Discussion: Party Pack Now Available In The NCsoft Store!




I would have purchased this in a heartbeat... for $4.00. Yes, a clean, even $4.00, not even $3.99 (does that seriously still fool people?).
As it is, nothing in there appeals to me in the slightest, it's money they lost for overpricing. It's set to OVER half the price of other packs that include costume pieces and temp powers. Please guys, rethink, you're losing money by trying to make it the wrong way.

Originally Posted by McNum View Post
Between the Loyalists and Resistance, I'd be tempted to support Praetorian Hamidon.
One side uses mind police and will "disappear" you and the other uses poison gas and bombs on civilians. Hamidon? He'll just have a tree eat you. Much simpler. If we're all going to be oppressed and/or killed by someone, it might as well be the walking trees. At least they don't speak in annoying code or doublespeak. They just devour you.



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
I can't see this as some sort of grand experiment when the more obvious "we need a booster pack - carve out those emotes and let's go" explanation works better. After all, if it had been planned, it's odd that the pack is about one emote from being called the Sports Pack.

I get that impression as well.

I'll have a better idea once the 3Q numbers are released to see what impact GR had on sales but it does seem like they were scrambling for more revenue but didn't have anything well thought out to release so they just grabbed what they could and tried to shoehorn it into a theme.

The fact that it's $2 less than the usual pack suggests they already know it doesn't have the same value as a normal booster.



Originally Posted by BunnyAnomaly View Post
$8 may not be a lot, but the value of this is less than even $8. Do better next time if you want my money...

PS I paid for a name change for $10 and it was worth more than this!
save 10 bucks by not picking a name you won't want by the next time you stare at it?

if ya wanna talk about something thats worth 10 bucks, getting 2 character slots for 10 bucks is better than paying for a name change.

Aside from that >_>;; A friend of mine bought the party back after seeing me dancing. there are plenty of people whether the people who constantly post on these threads all day realize it or not that there are those who really do use emotes often. just like a bunch have afk messages over their characters when they have to type something. It's more about how you feel about the things you do in this game and not so much about prices all the time.

im pretty sure for every 5 people who scoffed at this, there were 6 who bought it. I bought it and i am amused by it and that's more than enough for me to validate the purchase of it.

I remember when i first met my friend (one who bought the pack) he used to mix emotes together to create unique ones. i still remember the vahz walk, lol... goodtimes... goodtimes.. eh anyways. some people like using emotes and such...just like people like costume change emotes... i don't use those much but i do use them.. saying people don't use emotes often enough to validate an emote based pack is silly imo.

My Gamer Card

PS3 Trophies



Originally Posted by GeneralHospital View Post
No bar stools for you ! Use the freaking barrels like the rest of us common folk !
actually I've found a better bar stool, but.. is my seeeekrit.



The pack is fun I am really enjoying it but this would of been the perfect time to give players carnie and freakshow costume pieces. You know, like those carnie sashes, boots and corsets we've been asking for for awhile? I mean who else knows how to party like the carnival of shadows and the freakshow.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Not a chance. I bought everything else you people have tried to sell me but, I draw the line here. This "Emote Pack" is garbage and I want nothing to do with it. Further, I am now looking for another game to enjoy spending my time on, this one seems to be going down a road I am not willing to pay for.
I commend your self-restraint and lack of drama. Well done.

Seriously, no one is forcing you to by it. Its overpriced in my estimation too, but I'm not playing chicken little either. You know. The sky ain't falling.

53 Bots/FF/Mace Mastermind | 53 NRG/FF/Electricity Defender | 50 Time/Dual Pistols/Soul Defender | 50 Demons/FF/Mace Mastermind | 51 Necro/Dark/Soul Mastermind | 50 Thugs/Time/Mace Mastermind | 50 Ice/Ice/Arctic Tanker | 50 Plant/Rad/Earth Controller | 50 Illusion/Trick Arrow Controller | 50 Gravity/Force Field Controller
Yes, I like Force Fields.



Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
...and now for something a little different!

Positive Feedback!

These emotes are fantastic, I've been waiting 5 years for /e airguitar to be added. Thank you! Oh, and /e popdance is worth $8 by itself.

All I gotta say is, the pack is targeted at a specific group of people.. not everyone will buy it, and I'm ok with that. If you don't want it, don't buy it.. and leave it at that.
Ohhhh...why did you have to post that?????? It is one thing to say I will not buy an overpriced Emote pack....but seeing your toon with it....seeing the goods up close and personal....ohhhhhhhhhhh...must rethink a bit.

Lisa-whose thought processes right now much resemble Tunnel Rat's thinking.

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by SeedyXX View Post
What? Explain this ceiling.
I already have in several previous posts.

Costumes and powers are central to character realization in CoH.
Emotes are not. So an emote pack has a smaller built in constituency than a pack centered around something with more perceived utility to the 'average player'.

Basically, everybody loves costumes, everybody loves powers, not everybody loves emotes. All else being equal, a well run hamburger joint is going to draw in more customers than a well run Lithuanian restaurant because it has a broader audience to draw from. Ditto for a booster like this one- the appeal is to a very narrow band of the playerbase.

The content is developed. There are no further significant costs associated with this product. All that remains is to make sales and recoup costs and make profit.
They've set the price where they think it needs to be to realize their projected profit. You don't like the price, fair enough don't buy it. But it is what it is, and there's a reason for it.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Transaction History (Last 180 Days)
Date Order Number Item Total Status
Sep 14, 2010 20882178 City of Heroes® Party Pack $7.99 (USD) Paid

Transaction History (Last 180 Days)
Date Order Number Item Total Status
Sep 16, 2010 20912838 City of Heroes® Party Pack $7.99 (USD) Paid

Transaction History (Last 180 Days)
Date Order Number Item Total Status
Sep 16, 2010 20912896 City of Heroes® Party Pack $7.99 (USD) Paid

Hmmm . . . I wonder if those Order numbers are sequential. If so, they made 30,718 transactions between your first order and your last and 58 between your last two.

Of couse, not every transaction will have been a party pack transaction. And if I recall, the store is for all NCSoft products.

But still, 30 thousand transactions in two days is pretty impressive, I think.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
The pack is fun I am really enjoying it but this would of been the perfect time to give players carnie and freakshow costume pieces. You know, like those carnie sashes, boots and corsets we've been asking for for awhile? I mean who else knows how to party like the carnival of shadows and the freakshow.
This can't be disputed.


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Chill_Out View Post
I commend your self-restraint and lack of drama. Well done.

Seriously, no one is forcing you to by it. Its overpriced in my estimation too, but I'm not playing chicken little either. You know. The sky ain't falling.
Nope, decided not to do the whole explaination of what road I see this company taking. I've done it enough times already and have decided not to correct people who are not doing their homework anymore. They just are not worth the energy.



Originally Posted by renfuuma View Post

im pretty sure for every 5 people who scoffed at this, there were 6 who bought it.
And I think you are probably 100% correct.

I scoffed, I saw the video someone posted of his toon doing the pop dance, and now I might buy.

Chris Justice, my Kilt-wearing Fire/Energy Brute would have a ball with that Pop Dance...and my credit card is right here, and I am off today so I will not be buying lunch...hmmmm


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Nope, decided not to do the whole explaination of what road I see this company taking. I've done it enough times already and have decided not to correct people who are not doing their homework anymore. They just are not worth the energy.
Sigh. I did my homework, I was not going to buy it...but I do do emotes, and I still feel that there is a purpose behind the Devs suddenly coming out of left field and offering us a turkey booster pack when always before they have been simply splendid.

And, that Pop Dance video I saw sold me.

Lisa-Yes, I know, I am not worth the energy

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
If a business irritates a lot of its customers for a short-term financial gain, it's poor practise.
Businesses are constantly irritating their customers for short term gain.
Happily, most of their customers are less prone to carrying on about the cost of goods than gamers*.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Businesses are constantly irritating their customers for short term gain.
Happily, most of their customers are less prone to emo* carrying on about the cost of goods than gamers*.

*note that the 'emo' in this line does not refer to the many rational folk in this thread who weighed the purchase and decided it didn't deliver enough value, but to the ones carrying on about finding another game, people who buy it being stupid, posting giant protest pictures, etc etc.
Speaking of businesses irritating customers, I weigh all such business events in light of something from the early 1990s.

I had season tickets for 2 years to the then dreadfully bad Minnesota Timberwolves. My seats were $8.50 each the first two years (nose bleed section). The second year (their third season) they finished with an NBA worst 14 wins. (I believe another team recently tied or sank lower than that.)

They jacked my prices to $12.50 a seat. Why? Because they were so sure they would snag Shaq in the lottery. They didn't. So for a few years after that apart from when Michael Jordan and the Bulls or Shaq and the Magic came to town you could pick up any nose bleed seat and move down to the lower deck because it was deserted.

Now that was a bad business decision. This doesn't even come close.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Now that was a bad business decision.

I have a pal who is a Clipper season ticket holder, and their ticket prices seem to have an inverse relationship with their on-court performance...

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



In the words of the Eurovision Song Contest - Nil Pois.

$8 for emotes seems a bit money-grabby to me. If there were any costume pieces, costume change animations or temp powers in there it may have been worth it.

But emotes?

We are not amused.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
Hmmm . . . I wonder if those Order numbers are sequential. If so, they made 30,718 transactions between your first order and your last and 58 between your last two.

Of couse, not every transaction will have been a party pack transaction. And if I recall, the store is for all NCSoft products.

But still, 30 thousand transactions in two days is pretty impressive, I think.
I agree. I have to emphasize though that also counts EVERY electronic purchase. Not just for the packs, but for the electronic version of the game, and the all the monthly subscriptions including the "recurring" subscriptions.

That leads me to hope the player base of this game is growing and will continue to do so at least for a little while. It is nice to see so many people on the servers after all.

That, I think, is what put such a bad taste in my mouth over this "Emote Pack". At a time when you have such a huge influx of people to the game, why would you release a niche product that so few people will appreciate? Not only that, but to do it 2 weeks (or so) after the release of GR? That screams of opportunistic money grubbing to me. Now if they had released it as a freebie and put an in-game GMotD to tell everyone, just think of the good will it could have generated.

I don't have a problem with this game making money. If it didn't, we couldn't play any more and even though I do not appreciate the "new" micro-transaction model the company is taking (and am looking for a new game because of), I do want the game to continue. At least until I find another one that entertains me as much as this one does.

I am one of the people that remembers this company bragging about how they were so much different than all the other MMO's out there. How they didn't charge for additional content, and how they listen to their customers. Fact is I am not seeing a whole lot of that anymore. Maybe I am looking in the wrong places. I'm not a PvPer but that is a very good example of what I am talking about. They basically killed PvPing in Issue 13 and we are now at Issue 18 and it is still being left to rot.

I could almost agree that $8.00 isn't much money and certainly not worth worrying about to spend on this game but, that same money could be used to buy each of my two children three school lunches. I could buy an new tee-shirt, about a dozen pairs of socks, or several pounds of hamburger for dinners; so that argument just doesn't hold with me.

I can't even buy the whole argument that the "Wedding Pack" allowed them to create the VEATs. Or even that it allowed them to be made sooner. Fact is they basically had to make them since the HEATs were already out. But if I assume they were not stretching the truth when they said that, then what exactly is our monthly subscriptions paying for? I assumed that it was paying for things like salaries, offices and equipment, marketing, and continuing the evolution of the game. That last part is the most important. After all, how many players would stay more than a year or two if the game did not keep growing?

So what are these packs paying for now? I hope it is the PEATs (Praetorian Epic Arch-Types) as well as the addition of level 21-50 content in Praetoria. I hope it pays for better internal testing so the "Free" Issues are a lot less buggy on release. I even hope that they are paying for the improvement of the endgame content to come. But like I said before, isn't that the kind of stuff our monthly subscriptions are supposed to pay for?

OK, this is my last "rant". Though rant isn't the right word. I'm just too tired right now to have the energy to rant. Don't bother thinking you'll be getting rid of me anytime soon though. The last time I renewed my subscription, I used up the last of my blind trust in this company by paying for an entire year up front.



Anyways, i'm not sure how wise it is to "constantly irritate" customers when sales (which suggests subcriptions for the most part) have been dropping for the past year.

But to be fair, i'm sure to irritate is never the intention, just a possible result, but the effect is the same.



Seriously though, while the purchase was initially inspired by the overstated persecution complexes on display in the original thread as I thought about it I came to realize that as much as I play this game $8 isn't an expense I should even worry about. I re-upped for 12 months at a discount the last time my sub expired. Even factoring in the cost of this pack and the mutant booster I'll end up paying less than the base month-to-month over the course of the year.

So while the price does seem high for what you get, as a fan of the game it didn't make any sense for me NOT to buy it....even if the only use I get out of it is eliminating a twinge of annoyance when I open the emote menu and see some stuff grayed out... =P

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I already have in several previous posts.

Costumes and powers are central to character realization in CoH.
Emotes are not. So an emote pack has a smaller built in constituency than a pack centered around something with more perceived utility to the 'average player'.

Basically, everybody loves costumes, everybody loves powers, not everybody loves emotes. All else being equal, a well run hamburger joint is going to draw in more customers than a well run Lithuanian restaurant because it has a broader audience to draw from. Ditto for a booster like this one- the appeal is to a very narrow band of the playerbase.

They've set the price where they think it needs to be to realize their projected profit. You don't like the price, fair enough don't buy it. But it is what it is, and there's a reason for it.
Your previous posts didn't make much sense either. They have a profit target? A limit on how much money they wish to make? That's absurd.

This isn't exactly aimed at a niche. A niche would be the AV Club, but this has sports emotes for the jocks, dance emotes for the preppies and airguitar for the headbangers. That was pretty much my whole school. A niche would be 8 soccer emotes. If they have any business sense, they're appalled at the poor reception and will do better for future sales. Mark my words.




Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
So while the price does seem high for what you get, as a fan of the game it didn't make any sense for me NOT to buy it....even if the only use I get out of it is eliminating a twinge of annoyance when I open the emote menu and see some stuff grayed out... =P

Yes, i believe that's why companies that can, jump on the microtransaction bandwagon.

If they divide it into a small enough purchase, people are more likely to justify over paying, whether they realize it or not.

For me, i have difficulty with that because when i visualize combining the features of any 4 of the boosters ($40) worth and comparing that to another $40 purchase say GR complete (retail box) with the 30days free, i get a nasty twinge in my wallet.

( Actually it was $30 for me, took advantage of the BestBuy.com $10 discount )

Overall however, not sure how much of an impact these packs are having to sales. At most it might just minimize the drop.

[edit] Not sure about GR yet, have to wait till 3Q numbers are out then wait till February for 4Q to see if it has any lasting effects. [/edit]



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
I can't even buy the whole argument that the "Wedding Pack" allowed them to create the VEATs.
It didn't.
What it did do is create the financial resources to finish it up ahead of schedule and add it to whatever issue they were releasing, instead of having development drag on for some indeterminate time.

And given how long some stuff languished in Dev Purgatory in the old days, that was a not inconsiderable benefit to the playerbase.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by SeedyXX View Post
Your previous posts didn't make much sense either. They have a profit target? A limit on how much money they wish to make? That's absurd.
If they project that 12% of the playerbase would be interested in Project X they can look at the costs of Project X and come up with a price that will generate the profit they need to justify going forward.

Pricing Project X less will not necessarily result in enough extra sales to make the project viable because only a small % of their customer base will be interested it as anything but a free perk of their sub.

It isn't that complicated.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Transaction History (Last 180 Days)
Date Order Number Item Total Status
Sep 14, 2010 20882178 City of Heroes® Party Pack $7.99 (USD) Paid

Transaction History (Last 180 Days)
Date Order Number Item Total Status
Sep 16, 2010 20912838 City of Heroes® Party Pack $7.99 (USD) Paid

Transaction History (Last 180 Days)
Date Order Number Item Total Status
Sep 16, 2010 20912896 City of Heroes® Party Pack $7.99 (USD) Paid
Uhm... good for you?