Discussion: Party Pack Now Available In The NCsoft Store!




Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
I couldn't get my pets to do the emotes last night. Are they supposed to be able to do these new ones?
I've seen people's pets doing the emotes (I remember at the Justice party a group of Thugs doing the MJ dance, plus all air guitaring).


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Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Didn't most of you that have been complaining about the content of this Pack do the same in the previous thread that announced the pack's contents?

Why do we need two threads of kvetching? How about we stick to complaints about things like not being able to buy the pack in the store, or bugs. The content of this pack is set in stone, not going to change. Either buy it or don't. I think they heard every complaint there is to hear in the last thread.

The next pack that makes 100% of the people happy will be the first.
You're 100% correct. And 100% silly for expecting logic on internet forums.

Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
I really, really don't get the anger this pack is generating. If you don't think this pack is worth than just don't buy it. That'll teach'em. I don't get the need to get all bent out of shape about it.
Welcome to the internet, where people complain, just because they can.

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I don't see anyone beyond the usual whinner babys 'getting bent out of shape' over this.

What I see is a great deal of respectable forum goers voicing their concern that this is bad form. Not using hyperbole, not desperately trying to sound smarter than everyone.

The french got a perfectly understandable response concerning the overwhelmingly negative feedback.

That, in fact, is all that most of us are looking for at this point. The pack is in the store. So for one thing the 'discussion' thread needs to be locked. Beyond that, if this was my company, I'd be writing up some kind of boilerplate reponse. Bad feelings towards a company, even if they are bogus, do more to damage an image than any bad product can.
No apology is needed... This is business afterall.
No explanation is needed... It's their business plan.
A simple, we saw the feedback and have passed it on to the concerned department would instantly make 80% of us chalk this up to 'just another thing' and move on.

Instead of allowing this to keep growing and festering and spreading into the actual game. How sad is it that anyone in game I see with the emotes gets booed in broadcast?

The pack isn't a big deal, it isn't gamebreaking and you can in fact enjoy the game without ever buying it.
The bad PR is on track to derail said enjoyment for a great deal of people though... Even the ones who have no clue we even have a forum!

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I just tried again to purchase it, and it told me to try again tomorrow, or to go see one of their retailers.
I really don't care anyone if anyone buys this thing or not. I won't waste my money but, your welcome to if you want. But seriously, how many times do you have to be told no by the very company that is trying to sell it to you before you get the hint?



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
You're 100% correct. And 100% silly for expecting logic on internet forums.

Welcome to the internet, where people complain, just because they can.

The irony of posts like these never cease to amuse me. An active participant on an internet forum trying to discredit internet forum posters, then complaining about internet forum posters complaints...

For those who are thrilled to be paying eight bucks for a pack of emotes that were probably supposed to originally be in GR, on top of paying a monthly fee for less and less content included in just that price, then feel free to post about how thrilled you are.

At the same time, other supporters of this game who are not happy with this trend will post about their displeasure with a pack like this, in a crazy attempt to stop the people who are running this game from pissing off more and more customers until it gets to the point that this game bleeds out. And these posters, myself included, are not doing it just to complain, it's because we care about this game and want it to succeed. If we didn't care, we simply would not bother to post anything at all.

I'm encouraged to see that even on the dev-friendly boards, that such a vast majority of posters can see that this pack is potentially the start of a very bad trend, and are voicing their displeasure to those responsible. Hopefully someone is listening.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
I really don't care anyone if anyone buys this thing or not. I won't waste my money but, your welcome to if you want. But seriously, how many times do you have to be told no by the very company that is trying to sell it to you before you get the hint?

No more, it worked the last time I tried

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Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
The irony of posts like these never cease to amuse me. An active participant on an internet forum trying to discredit internet forum posters, then complaining about internet forum posters complaints...
Very true.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
The way things have played out leads me to the rather inevitable conclusion that *someone* wanted to see what kind of reception a narrowly focused pack would get.

Once the content is developed, there are no further production costs and no reason to limit sales numbers. Since all transactions are digital from generating the unique code to processing the sale, it costs practically the same to sell one unit as 1 million. They should be seeking a price*sales maximum while also considering generating positive buzz and goodwill among fans. But I'm in chemistry, not business. *shrug*




I think I'm getting this just to start my mastermind's Robot Dance troop!

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Sound Judgement Son/Son
Cobra Lily Plant/Kin
Celestia, FF/Psy
Nefertiri, Storm/Elec
Pixie, Ill/Rad
Guardian Server



Yeah no thanks - should have given them to everyone that attended the party instead.



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
I don't see anyone beyond the usual whinner babys 'getting bent out of shape' over this.

What I see is a great deal of respectable forum goers voicing their concern that this is bad form. Not using hyperbole, not desperately trying to sound smarter than everyone.

