Discussion: Party Pack Now Available In The NCsoft Store!




Well, I bought the Emote Pack, and I must say I am having a ton of fun with it...however...I was watching my Kilted Loyalist go through the dances, and a thought came to me.

These dances are sexy fun.

Parents may not want their younglings to have access to sexy dances, and and therefore, as a measure of control, the Devs made them into a pack where you have to pay to get them...most kids not having their own credit/debit cards, and made it at a price point where people had to stop and think, ala parents asking questions instead of just handing the kid their credit card, and yet not break the bank..a second layer of control.

If this was the case, I wish the Devs had said so.

The emotes are nice. They cycle so they don't do one dance and stop.

I can see myself using these a lot


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



What really shocks me is that some of the people in this thread are still allowed to post on these boards.

Some people like the pack, some don't. I am still trying to figure out the hate and venom some people are typing.

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Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Nether, you are probably one of the most dishonest posters on these forums. Why don't you go back and fix your post, let it actually quote that entire sentence, and see what people think? I really do dislike people like you who twist someone else's words so it says ONLY what they want it to say and not what the original poster intended it to say.
why, when they can read the original a few inches up the screen?

oh wait, I see- you're upset because i missed the bit about how you don't believe the wedding pack allowed them to speed up release EITHER.

So, I apologize for the first half of the post but still think calling the devs liars based on no evidence except your own fantasies is silly.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
The emotes are nice. They cycle so they don't do one dance and stop.
that was a nice surprise.
I've been using the soccer emote while I marketeer.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
If they project that 12% of the playerbase would be interested in Project X they can look at the costs of Project X and come up with a price that will generate the profit they need to justify going forward.

Pricing Project X less will not necessarily result in enough extra sales to make the project viable because only a small % of their customer base will be interested it as anything but a free perk of their sub.

It isn't that complicated.
The reaction to the original announcement should have made it very clear that their projections were going to come up short. They chose to be stubborn instead of reconsidering. Nobody likes to admit they're wrong, I suppose.




Not my thing as I don't really use emotes much apart from fishing in the sewers. Uniforms and costumes parts are my thing. But some folks like emotes.

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.



I happened to win a Party Pack via the Freedom Costume Contest, but I would have bought it even if I hadn't won it. I buy every pack, every piece. I bought the Cyborg pack even though I didn't like ANY of the costume pieces. (I have since grown to like a few pieces, as well as Self Destruct.) I would have bought the Party Pack even though I almost never use emotes. (Seriously. Almost never.) Paragon Studios owns my wallet, and I am a completionist and must own all the stuff in the game. I remember when the entrance to the Tiki Lounge appeared in Pocket D, before the VIP passes were available. When I clicked on that door and was told I couldn't enter, I was absolutely incensed. I *must* have access to all of the game's content, even if I have no intent to ever use it.

There are actually people who find the Party Pack worth the money. There are others who just want to own it all. We are the people who will buy this pack. If you're not one of the two, good for you. Save your $8.

(And as for a reference to a fool's money earlier in the thread: What's it to you if buying something makes me happy? I'M foolish just because YOU don't find value in something? I should base my buying decisions on what YOU find worthy, regardless of my own desires? Who's the fool here?)

Re: Bait And Switch - Just because these emotes were being tested at the same time as GR, doesn't mean they were ever intended to be part of GR. It's a test/beta server. They often test a bunch of stuff. If you made assumptions about emotes being included, that's your own fault.

Re: $2mil/month - Yeah they probably get around this monthly. This is to maintain servers (which believe me, is extraordinarily expensive, especially for the load we put on them), pay the developers, pay rent (which can cost a fortune for a corporate space), utilities, insurance ($50-100k per month depending on the number of employees and type of benefits), and other vendor costs. I don't know if you're aware how much money software developers make, in this picture there are something like 65 people. (I am probably off by one or two.) Don't underestimate the operating costs of a small company, I do the Accounts Payable for a small company and I know what we spend. $2mil/month isn't exactly rolling in dough.

Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I like to think you're this fanatical when you see an object you don't want in the grocery store. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've run across you at least TWICE in Wal*Mart. This goes for everyone else as well; It's a product. If you don't want it, just dont' buy it. Acting like the mustard offended you because it's being sold and GOSH DARNIT I DON'T LIKE MUSTARD just makes you all look... Incredibly silly.
This, exactly. There are some thoughtful responses, and I fully support the right of people to express their opinions.. however the people who are going nuclear over this (and even threatening to leave the game): don't let the door hit your *** on the way out. You won't be missed.

Originally Posted by Marsha_Mallow View Post
Seriously, you guys could have work on more important things that have been bugged for weeks or months? I think you’ve wasted your time and resources working on a booster pack that maybe 1% or less of your population would even buy.
I am imagining a response similar to BaB's typical reply. "Which ANIMATION is bugged that the ANIMATION team should have fixed rather than creating new ANIMATIONS?"

Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
This'll be simple to determine:
If this Party Pack ends up being the only emote-only pack this game has it was a failure.
If we ever get another emote-only pack then this Party Pack made enough money for the Devs to be worthwhile to them.
Time will tell.
If the Party Pack sells enough money to cover the cost of the time invested, they may do it again. If the sales revenue is not enough to cover the cost of the time invested, they may try lowering the price, or they may not put forth a similar product in the future. Then again, they may make plenty of money to cover the cost of the investment, but get so sick of the childish responses that they only put out one Booster per year, and make sure it contains lots of stuff, and then charge $20 for it.



Originally Posted by SeedyXX View Post
The reaction to the original announcement should have made it very clear that their projections were going to come up short. They chose to be stubborn instead of reconsidering. Nobody likes to admit they're wrong, I suppose.


Objectively speaking, we wouldn't really know if they were wrong without knowing what their goal was for this pack.

If (simplified for discussion's sake) they only needed to sell 10 packs to make a profit and they sold 15...then they weren't wrong. If they were expecting to sell 100 then they're wrong.

However, i think it might be ok to say they were wrong from a PR standpoint, since i wouldn't expect them to intentionally want negative "press" as it were for their product releases.



Originally Posted by SeedyXX View Post
The reaction to the original announcement should have made it very clear that their projections were going to come up short.
As you have no idea what those projections were, you have no way of knowing that.
Considering the number of folk I've seen rocking the emotes since the servers came back up this AM it seems to be fairly successful.

And if the devs spooked every time a segment of forumgoers whipped themselves into a tizzy about something they'd never get anything done.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
As you have no idea what those projections were, you have no way of knowing that.
Considering the number of folk I've seen rocking the emotes since the servers came back up this AM it seems to be fairly successful.

And if the devs spooked every time a segment of forumgoers whipped themselves into a tizzy about something they'd never get anything done.
Nethergoat you ever not reply to someone lol

Netherhog not goat lol



Originally Posted by capnkangaroo View Post
Nethergoat you ever not reply to someone lol

Netherhog not goat lol
See, it's funny because hogs are notorious for their high post counts.

oh wait.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
As you have no idea what those projections were, you have no way of knowing that.
Considering the number of folk I've seen rocking the emotes since the servers came back up this AM it seems to be fairly successful.

And if the devs spooked every time a segment of forumgoers whipped themselves into a tizzy about something they'd never get anything done.
No idea? I have some idea that they can reliably count on their most loyal fans to make automatic day 1 purchases out of a sense of duty to the game and the devs and that a significant portion of those very fans clearly stated their lack of interest in this product at this price point. It's also fair to speculate that forum reaction can be extrapolated to the general game population, up to a point.

There's always a tizzy on the forums. The loyal fans usually counter it with praise. I see as much buying out of spite as out of praise. Kind of funny in a way. The obstinacy of the devs is a little surprising. They've got a reputation for listening to the fans and keeping an open mind.




Originally Posted by SeedyXX View Post
No idea?
how about this then, you don't have access to any accurate or meaningful numbers and so your predictions on this topic carry no intrinsic factual weight.

I have some idea that they can reliably count on their most loyal fans to make automatic day 1 purchases out of a sense of duty to the game and the devs and that a significant portion of those very fans clearly stated their lack of interest in this product at this price point. It's also fair to speculate that forum reaction can be extrapolated to the general game population, up to a point.
I've been here for things that have *genuinely* enraged the populace, this little fit barely qualifies. I'm not surprised they haven't engaged on it because there's nothing to say that will placate the fringe elements who are angry that anyone is buying this, and as I've explained I think the price is inflexible for various reasons, so there's nothing for them to say there either except "uh, yeah, it's REALLY 8 bucks".

If we trim off the fringe of the anti-pack votes we're left with "well, 8 dollars is a bit much for this isn't it?" Which I'm sure they'll take into account the next time around.

This time around, they had an agenda and they stuck to it. Observations suggest it was at the very least not a financial disaster, so we'll see what lessons they drew from the whole experience next time around.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
how about this then, you don't have access to any accurate or meaningful numbers and so your predictions on this topic carry no intrinsic factual weight.
So what's yours worth?





I'm not touching this pack with a 10-foot pole.



Originally Posted by SeedyXX View Post
There's always a tizzy on the forums. The loyal fans usually counter it with praise.
I've noticed this too, but still about 95% of the posts are negative. Heck, even the ones that support the pack mostly say the price is too high, but they just have to buy it for whatever their mental dysfunction is. I have no problem with the people that honestly like this pack and feel it is worth the money, but buying something you feel is not worth the price is just silly.



This will be the first pack I will not be buying, there are so many other things we needed dance emotes is not one of them and sorry to say this Back Alley Brawler but its not worth $8, $4.99 maybe but not $8 for just a hand full of emotes. But then the other packs are barely worth $9.99. This will be yet another situation where the consumer is being over charged for content that should have come with the game, because am I the only one who thinks that this should have been in GR to begin with? Just sayin'.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
how about this then, you don't have access to any accurate or meaningful numbers and so your predictions on this topic carry no intrinsic factual weight.
Well, based on this statement of yours sir, none of your arguments carry any weight either.

EDIT: Dang, I see someone beat me to it. Oh well, it still is true.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Setting aside all the commentary about the commentary...

It is not a good deal. But I bought it anyway because I wanted the air guitar emote (as mentioned earlier in the thread).

But seeing some people are actually slamming people who buy it (or won it) has inspired me to buy it for my other 2 accounts and all 3 will have MMs in doing the emotes (except for demons ) in Atlas Park.

Because frankly the lowest form of person is the one who slams someone for having it and I want to find them all so I can 1-star them.
that was pretty much the only way I was going to get it, if I won it or if I magically paid off all my debts



Read about the pack and weighted its use and found it wanting (read lacking).

For me a thing named "a party pack" would have contained more then just these 8 emotes. To justify the cost of this pack it should (as said in other posts) have contained costume parts and/or temp power... Like the other booster packs.
I know that I will not buy this pack as it seems to me more of a cheap chance of milking us, the customers.

My hope is that the company sees all the negative feedback, a lot of low sales figures on this particular pack (party pack) and sees the error of their ways.

Including more "party" things to the pack would be a great move (sorry sports do not count. However if you could make it so that two players actually could toss the ball to each other...) like Dj'emote, singing, dancing (together... I can dream, can't I?)...
Costumes, the clown was mentioned, how about more party clothes or costumes, more hairstyles, make-up... Base items to make your own nice party in the base, buffs that has party themes etc...
(Things that are suggested through this whole thread)

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Well, for what it's worth I'll throw cents on the table on this one as well.

Having gotten all boosters so far, none have disappointed (in fact, one of them had a bonus of a wolftail... heh ).
That's what those were. Boosters. They had numbers and all.

I also got the GvE and Wedding pack, purely for the costume pieces that I valued in them. I'm not using them all mind you, but there was enough there to get them regardless. And apart from the weddingpack, they all came twofold as my son plays as well.

This pack however I will probably pass on, since it holds no interest for me. Costumes are used for me in my everlasting altitis and on 4+ year old characters with 40ish costumechanges left (love it when an issue grants me new ones on characters with 5 slots lol!!)

There is a distinct difference in boosters and packs as far as I'm concerned. As long as boosters don't turn into packs, I'm not worried.
I'm simply not spending money on something I don't see value in. No matter how much I like the game and the people developing it..

To each their own, I can't get worked up over it to be honest.

[CENTER][B]Radix malorum est cupiditas[/B][/CENTER]



Originally Posted by SeedyXX View Post
So what's yours worth?

On this topic we're operating on a level playing field, as neither of us has access to NC's spreadsheets.

Of course I'm not the one making these sorts of concrete statements absent any meaningful data:
Originally Posted by SeedyXX
The reaction to the original announcement should have made it very clear that their projections were going to come up short.
Readers are free to draw their own conclusions.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Fried Radicals View Post
There is a distinct difference in boosters and packs as far as I'm concerned. As long as boosters don't turn into packs, I'm not worried.
That is actually one of the fears from the negative camp, not necessarily this particular pack specifically but that it might represent the future of boosters.

Of course now with these concerns generating lots of negative posts, there might be hope it won't.

Unfortunately i can now easily see them making small packs of alternate animations for power customizations or something similar.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Of course I'm not the one making these sorts of concrete statements absent any meaningful data:
Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
they're testing the appeal of niche packs catering to small player demographics.

anyone interested in a base pack, or a PvP pack, or any other narrowly focused booster should be rooting for this one to succeed.
Part of me thrills to the equivalent $8 PvP pack. :-)