Informal Art Poll




Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Option 2

I'd like to see the menus reorganized a bit with more subcategories in place regardless, so I don't think that is development time wasted nor just for this very dynamic of updating textures.

Here's my reason for going with option 2:
While some pieces may be completely the same, but better detail, any additional/new detail basically changes what already existed.
It's unavoidable.
What is less detailed now (Or even possibly blury) leaves some doors open as to what exactly the piece/fabric/source may be. And this allows greater imagination to take form.
I think those original headband wings are a great example.
Yes, they can be fixed up.
However, it is how an artist goes about doing it that would tell if Option 1 or 2 were better, because if they were made to look more like those (great) valkyrie head wings, then they no longer can pass for anything else. The lack of etching detail in those original wings allows them to be used as a few different ideas, perhaps not even metal wings.

I completely understand, as an artist's viewpoint, you'd rather have the best quality representation of each and every of these concepts... However, we know the reality is that you cannot cover each and every concept for each and every piece someone could imagine putting together for these costumes.
The desired community rule has always been, add, do not replace and I see no reason to vote against that in this case.

While the forum rules say we're not supposed to discuss other video games anymore... This is a classic case of it being valuable to do so.
A game I played a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away... once "upgraded" the player character textures... While all they did was "give greater detailed textures" it completely (completely) changed the way many existing player characters looked.
It took some characters and made them appear as though the actor that had played that character for the past 3 years had been replaced with another actor.
I have pictures/screenshots that I could send you, if you wish.
Sure, they had new and better detailed textures... But you replaced Nathan Fillian with Adam Sandler.
Regardless of who/what someone else might prefer... when it is the character that you've come to love for years... that's not cool.

I highly suggest you shoot for Option 2.

As someone else said... even the tank top example... When people use the tank top on tights... sometimes people use it as a color pattern on their tights.... sometimes people use it as a separate layer of tights and others may use it as an actual tank top over tights.
If you make it clearly a tank top over tights, it is no longer flexible and cancels out two other options people have been using all this time.

It's not worth it. Go with option 2 and maybe get the UI team to work on more submenus as you do it, because those would already be a welcome development in the tailor screen anyway.

It's not that I don't trust your artistic ability and careful eye to make things right... But it is just reality that different is different... and better detail becomes more defined... and more defined means less wiggle room and less wiggle room means less pieces to use for varied concepts.

Either way, best of luck, David!
I do love the job that you do.
I couldn't have said it better myself.

Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Also, on non-animated tails, I have to admit that I was surprised there was not a non-animated tail option for the wolf tail that came with the Mutant Booster Pack.
The non-animated tails work great for fake costume animal tails (And probably for some other costume ideas for other people).
I had thought about putting the non-animated wolf tail on a hunter type that had it hanging off their belt as a bit of a trophy decoration.

Just another example of how older stuff isn't always worse. And a bit of a request for a non-animated wolf tail
Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
And this is where I think the old items should stay. Some people use stationary tails intentionally as they have designed their toon as 'someone wearing a costume' rather than 'someone who has a tail'. As the most extreme example - the vast majority of those using the bunny tail intend it as a 'costume' item and not an actual tail.

I don't think there are huge numbers who use the other stationary tails intentionally but, for those who do, having only an animated tail completely destroys their concept.
Not to mention that the animated tails clip HORRIBLY with most wings.


@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
This is more a general question about how you guys would like to see the game evolve, so I don't want to address specific pieces. That said, I think the oldest, lowest rez pieces would be ones most likely to get a revamp.
Could you include fixing the various textures that lack a proper match on boots and wrists? Noticeable especially with "Tights" vs. "Matte" (IIRC) the wrists, etc, always come off being a different material/texture.

Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
I'm voting Option 1.

And I concur with Bill about the pieces that have associated patterns, that specific pieces pattern should be at the top of the list not the bottom. It's rather annoying to select Bio-Organic head/chest/etc and the have to scroll to the bottom of the pattern list for Bio-Organic.
While most of us (I think :P) know about hit back to go to the bottom of the list, I think moving the proprietary textures to the top/front of the list would be better.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Legacy options please. As has been pointed out, some costume parts fit their characters better in their older forms and likely there are hundreds of thousands of characters that would change *dramatically*, and not always to their owners' liking, if those options were simply replaced.

I want more options, never fewer.

I really, really want those old flare-top thigh-high boots back. REALLY. They worked great for certain things, and skin-tight thigh-highs while nice, don't fit the look *I* wanted (and I know when they were changed there were plenty who would agree).

More options is always better. I don't care if it means I have to muddle through another menu layer, that's part of the fun of creating a character!

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Re: Tails

Not all tails I have seen are animated. You didn't even add a tiny twitch now and then to the bunny one, so it's not like you can just make a blanket statement that nobody uses the non-animated tails when not all of the tails have been given that option.

Re: Updated looks

I'm a relative newcomer to the game, and I have to say that some things need to stay as they are. Any change to a non-'with skin' pattern should keep the legacy one if it includes an alteration of texture rather than just cleaning up the edges and providing something with a higher resolution. That being said, I would propose an alteration to the categories at hand when it comes to 'with skin.' Keep the current one and call it 'Tights With Skin' and keep the painted-on look. Add in a new one and call it 'Clothes with Skin' and give it some more specific textures so that the old Sports Bra in 'with skin' still looks painted on, but you now have a new sports bra that actually LOOKS like a piece of clothing. With the SuperTailor from the science booster, we can even simulate the firmer hold and slightly tighter compression that one gives by reducing the chest slider for that costume and only that costume. This would work even better were the theoretical 'Sports Bra revamped' to act like some of the physical prop chest details and not only cover but replace that section of the character body much the same way that the Cyborg ones do.

Re: Metallic Shininess

A more proper term than Matte for the old 'unshiny' Metallic piece would be Sandblasted. Sandblasting metal not only removes surface crap, it also creates a very different texture on the metal that doesn't reflect light perfectly and makes it look very flat. Applyng a color to sandblasted metal doesn't always result in a shiny look depending on what is used. One could easily reintroduce the old Metallic look, lacking the shine and everything, and call it 'Sandblasted Metal' which would also work MUCH better for those whose concepts include camoflage paint over a metal form. For something like the Medieval pieces, make new shiny versions, and keep the old ones with a slight DETAIL upgrade but no shine and file them as the same piece with the 'New and Shiny' look being selectable as a suboption much the same way many detail pieces have 'Basic' and 'Metallic' suboptions.

Re: Original Topic

I'm generally in favor of Option 1, BUT clearly certain things need to remain as a part of player preferences, hence my suggestion of moving the 'body paint' looking pieces that are currently under 'Tops with Skin' into 'Tights with Skin' and making a new one called 'Clothes with Skin' to house the better looking versions that are more distinct pieces of clothing in their own right instead of looking like someone took liquid latex and painted their costume on.



One thing to consider is that redo-ing the menus and placement of items within them is, in itself, a significant amount of work for the Character and Tech teams. Assume that any menu work will consume 50% of the time available for any redos.

Bottom line, avoiding menu work is preferable and brings us back to Options 1 and 2.

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at



Id say to use option 2 because sometimes you might want a bit of the classic pieces along with the new stuff. One of my characters still uses the head band wings over the new mac pack head wings. Not just because the classic version has the headband and the new one doesn't but be because the texture fits better.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



I'd like to repeat what Sam said bears repeating:

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
This bears repeating. "Painted on" patterns over skin should not be "fixed" to be anything but higher-res patterns over skin. If "more detailed" versions of them are added, then they need to be given the "Plus treatment," in the same way as Angelic vs. Angelic Plus, Excess vs. Excess Plus, Hearts vs. Hearts plus, etc.

I want to retain the look of perfect body-tight spandex, even if it has to resemble bodypaint to achieve it. Better resolution, yes. Pattern to texture, NOOO!
I'm completely for more "plus" treatments on these sets, as they would be great additions some of us have been requesting for some time. But do leave the originals, please.




Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
One thing to consider is that redo-ing the menus and placement of items within them is, in itself, a significant amount of work for the Character and Tech teams. Assume that any menu work will consume 50% of the time available for any redos.

Bottom line, avoiding menu work is preferable and brings us back to Options 1 and 2.
Gotcha. Thank you for sharing that! I do wonder if the current tech team ever wants to go after the old tech team with a whiffle bat...



I have to go with Option #2
As many others have said, In the past not all "Improvements" to various costume bits have been positive in my eyes- quite specifically the change on Thigh High boots, and while a few of those changes got switched back or toned down (the buttprint on skirts, for example) those all took some time and much griping on our part to get "fixed", and the vast majority have just been "here's the new look, deal with it".
It's quite obvious that the costume departments idea of how things should look don't always line up with various players interpretations of parts- Ultimately, I think we should always go with the option that leaves the players the most flexibility.

As others have suggested, I would be in favor of some sort of menu option to Allow/Hide Legacy Costumes.



Could the new pieces have the same name but use HD or something similar after the name?

Pattern 1 HD
Padded Armor HD
Fury HD



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
It shouldn't. The computer is still calling just one texture.
I'm not sure it's quite that simple for older cards.

Quick thought experiment (WARNING: COMPLETELY MADE-UP NUMBERS): Let's say that the default texture used 4 bytes per pixel (R, G, B, Alpha), used to be 64x64, and was upgraded to be 256x256. (This is probably about the right magnitude of change to go from the worst of the old jaggy textures to something with much cleaner curves and diagonals, I suspect. I'm not sure the visual improvement by a 2x per axis improvement would be distinctive enough to be worth the effort in doing it, and 8x per axis sounds pretty pricey in terms of system budget.)

The hypothetical old texture would then have 4,096 pixels (4k) * 4 bytes/pixel = 16k for the texture. To keep things in easy 2^n numbers, let's say a typical outfit had 32 different textures; that's 512k per costume. Let's further say there were 64 people standing around Atlas for a costume contest; if you logged in next to Ms. Liberty, that's potentially 32M of costume textures you have to load up. (Hopefully, cache re-use keeps total memory use lower than that, but the card may have to process that much in any case.) For any card capable of running CoH even moderately well, that should be pretty easy.

If we go to hypothetical 256x256 textures, they are 16x as large throughout... 256k per, 8M per costume, 512M for the costume contest as a whole. Given that you need a bunch of textures for the scenery, plus the actual poly data, all of a sudden a lower-end card needs to do a whole lot of memory moving, and you might start having to waste a lot of time paging textures in and out of the card's memory. In the worst cases, on a <2G system memory computer, you might force CoH as a whole to do more disk paging, and that *dramatically* slows down everything.

Now, in reality I seriously hope that texture compression and texture library optimization / reuse means that the actual numbers are much more friendly; on the other hand, the textures might well be more high-res than the above and/or have a lot more bytes of housekeeping data embedded to handle things like reflectivity and such. Only someone intimately familiar with the way CoH handles texture memory and paging can really answer those sorts of questions; and there are some indications that the dev team no longer actually tests performance in any detail (if at all) on configurations similar to the published minimum specs.

tl;dr: Until we see a detailed analysis or some assurances they've tested things on low-end setups, it's possible that this change will move CoH yet another step away from the "minimum" listed setup actually able to be useful. Of particular concern would be anyone using low-RAM cards on old buses (PCI) in a low-system memory computer, as cascade slowdown might cause noticeable performance loss if it causes CoH to page to disk more heavily.

Miuramir, Windchime, Sariel the Golden, Scarlet Antinomist...
Casino Extortion #4031: Neutral, Council+Custom [SFMA/MLMA/SLMA/FHMA/CFMA]
Bad Candy #87938: Neutral, Custom [SFMA/MLMA/SLMA/FHMA/HFMA]
CoH Helper * HijackThis



Depends on how long it takes for you to switch out pieces, honestly.

I'd say Option 1, assuming that art assets can be dropped back in fairly quickly, in a case-by-case scenario where maybe there is too drastic of a distance for the player base. Update all of the pieces you want, and then if there is a player uproar over one piece or other, then simply add the legacy version in under a new name. Seems simple enough.

However, if adding the legacy pieces back in would take 2-3 months, making the players wait for their classic looks back, then Option 2 seems like the safer route. There really aren't that many glaringly bad pieces left in the game, so I don't think it would hurt the game's overall feel to new players and you get to keep the veteran players happy.

I can see why so many people are going with Option 2, but I don't think it's necessary to leave EVERY piece in the game. Judging by the update that was done to the Gladiator shoulder pads, I feel comfortable with the idea of you completely updating any piece you want in the game. There wasn't a big difference in the look and feel and the geometry stayed the same.

The flip side of this argument is the metallic tights, which people continue to complain about. The problem here is that all the player base seems to want, is the older version back in the game as a secondary option. Had you guys dropped it back in within a few patches after Issue 17, I think people would be more open to Option 1. Unfortunately, you guys have added several patches and launched an entire expansion, without giving the players their original, non-shiny, metallic tights back. Bad form.

Hope that helps some with perspective. I love what you're doing David, keep it up. You're the man!



Assuming that special cases such as metallic textures are handled differently, I'd say #1.

Things such as the original patterns for tights are noticeably lower resolution, and I can't imagine any reason to use one over a newer, cleaned-up version. Plus, there would be a TON of items in those lists, right? Might be a bit much if all the older pieces had duplicates.



I'm all for option 1. Less menu clutter and menu work means that more things get updated over a shorter period of time because more time can be devoted to working on updating the costume pieces. Also less things that I'll never use anymore that I don't have to sift through.

Honestly, I don't really like to use too many of the older legacy pieces anymore because they look too dated alongside the more recent pieces. Especially hair, there are a few old favorite hairstyles that I'd love to use, but because they look so blocky and low textured next to the newer ones I never do anymore; I always opt for the newer pieces.

I think it is logical to assume that the developers have collected data on the popularity of pieces and can chart the decline in popularity overtime as better texture models came out. I would think that they would adjust the pieces in some order of popularity. Which again points back to option 1, the more time the developers have to focus on the updates, the greater likelihood that whatever piece a given person is hoping for will get updated.

In short, I think the devs have made the right decisions on what looks good based on what has been produced thus far, so I see no problem trusting the team to fix the out dated options and no need to keep the old ones once they are done.

I mean I lost 120lbs this year, and I didn't keep my old clothes just because I liked a shirt. A shirt that was 4X looks like a poncho on me now, so I got rid of it because I'd never use it again. So if we aren't likely to use a costume piece there is no reason to keep the old ones around. This is City of Heroes; not City of Hoarders.


Agent Silver lvl 50 AR/Devices Blaster
Emergency Response lvl 50 Emp/Archery Defender
Frigidfist lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Talismage lvl 50 Ill/Storm Controller
Scarlet Hand almost lvl 50 DB/Dark Scrapper



I vote for Option 2.

I prefer to have the choice to use old or new pieces. Dealing with the additional clutter won't be too bad if the old and new are next to each other or if we had a new and improved interface.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
One thing to consider is that redo-ing the menus and placement of items within them is, in itself, a significant amount of work for the Character and Tech teams. Assume that any menu work will consume 50% of the time available for any redos.

Bottom line, avoiding menu work is preferable and brings us back to Options 1 and 2.
My take is closer to "menu work is a necessary evil that is better attacked sooner than later". If Option 3 would be "Half the improved textures originally planned, but everything better organized for future expansion", I'd pick it.

As a side note... I seem to recall Castle saying that when he went and designed the new NPCs (Girlfriend from Hell, etc.) that the dev-version creator with the NPC parts was far worse organized than what we see as players, or at least burdened down by far longer lists. Wouldn't it be a long-term gain in overall productivity to improve the costume design organization for everyone? Or, put another way, if the reorganization is going to be needed eventually, investing in it now will pay off more dividends than letting things go until it's creaking further under the load.

Miuramir, Windchime, Sariel the Golden, Scarlet Antinomist...
Casino Extortion #4031: Neutral, Council+Custom [SFMA/MLMA/SLMA/FHMA/CFMA]
Bad Candy #87938: Neutral, Custom [SFMA/MLMA/SLMA/FHMA/HFMA]
CoH Helper * HijackThis



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Bottom line, avoiding menu work is preferable and brings us back to Options 1 and 2.
I'd say the menu work needs to be done either way, unless you stop adding options altogether *and* assume the current stucture is just fine. So replacing options to avoid new clutter (option 1) rather then gradually increasing clutter (option 2) at best delays the inevitable, and at the cost of flexibility.

If getting a new costume menu prevented getting any new textures altogether, I'd side with it over either of the presented options.

Want better looking NPCs Contacts? Check out this NPC Contact/Trainer/Etc Revision Thread and Index
Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
One thing to consider is that redo-ing the menus and placement of items within them is, in itself, a significant amount of work for the Character and Tech teams. Assume that any menu work will consume 50% of the time available for any redos.

Bottom line, avoiding menu work is preferable and brings us back to Options 1 and 2.

