Discussion: Party Pack Now Available In The NCsoft Store!




Seriously, you guys could have work on more important things that have been bugged for weeks or months? I think you’ve wasted your time and resources working on a booster pack that maybe 1% or less of your population would even buy.

How about looking through the Suggestions and Ideas thread, maybe pick up on a few ideas there. Why not work on something we’ve all been asking for years? Instead you give us this………

No thanks....I'll pass.



I have patiently waited since after the initial posting of information about the forthcoming 'party pack' to see if the forumites of CoH, or for that matter, common sense, would have 2x4'd some synaptic activity in those that intended to push out/publish this abomination of a paid-for pack.

Here it is, release day, and it's the same pathetic high price and the same minimalist content from the initial posting. Seems that all the yelling, stomping, logical discusssion, and value discussions that were provided on these forums fell on deaf ears.

I am truly disappointed in NCSoft and in particluar, those that pushed/published this pack. Whoever 'you' particular folks are, you have sold the veteran players of this game short, and simultaneously, potentially demotivated new players from buying booster packs altogether. Your insistance to push this out 'as is' has left a foul feeling in my love for this game, since, knowing standard business practices, this is going to trend to what we shall be getting for that particular (over)priced set of items.

I do not, in any way, feel the emotes are poorly done; quite the contrary - they are well done. The emotes simply should have been included in Going Rogue's Expansion Pack/Complete Collection. With the loss of the Alpha Slot, however small of an intro that would have been to the Incarnate System, a small peace offering of these emotes would have at least assuaged, in my mind, a small percentile of the feeling of a loss of material that would have/could have been introduced in Going Rogue.

But no.

'The powers that be' decided to rip some emotes already used by Going Rogue NPCs and add a couple more for flavor and instead slap an inflated price tag on it. For some of our players who are completionists or actually enjoy the emotes for their current value, I'm sure even as they toss their dollars at you, they are thinking 'they (NCSoft/Paragon Studios) could have done better for a pack'.

After the long wait, and now seeing that it is still the same pathetic pack initially introduced, I am teaming with the majority here and stating this pack has little to no value for me.

I'm sad that I have to write something like this to a game that I truly love, but enough is enough. The value of this pack is poor. You could have done better, as you always have in the past. My only wish is that this DOESN'T set a trend for smaller, crappier-content-ladened packs and booster packs down the line. I will not rage quit or the such; I have too much repsect for the game, but my extra dollars will not be applied to such a pitiful pack such as this.

/party pack fail



I have bought everything you guys ever made... but this is just too overpriced for stuff that I will prob never use... Will skip it for now and see if I am going to miss it in the long run. Then descide again.

This 'Party Pack' should have been a complete booster and include the clothing options for the emotes (basketball clothing; soccer clothing; flashy disco outfits etc.) and maybe a temp power that enhanced your regen during any dance emote use or something.


The price should be as low as $2.99...

Think about this... You are making this game into an addon one and youre subscribers are noticing it. It is what most of us hate about the free games around. And those are free! COX is not. As only emotes these should have just been added to Issue 19...

Sorry... but here is a fail... Even if the emotes do look good.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Originally Posted by Marsha_Mallow View Post
Seriously, you guys could have work on more important things that have been bugged for weeks or months? I think you’ve wasted your time and resources working on a booster pack that maybe 1% or less of your population would even buy.

How about looking through the Suggestions and Ideas thread, maybe pick up on a few ideas from there. Why not work on something we’ve all been asking for, for years? Instead you give us this………gee thanks, I guess.

No thanks....I'll pass.
Well to be technically fair people have be wanting an Air Guitar emote in these forums for years now. Whether it was cool enough to be stuck in a Party Pack like this is debatable but people have wanted it for years. Just saying.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



So i was wrong about the pack being more than just emotes?

Wow. Way to fail, marketing team.

Any chance that, by the end of the week, we can see how many suc- er, people bought the pack? I'd really, REALLY like to know how sales of an all emote pack compare to the fully-fleshed out packs.

I honestly hope sales are abysmal so that emotes get put back into free issues where they belong, or packed with other purchasable goodies at the very least. I'd hate, hate, HATE to see new issues be only 2 misisons and 1 costume, while you guys are selling off everything else that should have been in a given issue in an over-priced* booster.

*: Note, prices of boosters to date have been fair, but this? 1 buck per emote? Not cool. Also not cool is how progressively "lighter" each free issue has been. Granted, they're free, and we ARE a bit spoiled, but suddenly a free issue doesn't seem worthwhile when i have to buy 2 booster packs worth of stuff just to get everything i would have gotten a few years ago for free =/

To put it another way, if someone hasn't bought ANY booster packs, they're missing out on over a DOZEN costume sets, 6 powers (which vary from okay to VERY handy), and now almost 30 emotes? Meanwhile you guys launched a free issue that amounted to one new TF per side, another that had barely more than 2 mission arcs per side, and now a paid expansion that only covers 20 levels?

Now, I'm not angry, but I am suddenly becoming concerned with NCSoft's/Paragon Studios' marketing practices. You guys have been putting an emphasis on quality over quantity, and while I beleive that's a good thing overall, looking at the numbers, i have to say i wish things would balance out a bit better so that people who rely only on free content (aside from their subscription fee) didn't find themselves at a huge disadvantage. I feel bad telling people when they see me ninja-running or wearing the fancy mage cape that they'd have to shell out an extra 10 bucks if they wanted those things, too. They feel jilted, almost cheated. Extras are nice but at what point is enough enough?


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Well to be technically fair people have be wanting an Air Guitar emote in these forums for years now. Whether it was cool enough to be stuck in a Party Pack like this is debatable but people have wanted it for years. Just saying.
The really funny thing (funny weird, not funny ha ha) about that is EVERYONE that actually does an Air Guitar gets laughed out of the picture. I mean really, it just looks foolish. And they now want an "Air Guitar Emote" so they can get virtually laughed at too?



Overpriced @$1.99 I might buy it.



Bought every pack so far, but I am giving this one a miss. A dollar per emote and nothing else . . . really? Better luck next time guys.



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Any chance that, by the end of the week, we can see how many suc- er, people bought the pack? I'd really, REALLY like to know how sales of an all emote pack compare to the fully-fleshed out packs.
This'll be simple to determine:
If this Party Pack ends up being the only emote-only pack this game has it was a failure.
If we ever get another emote-only pack then this Party Pack made enough money for the Devs to be worthwhile to them.
Time will tell.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Well to be technically fair people have be wanting an Air Guitar emote in these forums for years now. Whether it was cool enough to be stuck in a Party Pack like this is debatable but people have wanted it for years. Just saying.
For 6 years I have wanted it. $8 is a bit steep to get it (I don't care about the other 7 emotes) but I just got a promotion and raise for the first time in 3 years so the timing worked out for them.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I do not generally post, however this is an issue worth posting about.
This is the first item in all of City of Heroes since launch I will not buy. The effort does not justify the price.
If it was .99 maybe and even then I think that is too expensive. So little "new" content that otherwise could have been included in the awesome alpha/omega pack does not justify the price.




Originally Posted by KAKTOS View Post
Overpriced @$1.99 I might buy it.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
For 6 years I have wanted it. $8 is a bit steep to get it (I don't care about the other 7 emotes) but I just got a promotion and raise for the first time in 3 years so the timing worked out for them.
Gratz on the promotion and the raise! Good to hear that stuff is still happening for some people in this economy.



2.99, maybe 3.99, and I would have gotten it most likely... but not at 7.99, not without twice as many emotes and/or some costume bits (like a necklace "shoulder" or a gold watch bare hands "glove" or sweat band head detail).

Pass, but thanks anyway. Maybe next time.



I'm not a regular poster, but I wanted to make sure that NCsoft received my feedback in regards to this booster.

Personally, I will be completely skipping this pack. I have purchased every single booster pack I could lay my hands on in the past. Some I have preferred more than others. Some I use extremely rarely. But they all had one thing in common. I felt that they were all quality products.

Going Rogue is without a doubt (IMO) the best work Paragon Studios has done to date. I would have a hard time coming up with something from the expansion that I didn't like. It has completely drawn me back into the game and I am excited about playing again.

So with that being said, it is a huge disappointment to me that you would back track so far and follow that up with an emote pack. This is NOT the quality that I expect from Paragon Studios. I know what you can do. I fully expected, after such a huge success like Going Rogue, that the next booster pack would completely blow me away. Instead I'm being handed a set of emotes wrapped up in a shiny CoH package and I'm expected to pay $8 for it.

As far as I'm concerned, you had the chance to continue the success you achieved with Going Rogue and put out another quality product that would "wow" me. Instead, you decided to rest on your laurels and put out something that is completely mediocre at best.

City of Gaymers




Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
To me this pack would have been worth it if we got say like 20 emotes for $7.99 or the 8 emotes we are getting for like $3.99.
The way it is now basically didn't quite hit the mark to satisfy me.
I think $3.99 or $4.99 would be better for me. Now, 20 emotes for $7.99? That sounds grossly underpriced to me.



Originally Posted by Psyte View Post
I think $3.99 or $4.99 would be better for me. Now, 20 emotes for $7.99? That sounds grossly underpriced to me.
For me that would depend on the emotes. For the record, I am not thrilled with the price/emotes of this pack but I have wanted the airguitar emote for so long and at the cost of 2 McDonald's breakfast meals I caved.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Throw me with the "I will pass" crowd as well.



Originally Posted by Psyte View Post
I think $3.99 or $4.99 would be better for me. Now, 20 emotes for $7.99? That sounds grossly underpriced to me.
Really? It's fairly close to the same basic scale as the $3.99 for 8 emote deal. Technically speaking $7.99 for 16 emotes would be the exact same scale. $7.99 for 20 emotes would make them only cost 40 cents an emote, but is 40 cents an emote really THAT much cheaper than 50 cents an emote?

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Sad Panda here.

I have all the booster packs, and bought all the first day they came out..this one I am not getting.

Had there been a costume piece, even another tail, I would have been first in line.

But there wasn't, and so not only was I not first in line today, I won't be in line at all


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
For me that would depend on the emotes. For the record, I am not thrilled with the price/emotes of this pack but I have wanted the airguitar emote for so long and at the cost of 2 McDonald's breakfast meals I caved.
You don't have to justify yourself to anybody.

People who want it, buy it.

People who don't, won't.

Nothing else needs to be said.

. . . . well, except . . .


50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
For 6 years I have wanted it. $8 is a bit steep to get it (I don't care about the other 7 emotes) but I just got a promotion and raise for the first time in 3 years so the timing worked out for them.
Promotion? Raise? I haven’t seen one of those it about 4 years now.




To recap my thoughts from the official announcement thread:

a) I find the Party Pack to be sub-par, even though I like a few of the emotes.

b) As an emote-only pack it is already of somewhat questionable value, and a $1/emote price-point is simply too high.

c) I find the complete lack of any red-name response to the overwhelmingly poor reception in the official announcement thread, which reached over 1000 posts, very disappointing.

d) I will not question anyone who buys this pack because they actually like the contents and find it to ba a good value to them.

e) I think anyone buying the pack for any other reason is potentially harming the future of this game, by encouraging Paragon Studios to release similarly sub-par/overpriced boosters in the future.

f) This will be the first in-game add-on (be it a boxed item or electronic add-on/booster) that the CoX team has ever put out, that I will not buy as a 75+mo vet.

g) If I see another similarly sub-par/over-priced pack in the future, I will seriously re-evaluate if this game still merits my continued loyalty. At that point, we go from a poor decision (and response) to a trend.

Essentially, the composition/price of the pack was strike one. Lack of a red-name response was strike two. Another pack similar to this will be strike three. At that point, I'll have to decide if I'm coming out for another inning.



Originally Posted by Mr_Frost View Post
Thanks but I'll pass.
*shrug* Yeah, pretty much the same here. i can't say that i'm especially upset by the pack being offered. There's a couple emotes in it i wouldn't mind having, but i don't want them badly enough to spend $7.99 on them. Still, if other people think the price is worth it then more power to them.

Oh, and nice Cwen's Quest banner. Is that a new one? i don't recall seeing it before.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...