Discussion: Party Pack Now Available In The NCsoft Store!




I am looking for something else to occupy my time. If I find something that is as fun as this game, then I will quit. This has nothing to do with rage, it has to do with being tired of buggy updates that take weeks to fix, less and less "free" content to keep me purchasing the monthly subscription and more and more of the paid upgrades. I was very forgiving of the "Wedding Pack" I bought, even though I have never used a single piece of it. Now, the packs (IMO) have less and less, but I have to pay the same price for it. Yea, I know the "Emote Pack" is a little cheaper, but not as cheap as the content in it.

The funny thing is, I have no problem paying $10.00 US for a decent pack with enough content. I wouldn't have had a problem with this pack if the price was more reasonable, say $.25 US per emote. I still would not have bought it, but the idea they were selling it would not have bothered me. I believe that they would easily have tripled the money they make on this pack if they did, based on what I was reading in the forums.

The road I see ahead though, seems to be steering to wards buy a Task Force or buy more maps for your AE building experience. I keep wondering when I will have to buy my next Issue Update. I could be wrong, but it does seem to be the next logical step in this "Emote Pack" experiment. I will tell you now, the day I see that announcement, I will quit immediately.






Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Didn't most of you that have been complaining about the content of this Pack do the same in the previous thread that announced the pack's contents?

Why do we need two threads of kvetching? How about we stick to complaints about things like not being able to buy the pack in the store, or bugs. The content of this pack is set in stone, not going to change. Either buy it or don't. I think they heard every complaint there is to hear in the last thread.
Because this is a discussion thread, not a "say only positive things or don't post" thread. This is the perfect venue for folks who do not think this booster is worth the price or up to snuff to voice their opinion and conduct a discussion.

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



$8 may not be a lot, but the value of this is less than even $8. Do better next time if you want my money...

PS I paid for a name change for $10 and it was worth more than this!



Ladies and gentlemen. Plenty of great stuff is coming down the pipeline. For the love of baby Hercules, the Party Pack isn't some kind of Bad Omen of Terrible Doom.

I bought the Party Pack just prior to making this post. I'd much rather have bought the Ninja Pack, or the Mutant Pack, or the Wedding Pack (I hold off on perks, occasionally rewarding myself for milestones). But what I'm enjoying right now is thumbing my nose. At all the ninnies. You know who you are.

I mean, all of THIS, over eight bucks? REALLY? Would you endlessly write angry letters to a restaurant that offered some appetizer on the menu that YOU weren't interested in eating?

(It's rhetorical, you don't have to answer.)

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Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Passing as well. A Party Pack has so much potential. Even if it had just a couple of extra costume bits I probably would have gotten it.

And I absolutely cannot believe no CoH Rep has even responded. Maybe marketing is forcing hands here, and Mods/Devs are just too embarrased to comment on it
Why the outcry for a redname response? What do you expect them to say? "We were wrong"? You're not getting that. And maybe they aren't even 'wrong', maybe they already got the projected number of sales. Who knows. Besides bringing out a product that you, for whatever reasons don't find up to standards is hardly an offense in need of elaborate appologies. The product does what it says on the tin, noone is deceived or tricked or cheated or whatever.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Actually, I think that /airguitar really should have waited until we have animated hair. If you can't make your hair go swinging around and around as you mosh, it's just not the same thing.

Will I be buying it? Probably - videographer, demofiles, wanting everything, support the game, stupidly loyal dev fangirl, etc etc etc.

Do I want this trend to continue? Not particularly, no. $7.99 for emotes and costume pieces and a power or two and a badge, deal. (I will let others do the math for how much each 'booster' is worth.) Eight bucks for a dollar an emote? No. (And this from the woman who has said more than once she would pay twenty bucks JUST for the WALK emote!)

And whoever said this smacks of a bet b/w the devs and the marketing team, I think you're right. Let this be a one-time failure of an experiment, and let the Powers That Be learn from it.

