Tweets of the PAX Panel




Originally Posted by Dalantia View Post
Don't like, suspect won't be quite as effective, and probably will have the benefit eaten by the extra powers.

This is one thing I'm hoping they won't touch/mess with. No changing Stamina's (and the other powers) effectiveness or raising endurance costs across the board please!

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991




I made a few characters without fitness (or at least health/stamina) for bragging rights purposes and self-challenge. So much for that. Otherwise, "yay!"

Also, "yay" for Apex! "yay" for incarnate slot! "yay" for harder endgame content! "yay" for boobie physi-

... oh, wait, they didn't announce boobie physiscs, did they? Aw =(


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
Yeah, because how dare anyone be opposed to this. Not like it's a mutant or party pack.
I wasn't commenting on your opposition, it was regarding you repeated "bowing out" of the conversation... You don't read much do you?



Originally Posted by Neogumbercules View Post
I guess I'll weigh in on the whole fitness thing, too.

I've got almost 5 years of paid time on my account. In that time I have almost never... ever... EVER seen a character that was being played by a knowledgeable person that wasn't using Stamina. Of the ones I did see, they were regens or willpower users or people with really good end recovery powers such as elec armor or kin.
Thinking of mine...
Warshades (late) can get by without it.
I've got a Dark/Dark Scrapper, early-mid 20s, that doesn't have it and is working fine.
One Dom, I believe.
A few masterminds.

... so off my 200-odd characters, at least, I think your guess is close. Some characters I just can't get around taking it (fire/storm controller, for instance.)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post

I made a few characters without fitness (or at least health/stamina) for bragging rights purposes and self-challenge. So much for that. Otherwise, "yay!"

Also, "yay" for Apex! "yay" for incarnate slot! "yay" for harder endgame content! "yay" for boobie physi-

... oh, wait, they didn't announce boobie physiscs, did they? Aw =(
Hair physics first - and if they've actaully looked at animated faces, then they're slowly getting closer to the right spot

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
I'm gonna go out on a limb and call i20 for Christmas.

If it enters closed beta next week it should be -possible- if not probable that it'll hit before New Years. If it manages that herculean task, 2010 will go down in the annals of MMO history as the best year ever for CoH.

Still going to be tough to beat 2007 (Loot, RWZ, Flashback) IMO, but I see your point.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I20 being a bit of a blockbuster was kind of a given - it's the first Issue after DCUO comes out
DCUO will destroy Champions, but I don't think it's really intended to compete with City of Heroes. From all accounts the games are going to play VERY differently.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
DCUO will destroy Champions, but I don't think it's really intended to compete with City of Heroes. From all accounts the games are going to play VERY differently.
It's still spandex and capes - that's intruding on our turf

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



ok while i thought about it i guess i could be ok with inherents now but why not more love to redside still..and ofc

'Alpha Strike' task force for Alpha enabled characters - Apex is the contact




Originally Posted by Flame_Strike View Post
I wasn't commenting on your opposition, it was regarding you repeated "bowing out" of the conversation... You don't read much do you?
I don't know how to read... how dare you.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
I am actually not so sure fitness as inherent is a good thing. It was one of the things that made people think about which powers to take. One of the things that could completly go wrong in a build.

So making powerful builds becomes easier... the game becomes easier... again! Do we want it so easy?

I am not sure...
Can I approach this from a different angle? While we don't know the specifics of how this will be implemented (and those are subject to change anyhow), by making it so Fitness no longer a "requirement" (either in reality or perception) I think this will actually allow for greater freedom and diversity in character building. From what I remember of Champions Online and understand about DC Universe Online, COH's character building could use the additional flexibility that freeing up those power choices (but not necessarily power slots) will bring.

Now, I wish there were additional power pools to go with this, but even then there will still be 9 regular power pools plus the APPs/PPPs and the rest of your primary/secondary. The PP's, APP's and PPP's have their own prerequisites for the higher-tiered powers on top of that. So you still have to consider your build; which powers to take, when to take them, when to slot them, etc. I don't think its going to be that much easier - its certainly not like they're giving us the I Win button.

This has the potential to help all players, new and old, while freeing us to be more creative when making our characters. There's no argument that this will make things easier. But at the same time, not all players min/max. I run with players who will take powers based on looks or "fun value" for them, even though they know its a non-optimal choice. One of COH's strengths is that there's a wide range of playable builds - the focus isn't strictly on the most optimized things out there.

Certainly, I'm already wondering what powers to add to my favorite character once I no longer have to deal with Stamina. Of course, I don't know how my slotting will be affected - having three more powers means I have to figure out how to split slots between those new powers and (I'm assuming) my new Inherent Fitness. That's going to be hard, especially since I don't want to lose the Set IO bonuses I worked so hard for!

I think it'll work out.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's still spandex and capes - that's intruding on our turf
and we'll defend our turf with....

ANIMATED HAIR muhahahaha



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
psst- :P I also believe there should be a few complaints in all the dev love. It helps to balance it out.
I know. Every time I see someone buy a book, I burn one. Got to keep the balance!

BTW, when everyone was slammin' the party pack, you posted how much you loved it... to balance things out... right?

Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
Thought at least someone else wouldn't like this change :\ My fault for being toasted/saying I was displeased. Go ahead with the dev love :P I don't have facts to support my dread.
Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
So I just can't have an opinion? I need numbers or market research?
You could have simply stated your opinion and why you hold that opinion and left it at that.

But, you feel compelled to 'balance things out.' So... do you have an honest opinion, or are you being contrary for the sake of being contrary? Which happens to be the definition of Trolling and not allowed.

Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
Yeah, because how dare anyone be opposed to this. Not like it's a mutant or party pack.
Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
I love everything the devs give me! Thank you sir, may I have another!

Sorry but I've been waiting a long time for the stuff I "want". I understand the hate for people who don't love everything the devs do, but some of us are sick of waiting for basic things. We're also tired of them catering to people who will praise them for any move they make.
Two contradictory statements: You note how poorly the mutant and party packs were received; but then you say there are large numbers of people who will praise everything.

The fact is that the fans of the game are also vocal critics. Just because we don't threaten to quit or play mind games like "I'm just saying the opposite because I'm a True Neutral Alignment" or make our comments all about *me* and how the devs don't listen to me, and people who disagree with me must have ulterior motives... boo freakin' hoo -- doesn't mean we're not being critical.

BTW, have I mentioned this isn't about you and you can stop repeating yourself now?

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First off, let me say, I've never had these OMG, I can't handle the END Issues, issue, that other players have had. However, that's not to say I didnt take Fitness by 22/22 either. I did! This is just saying those who have the "OH NO" before Stamina, and still complain afterwards.

That said, I love the news! this will make filling out my concepts so much easier if they do it the way I think they will!

Swift/Hurdle at level 6 (1 slot, enhanceable)
Health at level 14 (1 slot, enhanceable)
Stamina at level 20 (1 slot, enhanceable)

Yup, it won't be freeing up slots, but I don't care! This will allow me to take powers on builds, to fit my concepts! I know my Stalker will love this for the PvE Build!

Physical Perfection (not only a concept power, but a great one at that), Fast Healing (I had to skip it for Health to make room for other concept powers) AND FLY or HOVER (I kinda want her to be a SLOOOOW flier, but still able to just a bit).

Though is this for i20 or i19? I really hope this is for i19!

i19 Fitness is Inherent! Would be a cool issue to be just for this fact!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by HardRider View Post
'Alpha Strike' task force for Alpha enabled characters - Apex is the contact

The screenshot shows him in the Vanguard base area, wearing Vanguard style armor - the TF will be co-op

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Another good reason to make the Fitness pool inherent is that the 4 powers are extremely generic, and are the kind of physical bonuses you'd expect most superpowered people to have anyway.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Ok own up . . . . who here is in i19 closed beta and hasnt let any info leaked yet?

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I know. Every time I see someone buy a book, I burn one. Got to keep the balance!

BTW, when everyone was slammin' the party pack, you posted how much you loved it... to balance things out... right?
I try to stop talking about this, yet you keep pulling me back in. Sorry, I don't like the changes... get over it? Should I have posted a bunch about it?.... no. Should I have woke up drunk and thought this was stupid? Maybe. Stop quoting me, it won't change my mind, and it won't help others think I know what I'm talking about.

Also restraining myself from mentioning your pvp builds.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Ok own up . . . . who here is in i19 closed beta and hasnt let any info leaked yet?
If I19 is small-ish - like I15, then it might not need a closed beta

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Actually, "Alpha slot tied to lore? Cool!" was a knee-jerk reaction. Now that I've though about it some more, it will be cool if:

There are multiple paths to unlocking it. As in, multiple story arcs. For one thing, running the same arc on every 50 will get old very fast. For another, judging by some of the more recent content, I doubt they will be able to come up with a single arc that suits every character concept. And I really really REALLY hope it has absolutely nothing to do with Statesman, Recluse, or the whole Origin of Power garbage. I would like there not to be another major piece of canon that I have to ignore because it's stupid.

Secondly: As for CoH 2.0 being a completely new game, I most certainly hope not. For one thing, how are they going to make existing characters work? I'm sure a lot of the loyal vets are attached to their existing characters, and have a lot invested in them. If you tell them they have to start over, will they? I don't think I will. The game can't afford to lose those loyal vets.

And this talk of a signed NDA to get into i20 closed beta has me a little...worried. What are they worried about? Are they worried about an i13 style leak and resulting exodus on a bigger scale? Again, they can't afford to lose those loyal vets. ED made some people quit, true, but ED also came with a whole new "expansion" that made a lot of people return and a lot of people join, and we just haven't been getting much of any real substance lately. We get new shinies to make people come back, but nothing to make them stay. And you know, when ED hit there weren't any other superhero MMOs. I'm hoping our devs are smarter than that, and these "super-secret" changes are being kept super-secret for the same kinds of reasons closed betas were introduced in the first place, combined with the "start low, then power up rather than start high, then nerf" philosophy.

As for signed NDAs, nice try. I can see why they're doing it I guess, what with the massive increase in mothership raids and multiple leak-fuelled "DOOOOM" posts during GR closed beta, but face it, the people who don't respect the concept of an NDA still won't.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



I don't know what's funnier: The retarded amount of Inherant Fitness NERDRAGE in this thread, or the fact that almost everyone is overlooking the fact that we had NO IDEA what this will do to slots. Will we get more? Will we still be stuck with what we have? Have to wait until Monday or Tuesday, and hope the Devs/OCR tells us (unless they say something at PAX tomorrow... >.>)

Runner Up LOL: "The game is too easy!!" xD

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
I try to stop talking about this, yet you keep pulling me back in.
how, with mind control? A gun to your head? holding someone near and dear to you hostage?

Just curious about what amazing coercive power is being leveled that forces you to respond to the posts of some stranger on the internet.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone