Known Issue: the Online Store

Ael Rhiana



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Did I miss a Dev reply? I know the thread was started by an OCR, and the same OCR posted a reply in the thread, but I don't see any Dev posts in here...
Guess someone has arbitrarily promoted theOcho to being on the dev team, hehe.



Originally Posted by Darch_Angel View Post
Personally, I'm really impressed how my veteran slots, which I most certainly did NOT pay for, and never had anything to do with the online store to begin with, are also now arbitrarily locked while the store is offline. GG guys.
Well, this is true, I couldn't tell if the slot I deleted a char from was a bought or a vet slot, I mean, I do have 3 pages of toons on Virtue and this slot is in the middle of the second page. Either way, I'm not feeling all warm and fuzzy right now.



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
I don't like it either, mind, but I don't want people being more upset than they need to be.
Please, using your extensive knowledge of me, my life and my circumstances, lay out for me exactly how upset I need to be. In your estimation of my upsetness.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I'm confused about whether this constitutes a stab in the back or just a garden variety slap in the face?

I'd link to the fish slapping dance, but I'm on my iPhone at the moment.

Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
Agreed. The part that really confuses me: how does the game know which costume pieces we have access to if the online store is down? Obviously the game tracks the availability of things like the booster pack costume sets differently than it tracks character slots. I guess the big question is why should it? Change it to using a similar system, tie the slots to the account not the store.
The costumes/boosters are simple account wide flags. Slots, not so much.
Originally Posted by Darch_Angel View Post
Personally, I'm really impressed how my veteran slots, which I most certainly did NOT pay for, and never had anything to do with the online store to begin with, are also now arbitrarily locked while the store is offline. GG guys.
Not arbitrarily. It took them a while to hook us up with vet slots after they made purchasable slots available becuase they had to hook up the vet system with the store. The vet system gives you, essentially, a "1 Free Slot" coupon.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
So cut them some slack.

Does it suck? Sure!
Will it be fixed? Sure!
Was this intentional or through malfeasance or laziness? HELL NO!
I have to agree.
I think when at 8pm my time last night there was a que of 68 people in front of me to get into my server... That tells you something about how many people bought the game, and how many people that means are coming back to CoX (and paying the 15$ a month charge). Based on this, I dont think NCSoft is sitting on their laurels. They have customers to lose - or gain, depending on how and how fast this issue is resolved.

Originally Posted by Starjammer View Post
Please, using your extensive knowledge of me, my life and my circumstances, lay out for me exactly how upset I need to be. In your estimation of my upsetness.
^ very clever
me likes the snarkiness of this response

Virtue Server Forever !
Pure White Lightning - Level 50 Electric Brute
Purple Drop - work in progress Axe/Shield brute
Blue Icefall - Level 50 Ice Tank
@Blue Lava



Good lord, you people are whiny.
*looks up from cutting himself with a dull butter knife*

Don't you know it!



I'm pretty frustrated, too. It's my last day off for the next week, and I have like 150 characters to wade through, sort, redesign, recreate, transfer, etc. I'm expecting that the devs will extend the transfer time frame to compensate for whatever chunk of time is lost to these complications. Obviously, it would screw a lot of people out of their chance to get their transfers done if they didn't, I think.

Losing character names is by far the worst part of this. Being isolated or unable to reach the new content for a day or two is not a big deal. Once this is fixed, you'll be right in there and there's no permanent damage. My heart goes out mainly to those who are losing character names over this. They are probably the most (justifiably) angry about this.

However, people, please understand that the developers put forth a great deal of time and energy and creativity into creating this new content so that it could be enjoyed, and that there is absolutely nothing intentional about this setback. This doesn't need to be turned into a soap opera stab-in-the-back scenario, or compared to some con artist' ploy. The developers obviously have *every* reason to want their players happy. Remember, for you, this is a game, but for them, this is their livelihood.

After all that has been put into GR, I can only imagine how they must feel right now, when they were anticipating releasing the content they've worked so hard on to the public, and have run into complications resulting in mobs of angry players instead. Please trust and understand that this issue is not something they cooked up together to be funny. The developers want the players to enjoy the content, and if there are complications, you should trust that they are doing whatever they can to fix it ASAP. Happy players is how the game makes money and continues to grow.

It seems unreasonable to suggest that they don't care or that they are up to no good. This has to be really crappy for them, too. It certainly sucks for me, but I'm not going to join the flame parade...



There it goes... Freedom going down in 30 min for 1 hr. fix



In other news, veteran players are forced (GASP!) to play their existing toons to try out the Alignment system! I smell a plot!

Anywho... should I bake cookies while we wait?

Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.



maybe the 30min warning i just got is our answer

Home Server (Pinnacle) Global: @Narda
Susie Vir ----(Level 50 claws/ dark armor scrapper)
Gwendolyn Riely ----(Level 50 Earth/Storm troller)
Goblin Mistress----(Level 50 MM)



Just got the online message: Server going down in 30 minutes, expected down time one hour, although it may or may not take that long (... or longer...)

My first 50 of each AT on Triumph:
Tempest Master: Defender; Puppy: Master Mind; Dr Hypochondria: Controller; RubberCop: Tanker; Gleipnir: Scrapper; Viridian Widow: Widow; Mr Atlantis: Blaster; Storm Lord: Dominator; Quetzacouatl: - Peacebringer; DogStar: Corruptor; Lightning Strikes: Stalker; Lord of Brass: Brute; Mr. Cygnus X-1: Warshade



Originally Posted by Rejolt View Post
In other news, veteran players are forced (GASP!) to play their existing toons to try out the Alignment system! I smell a plot!

Anywho... should I bake cookies while we wait?
I want cookies! BEER Cookies!!!

(Okay, Long Island Iced Tea cookies would be good too....)

My first 50 of each AT on Triumph:
Tempest Master: Defender; Puppy: Master Mind; Dr Hypochondria: Controller; RubberCop: Tanker; Gleipnir: Scrapper; Viridian Widow: Widow; Mr Atlantis: Blaster; Storm Lord: Dominator; Quetzacouatl: - Peacebringer; DogStar: Corruptor; Lightning Strikes: Stalker; Lord of Brass: Brute; Mr. Cygnus X-1: Warshade



Originally Posted by Rejolt View Post
In other news, veteran players are forced (GASP!) to play their existing toons to try out the Alignment system! I smell a plot!

Anywho... should I bake cookies while we wait?

Maybe some bacon cookies? Pretty please?



Done. And to warn you, the alcohol cooks off during the process. BYOB to enjoy with it.

No: Seriously? I guess I could make the bacon and the cookies at different times this just wrap them around the cookies like a chinese Dim Sum.

Yes: Syrup in cooking works.

Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
So... this thread is gonna get emo, and cut itself like my lawn won't? COOOL!!



I just deleted an old character to reroll for GR. Kind of an obscure name luckily, so hopefully no one will steal it, but this does kind of annoy. Rather than yell I'm just going to say, "Can you please look at the code and make sure if we can't redeem a slot, we can't delete from it?"



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post



You are


Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.



Yup. All the servers are going down for maintenance. So, likely, they have the patch for the online store ready.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Rejolt View Post



You are

Maybe the picture implies that the Emo in it belongs to the person targetted by the post.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Rejolt View Post
Done. And to warn you, the alcohol cooks off during the process. BYOB to enjoy with it.

No: Seriously? I guess I could make the bacon and the cookies at different times this just wrap them around the cookies like a chinese Dim Sum.

Yes: Syrup in cooking works.

Yummm... Cookies and Long Island Iced Tea.... *hums the oreo cookie song with a correspondingly awkward portion when replacing "milk" with "Long Island Iced Tea"*

My first 50 of each AT on Triumph:
Tempest Master: Defender; Puppy: Master Mind; Dr Hypochondria: Controller; RubberCop: Tanker; Gleipnir: Scrapper; Viridian Widow: Widow; Mr Atlantis: Blaster; Storm Lord: Dominator; Quetzacouatl: - Peacebringer; DogStar: Corruptor; Lightning Strikes: Stalker; Lord of Brass: Brute; Mr. Cygnus X-1: Warshade



Originally Posted by Moonflax View Post
After all that has been put into GR, I can only imagine how they must feel right now, when they were anticipating releasing the content they've worked so hard on to the public, and have run into complications resulting in mobs of angry players instead. Please trust and understand that this issue is not something they cooked up together to be funny. The developers want the players to enjoy the content, and if there are complications, you should trust that they are doing whatever they can to fix it ASAP. Happy players is how the game makes money and continues to grow.

It seems unreasonable to suggest that they don't care or that they are up to no good. This has to be really crappy for them, too. It certainly sucks for me, but I'm not going to join the flame parade...
Agreed. The thing is... This has been the #1 recurring issue for months or years now, so far as I can tell. It affects all players who have more than 12 characters on a server, and it has been affecting them all along, with dozens of reports.

It's not new. It's not surprising. This isn't a last-minute bug that somehow escaped testing; this is them getting bitten by the decision to just ignore a well-known problem instead of fixing it.

And believe me, having had this happen to my own releases, I'm familiar with the experience.