This last bit is directed at marketing, as I see the hand of Executive Meddling at work here:

We will happily throw money at you from now until you turn off the servers. There are a lot of things above and beyond the $14.99 we spend each month we are willing to pay for, to maximize our enjoyment of this game. But please continue to respect us by providing a good quality-to-cost ratio.


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Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Actually TrueMetal, I did not say I was quitting, please do not lie about what I did say. I said I am looking for something else to occupy my time. If I find something that is as fun as this game, then I will quit. This has nothing to do with rage, it has to do with being tired of buggy updates that take weeks to fix, less and less "free" content to keep me purchasing the monthly subscription and more and more of the paid upgrades. I was very forgiving of the "Wedding Pack" I bought, even though I have never used a single piece of it. Now, the packs (IMO) have less and less, but I have to pay the same price for it. Yea, I know the "Emote Pack" is a little cheaper, but not as cheap as the content in it.
If you didn't think the Wedding pack was worth it, you shouldn't have bought it. Assigning any blame for that to the devs is just misguided. You made the decission to buy nobody forced you.

And if you'd be objective you'd see that the super booster packs have actually INCREASED in number of items since the wedding pack. (The mutant super booster might have been a bit less in number of individual pieces, but in overall quality of pieces it was, for me, definitely the best one.) If there is less in it FOR YOU specificly, well that's hardly anyones fault. Tastes differ.

The funny thing is, I have no problem paying $10.00 US for a decent pack with enough content. I wouldn't have had a problem with this pack if the price was more reasonable, say $.25 US per emote. I still would not have bought it, but the idea they were selling it would not have bothered me. I believe that they would easily have tripled the money they make on this pack if they did, based on what I was reading in the forums.
I agree.

The road I see ahead though, seems to be steering to wards buy a Task Force or buy more maps for your AE building experience. I keep wondering when I will have to buy my next Issue Update. I could be wrong, but it does seem to be the next logical step in this "Emote Pack" experiment. I will tell you now, the day I see that announcement, I will quit immediately.
Nothing indicates anything of the sort. (Though I don't see an AE pack as something impossible) And believe me, if they actually DO make that stap, i'll be the first one on the barricades at your side. I might even ragequite!

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



I'll be passing on this as well. As I already stated on the numerous Facebook posts that were spammed, if you had put real work into it with new costume bits, hair and faces, and perhaps powerset tweaks, instead of a bit of motion capture and rigging then you may have had a booster pack that was of use.

Epic Fail in my opinion after ripping the GR preorders by releasing the added content that was left out of it for a few bucks more.



Originally Posted by Eisenjager View Post
Epic Fail in my opinion after ripping the GR preorders by releasing the added content that was left out of it for a few bucks more.
They did that with the bpnus items from previously released versions of the game. Plus they announced well ahead of time that it would be like this ... The GR item pack was even cheaper than the $10 they charged for the Mac edition item pack and the Good Vs Evil edition item pack ...

Failure to inform yourself does not give you the right feel 'ripped'.
Well, you have the right to feel whatever you want. You'll just look like a fool when griping about it.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
The people that work on emotes can't fix bugs.
All they can do is work on emotes.
Actually since they're the animation department they could work on some of those new alternate animations for powers that many people seem to want.

And add me to the list of people passing on this one, for the same reasons that have been repeated over and over in this and several other topics. It kinda makes me wonder if one of the devs is reading this thread and then looking over at marketing with a "I told you so" look.



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
And believe me, if they actually DO make that stap, i'll be the first one on the barricades at your side. I might even ragequite!
Sorry, I saw this comment, and my brain immediately came up with the following. My only excuse is that I wrote it at two thirty in the morning...

(to the tune of "Do You Hear the People Sing" from LES MISERABLES)

"Do you read the posters' posts?
Telling you what the players think
They are united in the hope
This game does not end up in the drink
When the voices on the forums
overwhelm even all the mods
Then you'd better listen, damn it, by all the gods!

Will you join in our backlash?
Tell Marketing they've got it wrong
We really want to give you cash
as sure as the Praetorian day is long
But don't mod this post
Til I've done the most with this song?

Do you read the posters' posts?
Not just the ones that coo and praise
We are entitled to our views
Though they get ignored anyways
We can only you hope you hear
What it is that we're trying to say
Please continue to make a game that we want to play!

We will buy the codes and packs
To show we want you to succeed
Boost cashflow to its max
To make our competitors bleed
But this above all
Hear our call when we say what we need

Do you read the posters' posts?
Even the ones that grouse and rage?
Yes we all know that they exist
Though not sure how they pass one page
Once you sift through all of the dross
You can find gold among the brass
So please read our posts so COH can kick ***!"


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Like many others I've bought everything that has been offered since I started the game but frankly this is just pure fluff.

There is no substance to it and therefore it fails.

The worst thing here seems to me that plenty of people told NC that and they didn't listen. Nobody hates the pack for what it is, but as it stands it's way over-priced.

Add in maybe a short term booster power and/or some costume items and you'd have a pack that would be lauded with a much more favourable response and consequent sales.

What is different to me is this pack is getting a very unusually negative reception and not just from the usual suspects.

NC you got this one wrong.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



You are partially correct, I have in fact made my opinion known on four different threads. They were all threads set up as discussion threads by Paragon Studios, not some individual players. I take it that means that they WANT feedback, so I made my opinion known. I have also done my best to correct people like you that seems to feel only the "Rage Quitters" or some other subset of immature players hate this "Emote Pack".

I learned a long time ago that if you want to be heard, you have to be loud, otherwise you get drowned out by the general din.

With that said and barring someone else trying to attack me, I am done. They released the worthless thing and I hope fervently that they loose money on it.




I was gonna do a big ol' rant... but why bother. Just lemme know when you guys switch over to free subs and an item store... when i'm saving $600 in yearly sub fees, maybe I can afford to buy glam-trash that serves no purpose.

a decent array of costume pieces plus a temp power is one thing but... EMOTES? really?



What the Party Pack should have been (in addition to what it is):

Costume pieces:
Party hat costume piece (two types - pointy and paper crown)
Bow costume pieces (party gift bows for Chest Detail, Gloves and Shoulders i.e. around neck).
Colourable "Raver" neon band costume pieces (sunglasses, necklace, wrist bands, Chest Detail)
Masquerade Face costume piece (3 types, one similar to a carnie mask, one an elegant/elaborate eye mask and one similar to a Banished Bantheon Tiki mask).

Party whistle emote
Jump out of cake emote
Throw Streamers emote
"Protest" emote where sign says either "Happy Birthday!", "Happy Holidays" or "Party Time!".

Make a Wish power (animation of lifting a cake with candles and blowing them out. The power grants the same buff as Mystic Fortune, but on self. Does not stack with Mystic Fortune).

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Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
You are partially correct, I have in fact made my opinion known on four different threads. They were all threads set up as discussion threads by Paragon Studios, not some individual players. I take it that means that they WANT feedback, so I made my opinion known. I have also done my best to correct people like you that seems to feel only the "Rage Quitters" or some other subset of immature players hate this "Emote Pack".

I learned a long time ago that if you want to be heard, you have to be loud, otherwise you get drowned out by the general din.
I never was under the impression that only 'rage quitters' hate this emote pack. I'm not all that charmed by it myself. Limited appeal + high price = meh. There are plenty of people who speak out against this pack for various reasons, that are perfectly reasonable.

However there seem to be number of players who somehow interpret this as NCSoft/Paragon Studios insulting their mother and then kicking their puppy for added insult and react in all sorts of juvinile and out of proportion ways, throwing around insults and dragging up all sorts of perceived past slights in the process (Being ripped off, because they released the Complete Collection item pack for a few bucks so the prepurchasers can have a go at them, really?).

Of course they want feedback, but non constructive criticism hardly helps your cause. The best you can hope for is entertaining me while I'm bored with nothing to do at work.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



The scariest thing is the amount of agreement in this thread.

This community is great, but it rarely agrees on anything. Well, except that the party pack was not enough product for too much money.

