes was destined to miss with many of the players in this game. However if you included something else like say the ability to replace your idle stances with said emotes and other poses available in-game THAt I would buy since I love the Villain stance 2 pose from Going Rogue. That alone would have made me want this pack since each of the Boosters offer something useful and nice to have.

Maybe next time the future booster pack will offer something that makes me want to buy it. I appreciate the effort guys but you misjuged your aim it would seem.



Originally Posted by MadHobbit View Post
well,I will pass on this.now to tin foil hat time, this pack will be a success. I have no access to real numbers but will use estimates,

Cost to create pack at most 5000.00
assuming 1% buy it at 7.99 1500 players
total approx 12000.00

profit approx 8000.00

I assume you sit at the desk next to BaBs (or someone else in the animation department) and know how long it takes to design new emotes from scratch? And then how much time it takes for them to get approved and go through internal testing? And how much all of those said employees make per hour?

Not that I disagree with your logic that "profit = success" but I'm curious how you know that it could cost $5k at maximum to generate this content. (Honestly, just curious. Please enlighten me. I am able to laugh at the person who, several pages back, insisted that $2m is obscene profits and that the money could be better spent elsewhere ... because I have often worked at similarly sized companies in the AP department and know what it actually costs to run a business. Just because I could retire for the rest of my life and live at my current level of comfort with $2m, doesn't mean it's a lot of money to a company. That doesn't even cover monthly expenses for some companies of similar size. I am thrilled that Paragon Studios turns enough of a profit to stay in business. <3)



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Ah yes, I can see it now, the new PvP Booster Pack $7.99 in the NCSoft Store:

Emote 1: cowering in a corner crying.
Emote 2: holding your arms in front of your head while screaming, "Not in the face! Not in the Face!"
Emote 3: arms crossed, shoulders rolled forward and pouting while saying, "No Fair!"
Emote 4: jumps on a teammates shoulders, hits him about the head and face screaming "Run Away, Run Away, Faster, Faster!"
Emote 5: holds up the white flag and waves it over his head.
Emote 6: toon falls down and "plays dead".
Emote 7: toon stands still staring at his hands and says "How did I miss AGAIN?"
Emote 8: toon runs away screaming "I'm just a defender, stop picking on me!"

And the all important one for that occasional victory,

Emote 9: toon stands on top of a golden Dias, hands clasped over his head and saying, "I did it! I finally did IT!"

Of course that 9th emote will have to raise the price of the pack to $8.99 each.
I don't PvP, but I do RP, and I'd find THOSE emotes useful enough to pay the money for them. Especally if I can do the emotes without the text.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
they're testing the appeal of niche packs catering to small player demographics.
Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Of course I'm not the one making these sorts of concrete statements absent any meaningful data:

Just in case you're not paying attention. Emphasis is not mine.




Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
Just because I could retire for the rest of my life and live at my current level of comfort with $2m(illion), doesn't mean it's a lot of money to a company. That doesn't even cover monthly expenses for some companies of similar size. I am thrilled that Paragon Studios turns enough of a profit to stay in business. <3)
I was actually "schooled" on this by a friend of my parents last year when I was home for a visit. He has worked for several video game companies and his information helped me understand the basics of these companies pretty well. I'll share two of the highlights with you.

Most of these games are actually small divisions within a larger company, in this case Paragon Studios within NC. This allows for pretty much only the development staff at the game level (with traces of other department too), while all other resources get shared by the larger group, such as human resources, marketing, equipment, etc. So while Paragon Studios would not make enough to support everything needed to run a company, NC Soft with it's much larger array of resources (many games) can.

A lot of tinkering going on. A lot of trial and error. Almost nothing gets deleted in case it can be used later if it isn't used right now. In addition to that, there tends to be a lot of sharing of compatible programing between the various devisions of a company. This saves time and resources which allows for higher profits for the company and bigger paychecks for everyone. It also explains why some items in one game look similar to something you have seen elsewhere, but just can't put your finger on.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
All else being equal, a well run hamburger joint is going to draw in more customers than a well run Lithuanian restaurant because it has a broader audience to draw from.

Yes. A shame that so many people are missing out on the awesomness of cepelinai su spirguciais, virtiniai (kuldunai) and kugelis.

arc 44622 - Find out the truth!
arc 103005 - What it's like to be a villain...
arc 58617 - What has stirred up the villain community?



Originally Posted by SeedyXX View Post
Just in case you're not paying attention. Emphasis is not mine.

It seems obvious to me and is based on the observable data available to us outsiders, not the pretense that I know what numbers are flowing through their database.

I'm not sure why that distinction would confuse anyone.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by Squez View Post
It IS overpriced, though. However, it's overpriced like buying snacks from the convenience store, not overpriced like ordering pasta at a fine dining establishment.
Squez nails it.

also, where the heck have you been pardner?

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I got tired of this discussion a few days ago.

Removing it from my "favorites" seems like the thing to do now.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
It seems obvious to me and is based on the observable data available to us outsiders, not the pretense that I know what numbers are flowing through their database.

I'm not sure why that distinction would confuse anyone.
Oh I get it, what is obvious to you has to be dependable DATA, but what other people observe is just speculation. Very clear now Nether, thanks.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Oh I get it, what is obvious to you has to be dependable DATA, but what other people observe is just speculation. Very clear now Nether, thanks.
My observation was based on looking at what they did from a player perspective and reaching a conclusion.

The "observation" I castigated pretended concrete knowledge of sales numbers and internal developer projections.

so I'm not pretending to have secret insider knowledge, whereas he did.
Again, not that confusing.

In any case, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
I'm seeing plenty of players rocking the new emotes, which bodes well for its sales.
The next booster release will give us an indication of whether the devs really do love enraging players and not making any money because they try to sell garbage at Tiffany prices, or whether it was something they were trying out to gauge its feasibility.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
It seems obvious to me and is based on the observable data available to us outsiders, not the pretense that I know what numbers are flowing through their database.

I'm not sure why that distinction would confuse anyone.
I'd pay $2 for a /e facepalm





Originally Posted by SeedyXX View Post
I'd pay $2 for a /e facepalm


Actually, I think we might get that eventually

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
I got tired of this discussion a few days ago.
It's kinda competing with the "I'm worried about the Fitness pool being inherent" threads for the Go-Outside-And-Do-Something-Else prize

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



More customer feedback here!

Chalk me up as another uninterested customer. I've bough every pack/edition (Except the Deluxe DVD), they've released so far. This one I'm passing on. 8 emotes for $8? No thanks.

Really it's 7 new emotes and one recycled one (throwconfetti/throwsnow/throwrice/throwrosepedals/throwwhateverpartystuffitis)

I know this has been beaten to death at this point, but I'm a believer in customer feedback, so there's my 2 cents. Nothing new just another voice added to the cacophony.



I'll pass on this one but how about a travel pack next time? I'd love to see a grappling hook, an ice bridge ala Iceman or even a skateboard or jet as travel powers.



Originally Posted by corridor View Post

Really it's 7 new emotes and one recycles one (throwconfetti/throwsnow/throwrice/throwrosepedals/throwwhateverpartystuffitis)
Actually, the recycled one is the present opening from the Winter Event... so basically a 4(?) year old emote.

Ashes to ashes,

The Cape Radio

"It's good to have friends. Wish I did." - Troy Hickman



Originally Posted by Pheonyx View Post
Actually, the recycled one is the present opening from the Winter Event... so basically a 4(?) year old emote.

Ashes to ashes,
Ah, my bad. Someone was showing me the party emotes and added the throwconfetti in there for some odd reason.

Anyway, my point still stands. Boo.