Discussion: Party Pack Now Available In The NCsoft Store!




I wish I could see the sales figures. But that will happen after they make fitness inherent and give PvPIOs away in PvE . . . .

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I really think a lot of you guys are leveling the blame at the wrong people. String marketing up all you like, I wouldn't hoist the Devs with them.
True...I only wish a Dev would have posted a comment or two about the pack...I mean they could thrown the Marketing team under the bus its obivious that team dosnt read the boards so they will never know

Again if u are jumping into this being the second major thread on the subject most peeps arent mad that theres a emote pack its the value of the pack in relation to the other packs...with such a small addition(costume or 2) to the pack or a price reduction this could have been a huge win on the heals of a huge win that was GR...most of us non buyers of the pack only want/expect the best from/for the game we love!



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
I wish I could see the sales figures. But that will happen after they make fitness inherent and give PvPIOs away in PvE . . . .
So in a couple of months then.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
However there seem to be number of players who somehow interpret this as NCSoft/Paragon Studios insulting their mother and then kicking their puppy for added insult and react in all sorts of juvinile and out of proportion ways, throwing around insults and dragging up all sorts of perceived past slights in the process .

Originally Posted by Capa_Devans View Post
I haven't changed my views from what I posted in this post here.

This is a dross pack. By releasing it NC are (rightly in my view) going to be accused of gouging.

NC aren't providing added-value right now to over come the fact that they are selling luxury item in a tough economic climate with increasing competition.

Free updates finally got me to pay for a MMO. Great customer service, infrequent (and totally optional) pay-for updates and good gameplay with lots of elements (TF, badging, costumes, bases, FotM builds, concept chars etc etc) with a helpful and nice community got me to stay.

1) This pack. I don't care how drunk you were at the office party, this was a dumb idea. Minimal content, limited appeal and vastly overpriced.

2) Every update is more buggy than the last. (Flagship expansion released with a bug where you are able to kill your team mates and yet you have focused on colour coding the team search box? It's too complex and anyone who is colour blind will hate it; same with the red/green doors in Praetoria missions.)

3) The nerf to xp when any AE mission has more than one rescue captive (non fighting)/destroy object. You said it would be fixed in i17 and then with GR. So far I see absolutely no change. You lied. AE is a wasteland. Even a TF like the ITF told in AE doesn't get decent XP. You flushed an entire edition down the toilet. A free edition but it was another flagship. Is this the new plan? Release an edition, mess it up within weeks and then ignore it hoping people will focus on the next shiny?

4) I don't believe you are thinking about the players right now. The ridiculous inability for rogues/vigs to use the base of their team leader shows that. You are no doubt data mining how many are hero/vig/rogue/vill and yet this one choice of yours means many will go vig because they can access the TFs of both sides and don't have to deal with the transportation issues you created for rogues on blueside because red is very easy to navigate.

Over the past two years, service and quality has been eroded. This pack is the latest demonstration of that in my view.
Quod erat demonstrandum

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I really think a lot of you guys are leveling the blame at the wrong people. String marketing up all you like, I wouldn't hoist the Devs with them.
I am not blaming the Devs (I love the work they do) just replying back that buying this "pack" will not support the Devs as they already get paid for the great work they do.



If you check the first few pages of the last thread, you will see that I am none too happy about this pack. I am annoyed, I am just not annoyed with the Devs

To top it off, I was going to buy it any way, and the dang store will not let me.

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I, also, will not be buying this pack.

I know it's been said before but $8 for nothing but emotes seems like a bit of a waste of money to me. $4 for this would have been a more fitting price but, since that would make the accountants cry, I feel that the Devs' best option really would be to add more stuff to it(With no raise to the current price).

I'm amazed that the Devs still haven't said anything about 10 pages worth of much negative feedback.. Usually they're better about addressing issues like this.

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Skyway Bulldozer Level 50 SS/Invuln/Mace Brute
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Originally Posted by Coolbreese View Post
I may be mistaken, but didn't at one point the devs say the money from the Wedding Pack allowed them to put out VEATS?

Maybe this pack will help push something else up sooner.
Shhhhhhh, don't derail the witch hunt!


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Will I be buying it? Probably - videographer, demofiles, wanting everything, support the game, stupidly loyal dev fangirl, etc etc etc.

Do I want this trend to continue? Not particularly, no.
Michelle, you and I usually see eye-to-eye on things, but not this time. I think the first 2 reasons are perfectly valid reasons for you purchasing. Makes complete sense to me. However, the last few?

If you don't want to see this trend continue, don't buy it. Every person who buys it endorses the decision Paragon/NCSoft made to sell us a pack for $1/emote.

And whoever said this smacks of a bet b/w the devs and the marketing team, I think you're right. Let this be a one-time failure of an experiment, and let the Powers That Be learn from it.
The more people that buy, the less likely this experiment fails, and all they will learn is that the can, in fact, nickle & dime enough of us.

This last bit is directed at marketing, as I see the hand of Executive Meddling at work here:

We will happily throw money at you from now until you turn off the servers. There are a lot of things above and beyond the $14.99 we spend each month we are willing to pay for, to maximize our enjoyment of this game. But please continue to respect us by providing a good quality-to-cost ratio.

I've bought everything else one can possibly buy for this game. I will not buy this, because it's a bad value and leaves a bad taste of "let's see what we can make the suckers pay" in my mouth. Reinforce that feeling in the future, and I will go elsewhere. I vote with my wallet. The decison not to buy was the first vote. The second will be the loss of a 75+mo vet, who has sunk thousands of dollars into this game. Think about what you stand to lose when you make a money grab.



I disagree with most people here

Nothing should have been added because this should have been given free or added to GR or I19

Like you used to do before the company decided to become all about the $ and less about the players/customers

Once upon a time there was a company that bragged about free content to gaming magazines and websites now that same company had died in my eyes.

I'm done with packs ive boughten all but the wedding pack .. Mostly to show support and give something back to COH and help keep it alive a little longer.

After seeing this rediculous offering I dont know wether to "lol" @ the marketers/devs or to cry and prepare my departure.

The direction your going in usually marks the end for me, money grubbing is a sure sign of a company I want no part in.

Sad very sad



Originally Posted by capnkangaroo View Post
I disagree with most people here

Nothing should have been added because this should have been given free or added to GR or I19

Like you used to do before the company decided to become all about the $ and less about the players/customers

Once upon a time there was a company that bragged about free content to gaming magazines and websites now that same company had died in my eyes.

I'm done with packs ive boughten all but the wedding pack .. Mostly to show support and give something back to COH and help keep it alive a little longer.

After seeing this rediculous offering I dont know wether to "lol" @ the marketers/devs or to cry and prepare my departure.

The direction your going in usually marks the end for me, money grubbing is a sure sign of a company I want no part in.

Sad very sad
People lik you confuse me. Now it's offensive for companies to make money? We still get the free issues. All we get to buy is fluff. Overpriced fluff in this case, but fluff none the less.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
People lik you confuse me. Now it's offensive for companies to make money? We still get the free issues. All we get to buy is fluff. Overpriced fluff in this case, but fluff none the less.
No its not offensive for companies to make money, offensive did I say that?? where and did you happen to read where i wrote I bought every pack but the wedding pack and why I bought them????????????? of coarse not

Read and take what you want from Post's but dont put words in other peoples mouths.

This pack is a money grubbing attempt to see how far they can squeeze a penny from us.

Now you can quote that sentence...

I hate quoting time playing this game but suffice it to say there once was a time they "DID" give emotes away for free with issues ..

The trent they are setting here is clear. I don't like nor do I have to like it, they asked for discussion im giving it.

If your confused then I feel sorry for you. It's really quite simple.



Originally Posted by Coolbreese
I may be mistaken, but didn't at one point the devs say the money from the Wedding Pack allowed them to put out VEATS?

Maybe this pack will help push something else up sooner.
Correctomundo in part...it allowed them to bring them online more quickly(hired more staff). However i dont recall word one on what the other packs sales brought us but maybe this packs sales will allow them to bring in a new marketing person that actually reads the customer feedback...



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I am not. When there is nothing good to say, it is better to say nothing at all. You have to remember those who make this stuff are fellow gamers. They may like it even less than we do, but are not allowed to say.

The suits who make the rules may not be fellow gamers, and have no clue as to what a gamer really wants. They are the ones who make the rules in the end though. :/

I will admit I am still undecided. I have a few extra dollars this week, and I have been wanting new dance emotes for years. I DO think there should have been a costume piece in there though.
pretty much this. folks need to realize that the dev side of the NCSOFT equation may not be able to say anything at all.

i don't blame them for the silence. My ire is squarely targetted at the marketing side.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by MagusJoseph View Post
I, also, will not be buying this pack.


I'm amazed that the Devs still haven't said anything about 10 pages worth of much negative feedback.. Usually they're better about addressing issues like this.
The Devs/Marketing/Community team had ca 2 weeks and over 50 pages of overwhelmingly negative posting in the initial announcement thread that they never responded to either. PMs too.

At this point I will be (pleasantly) surprised if we get any red-name response, which is a damn shame, because Pragon has usually been very good about communicating with the player base.



Where is Black Pebble who is suppose to be in charge of Brand Management for the North America section of City of Heroes?



Originally Posted by KAKTOS View Post
Where is Black Pebble who is suppose to be in charge of Brand Management for the North America section of City of Heroes?
Hiding under a big rock?

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
pretty much this. folks need to realize that the dev side of the NCSOFT equation may not be able to say anything at all.

i don't blame them for the silence. My ire is squarely targetted at the marketing side.
True and that the information flowing uphill in any given company normall stalls at some point. I think what we are seeing here with red name silence is a "I knew this was going to happen" or 'I told you so" and they are waiting for the bottom $ to cement theyre opinions in stone to the powers above.

The future packs will tell this story, I bought all but the wedding packs prior to this, part of the reason was to help keep the game alive in some small way and be supportive by actions not words.

Unfortunatly im now wondering if I did the wrong thing and helped create an evirement of "they will buy anything" attitude from this company

I hope Im wrong Id like to stay and enjoy this game but I have left other games on principle before and thinking to myself that I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and soon I may pass on.



I bought the pack and I like all of the emotes. Do I find the price too high, not really, it costs about the same as a fancy large coffee at my favorite coffee place.

Tygyr Tygyr Burning Bright



Originally Posted by Dollymistress View Post
What the Party Pack should have been (in addition to what it is):

Costume pieces:
Party hat costume piece (two types - pointy and paper crown)
Bow costume pieces (party gift bows for Chest Detail, Gloves and Shoulders i.e. around neck).
Colourable "Raver" neon band costume pieces (sunglasses, necklace, wrist bands, Chest Detail)
Masquerade Face costume piece (3 types, one similar to a carnie mask, one an elegant/elaborate eye mask and one similar to a Banished Bantheon Tiki mask).

Party whistle emote
Jump out of cake emote
Throw Streamers emote
"Protest" emote where sign says either "Happy Birthday!", "Happy Holidays" or "Party Time!".

Make a Wish power (animation of lifting a cake with candles and blowing them out. The power grants the same buff as Mystic Fortune, but on self. Does not stack with Mystic Fortune).
I'd have paid $9.99 if they had included all this with the party pack.



I hate quoting time playing this game but suffice it to say there once was a time they "DID" give emotes away for free with issues ..
And they still do.

The trent they are setting here is clear. I don't like nor do I have to like it, they asked for discussion im giving it.
So am I.

If your confused then I feel sorry for you. It's really quite simple.
What you and others fail to understand is that these emotes were specifically created for this pack. If not for this pack these emotes most likely wouldn't have existed at all. Time to create a product is budgetted according to the revenue the product is expected to create. It's not that they create the free issues and then, while laughing diabollicly and twirling moustaches, gleefully decide to split a portion of it off into a pay-for pack, thus dastardly increasing their evil profits on the back of us poor costumers.

The devs have more than once stated that the revenue created from these packs is injected back into the development of the game. Of course those evil corporate money grubbers could always be lying to you while secretely rolling around in their money warehouses.

Now, does this mean that you can't question anything and must just buy everything they throw at us? No of course not. I'm not buying this pack for instance, there's nothing in there that I will use more than a handfull of times, it's not worth it to me. Not at this price anyway. I hope that the next pack of this type gets released at a lower price. Like, half of what it is now.

But at least see things in perspective. Some of the reactions here really crack me up.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
The Devs/Marketing/Community team had ca 2 weeks and over 50 pages of overwhelmingly negative posting in the initial announcement thread that they never responded to either. PMs too.

At this point I will be (pleasantly) surprised if we get any red-name response, which is a damn shame, because Pragon has usually been very good about communicating with the player base.
Tell me, what do you expect them to say?

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Dollymistress View Post
What the Party Pack should have been (in addition to what it is):

Costume pieces:
Party hat costume piece (two types - pointy and paper crown)
Bow costume pieces (party gift bows for Chest Detail, Gloves and Shoulders i.e. around neck).
Colourable "Raver" neon band costume pieces (sunglasses, necklace, wrist bands, Chest Detail)
Masquerade Face costume piece (3 types, one similar to a carnie mask, one an elegant/elaborate eye mask and one similar to a Banished Bantheon Tiki mask).

Party whistle emote
Jump out of cake emote
Throw Streamers emote
"Protest" emote where sign says either "Happy Birthday!", "Happy Holidays" or "Party Time!".

Make a Wish power (animation of lifting a cake with candles and blowing them out. The power grants the same buff as Mystic Fortune, but on self. Does not stack with Mystic Fortune).
Im not a big buyer of these things (took 2 months for me to buy the MA pack), but I would have seriously considered this one.



TrueMetal - My post was a well-reasoned critique of the pack, the game and the attitude of NCSoft.

Your interpretation of it was had as much relation to the content of my post as to quality and value for money has to this pack.

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Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
Tell me, what do you expect them to say?
How about "We made a mistake and thank you for many years of support and all the positive feedback for our previous packs"

Or a simple "We understand your frustration and disapointment and have passed the feedback along to our superiors"

Or how about ...............

Really stop picking fights with people because you disagree, discussions are when people try to see the others points and talk about things..

Debates are proving your points and winning