Tweets of the PAX Panel




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The screenshot shows him in the Vanguard base area, wearing Vangaurd style armor - the TF will be co-op
I think his statement of confusion was more tied to the alpha-enabled/alpha strike portion of the bullet point.

Alpha Strike is, presumably, the name of the TF/Issue. Alpha Enabled means, I'm guessing here, that any character who plays it needs to have the alpha slot of the incarnate system enabled in order to participate in it.

That's just conjecture on my part though.



Originally Posted by Haggard4Life View Post
This is my speculation as well. When the Alpha Slot was pulled, one of the things Posi (I think) said was that they might release it as a mini-issue or something. So I'm guessing that I19 is now the Alpha Slot, the content connected to it, and whatever else is ready for release (tip missions, fitness, etc).

And I'm also guessing that what was planned for I19 has been moved back to I20. If that's the case, then it's good for several reasons. Like, we get I19 earlier than we probably would've before and this would give the devs more time to get the next Incarnate phase ready.

But that's just my speculation.
i19: what didn't make the August ship date.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
how, with mind control? A gun to your head? holding someone near and dear to you hostage?

Just curious about what amazing coercive power is being leveled that forces you to respond to the posts of some stranger on the internet.
Anyone mentioning me D:


You just did it.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by Emperor_Justin View Post
I think his statement of confusion was more tied to the alpha-enabled/alpha strike portion of the bullet point.

Alpha Strike is, presumably, the name of the TF/Issue. Alpha Enabled means, I'm guessing here, that any character who plays it needs to have the alpha slot of the incarnate system enabled in order to participate in it.

That's just conjecture on my part though.
I think it means two things.

1) You need to be Level 50.
2) You need Going Rogue.

So yeah.



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
I don't know what's funnier: The retarded amount of Inherant Fitness NERDRAGE in this thread, or the fact that almost everyone is overlooking the fact that we had NO IDEA what this will do to slots. Will we get more? Will we still be stuck with what we have? Have to wait until Monday or Tuesday, and hope the Devs/OCR tells us (unless they say something at PAX tomorrow... >.>)
I'm preparing for the "worst" - I use 3 of the 4 Fitness powers, each usually getting 2-4 slots (love procs). Having 3 new powers but no additional slots means if I get anything that I want more than one enhancement slot I need to get a bit more creative. For my high level characters? That means Hamindon Enhancements look a wee bit more interesting than they did before and could selectively replace some of my high-level Common IO's. My set IO's are usually all at level 25 for exemplaring purposes, so... eeek.



Originally Posted by Slax View Post
i19: what didn't make the August ship date.
It also sounds like it's more of a mini-Issue, like I15, and that I20 is more like the original idea for I19 - so it's still going to be a a sort of sneak preview of the Incarnate system.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Slax View Post
i19: what didn't make the August ship date.
Well, yeah - I think that's pretty consistent with past performance



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post

Any way I can convince you Devs to make it a priority?

I have to agree. Power Pool customization just keeps getting further and further away.

It's incredibly annoying that I can highly change the appearance of my GFX on powers... except the APPs and PPPs.

It's a nagging, irritating annoyance that my SS/Elec/Mu Brute is covered in blue good-guy electricity and then I throw red bolts of electricity.

Even my fire/flame controller is not looking forward to making 41 because I'll just have to shoehorn in one of the APPs without a bit of coloring. So I'm going to have this jarring thing going on then too.

Hate, hate, hate not being able to customize some things.

Kheldians stuck in Peacebringer or Warshade colors, non-tintantable Widow psychics...

It makes me want to not take those powers.

Still here, even after all this time!



Bring on the "mini" i say

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
I don't know what's funnier: The retarded amount of Inherant Fitness NERDRAGE in this thread, or the fact that almost everyone is overlooking the fact that we had NO IDEA what this will do to slots. Will we get more? Will we still be stuck with what we have? Have to wait until Monday or Tuesday, and hope the Devs/OCR tells us (unless they say something at PAX tomorrow... >.>)

Runner Up LOL: "The game is too easy!!" xD
I don't see why people worry that much about not getting more slots. You're already limited by how many slots you can put into your build now, this won't change anything, what does this do now?

Oh look...I'm going to grab those powers I don't really need to slot and put them into my build now Either for concept or min/max purposes.

Oh look, I can add Combat Jumping for additional +Defense, Immbolize Protection, and slot it with a +RCH LotG.

When before I might have skipped it on my Hover Blaster.

It gives wiggle room!

And for those who use Ninja Run as a travel power because they needed to make room in their build...OH LOOK! A real travel power again!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Psyte View Post
Well, yeah - I think that's pretty consistent with past performance
Not any more. Now whatever doesn't make the date gets packaged and sold as a Booster.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Thinking of mine...
Warshades (late) can get by without it.
I've got a Dark/Dark Scrapper, early-mid 20s, that doesn't have it and is working fine.
One Dom, I believe.
A few masterminds.

... so off my 200-odd characters, at least, I think your guess is close. Some characters I just can't get around taking it (fire/storm controller, for instance.)
Cold/Dark defender
Friend has high recharge Dark/invul scrapper
My warshade doesn't have it!

Though at some point Bill that dark/dark scrapper is gonna want something for end management. Good thing Stamina is going inherent!



Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
Not any more. Now whatever doesn't make the date gets packaged and sold as a Booster.
I've got a LONG list of things that I would pay for, so don't joke about that. Some of us would pay to get our pet projects put up on "top priority" list.



you do realise that "Alpha Strike",could also mean the first big attack by Cole?
and that the allowing of primal earth heroes into Cole's universe could be our retalliation?

ok ,I'll put my tin foil hat back on

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



Originally Posted by Slax View Post
i19: what didn't make the August ship date.
I'm guessing that sometimes, yes, that's how it ends up. It's called feature-creep. There's always more features and content you can add, but you have to have a cut-off point if you want to get anything released to the players.

There was probably lots of stuff the devs wanted to include in Going Rogue but they just didn't have time to add it before release.



I can't see why some people are wondering 'What do I slot (if I can't slot the inherents)?'

Aid Other and Aid Self are a quick little boost to a damaged teammate or yourself. And Resuscitate coud come in handy as an emergency back up.

Hasten could be used as a panic button without much slotting, if you haven't taken it elsewhere. Pop it during an AV fight or whatever.

Combat Jumping is cheap and provides a little bit of defence, combat manoeuvrability and immobilization protection.

Recall friend might come in handy if you do a lot of teaming.

I'm already getting ideas of how to change my builds if needed.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
And for those who use Ninja Run as a travel power because they needed to make room in their build...OH LOOK! A real travel power again!
Not me! Ninja Jump+swift and/or hurdle is currently my travel power since Natural Booster came out.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
Combat Jumping is cheap and provides a little bit of defence, combat manoeuvrability and immobilization protection.
I strongly encourage all non flying characters to try this power out. It is quite simply one of my favorite powers in the game for its versatility and almost non existent endurance cost.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
I can't see why some people are wondering 'What do I slot (if I can't slot the inherents)?'

Aid Other and Aid Self are a quick little boost to a damaged teammate or yourself. And Resuscitate could come in handy as an emergency back up.

Hasten could be used as a panic button without much slotting, if you haven't taken it elsewhere. Pop it during an AV fight or whatever.

Combat Jumping is cheap and provides a little bit of defense, combat maneuverability and immobilization protection.

Recall friend might come in handy if you do a lot of teaming.

I'm already getting ideas of how to change my builds if needed.
I mentioned a couple pages ago that Leadership may get a lot more popular as well.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



To respond to the "Trivializing the Game's Difficulty" argument.

The people who are consistently capable of soloing 8-man missions with level 54 and 55 enemies and are currently shouting about how super-easy the game will be with Fitness as an inherent are NOT wrong.

The people who rebuke that statement are also 100% right.

Ultimately the game is made "Easy" for the former group of players because they go out of their way to MAKE the game easy on themselves. They min-max their builds, hit softcap with IOs, get their recharge rates down or whatever is required to make their builds "Teh Uber" which, in turn, makes everything seem trivial to their IOed out min-maxed build.

Is it -wrong- to gather as much power as is possible (much less, feasible) in a game? No. It isn't wrong. Is it wrong to assume that the game will be developed around using IOs when the Devs have stated that it would never be balanced against such an easily overpowered metric? Yes.

Get back to using SOs and HOs and try running the 8 man +4 mission. Is it more difficult? Of course. Is it impossible? For some builds, yes. Does that mean the game is too hard? No.

Ultimately the difficulty of the game is entirely based on a player's perception. If you're looking for a real challenge roll up a Thugs/Poison petless mastermind and use only SOs or "standard" IOs.




Originally Posted by MadHobbit View Post
you do realise that "Alpha Strike",could also mean the first big attack by Cole?
and that the allowing of primal earth heroes into Cole's universe could be our retalliation?

ok ,I'll put my tin foil hat back on
Already been suggested

All we know so far is that at PAX today the devs said that the Incarnate content will be initially Praetorian focused, there was a picture of Apex as a new Incarnate TF contact, wearing Vanguard armor and standing in the Vanguard base, and that GR has shown us that the Vanguard are taking a leading role in the fight against Tyrant, and are willing to accept the help of both Heores and Villains, just like the Resistance does, who they're helping

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Wasnt i17 supposed to be content that was part of i18/GR? So if you people are saying i19 was supposed to be i18/GR too, then how big did you really think that issue was going to be?

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Yes this game is super easy, I truly hope that Incarnate arcs/TFs are truly challenging (not tedious like a 250k HP AV, who is still easy).

No I don't think making fitness an inherent makes the game that much easier, but it removes the tedium of wasting 3 powers for some end management (more than half my toons would skip health now if not for stamina) and allows for even more choice in builds.

It's not like toons get fireball and MoG as inherents. Curious to see how this plays out, mostly hoping incarnates is true endgame (yes we have ITF, STF, LGTF, KhanTF, LRSF now but more are needed for variety and true endgame. That and none of them are that hard).

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit