Discussion: Party Pack Now Available In The NCsoft Store!




Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
What you and others fail to understand is that these emotes were specifically created for this pack. If not for this pack these emotes most likely wouldn't have existed at all. .
I hate repeating myself but ...

Those of us who brought GR already payed for the sports emotes as they were made for the ambiance of the 3 zones in Praetoria. So that leaves us with open gift which has been around since 2006?(paid for) and 4 new dance(PopDance,KarateDance,DiscoDance,AirGuitar) emotes, They are not worth $1 a piece.



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
Tell me, what do you expect them to say?
How about something as simple as "We have read your concerns regarding this pack, both for its content and pricing, and will take it into consideration when making future packs."

I think that's the bare minimum acceptable standard. I'd obviously prefer a "We made an error in judgment in making/pricing the pack" and a promise that they will add things to it (when time permits), but I understand that's unlikely.

Also, it's not just about what I (and many others) want them to say now, but the fact that this should have been addressed a while ago.



Originally Posted by Coolbreese View Post
I may be mistaken, but didn't at one point the devs say the money from the Wedding Pack allowed them to put out VEATS?

Maybe this pack will help push something else up sooner.
Yes they did. Positron said it initially and Ghost Raptor reiterated that to my face.

However I'm willing to bet that the Wedding Pack proves to be a far better seller than the Party Pack.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I think it's kinda wierd that none of the early feedback got listened to. But, hey, whatever...

I'm more damn bugged by the fact the god-damned idiotic NCStore won't put the bloody order through. Seriously,; who built this pile of sh*t?! 'Come back tommorow'? I have! So tell me what the hell a 'General Error' is!! Jebus...
Hours Later:

This is a ******* joke now. The damn thing is STILL giving me a bloody 'General Error' message! And, to top it off, some absolute genius decided that you need a Support Account AS WELL as a bloody game account! So I can't even get in touch with support!

What an absolutely, ****** up, useless, wasteful, obsolete and badly build piece of lethargic, atrophied, crippled gob-shite from the rear end of the iternets own satanic cesspit!

Fine. Don't take my money!

Edit: Ha. Sods law. It just finally did it this time.
I will not retract the rant, however, because it still holds true. Whoever built that system should be shot.
'General Error'...Ha! If I was an organic I would spit >_>

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Same here. The site won't take our money to buy the pack. I don't want it, but wanted to confirm the error others are seeing. General Error. Guess we need to check with Captain Mistake, or Admiral Snafu for escalated assistance ?

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss.
"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. "



Maybe animation department time can now go back to putting power pool customisation back on the someday soon track instead of in limbo. So so want to be able to have magical origin animations for the medicine pool instead of just a tricorder, etc.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I presume they have a clear understanding of the demand ceiling for this product and priced it accordingly.


I'm seeing it as an experiment to see if narrowly focused packs have an audience. If they wanted to go through the rigamarole of making a full pack, they'd have done it. There's a reason this one only has emotes and packs a seemingly outsized price tag.
1) Threads like this show that PS / NCsoft don't have an idea about the correct for this product at all. They are full of some of CoH/V's most loyal players indicating they aren't going to buy the pack at all due to its pricing / lack of perceived value.

2) Why would PS be looking to target niche sections of their player base at this stage? Targeting the niche isn't going to make the development costs worthwhile. The booster packs need to have a broader appeal to be purchased, which is why they have typically consisted of constume parts, a power and some emotes (and maybe something a bit different). That way people go, "I don't want X, but I like Y so I'll buy the pack anyway".

I've got an idea why what should have been a simple goodwill gesture - we've developed some emotes and here they are for free to celebrate GoRo / I18, party on! - has turned into a PR issue, but it isn't because the devs thought they'd conduct an experiment.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I like to think you're this fanatical when you see an object you don't want in the grocery store. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've run across you at least TWICE in Wal*Mart. This goes for everyone else as well; It's a product. If you don't want it, just dont' buy it. Acting like the mustard offended you because it's being sold and GOSH DARNIT I DON'T LIKE MUSTARD just makes you all look... Incredibly silly.
This. Also, Don't dis on Mustard. Mustard is teh Awesome. The yellow stuff currently, I used to like the brown, but I cycle in and out of it.

Now Miracle Whip, yuck, that stuff is Satan.

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Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
The Devs/Marketing/Community team had ca 2 weeks and over 50 pages of overwhelmingly negative posting in the initial announcement thread that they never responded to either. PMs too.

At this point I will be (pleasantly) surprised if we get any red-name response, which is a damn shame, because Pragon has usually been very good about communicating with the player base.
There has been one Red-named response to this pack. It's in the french forum.

Your comments, like those of our English-speaking players, have been duly forwarded to the department concerned. Whether this will change anything, I am not yet able to communicate.

They know that people think that this pack is not worth the price. When I initially saw the announcement, I was ready to pony up for my two accounts. After finding out that there were no costume pieces, I lost interest. To me this pack is just as worthless as the wedding pack (even though it has costume pieces), and I will not buy it. That and the Going Rogue box are the only things CoX related that I do not have. To me less is not more, you have spoiled us with the super boosters of the past. This one is not up to snuff.

Here's to hoping the next one is better.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



I just tried again to purchase it, and it told me to try again tomorrow, or to go see one of their retailers.

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My guess at this point is that the cost to create this pack was so minimal, that even if it is a bad seller it will still turn a profit. People will not quit over this issue of a bad pack they can choose not to buy. So in turn it may be a good business decision. I will say a lot of people are dissapointed obviously by the threads, but maybe that is a price they are willing to pay and try to wow us on the next one.
Trying to stay positive ...



Thanks for the linky and translation, Vega.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss.
"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. "



Originally Posted by Streeja View Post
My guess at this point is that the cost to create this pack was so minimal, that even if it is a bad seller it will still turn a profit. People will not quit over this issue of a bad pack they can choose not to buy. So in turn it may be a good business decision. I will say a lot of people are dissapointed obviously by the threads, but maybe that is a price they are willing to pay and try to wow us on the next one.
Trying to stay positive ...
While people are unlikely to quit over one bad pack (I know I won't), the pack, and Paragon/NCSoft's handling thereof, have already made some long-time players consider leaving (in the future if things like this continue, if nothing else). In some cases, it's the last straw, in others it's the beginning of a bad trend. For every player they lose now, or in the immediate future, as competitor's games launch, they will have to sell roughly 2 Party Packs per month to break even.

Just the fact that this release is making loyal/long-term players even think about leaving, within a month of their first paid expansion in 4 years is anything but a "good business decision". In fact, that alone puts it into the category of "marketing disaster".

Vega, thank you for the link (and the translation for those that need it). I have to ask Avatea however, why the [WARNING EXPLICIT LYRICS] was this not communicated to the entire player-base?!?

Also, quite frankly, that's simply a "we're making people aware of it" comment. Not for one moment did I (and probably most of us) think that Paragon/NCSoft was not aware of the problem.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I just tried again to purchase it, and it told me to try again tomorrow, or to go see one of their retailers.
The Gaming God's are trying to send a message



Since Marketing obviously didn't pay attention to the first thread:

I'm not buying this pack. It's a waste and I feel like you're gouging me. I've bought everything else for three acounts. I am a fangirl, but even I have limits.

And... At least LOTRO is free to play and microtransactions make sense. I'd rather buy Turbine points than this dross.

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Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
While people are unlikely to quit over one bad pack (I know I won't), the pack, and Paragon/NCSoft's handling thereof, have already made some long-time players consider leaving....
Let's be realistic here- they aren't "considering leaving" any more than anyone else that flips out over some insignificant change or minor perceived slight.

Some folk will just seize any excuse for empty forum grandstanding.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
1) Threads like this show that PS / NCsoft don't have an idea about the correct for this product at all. They are full of some of CoH/V's most loyal players indicating they aren't going to buy the pack at all due to its pricing / lack of perceived value.
My guess is this pack will turn a handsome profit.
In which case they do indeed "have an idea about the correct for this product".

2) Why would PS be looking to target niche sections of their player base at this stage?
Because they can come out with smaller, simpler narrowly targeted boosters much faster than they can larger ones like the Super Boosters that take more resources and need more testing.

If it's financially viable for them to release smaller boosters in between larger ones, that's more profit for them and more options for us.

Targeting the niche isn't going to make the development costs worthwhile.
How so? They're cheaper to make so they can still make a profit selling to a smaller slice of the playerbase.

If a super booster cost them 10,000 simoleans to make and they can earn 20,000 back, that's great. If a smaller booster costs them 5,000 simoleans and they can make 10,000 back, that's also great.

The booster packs need to have a broader appeal to be purchased
No they don't.
I mean, I purchased this one. So have other people. And some who want to purchase it are being stymied by the crummy NC Store (which is a real problem they should take much more seriously than some disgruntled forumgoers)

A lot of folk in this thread seem to be profoundly uninformed about how businesses work.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Let's be realistic here- they aren't "considering leaving" any more than anyone else that flips out over some insignificant change or minor perceived slight.

Some folk will just seize any excuse for empty forum grandstanding.
I can't believe you've accused me of grandstanding! I'll have to reconsider my options for the future now.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Optinator View Post
This party pack is worth it just to read the gross overreactions.
No doubt. Personally, the Party Pack strikes me as being along the lines of "Hey, what if we charged players for the new emotes in Going Rogue as a way to fund the company Christmas party?" It's not exactly the approach I would've taken to granting players access to emotes that are already in the game, but nothing worth getting bent out of shape over.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
anyone interested in a base pack, or a PvP pack, or any other narrowly focused booster should be rooting for this one to succeed.
Yes and no. At best, this pack will help fund the next issue or jump start a future power pack; at worst, it will encourage NCSoft to saturate the game with microtransactions that don't sell to a cynical playerbase.

I'm an optimist, so while I'll be passing on this pack, I would like to say thanks in advance to the air guitarists and soccer enthusiasts who pick up this pack.




Originally Posted by capnkangaroo View Post
I disagree with most people here

Nothing should have been added because this should have been given free or added to GR or I19

Like you used to do before the company decided to become all about the $ and less about the players/customers

Once upon a time there was a company that bragged about free content to gaming magazines and websites now that same company had died in my eyes.

I'm done with packs ive boughten all but the wedding pack .. Mostly to show support and give something back to COH and help keep it alive a little longer.

After seeing this rediculous offering I dont know wether to "lol" @ the marketers/devs or to cry and prepare my departure.

The direction your going in usually marks the end for me, money grubbing is a sure sign of a company I want no part in.

Sad very sad
Was gonna rant, so very pointless... I'll just get to the meat. Try not to hate.

After a few heavily involved beta runs of what is soon to come and what will later come...

The only two things that are going to set this game above and beyond ARE:

1. AE

2. Bases

Focus on those.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



I said a long time ago that I would pay for new dance emotes, and I did so. If this pack were all sports emotes, I would never have purchased it.

With that, the disco dance reinforces that I will NEVER play a female toon.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I said a long time ago that I would pay for new dance emotes, and I did so. If this pack were all sports emotes, I would never have purchased it.

With that, the disco dance reinforces that I will NEVER play a female toon.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Patient_V View Post
Yes and no. At best, this pack will help fund the next issue or jump start a future power pack; at worst, it will encourage NCSoft to saturate the game with microtransactions that don't sell to a cynical playerbase.
The saturate the game with microtransations and they'll make us pay for anything good arguments have been around since the Wedding Pack. Neither has been borne out by the actions of the devs.

I'm an optimist, so while I'll be passing on this pack, I would like to say thanks in advance to the air guitarists and soccer enthusiasts who pick up this pack.

I'm getting a lot of enjoyment so far out of running the soccer idle while I marketeer. =D

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
Was gonna rant, so very pointless... I'll just get to the meat. Try not to hate.

After a few heavily involved beta runs of what is soon to come and what will later come...

The only two things that are going to set this game above and beyond ARE:

1. AE

2. Bases

Focus on those.
HUH ? Hate? Above and beyond?

Again huh? BTW im in beta too and honestly I dont know if your trying to disagree or add something but we were talking about the pack not about beta runs or being a hater.

You missed the line about me buying the other packs to support and help the game along in a small way. So am I a hater im very sorry you read hate in the post but i'm not, heck not even angry im just extremely dissapointed and concerned this is a new direction of $$ gouging.

But your entitled to your opinion even about me so GL to ya lol




Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
The saturate the game with microtransations and they'll make us pay for anything good arguments have been around since the Wedding Pack. Neither has been borne out by the actions of the devs.
Except all of the other packs included much more content then this pack. alot of peeps are eager to see how much/little content is in the next pack hoping this is not a new trend...time will tell.