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  1. Enamel_32

    So Uh...Spines?

    Yeah, I wouldn't argue against trimming some of the animation times down a bit.
  2. Enamel_32

    So Uh...Spines?

    Spines still has a lot of secondary effects that TW doesn't. Speed/recharge debuff, toxic DoT, minor immobilize.

    Edit: and a toggle!
  3. I was actually rocking so hard with my bane during an ITF that a teammate crab messaged me saying that he was going to respec. Stacking all that -res on hard targets makes a huge difference.
  4. Enamel_32

    Ice/Ice Brutes?

    Yeah, I think the only thing holding ice melee back from being proliferated is that its numbers would need quite a bit of tweaking for the other ATs.
  5. Something I've always wished regen had is a reactive regeneration power, something like the reverse of the caregiver day job power (http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Caregiver_Badge). Imagine having a power that grants a modest regeneration bonus, but when you are attacked, it grants a much larger bonus for a few seconds. It goes against the whole "no downtime" idea of the set, but in return could allow it to be less hands-on, a complaint I've been noticing a lot as of late. You would end up with distinct in and out-of-combat performance levels, as well, which I assume is desirable from a balancing standpoint.
  6. I haven't played many levels of it, but I'm really enjoying WM/EA. ELM/EA is also pretty fun. I'd recommend either if you're looking for a bit more AoE.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neogumbercules View Post
    Fire/EA would be fun.
    It's cool how Fire/EA went from being for masochists to fun. (it is one of the prettiest sets, after all)

    Anyway, energy aura seems to be a fairly neutral set in terms of synergy. It's got a little recharge, and a lot of endurance management. Stealth too. If I had to pick a primary to go with that, I'd probably say Stone Melee. Slow, endurance-heavy attacks? No sweat.
  8. I'm not 100% sure I'll roll one yet, but Electric/Time is looking pretty fun to me. (also, yay endurance)
  9. I'm looking forward to Energy Aura, personally.
  10. With both scrappers and stalkers being melee damage-oriented, I was pleased to see AS changed to have -toHit and terrorize effects, since that differentiated the archetypes just a little bit more. Is more control or debuffing the way to go to make stalkers stand out? I don't know, but it's worth asking.
  11. Enamel_32

    Regen issues

    I've been wondering how regen would play if IH was a toggle, but its (heal and end cost) values were greatly suppressed OUT of combat. When something does damage, the instant healing would kick in for a few seconds. Kind of the reverse of the caregiver day job power.

    Then again I'm no game designer; I get the feeling it wouldn't really address any issues.
  12. Forgive me if I'm repeating this...

    Head + Shoulders version of the fiery aura. Kind of like this: http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l8...q3ajo1_500.jpg
  13. Enamel_32

    DoT and Procs

    It doesn't even have to be a DoT attached to the other interface powers. Maybe it's just a very small single damage tick, maybe -end, or some other readily appreciable/noticeable proc. In my eyes, it's that the effects are so small, as well as being hard to tell if they've actually landed.
  14. I heard one of them builds a cottage at your current location.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kailure View Post
    And why are we all shouting about what we PAID FOR?
    Seems like an entitlement thing.
  16. I'd guess that Elec/EA and Stone/SR are pretty uncommon.
  17. I was able to eke out another ~0.2 endurance per second with the radial musculature branch, since it also enhances endurance modification. Food for thought.
  18. Man, wouldn't it be cool if...

    New interface slot effect: Grants KB protection for 0.1s
  19. While it's no Venom Grenade to be sure, I've found that an Achilles' Heel proc in poisonous ray is a surprisingly decent source of -res. It's also easy to see when it procs since it's a DoT power.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    I do agree it would have been better to be right rather than wrong.

    You are still wrong. The extra damage from Fiery Embrace does not take place outside of the power itself. It is coded into every attack power tankers, brutes, and scrappers use.
    Do you have a source on that? Do we know this as a fact? From what I've heard about the Interface incarnate slot, I would just as quickly link the fiery embrace change to that newer incarnate tech than the addition of a new condition check in every power.
  21. I like.

    /bind i toggle incarnate
    /bind k toggle combatnumbers
  22. Yeah, I'm on the fence about placate. One the one hand, it helps when trying to stealth past something with a lot of perception, and it's saved me from an untimely demise at the hands of a rikti magus more than once. On the other hand, there's probably something more useful I could replace it with.
  23. In Praetoria, YOU are the running boss.
  24. I was surprised that I got Bread at first, but then I realized "who the heck names their character Bread?"