The french got a perfectly understandable response concerning the overwhelmingly negative feedback.

That, in fact, is all that most of us are looking for at this point. The pack is in the store. So for one thing the 'discussion' thread needs to be locked. Beyond that, if this was my company, I'd be writing up some kind of boilerplate reponse. Bad feelings towards a company, even if they are bogus, do more to damage an image than any bad product can.
No apology is needed... This is business afterall.
No explanation is needed... It's their business plan.
A simple, we saw the feedback and have passed it on to the concerned department would instantly make 80% of us chalk this up to 'just another thing' and move on.

Instead of allowing this to keep growing and festering and spreading into the actual game. How sad is it that anyone in game I see with the emotes gets booed in broadcast?

The pack isn't a big deal, it isn't gamebreaking and you can in fact enjoy the game without ever buying it.
The bad PR is on track to derail said enjoyment for a great deal of people though... Even the ones who have no clue we even have a forum!
Well said, and This I agree with.

And for the record Nether- I have several friends whom no longer play, they didn't come here in the thread, they didn't ragequit they simply said good bye and left. I will see them elsewhere. This is more common then people would believe.

But whatever. As the game changes and moves away from being what it was to being something else, people will move on. When will they figure it out, who knows. Will any of us extremely longtime players still be here if they ever do, unknown.


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Originally Posted by Coolbreese View Post
I may be mistaken, but didn't at one point the devs say the money from the Wedding Pack allowed them to put out VEATS?

Maybe this pack will help push something else up sooner.
Was there ever an explaination as to how that worked, exactly? I remember them saying
it, but I don't recall anyone expanding on it as to how it allowed them to do so.

I mean, did they hire more people with the proceeds? License some graphical bits and
sound effects? Use it as bribe money for the higher ups, left in a bag behind a washroom



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Instead of allowing this to keep growing and festering and spreading into the actual game. How sad is it that anyone in game I see with the emotes gets booed in broadcast?
I've seen it taken a step further. I've seen a couple people kicked from teams for doing the party pack emotes.



I have no problems whatsoever with NCSoft selling little niche packs on top of their normal updates, as long as they aren't providing less in their normal updates to compensate for that. And while it sounds possible that that's what they did for the emotes that were supposedly in GR, I can't think of any evidence that it's been done for any of the previous packs.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
As stated before, not buying this pack, as I don't think it's a good value for what it delivers. But with the quotes above, Nether - they had all the feedback in the announcement of the pack with quite a number saying "If it were cheaper, I would buy it." "I'm going to buy it" and "I absolutely won't no matter what the cost" seemed to be the minority responses there.

Market research? They had it in that thread. A boatload of it. And it wasn't acted on - either by increasing what's in the pack, or lowering the price of it. So you'll excuse me if I can't buy that as an excuse.
I can only assume that the marketing group decided that they wouldn't be able to sell the amount extra they'd need if they decreased the price. If they expected to sell x copies at $8 each, then they'd need to be confident of selling 2x copies at $4 each to make the same amount.

I personally think that $1 per emote is overpriced and that $4 would have been a more reasonable price for the pack. I still wouldn't have bought it anyway since I'm not into emotes like some people are, but it wouldn't have seemed such a ripoff compared to the price and contents of the other packs.



Originally Posted by Lady_of_Ysgard View Post
I've seen it taken a step further. I've seen a couple people kicked from teams for doing the party pack emotes.
That's a really dickish thing to do.



ok, i didn't read this whole thread (too many "i'm not buying it/it's not worth the money" posts) but here's the thing, i did buy it (i bought everything else, so i figured "why not?") and i have to agree, it's not worth the money. so, $8 for 8 emotes, but what do you actually get? well, 1 of them is just the open gift emote that everyone gets during the winter event, um woo?, and the other 7? cool ideas but ultimately animated very badly. i really like the idea of these though, they consist of something like 3-4 sub-animations that are then randomly selected and strung together so that you arn't just looping the same thing over and over. unfortunately, the transitions between those different sub-animations arn't always very good and the animations themselves are often times jerky and clumsy. so basically, great idea with these, but they really weren't polished enough to be released for free, much less for money, and while i'd love to see more in the future (if they're done better) i'm not going to be spending any money buying emote-only packs ever again. also, these don't work in lobster form and that's really annoying, stop doing that. and while they do work in granite form, they look a lot worse, especially the sports ones.



Originally Posted by Lady_of_Ysgard View Post
I've seen it taken a step further. I've seen a couple people kicked from teams for doing the party pack emotes.
That's completely asinine. Anyone I see doing that will get a nice lil note, one star, and never invited to any team I'm a part of again. Heck, i'll probably report them (which is something I rarely do), as it's a clear form of harassment.