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I think it's kinda wierd that none of the early feedback got listened to. But, hey, whatever...

I'm more damn bugged by the fact the god-damned idiotic NCStore won't put the bloody order through. Seriously,; who built this pile of ****?! 'Come back tommorow'? I have! So tell me what the hell a 'General Error' is!! Jebus...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I haven't changed my views from what I posted in this post here.

This is a dross pack. By releasing it NC are (rightly in my view) going to be accused of gouging.

NC aren't providing added-value right now to over come the fact that they are selling luxury item in a tough economic climate with increasing competition.

Free updates finally got me to pay for a MMO. Great customer service, infrequent (and totally optional) pay-for updates and good gameplay with lots of elements (TF, badging, costumes, bases, FotM builds, concept chars etc etc) with a helpful and nice community got me to stay.

1) This pack. I don't care how drunk you were at the office party, this was a dumb idea. Minimal content, limited appeal and vastly overpriced.

2) Every update is more buggy than the last. (Flagship expansion released with a bug where you are able to kill your team mates and yet you have focused on colour coding the team search box? It's too complex and anyone who is colour blind will hate it; same with the red/green doors in Praetoria missions.)

3) The nerf to xp when any AE mission has more than one rescue captive (non fighting)/destroy object. You said it would be fixed in i17 and then with GR. So far I see absolutely no change. You lied. AE is a wasteland. Even a TF like the ITF told in AE doesn't get decent XP. You flushed an entire edition down the toilet. A free edition but it was another flagship. Is this the new plan? Release an edition, mess it up within weeks and then ignore it hoping people will focus on the next shiny?

4) I don't believe you are thinking about the players right now. The ridiculous inability for rogues/vigs to use the base of their team leader shows that. You are no doubt data mining how many are hero/vig/rogue/vill and yet this one choice of yours means many will go vig because they can access the TFs of both sides and don't have to deal with the transportation issues you created for rogues on blueside because red is very easy to navigate.

Over the past two years, service and quality has been eroded. This pack is the latest demonstration of that in my view.

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I may be mistaken, but didn't at one point the devs say the money from the Wedding Pack allowed them to put out VEATS?

Maybe this pack will help push something else up sooner.

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Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I think it's kinda wierd that none of the early feedback got listened to. But, hey, whatever...

I'm more damn bugged by the fact the god-damned idiotic NCStore won't put the bloody order through. Seriously,; who built this pile of sh*t?! 'Come back tommorow'? I have! So tell me what the hell a 'General Error' is!! Jebus...
I got the same error this morning.

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Originally Posted by Zilya View Post
I understand there isn't a lot in the pack. You guys also need to consider the time it takes to animate/add the objects/sound to this. I have animated it's takes time to line up to do a repeat animation not to mention how long some of the animations are. If you want it bad enough you will buy it if you don't like the price, don't want the emotes don't buy it. But come other then monthly payments. How are they going to make the money to pay for the team to keep making the free updates? I haven't bought it yet but I'm willing to dish out the cash when I have it cause I don't mind paying for the Devs time
They already get a salary from our monthly subscriptions. Its not like they do this as volunteer work.



Originally Posted by KAKTOS View Post
They already get a salary from our monthly subscriptions. its not like they do this as volunteer work.
I really think a lot of you guys are leveling the blame at the wrong people. String marketing up all you like, I wouldn't hoist the Devs with them.

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First pack I have money in surplus to buy at launch, first pack I shake my head at and walk away from.

I'm really, and i'll be frank, disgusted that marketing thinks 8 emotes is worth more than the temp jetpack for $5. I really feel marketing dropped the ball on this, did no one even bother to read the feedback in the announcement thread?

However, I do think the devs did a good job on the emotes, credit where credit is due. They are rather awesome, but i'm more of a content person that's strapped for cash, costumes, emotes and powers seal the deal in the other superbooster packs.

Though, I can live with it, Marketing'll probably learn from the immense amount of negative feedback... Hopefully. I'm sensible enough to figure this is a one time off mistake.