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Quote:Vigilance - Discussions générales Discutez de la vie en tant que héros ou vilain sur Vigilance.Et le forum "pour nous", vu qu'on est français, ben c'est le forum francophone
C'est écrit en gros en haut de la page. Moi, je dis ça, je dis rien...
Pour parler de Freedom, c'est ici :
Freedom Discuss all matters related to the Freedom server here.
Seulement, faut y parler en anglais.
Si tous les francophones étaient restés sur Vigilance (ou venus lors des transferts US->EU), on serait pas en train de mener ce débat sans fin...
Bienvenue quand même à toi, Gamegenie, au plaisir de te croiser in game. -
Faible population, donc tendance au repliment... Les derniers RP entre eux, les derniers Pvp (s'il en reste) également, les piliers de SG groupent et tourne en boucle sur leurs private joke...
Les gens préfêrent grouper avec les gens qu'ils connaissent, et préfêrent ne pas grouper plutôt que de se risquer à rencontrer quelqu'un.
Tu rajoutes GR qui est clairement orienté solo (pour l'instant, peut être du mieux à l'avenir?), tu mélanges le tout, et voilà...
Faut juste espérer que les TF plus ou moins obligatoires pour obtenir les matériaux incarnates redonnent l'envie aux gens de jouer ensemble. De toute façon, y aura pas vraiment le choix. -
Reste à savoir si ces capes et auras seront liées à l'origine choisie à la création, ou si toutes seront disponibles à tous les persos.
Et si nos cartes bleues ne sont pas trop usées ^^
En résumé, les 5 capes et 10 auras seront dispo pour tous les persos, quelle que soit leur origine. -
Technically, I think it must be some kind of "Tin Mage 2.0", based on the blueprints from the time capsule.
And he/it looks real good! -
Quote:Approximative translation: We're like in a battlezone here since we'd discovered the problem, but the patch could be ready in one or two hours. We'll make an announcement in the official news forums as soon as possible"From the French Forums, posted by a redname at 8:56pm today, so I assume France local time:
C'est un véritable branle-bas de combat ici depuis que ce problème a été découvert mais le patch correctif devrait être mis en place d'ici une à deux heures. Nous vous l'annoncerons dans les forums d'annonces officielles dès que possible.
It says, more or less, one to two hours.
Avatea posted this nearly one hour ago, so we can hope that there will be a fix very soon. -
Et pour ceux qui n'y croyaient plus, le retour de la Cathedral of Pain!
Comme quoi, tout vient à point à qui sait attendre ^^ -
Try this, it works for me:
1° Check your coh folder. You may find a tempfile. Delete it, and delete checksum too.
2° Reboot PC.
3° Stop your antivirus.
4° Launch updater.
(5° Don't forget to re launch your antivirus when repairs are done ^^ )
In my case, Avast didn't want CoH to change the name of the tempfile. But the updater didn't see anything wrong and go on. -
You can try Ronce d'Argent, Ronce is the french word for blackberries bush.
Or Lierre d'Argent (lierre = ivy, vine ). -
Thanks for your replies, I will try to find these, I already knew some of them ( I got all the books inspiring Jeeves, and a few research about Psychoville pointed me toward The League of Gentlemen).
A lot of the shows you've mentionned seems quite good, it's a shame that's nearly none of them crossed the channel... And french TV shows are quite awful, except for very, very rare exceptions (Kaamelott, Hero Corp) that are nearly intranslatable...
So it's a big "Thank you" to all of you, and feel free to add to the list -
I've been addicted from a long time to UK TV Shows.
I know my basics :
*Doctor Who, Torchwood, Life on Mars, Ashes to ashes...
*The Fawlty Towers, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Ab Fab, IT Crowd, Blackadder...
I recently discovered some really good jewels I've never heard of before, like:
*No Heroics
*Black Books
*How not to live your life
If I hadn't heard of them in a random net surfing (mostly from TVTropes and BBC Comedy Show), I could have totally miss those very great shows.
So, can you help me? Is there another great piece of UK TV culture that I must see? It can be recent, or old, I don't care, as long as it is good.
Thanks! -
Quote:Can I rent a flat in your mind?Ok, time for my own crazy, homebrew Nemesis Theory.
*hands out some tin-foil-hats*
Nemesis has /always/ known about the Coming Storm, even before he became Lord Nemesis. And now for a story:
A long time ago in Prussia, there lived a young man, lets call him Gerhardt. Perhaps he was a brilliant scientist, or maybe a simple toymaker, whatever he was, one fateful day he invented (or discovered) a way to travel between dimensions. Gerhardt wandered the many various alternate realities for many years, he learnt a great deal from his wanderings, mastering a strange steam-powered technology. He saw many strange and wonderful things, things that left him in awe, things that scared him.
Soon though he began to see a strange pattern; world after world, earth after earth, lying in ruin, devastated by some unnamed force. In some the devastation was old, in some fresh. Sifting through the ashes he would piece together the history of these worlds and he realised that this threat was coming for every earth, in every reality, even his own. The only difference was the time-frame. In fear for his home he sought ways to halt the threat, examining worlds that had lost and seeking out those that already caught up in the threat. When he finally returned home he had come up with a plan for combating this . . . Coming Storm.
His travels had taught him much, but mainly that adversity breeds strength. He knew that if his home, his earth, Primal Earth, was to survive it would need the strongest of defenders. If he was to ensure that Earths defenders were strong enough he would need to ensure they faced the greatest of challenges. He would need to, not just engineer those challenges, that adversity, he would need to become it. He would need to ensure that every defender of earth, every super powered individual, every Hero, faced a brilliant, ruthless, implacable . . . Nemesis.
And now for a word from our spons . . . I mean; some supporting evidence.
This is why all his plots ultimately fail; because they were never meant to succeeded, they were meant to challenge Heroes. If the heroes succeed, they get stronger, if they fail; weakness has been weeded out.
Thats why he has so many plots going at once, to challenge as many Heroes as possible at the same time.
Thats why he (spoiler) went to so much trouble to get the Rikti to invade, what better way to prepare a world for a devastation alien invasion, than by cutting its teeth on a smaller one.
Thats why he (spoiler) had control of the worlds weather for 2 years and nobody noticed (seriously; look up the Meteorologist badge).
Thats why he (spoiler) had nearly complete national mind-control network (the Get Track Sample mission from Maxwell Christopher), and never finished it or brought it online. He wasnt avoiding using it because he wanted people to love him of their own free will, it was a set up, just waiting for a Hero to come along and be challenged by it.
Weird Upshot of this theory; it would mean that the entire premise of our game; that of becoming more powerful by defeating ever increasing challenges . . . is a Nemesis plot. -
Les dix niveaux d'incarnate, c'est les 10 slots universels annoncés dans la survey de 2008.
Je suis prête à parier. -
Giant throne screenshot + location, and giant head as a bonus. -
Babs a lancé un appel aux images, afin de récolter une large base de données de pistolets, sûrement dans le but de les reskinner.
Quote:Réponse de la TV: Ce que je sais, c'est qu'à chaque fois que vous posterez votre amitié envers la TV, vous clamerez l'importance du sens et des histoires. Vous rapellerez aux devs que les jolies images ont besoin d'un support pour vivre. Vous demandez du contenu et vous leur criez que vous ne voulez pas attendre GR pour l'obtenir.
What I do know is that every time you post about your friendship with the Television you affirm the importance of stories and meaning. You remind the devs that pretty pictures require stories to live. You ask for content and you tell them you don't want to wait for Going Rogue. And believe me: the devs are listening.'
Et croyez moi: Les devs sont à l'écoute.
Alors faites votre choix, le mien est fait. -
When the NCsoft online store is off, the AE goodies you've unlocked won't appear as unlocked.
Back to normal when the store is back. -
Back in time, it was really hard to build it yourself... But now, it's a pleasure.
Ask some geeky friend about the compatibility problems, follow his advices. I've done that with my last computer, cost me 700 and a bottle of whiskey (for the geeky friend) instead of 1300.
Another great thing with a " I build it myself!" computer: you'll know every pieces of it, how they are connected, and if anything goes weird, you'll be able to fix it by yourself. -
La bio de Tyrant est up sur le site de GR
C'est moi, ou le type sur le screen, il a une garde d'épée dans le dos? -
If I remenber correctly, nearly 6 months ago, there was a job proposal on Paragon Studio website. They were looking for a specialist of "non-bipedal animation". The one they recruit to fill this role is the closest dev to an ennemy designer dev.
Really random? Or when you press another key?
sometimes keyboard + coffee + forum or game = lol + "HS WTF! When did I drink my coffee? Got a full cup five minutes ago!" = messy keyboard and very strange behavior...
In the wild, coffees are natural parasits to keyboards.
Hope it helps, and that your problem isn't worse. -
Quote:NS Canada = Nova Scottia, ou Nouvelle Ecosse, presqu'île au sud de Terre Neuve colonisées par des français (les Acadiens) qui furent déportés ensuite par les Anglais (vers la Louisiane, française à l'époque, et vers la France), et parlant principalement l'anglais, car la population descend des écossais pour un tiers, des anglais et des irlandais pour 1/5 chacuns. La présence francophone est importante, avec 1/6 de la population de la province, principalement dans le comté de Clare. Lors du dernier recensement, 35 000 personnes ont déclaré avoir le français comme langue maternelle, soit 4% de la pop, et CIFA sur 104.1 FM est une des seules radios intégralement en français.sinon, tu es du Canada Québec (au sens large de la communauté francophone est), Maillarville ou anglophone (ou autre communauté francophone que je ne connaitrais pas ^^)?
Edit: Au fait, bonjour à toi, Shaytanah! -