Anyone who likes the pack as is, and thinks it's worth the $8 bucks to them, should be allowed to do so with no repercussions.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Wait, are we supposed to suddenly start taking the threats and complaints of forumgoers as some kind of gospel truth?


I ascribe to that old saying 'the proof of the pudding is in the eating'. The only way for them to know how an $8 booster full of emotes would actually sell was to offer a booster full of emotes for $8.
So the only way to know how succulent baby meat burgers would actually sell is to sell them? Yes, i know a lot of market research is bunkum, but this position seems absurdly to the opposite extreme from having blind faith in marketing surveys.

They engaged the complaints about the Mutant pack because what was delivered was counter to longtime forum expectations. With this pack, it seems pretty cut and dried- "here's a pack of emotes for 8 bucks". If they thought it would sell better at a lower price point they'd have released it at a lower price point. If they wanted to broaden its appeal by sticking in some costume bits or a power, they'd have done so.

The way things have played out leads me to the rather inevitable conclusion that *someone* wanted to see what kind of reception a narrowly focused pack would get.

It's really not the narrow focus most people have a problem with in regards to the pack. It's the price point that's the issue to most people. If you count the cc animations as emotes, and from a development standpoint i would think they'd require as much or more work done by the same team, then the magic pack had as many or even more emotes with a power and dozens of costumes pieces included for $2 more.

To me the most surprising thing is that i and many others have posted that they would've purchased this pack at half its price point. Seriously, creating costume pieces and new powers (with unique animations) must require less than 5% of the development budget that porting/recreating NPC animations as emotes for PCs does for the party pack's price point to make sense.

Dr. Todt's theme.
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Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
That's completely asinine. Anyone I see doing that will get a nice lil note, one star, and never invited to any team I'm a part of again. Heck, i'll probably report them (which is something I rarely do), as it's a clear form of harassment.

Anyone who likes the pack as is, and thinks it's worth the $8 bucks to them, should be allowed to do so with no repercussions.
This i agree with.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Hmm . . . booting someone from a team for doing one of the new emotes? Yes, that would be extreme and I would quit the team myself. Heckling them in Broadcast for using the emote? I would probably report that kind of behavior myself.

But make no mistakes, I have no problem laughing at them and letting them know I am laughing in a private or team tell. Something along the lines of:

"You mean you actually paid the $8.00 for those emotes? HHHAAAaaaaaa!"



No Costumes, No Power, No Buy...
Sorry Devs, We love you but we can't be ripped off like that. Costumes and Powers have been the primary drive for most of the boosters so far. A booster with only emotes, (4 more then the first pack but still only emotes), for only one dollar less then the rest of the packs is severely overpriced.

I will not be purchasing this booster, which is a shame cuase I have bought all the others on release day... This on just disappointed me.

PS: Want to make it work 9.00 without having to balance a power, give us the NPC Costume powers from PAX and all the other stuff. I would pay 9.00 for those and a group of emotes... That would be worth it to me, even without actualy costume pieces to use.

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
So the only way to know how succulent baby meat burgers would actually sell is to sell them?
Failed comparison fails.

It's really not the narrow focus most people have a problem with in regards to the pack.
It really is.
While there are some negatives saying "I'd buy it for xxx" there are more saying "emotes? WTH, gimme costume parts suckas!"

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Look Guys NcSoft has the right to sell anything they want on there Website Store and not everything going to be to your guys liking.

Stop Complaining about it, because like it or not It doesn't change a thing.

Also it up to the Player if they want to buy it or not

Let NcSoft Be and that that, nothing going to change, Complaining about it won't Change there mind about adding on to the booster pack or Reducing the Price. The Party Pack is up there in the Store and is here to Stay.

Stop Whining about it and lets moved on.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

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Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Hmm . . . booting someone from a team for doing one of the new emotes? Yes, that would be extreme and I would quit the team myself. Heckling them in Broadcast for using the emote? I would probably report that kind of behavior myself.

But make no mistakes, I have no problem laughing at them and letting them know I am laughing in a private or team tell. Something along the lines of:

"You mean you actually paid the $8.00 for those emotes? HHHAAAaaaaaa!"
Makes me glad I won mine.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by SeedyXX View Post
Once the content is developed, there are no further production costs and no reason to limit sales numbers. Since all transactions are digital from generating the unique code to processing the sale, it costs practically the same to sell one unit as 1 million. They should be seeking a price*sales maximum while also considering generating positive buzz and goodwill among fans. But I'm in chemistry, not business. *shrug*
it has a limited buy ceiling by its very nature and underpricing it does no favors to their bottom line.
Forum reality is that an 'all emote' pack was going to catch a lot of flack from the locals regardless of the price point.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone