Discussion: Party Pack Now Available In The NCsoft Store!




Gonna have to pass. You can do better.



Well its not worth paying for but I just got a code for free from facebook. This is worth Free.



I'd like the emotes, but I'm not willinig to pay £5.99 for 8 emotes. I just find the other boosters better value for money. This'll be the only one I won't be buying.

I do want to support the game/devs, but I feel this is a step in the wrong direction. As a booster, I think things like the wedding/GVE/GR Complete item pack suit better.

I may buy it in future, but for now? No. Not this close to GR, not when the dances were removed from the GR beta, and not when I feel it's a step in the wrong direction for the additional purchase content they should be adding.



I'll pass. Thanks.



Originally Posted by Le Blanc View Post
Ok, I realize the game has a "T" rating so the beer ones might not be acceptable, but the others would work.
WoW is also rated "T" and has drinking in it. I think teens are aware of what drinking is.

And add me to the pass list. This is the first pack in six years I haven't bought. And at one time, I had three accounts.

I remember when we used to get stuff like this for free with new issues. Paying for just emotes is a trend I'd like to see end here.

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
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Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
drop it to 5 and we have a deal. its a worthy experiment, but the price is too high for the contents.
$5 is too high

From my post on the announcement page :

Originally Posted by KAKTOS View Post
The more I think of it the less I like the $8 dollar price.
I even said earlier I might buy it for half the price but my opinion has changed to: I wont buy it as for 4 bucks.
My reasoning is, those of us who brought GR already payed for the sports emotes as they were made for the ambiance of the 3 zones in Praetoria. So that leaves us with open gift which has been around since 2006?(paid for) and 3 new dance emotes which are well done but not even worth 4 bucks.



I, too, will pass on this. Love all my costume boosters (and I mean all since I bought everyone) and have found a use for everything. This however. . . Color me. . . Meh!

I dont fault them for creating it or for selling it. But this is deifnitely something that has zero interest for me. Still I wish someone from marketing would have commented on the negative responses.



No thanks, and I'm concerned to see the content quality of boosters dropping far faster than their prices.



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Thing is, I could understand if Avatea or Ocho came into the discussion and said they'd simply run out of time with GR being worked on so heavily and thus didnt have much of a booster for August as promised.

I could understand if Avatea or Ocho came into the discussion and said they'd had numerous request for smaller 'Niche' boosters and this would be but the 1st of many.

I could understand if Avatea or Ocho came into the discussion and said the company was exploring the possibility of going to a more micro-trans F2P model.

I could understand and accept nearly anything our community reps told us concerning all this negative feedback.


It's almost like we scared them into holes or something...

Acknowledge us. Even if it's not something we want to hear! This has been one of the foundations of this community for 6 years, great communication between the players and reps/devs.

This, above all else, is what concerns me the most. Honestly.

I'm with the original poster above who stated rename this to Announcement if you no longer plan to participate, to show us your side of things. Instead of flat out ignoring us and throwing a party.

The silence from our community representatives is hurting more than the cost, or the content, at this point.
Pretty much sums up everything I have to say ... oh and ...

I'll pass on purchasing it. I get between 4 and 8 emotes (usually a couple of normal emotes, and a couple of costume change emotes) with the super boosters, 2 costume sets usually, and a temp power, for $2 more ....

You could've had my money if you had made it worth the $8.




Should've just been included with GR.



Originally Posted by Amperella View Post
Heck, even a badge that said how cool we were for buying the pack!
No no no NO NO NO.

You should slap yourself for even thinking something like that. You might as well add an auto-power that only works in PVP, so that community would be forced to fork over their money just to stay competitive as well.

Bottom line: if you don't have ties to one of the game's sub-communities, don't go making awful suggestions on their behalf.

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Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Blah blah blah too expensive blah blah blah.

Guess what? NCSoft sets the price. If you're not happy with that price, feel free to take it up with them. I wish you the best of luck on that one.

And if you don't like the pack, just don't buy it. That speaks louder than any post you could ever make. Unless, of course, you don't buy it, and post constructive feedback/criticism.

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Do you guys walk into a store, inspect an item, and then go complain to the floor manager that the price for the mug you want is too high?


Then why do it here?

This is silly. If you don't want it then don't buy it.



Originally Posted by Smoking Baby View Post
Do you guys walk into a store, inspect an item, and then go complain to the floor manager that the price for the mug you want is too high?


Then why do it here?

This is silly. If you don't want it then don't buy it.
Try working in retail. Just sayin'.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I don't think the idea of an emote-only Booster Pack is a bad thing.
I just think charging $7.99 for 8 emotes is a bit overpriced all thing considered.

I imagine they'll still sell a bunch of these at $7.99 regardless.
But I'd be willing to bet if they sold it for only $3.99 they'd ultimately get 3x or 4x the number of sales.
Basically I think they shot themselves in the foot with this - maybe that should be an emote in the next pack.
I could do about 40 better ones with Mocap and give it away for free, and I'd advertise where I do this but it's probably against the rules to freely show off my art since it's tied to another game.

This isn't worth getting. They should have taken the time they did to do these emotes and applied it towards new animations for the powersets like they had done in the past but never seemed to do again. That's something we can use. Unless this is going to allow me to solo strikeforces when only 20 people who never answer tells are on, or give me new costume pieces, I don't see the point and I bought all the other packs. I don't really use any of the current emotes anyway, because I'm always fighting not standing around wasting time.



Originally Posted by Smoking Baby View Post
Do you guys walk into a store, inspect an item, and then go complain to the floor manager that the price for the mug you want is too high?


Then why do it here?

This is silly. If you don't want it then don't buy it.
We're complaining because this sets a BAD PRECEDENT. They're taking content out of free issues (or taking devs away from working on those free issues) to create purchaseable packs which, until now have been worth the extra cash.

Time was, an issue would give us new systems, new missions, new costumes, new emotes, new powers, etc...

Last few issues have been a couple missions and that's about it. Most of the new costumes and emotes we've gotten have been from booster packs. Now they have a pack that's $1 per emote.

I hate slippery slope arguments on principle, but what's next? A one-emote pack for 5 bucks? A pack that charges $1 per costume item? The next issue being delayed several months and being extraordinarily shallow and empty because they're stripping as much out of it as possible to make more boosters?

Where does it end? And if they're gonna start over-charging us for everything we used to get for free, can we at least go free-2-play so i can spend my sub money on the extras?


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Not liking the direction these "packs" are going.

Mutant Pack was a serious degradation from the previous packs. Solid proof Sexy Jay didn't work on it: All the freaking seams in the costumes. Neck, boots, arms, everything had seams. It was like someone decided to rework the Mutant pack as a "Rubber lolmask" pack.

Now this? Sorry guys, the 8 bucks you want for this one is staying firmly lodged in my bank account until I decide to buy a value meal with it.

Seriously, what the hell did you Marketing guys put on the table? I mean, I'm praying to every religious deity I can think of that Matt Miller and the rest of the core dev team facepalmed when they were forced to put this load of garbage up for grabs at the order of the Marketing team.

Posi, Noble, BaBs? Are you being held hostage? Are you in danger? DO WE NEED TO COME SAVE YOU?! D:

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by BloodFairy View Post
not standing around wasting time.
It's a video game, everything you do in it is sitting around wasting time.



There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



still unable to buy it, this is starting to tick me off...

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Brought to you by @Equation



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
We're complaining because this sets a BAD PRECEDENT. They're taking content out of free issues (or taking devs away from working on those free issues) to create purchaseable packs which, until now have been worth the extra cash.

Time was, an issue would give us new systems, new missions, new costumes, new emotes, new powers, etc...

Last few issues have been a couple missions and that's about it. Most of the new costumes and emotes we've gotten have been from booster packs. Now they have a pack that's $1 per emote.

I hate slippery slope arguments on principle, but what's next? A one-emote pack for 5 bucks? A pack that charges $1 per costume item? The next issue being delayed several months and being extraordinarily shallow and empty because they're stripping as much out of it as possible to make more boosters?

Where does it end? And if they're gonna start over-charging us for everything we used to get for free, can we at least go free-2-play so i can spend my sub money on the extras?
See, but the difference is you actually explained your point of view fully. The majority of these posts are just silly "It costs too much!" and "Lower it to $1!" which explained absolutely nothing at all.

Originally Posted by Equation View Post
still unable to buy it, this is starting to tick me off...
Use the paypal option, it wasn't accepting my card either. Paypal worked instantly.



Originally Posted by Smoking Baby View Post
Do you guys walk into a store, inspect an item, and then go complain to the floor manager that the price for the mug you want is too high?


Then why do it here?

This is silly. If you don't want it then don't buy it.
if the manager had a habit of listening, and i hoped his store stayed open, id mention that some of his prices were too high. sure. the deal is, if he sells more, then the store would be open longer for me, so i'd prefer to let them know if they are strangling sales with unrealistic pricing. i did that with horse armor, and i'm doin' it here.



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
We're complaining because this sets a BAD PRECEDENT. They're taking content out of free issues (or taking devs away from working on those free issues) to create purchaseable packs which, until now have been worth the extra cash.

Time was, an issue would give us new systems, new missions, new costumes, new emotes, new powers, etc...

Last few issues have been a couple missions and that's about it. Most of the new costumes and emotes we've gotten have been from booster packs. Now they have a pack that's $1 per emote.

I hate slippery slope arguments on principle, but what's next? A one-emote pack for 5 bucks? A pack that charges $1 per costume item? The next issue being delayed several months and being extraordinarily shallow and empty because they're stripping as much out of it as possible to make more boosters?

Where does it end? And if they're gonna start over-charging us for everything we used to get for free, can we at least go free-2-play so i can spend my sub money on the extras?
Well said, I agree fully with this. Please no more emote boosters, I think is pack is fine for those who want it but honestly $1/emote is ridiculous. Hopefully this was just a little bonus for people who wanted it and it won't become a usual thing for them to sell as a pack.

Global: @Charler



Big pass for me, the first in-game item sold for CoH that I will not purchase. I don't use emotes much in any case, but I may have been tempted if the cost-to-content ratio was better. $1 per emote is absurd.

To those who purchase this pack because they like it and consider it worth the cost, I hope you get great pleasure out of it.

To those who expressed displeasure in the pack but still plan to buy it -- due to "loyalty" or completism or (LOL) spite -- I think you're making a very poor decision. The old saying about a fool and his money springs to mind.

I do not regard this as a good precedent, testing the waters to see just how many of us are willing to shell out money for little bits of overpriced miscellany. I certainly will not enourage this direction with my financial support.

Kid Lazarus, 50 empath Defender
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Graf von Eisenfaust, 38 db/wp Brute
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Blood Countess, 33 mind/storm Controller
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