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This is old news but in light of recent events it makes for an amusing read.

I don't think i20 is going to be CoH2. I think it'll have some cool, big changes, but I don't think it will revolutionize the game or bring it up to next-gen standards. that said, I would LOVE to be wrong.



Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
Not any more. Now whatever doesn't make the date gets packaged and sold as a Booster.
*tastes tears*

Hmmm....not delicious enough.
Needs more bitterness.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
I mentioned a couple pages ago that Leadership may get a lot more popular as well.
I have it in my Stalker build (needed for concept), but it came at a cost.

It would be nice to see this pool used a little more. At least for Manuevars, but I find Tactics helps on some of the TFs as well.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Wasnt i17 supposed to be content that was part of i18/GR? So if you people are saying i19 was supposed to be i18/GR too, then how big did you really think that issue was going to be?
I was actually rather happy that Ultra Mode wasn't gated behind Going Rogue. Which, while not content exactly, is still a nice upgrade.

Of course, it should've, OBVIOUSLY had been so, or a $10 booster pack

I keeed, I keeed



An important thing to remember with any talk of I20 = CoH2 are these two bits from the PAX panel today:

Old zones may see an update to make them look nicer.

They have looked at taking down the paragon war walls but won't happen anytime soon.

Both of those things would surely be part of any evolution of the curent game into a "2.0" version?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
GR has shown us that the Vanguard are taking a leading role in the fight against Tyrant, and are willing to accept the help of both Heores and Villains, just like the Resistance does, who they're helping
I'm sure the 'heroes' of Paragon City will be delighted to help bomb some more hospitals and nerve gas a few police stations.



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
I'm sure the 'heroes' of Paragon City will be delighted to help bomb some more hospitals and nerve gas a few police stations.

Dont agro her She's stronger than hami i tell ya!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Orion_Star_EU View Post
Mission maps will get a minor update
I can't make sense of this. If there's a single update affecting all mission maps, then it's hardly minor. Maybe it means there's a new tileset coming?

There will be 'casual paths and new features'
What in the world can this mean?

I'm very excited by the mention of 'new systems' that are going to require more Beta time. Content, powers and zones are all great, but new systems are what really keep the game fresh. So, I'm guessing that 'casual paths' means some sort of non-combat advancement or other downtime activity.



Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post
I can't make sense of this. If there's a single update affecting all mission maps, then it's hardly minor. Maybe it means there's a new tileset coming?

What in the world can this mean?

I'm very excited by the mention of 'new systems' that are going to require more Beta time. Content, powers and zones are all great, but new systems are what really keep the game fresh. So, I'm guessing that 'casual paths' means some sort of non-combat advancement or other downtime activity.

Well minor update could just mean mission spawns are being changed a bit, something which made praetoria so great was the fact we didnt have a clue where the spawns are. Yet in CoH/V we know them off by heart their exact locations

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Ooh, I just saw that they said that the Incarnate system will be "inititally Praetorian focused" - so that surely means the Apex TF must be linked to Praetoria in some way?
Plus, as the picture of him is in the RWZ, that probably confirms it as a co-op TF, rather than twin story-line approach like the KTF.
It also ties in with both the blue and the red sides getting involved on the side of the Resistance.
Betting the Alpha strike is Cole's first wave of his invasion.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Originally Posted by Emperor_Justin View Post
This is old news but in light of recent events it makes for an amusing read.

I don't think i20 is going to be CoH2. I think it'll have some cool, big changes, but I don't think it will revolutionize the game or bring it up to next-gen standards. that said, I would LOVE to be wrong.
Well, no telling just now. As pointed out - full MMO sequels don't have a terribly good track record at the moment, so a full sequel doesn't seem to be a good use of money. Especially with NCSoft having its share of failed games.
A few months ago, last Dec 2007, Eve Online underwent a huge update with their Trinity expansion. This free expansion not only added new features, ships and items, but was also a complete graphical update to keep up with the next generation of MMOs. Eve Online as far as I know is the first MMO to completely revamp their current game instead of creating a sequel which not only keeps all your current members, but creates enough of a buzz much like a sequel to boost membership numbers.

Taking a look at some past sequels, Asheron’s Call 2, Everquest 2 and Lineage 2, none of these sequels were able to match their predecessor’s in terms of members. Not only that, but if you combined the numbers from both games after a year, they were less than the original game at its peak.

So why can’t MMORPG sequels succeed?

Starting over – After playing an MMORPG for 2 years, do you really want to start over in what basically is the same game with updated graphics? Regaining your levels and items, finding a new guild and friends to quest with? From the numbers it doesn’t look like many do and they end up sticking with the original.

It’s basically the same game - Making a sequal for a MMO is not like making a sequel to Halo. Many, many things must remain the same. Races, maps, towns, ect. Sure there will be new areas, new features, possibly a new race or two a maybe a new skill system, but for the most part your playing the same game with updated graphics.

Dying game - When a sequel to a game comes out, it basically feels like the original game is on its way out. For those members that stay with the original, it feels like your the old man at the bar and eventually you’ll stop going there.

New games – Once a sequel comes out many gamers do not want to make the switch for reasons stated above. They also know that eventually there going to have to move on as the original game begins to die. So if they’re going to have to start over, why not start over with a brand new game with brand new stories and atmosphere.

Not only do subscription numbers plummet after a sequel, but you have to put in the cost of creating the sequel. It will be interesting to see if GuildWars 2 follows in suit with the games mentioned above.

Going back to Eve Online, I think the studio was fully aware of the track records for MMOs sequels when it decided to do a complete update to the current game instead of making a sequel. I’m sure all Eve Online players also prefer this method especially since the expansion was free. Way to go Eve!
COH is making money. COH2 might not, and could harm COH's ability to make money. Worth noting that Asheron's Call 2 failed as well!

In all honesty - even half the money and resources it would take to make a City of Heroes sequel could make City of Heroes a LOT better without splitting the player base, or blocking off players due to higher system requirements, etc.



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
I think I am the only one opposed to this, so I'll bow out.
What happened to this? I guess I have to put you on ignore.

As for inherent stamina: awesome. People have been asking for this since the game's release. It's about time.
More fighting, less waiting for endurance bars to refill, more powers to take.



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
I'm sure the 'heroes' of Paragon City will be delighted to help bomb some more hospitals and nerve gas a few police stations.
I'm not sure Apex would send us to do that

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
I mentioned a couple pages ago that Leadership may get a lot more popular as well.
That too, yes. Currently I have no plans to take Fitness on my Bots/Traps MM from Praetoria, which has meant I've been able to add the Medicine and Leadership pool to the character and am still finding it not that grueling, endurance wise. Granted if I was on my Poison or Thermal MM I might have some more issues.



Originally Posted by Slax View Post
Betting the Alpha strike is Cole's first wave of his invasion.
Or it could be us striking first to try and reduce his ability to invade - although completing the new TF could also spawn a Praetorian zone invasion

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Psyte View Post
Well, no telling just now. As pointed out - full MMO sequels don't have a terribly good track record at the moment, so a full sequel doesn't seem to be a good use of money. Especially with NCSoft having its share of failed games.

COH is making money. COH2 might not, and could harm COH's ability to make money. Worth noting that Asheron's Call 2 failed as well!

In all honesty - even half the money and resources it would take to make a City of Heroes sequel could make City of Heroes a LOT better without splitting the player base, or blocking off players due to higher system requirements, etc.
That's a great article and you have a solid point. Now I'm actually hoping that there will never be a CoH 2, but rather just a CoH 2.0



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Well minor update could just mean mission spawns are being changed a bit, something which made praetoria so great was the fact we didnt have a clue where the spawns are. Yet in CoH/V we know them off by heart their exact locations
It could be random mob spawn points - or traps

Or they could just be installing an elevator in the layer cake room

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post
I can't make sense of this. If there's a single update affecting all mission maps, then it's hardly minor. Maybe it means there's a new tileset coming?
It could mean graphical upgrades to the older maps. It could mean new skins for existing maps. It could mean the removal of some of the more annoying-to-find blinky spawn points (behind the crates in the warehouse, I'm looking at you. For ten minutes). It could mean some new tilesets replacing some maps in the "generic warehouse/lab/office/cave" rotations, much like Praetoria got new tech maps and some of the blue caves have been replaced with smooth caves.

It could mean changes to map dynamics...addition of "alarm points" that spawn ambushes, security cameras, defenses such as turrets, stuff on fire, destructible terrain, changes to spawn points, etc. Which would be very cool, but I wouldn't call it "minor."

I'm very excited by the mention of 'new systems' that are going to require more Beta time. Content, powers and zones are all great, but new systems are what really keep the game fresh. So, I'm guessing that 'casual paths' means some sort of non-combat advancement or other downtime activity.
As long as it's not more rewards that you can only earn by not playing.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
As long as it's not more rewards that you can only earn by not playing.
I think it's more likely to be based on the idea of rewards you earn by not playing DCUO

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Or it could be us striking first to try and reduce his ability to invade - although completing the new TF could also spawn a Praetorian zone invasion
You mean proving Emperor Cole right that Primal Earth is full of chaos and is planning to invade?



As long as it's not more rewards that you can only earn by not playing.
At the moment, the only ones [ignoring if you want the badge] that i find usefull are the patrol xp and the WW tp. All the others just arent worth the effort for the bonus personally.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
My toon's a bit squishy, can I have the fighting pool as an inherent too? Ugh, if i19 is just

-inherent fitness
-alpha slot

I'm done. :P Sorry, had to be the first doomsayer.
What? What?? What???

Tamaki, you can't quit now. Even if all your toons are so uber they don't need inherent Fitness, and your 50s scoff at the Alpha Slot, think of Issue 20!!! Not just any NDA but a signed NDA!

Gots to be good stuffs ahead


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
You mean proving Emperor Cole right that Primal Earth is full of chaos and is planning to invade?
He's had secret spy bases here for ages

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Let's see:

Inherit Fitness pool

Incarnate systems with TF

New Incarnate cotent with each issue

Bonus info on Issue 20.

Damn...This is kicking so much *** I almost turned Super Sayajin and sky rocketed to the moon.