Known Issue: the Online Store

Ael Rhiana



Odd they can't have community support post in English.

Avatea's most recent post in French - translated per Google Chrome

"All game servers will be turned off in 20 minutes for the application of a patch fix that will solve the problems affecting the recovery of character slots and transfer characters."



Servers going down for fixes. Imagine that!



Impressively fast results.



Originally Posted by Moonflax View Post
Servers going down for fixes. Imagine that!
Even more amazing when Bill told them of the problem a couple of weeks back in Beta.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
Agreed. The thing is... This has been the #1 recurring issue for months or years now, so far as I can tell. It affects all players who have more than 12 characters on a server, and it has been affecting them all along, with dozens of reports.

It's not new. It's not surprising. This isn't a last-minute bug that somehow escaped testing; this is them getting bitten by the decision to just ignore a well-known problem instead of fixing it.

And believe me, having had this happen to my own releases, I'm familiar with the experience.
Ah well, hopefully it will be fixed for good this time! It's true I've had issues with this bug before, though, so I'm sure this has only bumped it up on the priority list anyways. I have 14-15 slots on every server, so it's kind of unavoidable for me! lol



Wow i can understand some players (including myself first) to be a little disappointed when this happen, but now we have unnecessary labels and people acting very closed minded. The servers maintenance will resolve this issue and everyone will be happy.

We must understand too, all the people which were more than hyper to finally make their first praetorian and play this great anticipated expansion. In my opinion this is a 50/50 and with the maintenance coming, the wait will be over for good.



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
Even more amazing when Bill told them of the problem a couple of weeks back in Beta.
I remember HAVING the problem in beta, but I assumed it was isolated to the beta server, that the store had been disabled there for whatever reason. The copy tool was also down at the same time, so I figured there was a connection. Maybe it's just a buncha bugs that need a good hosing down with a can of raid!



Heya folks,

Update news is here. Short version is we're addressing the issue now and should be back up and running in an hour.

Thanks for your patience,



Yes, this was disappointing. But, hopefully, this maintenance will take care of the issue. On the plus side:

1) There was still 20-40% of the content to experience during the down time. Yes, if you deleted a slot before trying to create one (as I did) there is the possibility it will be taken. That truly sucks cause it can't be (easily) fixed. But otherwise there were market changes as well as side switching.

2) The slots are still there (as far as well know) and maybe this is the final impetus to "fix" this issue.

3) New Players, which is what the game needs the most, won't run into this issue. So that is an EXCELLENT thing.

My first 50 of each AT on Triumph:
Tempest Master: Defender; Puppy: Master Mind; Dr Hypochondria: Controller; RubberCop: Tanker; Gleipnir: Scrapper; Viridian Widow: Widow; Mr Atlantis: Blaster; Storm Lord: Dominator; Quetzacouatl: - Peacebringer; DogStar: Corruptor; Lightning Strikes: Stalker; Lord of Brass: Brute; Mr. Cygnus X-1: Warshade



Originally Posted by TempestMaster View Post
3) New Players, which is what the game needs the most, won't run into this issue. So that is an EXCELLENT thing.
They do get to experience the nasty side effect of the servers getting taken down in an unscheduled manner to resolve it, though.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Rejolt View Post



You are

I noticed that when I found it, but I was tired of looking for pictures so I used it anyways.



So, we're, like, limited to 6 transfers per day? 6 transfers period? Whahuh? I could swear I saw the word "unlimited" bandied about in regards to the amount of transfers one could do, as long as they're accomplished during the days specified, so I is confuzzled as to why I do 6 transfers and can then do no more. Anyone else encountering this?

M. Bison: For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for was Tuesday.
-- Street Fighter (1994)

McClane: Hey, thanks for saving my daughter's life.
Farrell: What was I going to do?
McClane: That's what makes you "that guy."
-- Live Free or Die Hard (2007)



Originally Posted by Klatteja View Post
So, we're, like, limited to 6 transfers per day? 6 transfers period? Whahuh? I could swear I saw the word "unlimited" bandied about in regards to the amount of transfers one could do, as long as they're accomplished during the days specified, so I is confuzzled as to why I do 6 transfers and can then do no more. Anyone else encountering this?
We're limiting it to 6 per day until the global maintenance on Thursday. After that we'll increase the cap to 20 per day. I can't imagine anyone needing much more than that.


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Originally Posted by fireballman View Post
it's not just extra slots. most of us can't roll any new characters at all (if we have more than 12 slots)

so no shiny happy GR launch for us
I'm not only having this issue, but if I delete a stale, old toon, which I did today, I'm getting a 'unavailable' slot in its place. Not a 'create character' slot. Sorry for the poor grammar.



Actual Location: Inside the system itself.

"When the most exciting thing about Mace is AceMace's avatar, then it's time to get realistic."

Shield Guide

The only thing anyone in this game is "supposed to be doing" is having fun. Everything else is negotiable. -Jet Boy



It does seem to be fixed.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
It does seem to be fixed.
Good to hear. Now let's hope it STAYS fixed!



I don't think it's completely fixed. Me and my friends are having problems with Liberty. When we transfer a toon to another server, a ghost of the toon stays on the old server. The name is there, but the toon isn't.



Originally Posted by ZanderCross View Post
This is true. If you deleted your name placeholder and someone that hasn't used the 12 slots on your server yet picks it... I guess that's tough luck. What are the odds someone will pick your name? Who knows, but lets just hope that it doesn't get taken. Most won't get taken (probably) but some might. Life "ain't" fair sometimes sadly...
Yes, I am hoping. And the "life aint fair" comment is pretty jerky imho. Thanks for the life lesson, pffft.

That's why I was voicing my concern and my opinion about the problem. Making a toon and server transfer is a quick & easy solution.....altho you have 1-2 (lets hope that's it) days of not being able to experience new content with friends you've developed over the years. Not even mentioning the anticipation. But having a concept toon you've been working on for a long time and possibly having it squashed due to some glitch is el stinko.

It's a pretty big issue to roll out a pre-launch bonus and then stymie MANY of those long time players.



I deleted a old toon today but it still shows his name as if he's still there. I can't remake him cause it claims the name is taken but if I check name it tells me I can use it.


Joking Jester

Buzz Off



Thanks Ocho, all fixed on my end.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
Thanks theOcho! Appreciate the base touching.
That sounds dirty.