Redoing menus and item placement needs to be done even if we weren't faced with this 'option'.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
One thing to consider is that redo-ing the menus and placement of items within them is, in itself, a significant amount of work for the Character and Tech teams. Assume that any menu work will consume 50% of the time available for any redos.

Bottom line, avoiding menu work is preferable and brings us back to Options 1 and 2.
Option 1 for me please. My eyes hurt at all the low res legacy assets. They especially look bad when combined with the newer assets. They really, really don't look good. I won't miss them at all.



Assuming that none of the "aestetics" are changed, I would say go for option 1. From a hardware point of view, having more crap people never use in memory is a great way to bog down the already page table heavy COH even further. A lot of the older textures are not used as much any more by a lot of people, and a good high def redo would make them seem new and great again.

The truth is the solution from an equation of lies. ~Maileah Kirel



Option 2. Definitely option 2.

The problem with the newer costume pieces is that they are ALL heavily textured. Colors interact differently with all of them. They all have varying levels of shine. This means that they're hard to match to anything but other pieces in the set, and the low-rez, plain, boring original pieces.

Or hair. The older hairstyles use the secondary color as highlights/lowlights, allowing you to use two very different colors and just give the impression of unusually colored hair, or to experiment with secondary and primary colors until you get the color you want. With the newer styles, you get two-tone hair, which means you have to find a color you like in the existing palette, because if you want "normal" hair you will have to choose a secondary color that is close to it.

While I'm on the subject....can we expand the color palette?

If it's just a question of sharpening up the edges, then replacing the old pieces is fine. But if it's anything more, I'd like to keep the older pieces as options also.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



I'm going to say Option 2. Everytime an older costume piece is replaced with something newer, even for a small change, there's an outcry over it (how much of one depending on the piece). Might as well keep everything we have, and just add more. <_<

Now, a bit of reorganizing of the menus would be nice. Perhaps options for listing stuff alphabetically, or giving parts with long menus, like Chest Emblems, split-up lists (Chest Emblems could be "Symbols", "3D", and "Characters", for the numbers and letters).

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



Originally Posted by noble savage View Post
hey, folks. So i have two overarching philosophies when it comes to the art direction in coh: First, that we continue to improve the quality bar with every new initiative we undertake and second, that we not forget about the legacy art as this happens. But when it comes to legacy art, there are of course items in the costume creator that are starting to show their age. We could hypothetically remake these assets with crisper, more detailed textures and modern shaders and do our best to maintain the 'flavor' and 'feel' of the originals, with the goal of giving you the same stuff, only better.

but then there's a choice on how to deploy them, and that's where this very informal poll comes in: how would you, the players, want to approach this issue?

hypothetical option 1: old assets would be removed from the costume creator menu and you'd have the newer, updated ones instead.

pro: this raises the overall quality bar of the game by eliminating the oldest, least-attractive pieces; players look cooler; everything looks more consistent and modern. Less menu clutter.
con: change is scary; perhaps some players will prefer the old pieces?

hypothetical option 2: we leave the old version alone and put the new version immediately below it in the costume creator.

pro: nothing is 'taken away.'
con: outmoded art remains, clashes progressively more with newer, modern assets. Menus swell with 2 options for each basic piece, making it harder to navigate.


so you can see where i stand on this. personally, i'd like to see the game's art evolve, improve, and remain consistent, so i much prefer option 1. But as always, i'd be interested to hear what you guys think about this. Do me a favor and please keep your posts short and to the point.

Possible grist for the mill:
--non-animated tails were left in costume creator when animated tails were added. Do any of you use the non-moving ones at this point?
(option 1!!!!!!!!!)^∞

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Option 2 for the reason of flexibility that people mentioned above. More detail = less uses for a costume parts. I know you promised no aesthetic changes, but what you perceive as no aesthetic change could (and probably will be) for some.

I also agree that a change in the Costume Creator's UI is inevitable, and should be done no matter what option is finally chosen.

Another thought:
As mentioned, most people like the less detailed options for flexibility. Part of the reason for this is that we are missing parts. (some parts people have been asking for, for years) For example, FINS. People might be okay with you getting rid of some of the older options if they had these pieces, because they wouldn't need to "fake it" with the old pieces.



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Bottom line, avoiding menu work is preferable and brings us back to Options 1 and 2.
I would prefer you spend the time to make the system more flexible than spend the time revisiting legacy pieces. If you spend time now on the menu work, you reduce the either/or requirement for Options 1 and 2 later.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA