Discussion: Party Pack Now Available In The NCsoft Store!




Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
Look Guys NcSoft has the right to sell anything they want on there Website Store and not everything going to be to your guys liking.

Stop Complaining about it, because like it or not It doesn't change a thing.

Also it up to the Player if they want to buy it or not

Let NcSoft Be and that that, nothing going to change, Complaining about it won't Change there mind about adding on to the booster pack or Reducing the Price. The Party Pack is up there in the Store and is here to Stay.

Stop Whining about it and lets moved on.
I agree. I'm ready to move on towards other things...


Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
Look Guys NcSoft has the right to sell anything they want on there Website Store and not everything going to be to your guys liking.

Stop Complaining about it, because like it or not It doesn't change a thing.

Also it up to the Player if they want to buy it or not

Let NcSoft Be and that that, nothing going to change, Complaining about it won't Change there mind about adding on to the booster pack or Reducing the Price. The Party Pack is up there in the Store and is here to Stay.

Stop Whining about it and lets moved on.
How hard is it to understand that criticizing business decisions will never stop? If people are concerned, they're going to voice their opinion and plenty have done it in a constructive manner. It being optional is NOT the point. People were already worried about the micro-transaction trend before this pack even came out.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
It really is.
While there are some negatives saying "I'd buy it for xxx" there are more saying "emotes? WTH, gimme costume parts suckas!"
I'm not prepared to tally up all the different comments, but this is my impression too.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
A lot of folk in this thread seem to be profoundly uninformed about how businesses work.
If a business irritates a lot of its customers for a short-term financial gain, it's poor practise. For many people the lack of value in the Party Pack is a turn-off, as has been the lack of communication on the issue, as is the idea that such packs may be the future. Booster packs have always walked the line of offering something worth their price tag and the Party Pack has failed miserably on that in general forum opinion.

There's also some fairly simple ways of modelling price and demand curves that don't involve going live first. I can't see this as some sort of grand experiment when the more obvious "we need a booster pack - carve out those emotes and let's go" explanation works better. After all, if it had been planned, it's odd that the pack is about one emote from being called the Sports Pack.



Ok to be honest, just 8 Emotes for $8.00 USD is not worth it to me, even if $CaD is almost par. That's a straight forward honest feedback opinion, not whining. That Fact I would consider buy this for $4.00 USD is also constructive Feedback, along with the fact I would consider paying $8.00 USD if there were either double the emotes OR costume pieces & temp power like Fortune (say a non-stacking selfbuff).

These are simple peices of Feedback to let the PS staff know what the value of this Pack is TO ME, & what would be needed to Make this Pack valuable enough for me to spend money on it. No more no less, as several other people have done in as sensible manner.

This feedback is valuable in that it lets the staff know how I feel about this pack & how to lure me into buying the next one. More Valuable in some ways then simply not buying cause I've taken the time to tell them why I'm not buying, just as loyal customers have done with me when I was in Retail & we got something in from a regular line of products that they perceved to be out of line cost & or quality wise with previous products from that line.

The fact that my feedback opinion echos so many others does not denegrate my opinion, it just reconfirms that I am one of many with similar feeling. No more then it Denegrates those that feel differently. All opinions are valid feedback in their own ways, some just demonstrate the inability some people have to accept different different views & the fact that this & other threads are here for those views to be expressed. Enough said on that.

Now for those whom are being ignorant enough to punish those ingame whom use the gestures packs, they deserve condemnation for their Cranial Rectal Inversed Behavior. I for one would be sore dissapointed in any of my SG mates, reguardless of Side or Server whom I saw behaving in such a manner for I consider it harrasment. There is no need to Boo, Heckle or Boot a person for choosing to Buy or getting to Win the Emote pack & enjoying the fruits of their endevour. Now having a good laugh @ some of the emotes, sure, I almost pissed myself watching the MJ dance someone was kind enough to record & Post!

Now before some of you point out any of my Spelling differences as a way to make fun of me as a feeble attempt to discredit what I have said, some of them are not errors, just Canadian. Others are genuine errors which the Typo Fairies had much fun causing me to make. If you feel small enough that you need to make fun of those to feel better about yourself, go right ahead, as it's no skin off my nose.

