Known Issue: the Online Store

Ael Rhiana



Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
You have to admit... A glitch that prevents people from experiencing 90% of the content in this release is a pretty epic fail.
This. Good work, Paragon.



Originally Posted by panzerwaffen View Post
i am so glad i pre-purchased gr so i could get access to the super cool praetorian zones and new content on launch day!

Oh, wait. I can't. Because i can't access any of my slots to create a new character...

Gg devs!

Alts on all servers, lvl 50 of every AT:
lvl 50 Heroes on all servers but; Pinnacle, Victory
lvl 50 Villains on all servers but; Guardian, Pinnacle, Triumph, Victory
Current Projects: Tanks
Official MOM of Tribal Alliance



From the French Forums, posted by a redname at 8:56pm today, so I assume France local time:

C'est un véritable branle-bas de combat ici depuis que ce problème a été découvert mais le patch correctif devrait être mis en place d'ici une à deux heures. Nous vous l'annoncerons dans les forums d'annonces officielles dès que possible.

It says, more or less, one to two hours.



Originally Posted by Ternary_Thinker View Post
From the French Forums, posted by a redname at 8:56pm today, so I assume France local time:

C'est un véritable branle-bas de combat ici depuis que ce problème a été découvert mais le patch correctif devrait être mis en place d'ici une à deux heures. Nous vous l'annoncerons dans les forums d'annonces officielles dès que possible.

It says, more or less, one to two hours.
Babelfish's translation actually makes it sound like longer. But its a loose translation.

"It is a true low swing of fights here since that this problem was discovered but the corrective patch should be set here up an at two o'clock. We yourself will announce it in the forums of official as soon as possible announcements. "

Home Server (Pinnacle) Global: @Narda
Susie Vir ----(Level 50 claws/ dark armor scrapper)
Gwendolyn Riely ----(Level 50 Earth/Storm troller)
Goblin Mistress----(Level 50 MM)



Originally Posted by mscats View Post
Quit your moaning, everyone. Every game has problems when a major update/expansion is issued. It's a glitch that will be corrected! Patience, patience, and more patience.... there will be plenty of time to play the new content.
Don't mistake my curmudgeonly criticism for moaning. Moaning would indicate that "I'm all emo" over this, when in fact... well, see my location


for details.

I think the situation is funny, in a sad "net opps totally didn't see this coming" sort of way



Originally Posted by SusieVir View Post
Babelfish's translation actually makes it sound like longer. But its a loose translation.

"It is a true low swing of fights here since that this problem was discovered but the corrective patch should be set here up an at two o'clock. We yourself will announce it in the forums of official as soon as possible announcements. "
I typed "What time is it in France" into Google. It says 11:37pm. So 2 o'clock would be in 2 1/2 hours from now? Yes?

(currently 5:37pm EST)

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Originally Posted by Ternary_Thinker View Post
From the French Forums, posted by a redname at 8:56pm today, so I assume France local time:

C'est un véritable branle-bas de combat ici depuis que ce problème a été découvert mais le patch correctif devrait être mis en place d'ici une à deux heures. Nous vous l'annoncerons dans les forums d'annonces officielles dès que possible.

It says, more or less, one to two hours.
Originally Posted by SusieVir View Post
Babelfish's translation actually makes it sound like longer. But its a loose translation.

"It is a true low swing of fights here since that this problem was discovered but the corrective patch should be set here up an at two o'clock. We yourself will announce it in the forums of official as soon as possible announcements. "
"une à deux heures" One or two hours.

Google's translation is significantly saner:

It is a real commotion fighting here since this problem has been discovered but the patch fix should be in place by one to two hours. We will announce it in the forums official announcements as soon as possible.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Originally Posted by SusieVir View Post
Babelfish's translation actually makes it sound like longer. But its a loose translation.

"It is a true low swing of fights here since that this problem was discovered but the corrective patch should be set here up an at two o'clock. We yourself will announce it in the forums of official as soon as possible announcements. "
Google's sounds a little different, and less like it was translated by fish:

It is a real commotion fighting here since this problem has been discovered but the patch fix should be in place by one to two hours. We will announce it in the forums official announcements as soon as possible.



That is why the Babelfish has caused longer and bloodier wars than any other creature in the history of time. Next time, find someone who reads French

Yeah, 1-2 hours.



I wouldn't mind so much if my money hadn't already been taken. I'd be much more forgiving if I could get my money back, then later decide if I still wanted those 5 extra slots. It's not a huge amount of money, but it's the principle of the thing. You can't deliver the product, you give the money back and hope you can convince the person they still want the product when you actually can provide it.



Originally Posted by Mr_Heat_Stroke View Post
It's really not all that bad. Make your toon on another server, then free transfer it to your home when the store is back up.

Not really a huge deal, just annoying until it's fixed.
Not a bad idea. I'll go do that now.

"The Sky is not the limit to Mastery, for (as any science fiction enthusiast can tell you) there are infinite worlds left to explore once the sky is left behind." From "Role Playing Mastery", by Gary Gygax.



I'm really hoping this means that the purchased slot I asked it to redeem, which has not yet shown up, hasn't just been lost into the ether.



Originally Posted by mscats View Post
Quit your moaning, everyone. Every game has problems when a major update/expansion is issued. It's a glitch that will be corrected! Patience, patience, and more patience.... there will be plenty of time to play the new content.

And thank you DEV for responding to this thread You guys are AWESOME!
Originally Posted by TempestMaster View Post
Okay, small consolation, but the slots are NOT lost. They will come back up when the store comes up.

Do they need to fix (or, more appropriately BREAK) the link between the store and the redeemed slots (either purchased from the store or from vet awards)? Absolutely. But please don't make it out to be worse than it is:

Slots redeemed WILL become available one the store is back up. Let us give them time to fix it. THEN we can urge them to prevent it from happening again.
I disagree. If people are upset, they should voice their displeasure. And they should keep doing it until they are happy. That being said, I don't think this is a huge deal.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
new promotional tagline:

I've been saving that name on my server for a while now.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Not to be overly critical, but with the foreseen popularity of the game with the launch of Going Rogue (as indicated by the recent forum cleanup), wouldn't it have been a forethought, in addition to the free character transfer service on top of the release of a major expansion, that bolstering of the online store may have been a necessary step before launch day?

I just don't see how this slipped by the development or net opps teams.
Who says the online store is overloaded?

What if there was some goofy, obscure code error in there someplace that was causing the server to run amok, eat money, and poop in everyone's left shoe (unless it was an Air Jordan)?

There HAVE been several EXTENSIVE maintenances on ALL of the servers in the past few weeks in prep for this. Unfortunately, Uncle Murphy is law unto himself.

So cut them some slack.

Does it suck? Sure!
Will it be fixed? Sure!
Was this intentional or through malfeasance or laziness? HELL NO!

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



More like "rental slots" if you ask me, am I right?




Originally Posted by Ternary_Thinker View Post
From the French Forums, posted by a redname at 8:56pm today, so I assume France local time:

C'est un véritable branle-bas de combat ici depuis que ce problème a été découvert mais le patch correctif devrait être mis en place d'ici une à deux heures. Nous vous l'annoncerons dans les forums d'annonces officielles dès que possible.

It says, more or less, one to two hours.
Approximative translation: We're like in a battlezone here since we'd discovered the problem, but the patch could be ready in one or two hours. We'll make an announcement in the official news forums as soon as possible"

Avatea posted this nearly one hour ago, so we can hope that there will be a fix very soon.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Who says the online store is overloaded?

What if there was some goofy, obscure code error in there someplace that was causing the server to run amok, eat money, and poop in everyone's left shoe (unless it was an Air Jordan)?

There HAVE been several EXTENSIVE maintenances on ALL of the servers in the past few weeks in prep for this. Unfortunately, Uncle Murphy is law unto himself.

So cut them some slack.

Does it suck? Sure!
Will it be fixed? Sure!
Was this intentional or through malfeasance or laziness? HELL NO!
Well, just to be fair, your conjecture is based on as many facts as mine!

Also, in that maintenance cycle, they seem to have missed a spot

(And I never called them lazy, that's just you shoveling words in my mouth, ya big lug! )

Thanks everyone, don't forget to tip your waitress!

<Runs off to evening classes>



I know it's probably an outrageous and rational suggestion, but perhaps this means they will think about separating paid for/earned slots from the online store entirely? Surely they could record the number of paid for/earned slots available at anytime to the actual account, instead of having to look this up at the online store each and every time you try and access a slot.

Seriously, this issue is pretty embarrassing. It happened to me the other week and I couldn't recreate an alt until the next day because of this. Now it's happening and keeping people from enjoying GR on launch day.

Honestly, unless there's a pretty good reason that this (the number of slots avail total) cannot be stored in our account info accessed at login, I would hope this change is made.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
That ^

Is this a nuisance? Yes. Was it an avoidable issue that tarnished an otherwise relatively smooth release? Yes. Am I more annoyed at Paragon for breaking my surround sound? Yes. Will I get over it? Also yes.
Not to be a pedantic Richard, but here I go.

Define "avoidable" in correctly applicable terms as it applies to NCSoft/Paragon's City of Heroes service setup. Include the appropriate action plans and budgets necessary to achieve your objective as well as the full estimates of raw labor and programming necessary to make it happen, as well as a full hardware list.

AKA (See standard code rant)

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



All I know is that I deleted one of my toons on Virtue last night to make a Praetorian, and the slot has been unavailable since. So my early access for having preordered months ago is nil, and now we're well into launch day and I still can't make a new toon on my home server. Awful, awful design to tie slots we paid for into a service that is separate from the game and, as we have seen, can be down while the game is up. I bought these slots over a year ago, and actually _had_ a character in it, it wasn't one I needed to redeem, it was an existing toon I deleted and now cannot access the slot.



Personally, I'm really impressed how my veteran slots, which I most certainly did NOT pay for, and never had anything to do with the online store to begin with, are also now arbitrarily locked while the store is offline. GG guys.

Arc ID 181244 - Waves of Chaos
Arc ID 260113 - One Tough Cookie



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Not to be a pedantic Richard, but here I go.

Define "avoidable" in correctly applicable terms as it applies to NCSoft/Paragon's City of Heroes service setup. Include the appropriate action plans and budgets necessary to achieve your objective as well as the full estimates of raw labor and programming necessary to make it happen, as well as a full hardware list.

AKA (See standard code rant)
We don't have exact details, but this is of a general category of things we can comment on. We know that account updates can in fact apply to you when you're still at the character select screen and have not entered any server -- the character creator is able to access your booster packs and vet badges. So all that's missing is for the login screen to access one more thing of a category it's already apparently accessing.



Originally Posted by Starjammer View Post
Well, just bought my online GR, to add to the 5 slots I paid $20 for yesterday...

aaand nothing!

But the money's already gone from my account.

Isn't it funny how "issues" with the online store never stop NCSoft from taking my money. Only from delivering the service I paid for.

Taking money and giving nothing of value in return. There's a word for that.
You still have the stuff you paid for, unfortunately, they have tied in character slots with access to the store, for some reason. So they really do need to fix this issue. But implying that they took your money and didn't give you something is a bit over the top. The store will be up soon enough, and you'll have access.

I don't like it either, mind, but I don't want people being more upset than they need to be.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by mscats View Post
And thank you DEV for responding to this thread You guys are AWESOME!
Did I miss a Dev reply? I know the thread was started by an OCR, and the same OCR posted a reply in the thread, but I don't see any Dev posts in here...

And the way I look at it is this:

It's a conspiracy to keep me from playing!! First, they Soft Launch GR a day early, when I don't have my GR boxes, so I can't do GR-specific stuffs. Then, before my boxes arrive, the store goes down, server transfers break, deleting characters breaks, unlocked slots lock, fire and brimstone coming down from the skies, rivers and seas boiling, forty years of darkness, earthquakes, volcanoes, the dead rising from the grave, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

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