130 -
Yeah, I wouldn't argue against trimming some of the animation times down a bit.
Spines still has a lot of secondary effects that TW doesn't. Speed/recharge debuff, toxic DoT, minor immobilize.
Edit: and a toggle! -
I was actually rocking so hard with my bane during an ITF that a teammate crab messaged me saying that he was going to respec. Stacking all that -res on hard targets makes a huge difference.
Yeah, I think the only thing holding ice melee back from being proliferated is that its numbers would need quite a bit of tweaking for the other ATs.
Something I've always wished regen had is a reactive regeneration power, something like the reverse of the caregiver day job power (http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Caregiver_Badge). Imagine having a power that grants a modest regeneration bonus, but when you are attacked, it grants a much larger bonus for a few seconds. It goes against the whole "no downtime" idea of the set, but in return could allow it to be less hands-on, a complaint I've been noticing a lot as of late. You would end up with distinct in and out-of-combat performance levels, as well, which I assume is desirable from a balancing standpoint.
I haven't played many levels of it, but I'm really enjoying WM/EA. ELM/EA is also pretty fun. I'd recommend either if you're looking for a bit more AoE.
It's cool how Fire/EA went from being for masochists to fun. (it is one of the prettiest sets, after all)
Anyway, energy aura seems to be a fairly neutral set in terms of synergy. It's got a little recharge, and a lot of endurance management. Stealth too. If I had to pick a primary to go with that, I'd probably say Stone Melee. Slow, endurance-heavy attacks? No sweat. -
I'm not 100% sure I'll roll one yet, but Electric/Time is looking pretty fun to me. (also, yay endurance)
I'm looking forward to Energy Aura, personally.
With both scrappers and stalkers being melee damage-oriented, I was pleased to see AS changed to have -toHit and terrorize effects, since that differentiated the archetypes just a little bit more. Is more control or debuffing the way to go to make stalkers stand out? I don't know, but it's worth asking.
I've been wondering how regen would play if IH was a toggle, but its (heal and end cost) values were greatly suppressed OUT of combat. When something does damage, the instant healing would kick in for a few seconds. Kind of the reverse of the caregiver day job power.
Then again I'm no game designer; I get the feeling it wouldn't really address any issues. -
Forgive me if I'm repeating this...
Head + Shoulders version of the fiery aura. Kind of like this: http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l8...q3ajo1_500.jpg -
It doesn't even have to be a DoT attached to the other interface powers. Maybe it's just a very small single damage tick, maybe -end, or some other readily appreciable/noticeable proc. In my eyes, it's that the effects are so small, as well as being hard to tell if they've actually landed.
I heard one of them builds a cottage at your current location.
I'd guess that Elec/EA and Stone/SR are pretty uncommon.
I was able to eke out another ~0.2 endurance per second with the radial musculature branch, since it also enhances endurance modification. Food for thought.
Man, wouldn't it be cool if...
New interface slot effect: Grants KB protection for 0.1s -
While it's no Venom Grenade to be sure, I've found that an Achilles' Heel proc in poisonous ray is a surprisingly decent source of -res. It's also easy to see when it procs since it's a DoT power.
Do you have a source on that? Do we know this as a fact? From what I've heard about the Interface incarnate slot, I would just as quickly link the fiery embrace change to that newer incarnate tech than the addition of a new condition check in every power.
I like.
/bind i toggle incarnate
/bind k toggle combatnumbers -
Yeah, I'm on the fence about placate. One the one hand, it helps when trying to stealth past something with a lot of perception, and it's saved me from an untimely demise at the hands of a rikti magus more than once. On the other hand, there's probably something more useful I could replace it with.
In Praetoria, YOU are the running boss.
I was surprised that I got Bread at first, but then I realized "who the heck names their character Bread?"