Discussion: Party Pack Now Available In The NCsoft Store!




The following is quoted from a post I made in the Announcement thread:

Originally Posted by Tymers_Realm View Post
I am also one of those "I will not purchase this pack because it is not worth the Value" naysayers. This isn't about the quality of the emotes, but the value perceived of the pack.

As I have stated in earlier posts, I wouldn't have a issue with buying a emote only booster/pack. My problem with this pack is I don't believe there are enough emotes in this pack to justify paying $8 US for it.

When the price point is $1 US/Emote, I find that a little too much. I have seen in other MMOs where the price point is about $0.50 US/Emote. This is a more reasonable price point, IMHO. If the price of the Party Pack had been adjusted to that price point (or about $4 US), I would of bought it no questions asked.

I will also chime in that the shear lack of OCR (or Marketing) response to the very negative feedback on this issue is just another sign of a distinct shift in the way the OCR team is dealing with the forum community as a whole. While there are moments where OCR has shined, the lack of reaction of OCR here is perhaps more damning than the CHVC reboot mess. At least there was some commentary and some consideration from OCR in the way CHVC was being handled.

One last thing, the commentary provided above in no means implies any ragequit or subscription canceling in the foreseeable future from me. I still enjoy playing CoX and do support the game as I can. I just find this particular product and the way the OCR has dealt with the feedback is the overall worst I have seen since NCSoft purchased the CoX IP. It was left me very disappointed and questionable as to purchasing any future booster/packs that are offered.
I feel bad that this is the first pack I will purposely pass on. As stated above, I do not feel the Party Pack is worth $8 US. Which is a shame really. I would like to purchase this pack, but I don't feel the value is there.

As also mentioned above, I am disappointed in the way OCR's lack of addressing the overwhelming negative feedback of this pack.

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

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Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Passing on this one. I've bought every other pack, many of them twice, including the wedding pack. There simply is nothing worth buying in this one, as far as I'm concerned.
Likewise. Getting emotes as part of a pack is dandy, but I cannot begin to fathom buying them at $1 apiece. You're selling a Happy Meal toy, for the price of a Happy Meal, only without the actual meal.



I'll have to pass on this pack as well. I mean, it's a party pack so where are the party hats? How about some novelty party glasses? Where's our lampshade?



Passing on this one. I'm not gonna miss having the 8 emotes (although having them on your emote list greyed out might irk some people). However if it was half the price I probably would have bought it just to be a completionist since I have bought everything else so far on two accounts none the less.

From reading this and the other thread(s) i'm not the only one and marketing might realize that they could've sold over twice as many at half the price and therefore made more money and have a community more willing to spend money in the future.

Now @Eskimo-Spy

I'm not evil.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
I will confess, I will be buying this pack.
Personally, I'd rather not.
No, no one is putting a gun to my head, BAB (the character) did not bust into my room and start pounding my head on the keyboard, nor had maelstrom threatened to read his and scirocco's collaborated poetry from their Hot Topic nights.
I am buying it because marketing and/or the devs had apparently heard some of use commenting "I would buy a booster with just X!" which... included emotes, and decided see me put my money where my mouth was.
But you know... When I said I'd buy a booster with emotes only I had kind of expected more than eight.

Also, I really would like to see what marketing or the Devs have to say about all the negative feedback they've been facing so far.
No booster has EVER met this poor feedback. Not even Mutant. (A thread which Devs did respond to) So why the silence.
Not even going to try to tell us what experiment you are trying to perform?
I'm sorry, but this is completely failed logic. If you liked it and thought it was a good value, I'd have no issue with you buying it, however, our justification is just... silly.

Did you say "I will buy any emote-only booster pack Paragon puts out, regardless of how many emotes are in it, or what the price is?"


Then what the heck are you talking about?!?

Conceptually, there is nothing wrong with an emote-only pack. If it had "enough" emotes, and ones that largely appealed to me, I might even buy it (even if I don't use emotes too much... costume parts are far more useful to me).

But releasing a pack with 8 emotes for 8 dollars is not Paragon listening to their customers. It's a bad value, and at least gives the appearance of price-gouging, which is something to be avoided at all costs.

It's commendable to want to honor your "word" and to put your money where your mouth is. But saying you would pay for something similar, does not obligate you to buying something that you yourself perceive to be a poor value.



Originally Posted by Fomsie View Post
Passing on this one and I have also purchased every Expansion/Booster so far.
I've purchased every booster so far for all 3 household accounts. This one, I can't justify. It's the first booster none of our accounts will have.

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Been here since CoHs original beta. I have bought every box and booster they have sold. A few times over in some cases.

I will not be buying this pack for this cost with this little content.



Emotes are good, and we get some good ones indeed, (bravo to whomever crafts them), but I'd love to have seen a sprinkle of base items to go with the emotes to make the value of this pack a little more balanced.

Like, a pool table to go in the base would have gone with the pack theme for starters. They already exist in the game.

Throw in a pinball machine for the base. They already exist in game.

Just saying, some quick base item conversions from existing game props seems like it would have gone well with the pack's theme, balanced the pack out a bit so it isnt just emotes, and not have been too terribly time intensive to port over maybe?



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
An all emote pack is clearly a specialty offering aimed at a smaller audience than the more broadly targeted super boosters. The most popular way to ensure a profit on an item with an intentionally limited audience is to charge a premium.

Comparing the Party Pack to previous boosters isn't a useful exercise as it isn't the same thing.

That said, if it's not worth the price to you, don't buy it. It isn't required.
Interesting points, Nether. But, if I may, I'll make a couple of points.

1. I'm not sure there has been any specific indication that this booster is deliberately targeted at a smaller, or niche, audience. I'd question whether its limited appeal is intentional. I've seen as much, if not more, boosting (pun intended) of this pack compared with previous ones.

Recall, as well, that earlier in August during the pre-GR launch Q&A, War Witch (in response to a question about future boosters) indicated that by the end of August, there would be an announcement new boosters. I'm pretty comfortable in saying they were targeting the PP to the general Co* population -- certainly to those who had purchased previous boosters.

Without specific confirmation either way, we'll never know for sure. So, I think it's a reasonable default position to place this booster on the same level as previous ones. You hold a contrary view, which is okay too.

2. Comparing to previous boosters, IMO, is valid. We're not talking widgets here, that require shipping, warehousing, tracking, wholesaling, retailing....etc. We're talking about a virtual product with none of the built-in overhead of real-world widgets. Charging a premium on a virtual product because of limited appeal seems ... strange.

From a pure supply and demand perspective, it's not an invalid point of view. But, this virtual product is made -- it requires no further input costs. Whether they sell ten, or 10,000, their production costs are done. The more logical approach would be to widen the appeal by adding to the booster, or reducing the price, and, in either case, maximizing revenue by increasing sales volumes.

3. Of course, it's valid to state that people need not buy it if it is not a good value to them. But, it's equally valid for a company's customers to voice concerns if they feel the company is putting out products that offer poor value for money. Good companies value constructive criticisms from good customers.

As always, IMHO.

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

1387 badges, and counting



...and now for something a little different!

Positive Feedback!

These emotes are fantastic, I've been waiting 5 years for /e airguitar to be added. Thank you! Oh, and /e popdance is worth $8 by itself.

All I gotta say is, the pack is targeted at a specific group of people.. not everyone will buy it, and I'm ok with that. If you don't want it, don't buy it.. and leave it at that.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
they're testing the appeal of niche packs catering to small player demographics..
That's the second time you've said this, so I'm honestly wondering, was there an official announcement on this that's slipped past me? Or, is this simply a working assumption based on the minimalist content of this pack?

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

1387 badges, and counting



Originally Posted by Le Blanc View Post
Stuff that SHOULD have been added.... (they did call it a party pack right)

/em tapkeg


Ok, I realize the game has a "T" rating so the beer ones might not be acceptable, but the others would work.

Hey, a neighbor of a friend of mine used to get kegs of Root Beer. It could work for the younger player set.



I've bought all the boosters so far, and various item packs as well, but I'm going to pass on this one. There's just not enough there for me.

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Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
Lisa bounces back into thread.

know something guys..maybe our next Booster Pack will contain all the costumes to match the emotes

I mean, so far all the Boosters have been superb, they know what we like...why would they suddenly seemingly give us an outright turkey of a booster????

Maybe there is more to this than we can see right now...mayhaps there is more to that Shadowy power too

I choose to be positive now. No more being negative, and no more yelling at PvPers on the forums

They did include the costume pieces. With Going Rogue.

Also, hope springs eternal if you think they are buffing a pre-order bonus power.

On Topic:

I posted in the other thread, but this strongly smacks of "the other superhero MMO". I'll pass and will be reconsidering come resub time.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
To me this pack would have been worth it if we got say like 20 emotes for $7.99 or the 8 emotes we are getting for like $3.99.
The way it is now basically didn't quite hit the mark to satisfy me.
Totally agree with this.

Sorry Paragon Studios, this will be the first pack I will not buy.

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Originally Posted by SuperSilver View Post

I posted in the other thread, but this strongly smacks of "the other superhero MMO". I'll pass and will be reconsidering come resub time.
This is the rub, I think. As I alluded to in my first post on this thread, this minimalist booster pack, set at an irrationally high price point (IMO), is irritating coming so close on the heels of a paid expansion, and two other boosters. In my case, my annual sub was also paid in June.

I don't begrudge PS/NC trying to make a profitable buck, but if decisions begin to irritate customers, short term financial gain may be just that. Short term.

I'm not crying Doom here. 75-month vet myself, happily coughed up for all previous perks. And, heh, they've got me through June/2011.

But this pack really, really, rubs me the wrong way.

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

1387 badges, and counting



While I DO approve of Niche packs and even all-emote packs, I find this pack lacking intensely. I would happily buy a pack with all emotes... If there were more emotes than this and the emotes were more useful. The dances are very cool, but other than that... I'm a die-hard roleplayer and while I like the dances, I can't see them being worth eight dollars for the pack. The thing is, I do want the dance emotes, but while others are comparing them to snacks, I compare them to my /other/ addiction: Magic the Gathering cards, things that will last for years and potentially increase in value. I also collect plush tigers. And I totally just got a plush tiger the other day for four bucks that is probably about as lovable as this pack.

Cut the price in half, or double the emotes, and I'll buy it. And I've bought all five origin packs and the valk pack, so yeah, if you go back to the standard formula, I'll buy those, too.

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Hmmm no thanks.

Enjoy your day please.



Originally Posted by Amperella View Post
I also like to purchase everything that my favorite hobby(ies) put out... my way of supporting them for future endeavors as well and to show my support in general.
Same here for me.

Is this pack less than stellar? Yes
Can I think of a billion and one other in game things I would rather purchase? Yes

Even though it's not the greatest, I will be getting this pack just to support a game I enjoy. Besides it cost less than a pack of cigarettes around here so it's not like I'm breaking the bank to get it.

My biggest concern is that after a pretty successful release of GR, they put out something that is received so negatively in general. I feel like they may have missed a chance to ride a wave of momentum.

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Originally Posted by Spatch View Post
Interesting points, Nether. But, if I may, I'll make a couple of points.

1. I'm not sure there has been any specific indication that this booster is deliberately targeted at a smaller, or niche, audience.
why does there have to be?
It's self evident that any pack containing a single 'thing' will reach a smaller audience than a pack containing multiple 'things' to broaden its appeal.

And emotes are a niche product by definition- an optional graphic that requires player activation. Costume bits are just there to look at, powers give you a reason to use them (well, ideally)...emotes are pure frosting on the cake.

I'd question whether its limited appeal is intentional.
While they'd obviously like it to sell well expecting it to deliver on the level of previous packs with inherently wider appeal would be wishful thinking of a profound sort.

Recall, as well, that earlier in August during the pre-GR launch Q&A, War Witch (in response to a question about future boosters) indicated that by the end of August, there would be an announcement new boosters. I'm pretty comfortable in saying they were targeting the PP to the general Co* population -- certainly to those who had purchased previous boosters.
I'm not seeing the relevance of this to my point.
Whatever they push they're going to push to the same audience- the playerbase. Advertising a new product to the playerbase isn't proof of anything, other than we're the only customers they've got.

Without specific confirmation either way, we'll never know for sure. So, I think it's a reasonable default position to place this booster on the same level as previous ones.
If it included costume bits and powers I'd agree with you.
But it doesn't. The fact that they used the same promotional channels to reach their (only) pool of buyers doesn't make the Party Pack any more or less like the Mutant Pack or the Magic Pack.

2. Comparing to previous boosters, IMO, is valid. We're not talking widgets here, that require shipping, warehousing, tracking, wholesaling, retailing....etc. We're talking about a virtual product with none of the built-in overhead of real-world widgets. Charging a premium on a virtual product because of limited appeal seems ... strange.
It still represents an investment of resources that requires a profit to justify.
If they priced it 4.99 they'd move more units that pricing it 7.99, so why didn't they?

I presume they have a clear understanding of the demand ceiling for this product and priced it accordingly.

From a pure supply and demand perspective, it's not an invalid point of view. But, this virtual product is made -- it requires no further input costs.
I'm not sure why you think it needs any.
If it cost them 10,000 Simoleans to make and they have a solid understanding of the number of likely buyers, that will inform their price point.

Whether they sell ten, or 10,000, their production costs are done. The more logical approach would be to widen the appeal by adding to the booster, or reducing the price, and, in either case, maximizing revenue by increasing sales volumes.
Widening the appeal increases costs.
If lowering the price would indeed 'maximize revenue' they'd do it- why wouldn't they?

I'm seeing it as an experiment to see if narrowly focused packs have an audience. If they wanted to go through the rigamarole of making a full pack, they'd have done it. There's a reason this one only has emotes and packs a seemingly outsized price tag.

3. Of course, it's valid to state that people need not buy it if it is not a good value to them. But, it's equally valid for a company's customers to voice concerns if they feel the company is putting out products that offer poor value for money. Good companies value constructive criticisms from good customers.
This is true.
Hopefully they'll be able to filter something useful from the sludge of these threads.

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You know, between the last discussion thread and this one, I'm really surprised Black Pebble hasn't come out to give us an indication of their rationale. He's been good for that on other things.

Seriously, guys, some of us want to know what you were thinking.

How did you end up deciding this was a play you wanted to make?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Thing is, I could understand if Avatea or Ocho came into the discussion and said they'd simply run out of time with GR being worked on so heavily and thus didnt have much of a booster for August as promised.

I could understand if Avatea or Ocho came into the discussion and said they'd had numerous request for smaller 'Niche' boosters and this would be but the 1st of many.

I could understand if Avatea or Ocho came into the discussion and said the company was exploring the possibility of going to a more micro-trans F2P model.

I could understand and accept nearly anything our community reps told us concerning all this negative feedback.


It's almost like we scared them into holes or something...

Acknowledge us. Even if it's not something we want to hear! This has been one of the foundations of this community for 6 years, great communication between the players and reps/devs.

This, above all else, is what concerns me the most. Honestly.

I'm with the original poster above who stated rename this to Announcement if you no longer plan to participate, to show us your side of things. Instead of flat out ignoring us and throwing a party.

The silence from our community representatives is hurting more than the cost, or the content, at this point.

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You know, between the last discussion thread and this one, I'm really surprised Black Pebble hasn't come out to give us an indication of their rationale. He's been good for that on other things.
I am not. When there is nothing good to say, it is better to say nothing at all. You have to remember those who make this stuff are fellow gamers. They may like it even less than we do, but are not allowed to say.

The suits who make the rules may not be fellow gamers, and have no clue as to what a gamer really wants. They are the ones who make the rules in the end though. :/

I will admit I am still undecided. I have a few extra dollars this week, and I have been wanting new dance emotes for years. I DO think there should have been a costume piece in there though.

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Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
I've purchased every booster so far for all 3 household accounts. This one, I can't justify. It's the first booster none of our accounts will have.
This. Sadly. I full fleshed pack would have netted 30 bucks from this COH nut, but this I just can't justify.

Either reduce the price or add to the pack. (yes let those that paid for it get the update at no charge.)

Maybe a simple survey as focus group of those who have bought boosters would have pointed out that many who don't mind parting with 50 bucks a month might feel this pack to worth far less.

Please, please, please let me give you my money for something that is reasonably priced and cool. Please. I am BEGGING you to take this money!