/em GetOffSoapBox

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I don't feel party emotes is worth $8.00, so I'll pass on this one. RP'ers may see it differently and buy it for more flexibility in RP. Paragon Studio fanbois (much in the sense of Apple or Linux fanboi-ism) will lap it up and yell STFU to anyone who says otherwise.

There's plenty of positive and negative reasons out there that the pack speaks for itself... But getting on people for how they rationalize spending money on a non-tangible entertainment product (like your monthly sub fee perhaps?) makes about as much sense as rationalizing the reason why you play City of Heroes at all to someone who views MMO participation as a total waste of money. If you dig it, get it. If not, don't partake. No need to scream bloody murder or bake entire theories over it.



Despite the cost arguement and the somewhat limited perview that the emotes are useful in...

I gotta say, they are very slick. If this is the sort of quality we can expect on stuff like alternate power animations, future emotes and other stuff? That's a very good thing. 'cos someone obviously took some time out to do a decent job on these.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
Look Guys NcSoft has the right to sell anything they want on there Website Store and not everything going to be to your guys liking.

Stop Complaining about it, because like it or not It doesn't change a thing.

Also it up to the Player if they want to buy it or not

Let NcSoft Be and that that, nothing going to change, Complaining about it won't Change there mind about adding on to the booster pack or Reducing the Price. The Party Pack is up there in the Store and is here to Stay.

Stop Whining about it and lets moved on.
People aren't complaining simply because they don't like it. In fact, I've seen many of the people who voiced concern over it say "The animations are very well done, but...." There is never anything wrong with voicing concern over something you think is a bad decision.

Originally Posted by Tahquitz View Post
I don't feel party emotes is worth $8.00, so I'll pass on this one. RP'ers may see it differently and buy it for more flexibility in RP. Paragon Studio fanbois (much in the sense of Apple or Linux fanboi-ism) will lap it up and yell STFU to anyone who says otherwise.

There's plenty of positive and negative reasons out there that the pack speaks for itself... But getting on people for how they rationalize spending money on a non-tangible entertainment product (like your monthly sub fee perhaps?) makes about as much sense as rationalizing the reason why you play City of Heroes at all to someone who views MMO participation as a total waste of money. If you dig it, get it. If not, don't partake. No need to scream bloody murder or bake entire theories over it.
I have purchased every booster, collector's edition, and box that has been released so far, including the Architect Edition which really didn't give you anything, so I probably fall into that list of "fanbois" you mentioned.

It rather worries me that we can't have a simple discussion in which the overwhelming majority of people don't like something without these kinds of comments being made. Since when did dissent equate to "screaming bloody murder" or "baking entire theories?" If people didn't care about the game, they wouldn't speak up when something is happening that they think is detrimental to the game.

My personal concern over the pack has nothing to do with the quality of the work that went into it. All the emotes are very nicely done, and shows once again the enormous talent of the CoH art department. What the emotes are is not my concern. What concerns me is that this is the kind of stuff that used to be put free into issues. There's no reason these emotes shouldn't have been included in GR

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Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Despite the cost arguement and the somewhat limited perview that the emotes are useful in...

I gotta say, they are very slick. If this is the sort of quality we can expect on stuff like alternate power animations, future emotes and other stuff? That's a very good thing. 'cos someone obviously took some time out to do a decent job on these.
Not trying to start a fight Techbot, but the two dance emotes I have seen did not look that way to me. The best way I could describe them would be jittery? Stilted? Not sure if those are the right words, but the dances just didn't flow properly in my opinion. Oh and before you start blaming my computer or video card, I can assure you they both are running the game just fine.



Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Thanks, but no thanks



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Not trying to start a fight Techbot, but the two dance emotes I have seen did not look that way to me. The best way I could describe them would be jittery? Stilted? Not sure if those are the right words, but the dances just didn't flow properly in my opinion. Oh and before you start blaming my computer or video card, I can assure you they both are running the game just fine.
Yeah, theres a little bit of 'jitter' in a way, in the parts where it switches from one part to another. I think, given that parts of any loop animation are randomised, thats simply an occupational hazard. But the actual parts, like the bouncing basketball and football keepy-ups, considering thats a whole other entity spawned in the animation, are quite impressive.

I just think it may be a precursor to shinier stuff in future. Although I will agree and advise that the new shiny gets made part of the regular updates. Because they have become quite sparse in stuff like emotes and costumes for a while now.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Party pack? Eight bucks?? Where my party hat? Where my vuve.. veluz.. volkswa.. noise makers? Where my water balloon (perma-)temp power(recolored snowball temp with a splash noise on impact)? Where my claimable base items like the neon laser light things and a disco ball and a bar tap, and a pool table and a basketball backboard and a soccer goal and for god's sake bar stools! ?



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Not trying to start a fight Techbot, but the two dance emotes I have seen did not look that way to me. The best way I could describe them would be jittery? Stilted? Not sure if those are the right words, but the dances just didn't flow properly in my opinion. Oh and before you start blaming my computer or video card, I can assure you they both are running the game just fine.
The stripper....I mean disco dance is great. It is life like enough that I felt a twinge of guilt while watching a scantily clad female character doing it.

Really if some one is kicking people from a team for using an emote, I don't want to be on their team. I may report them, and I would sure spend some time ridiculing them in public, and to the whole of my G-friends List. I would also surly post the story on the boards.

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No bar stools for you ! Use the freaking barrels like the rest of us common folk !

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it has a limited buy ceiling by its very nature and underpricing it does no favors to their bottom line.
Forum reality is that an 'all emote' pack was going to catch a lot of flack from the locals regardless of the price point.
What? Explain this ceiling. The content is developed. There are no further significant costs associated with this product. All that remains is to make sales and recoup costs and make profit. Overpricing is more unhealthy than underpricing in digital transactions. Increased sales don't require retooling a factory or managing supply chains or hiring sales staff or increased warehouse and sales floor space.

This game has a ton of people that make automatic day 1 purchases of everything this company puts out. People are happy to support this game and the devs. They didn't set out to make something to be unappealing to their biggest fans. Flack is to be expected from the fringe, but getting it from the core is a gross miscalculation.




I got thinking about the whole "People are getting booted off teams for using these emotes" statement someone made and I have to admit, I have seen it once, but in this one case the kid was a complete @#$%^%# for most of a Task Force and in the last mission he had the immaturity to use the "Push Ups?" emote or whatever it is called over a female toon that had just died. The leader was like "OK, enough is enough, Good-bye!" and booted him. That time I had no problem with it, but as I said earlier, Globally or Broadcast harassing someone or kicking them from a team for no other reason would just be wrong. Locally laughing at them, whether in team or private chat, is still fair game though in my opinion.



After reading every single post here it is eighty percent overwhelmed with negative feedback, and sixty-three percent of this eighty have refused the buy. I liking this pack but there also should of been the Thriller dance which could of possibly been loved by a majority. Who doesn't wanting to do the Thriller?! I do believe maybe you should of added in extra dances, or a few more emotes with this pack and kept to same price. The '' sexy dance '' which was cut due to '' family oriented game'' is perhaps an issue that I can understand, however the two others removed by Marketing was not a good idea. I do know how long it took you to make this and why it didn't make the deadline for Going Rogue but many do not. Perhaps you should make clear that these emotes were special-made like the Wedding pack which took almost four months to complete. This was planned a head of time but was unable to be finished due to circumstances outside of control and time constraints; these motions are not easy to animate.

However, this does not excuse the lack of the Temporary Power suggested for this pack, and I know this was test to see how public reacted and as such it was extremely and possibly overly sought with negative response. Marketing team, please review your further launches with this understanding.

With that said I hope Halloween pack includes the ''forbidden'' along with special temp power. Or perhaps maybe to balance out problems with emote pack in the community; make bundle packs, put in store the '' costume themes '' for Artemis, Freakshow, Carnival, and other items many were unable to get for Cons. Perhaps they can be a little higher price due to being Event-related releases but something must be done.

I personally would like to see the Knives of Artemis, Harlequin & Ring Mistress costume powers for sale at some point in future at the store, or more costume pieces. AND the thriller dance emote.

Good luck, and hopefully this is lesson you take to heart.

Mishii <3




Setting aside all the commentary about the commentary...

It is not a good deal. But I bought it anyway because I wanted the air guitar emote (as mentioned earlier in the thread).

But seeing some people are actually slamming people who buy it (or won it) has inspired me to buy it for my other 2 accounts and all 3 will have MMs in doing the emotes (except for demons ) in Atlas Park.

Because frankly the lowest form of person is the one who slams someone for having it and I want to find them all so I can 1-star them.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by MishiiLove View Post
After reading every single post here it is eighty percent overwhelmed with negative feedback, and sixty-three percent of this eighty have refused the buy. I liking this pack but there also should of been the Thriller dance which could of possibly been loved by a majority. Who doesn't wanting to do the Thriller?! I do believe maybe you should of added in extra dances, or a few more emotes with this pack and kept to same price. The '' sexy dance '' which was cut due to '' family oriented game'' is perhaps an issue that I can understand, however the two others removed by Marketing was not a good idea. I do know how long it took you to make this and why it didn't make the deadline for Going Rogue but many do not. Perhaps you should make clear that these emotes were special-made like the Wedding pack which took almost four months to complete. This was planned a head of time but was unable to be finished due to circumstances outside of control and time constraints; these motions are not easy to animate.

However, this does not excuse the lack of the Temporary Power suggested for this pack, and I know this was test to see how public reacted and as such it was extremely and possibly overly sought with negative response. Marketing team, please review your further launches with this understanding.

With that said I hope Halloween pack includes the ''forbidden'' along with special temp power. Or perhaps maybe to balance out problems with emote pack in the community; make bundle packs, put in store the '' costume themes '' for Artemis, Freakshow, Carnival, and other items many were unable to get for Cons. Perhaps they can be a little higher price due to being Event-related releases but something must be done.

I personally would like to see the Knives of Artemis, Harlequin & Ring Mistress costume powers for sale at some point in future at the store, or more costume pieces. AND the thriller dance emote.

Good luck, and hopefully this is lesson you take to heart.

Mishii <3
Good points Mishii. I personally am not a Michael Jackson fan and so the "Thriller Dance" would be worthless for me, but I do know many would like it and I think watching a Necro MM having his pets do it would be cool once or twice.

On the subject of the costume "Powers" though, I do not think I would be willing to buy a "Costume Power Pack". I would love to have most of the enemy costumes as costume sets, but not powers. My personal favorite is the Carnival of Shadows costumes, one of which can be "almost" duplicated for female characters using the jester costume with some tweaks.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Setting aside all the commentary about the commentary...

It is not a good deal. But I bought it anyway because I wanted the air guitar emote (as mentioned earlier in the thread).

But seeing some people are actually slamming people who buy it (or won it) has inspired me to buy it for my other 2 accounts and all 3 will have MMs in doing the emotes (except for demons ) in Atlas Park.

Because frankly the lowest form of person is the one who slams someone for having it and I want to find them all so I can 1-star them.
Save your self some money and one star me now just for what I think of you.

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post

Thanks for the laugh im in work and needed it lol



Originally Posted by Seth Fist View Post
Wow sir, you taught them all a lesson! Now you can show them exactly what immaturity looks like . . . I mean how it gets rewarded!
I am really not sure what you are trying to say but the people who cannot handle someone spending their money as they want to could use a good slap from reality. Especially on something as trivial as $8 in a computer game.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by capnkangaroo View Post

Thanks for the laugh im in work and needed it lol
haha, your welcome.

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Transaction History (Last 180 Days)
Date Order Number Item Total Status
Sep 14, 2010 20882178 City of Heroes® Party Pack $7.99 (USD) Paid

Transaction History (Last 180 Days)
Date Order Number Item Total Status
Sep 16, 2010 20912838 City of Heroes® Party Pack $7.99 (USD) Paid

Transaction History (Last 180 Days)
Date Order Number Item Total Status
Sep 16, 2010 20912896 City of Heroes® Party Pack $7.99 (USD) Paid

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total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.