I'm not a dev apologist




you cant please everyone, thats all there is to it. some people aren't particularly civil when the threat of being punched in the face for being overly rude is removed, so you tend to see some over-the-top personalities out there. Whether you agree with their decisions, the developers here clearly have te capacity to make a mmo, maybe not the one that will agree with everyone's desires, but on a basic capacity level, the comment is demonstrably false. You will always find contrarians online, some people interact online just to fight with someone, can't imagine that being healthy, but whatever, i know i get in my share of fights so i have no room to talk. sometimes people view ignore lists as a form of failure of communication, or too harsh, but some people just are never going to listen, and continuing to put up with them is just profitless masochism.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
A couple of nights ago I got into a rather raucous argument with a person who belongs to the same global chat channel. He was going on and on about how Going Rogue will fail, how the developers don't know what they're doing and that current studio is using software development methodologies one step removed from card readers and vacuum tubes.

Having done some software development in my past (though not recently) and a fair amount of project management for software projects, I asked him how he knows this. Well apparently, this fellow is somewhat of a developer fanboy and obsessively follows tweets from BaBs, reads details from their blogs and scours the net in search of details of how the game is made. He also, according to a mutual acquaintance, works in hardware for some company and according to him "has lots of software developer friends who knows how things are done right!"

He and I ended with no conclusion to our little Internet squabble but it led me to this thought. While I have no idea exactly how this game is developed and published, I do know that this game is a commercial success in a field where there is significant competition. It's successful enough that the studio has grown from a mere 15 or 20 to about 80 developers. It's about to release it's second full expansion and it's 18th free update. Further, whereas many studios keep their fans/customers at arm's length, Paragon Studios goes out of its way to keep us intimately involved in many aspects of the game.

This doesn't mean that I agree with everything that the devs have done nor do I like every aspect of this game. But I like enough of it to keep paying a monthly sub, and I don't expect anything less than to be delighted with Going Rogue and issue 18. So, in sum, I trust that Paragon Studios will continue the same level of excellence that has kept me as a paying customer. I care not whether or not the servers are powered by hamsters and the developers design their models with etch-a-sketches. It's the finished product that counts, and it's generally been impressive for 6 years.
*golf clap*

Well said. I echo the sentiment.

The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
This entire post should receive some kind of award for being both hysterical and fantastic.
Well done.
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
This is the internet, where everyone is a 6'6" power-lifting, streetfighting god who is also a male model. Apparently, they are also tech experts with lots of knowledgeable and important friends.
I'm most definitely not trying to buck the trend here, but I study and train for MMA (until I hurt my back, damn bulging disc. I'm not done yet, damn it!), and have a few tech friends. Where do I fit in?

The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
This entire post should receive some kind of award for being both hysterical and fantastic.
Well done.
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
While I don't necessarily disagree with you, could you please stop doing that???

I mean...what does the wink even mean in the context of this conversation??
And now you know why you never ever question GG's winks. Just look at the mess you made all over this topic. Who do you think is going to clean this up!?



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
My gut reaction is that anybody stating that Going Rogue will fail as a software product release, at this point in time, is possibly one of these types of marketing personal.
My gut reaction to this statement is that you're either over thinking or really paranoid.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
This doesn't mean that I agree with everything that the devs have done nor do I like every aspect of this game. But I like enough of it to keep paying a monthly sub, and I don't expect anything less than to be delighted with Going Rogue and issue 18. So, in sum, I trust that Paragon Studios will continue the same level of excellence that has kept me as a paying customer. I care not whether or not the servers are powered by hamsters and the developers design their models with etch-a-sketches. It's the finished product that counts, and it's generally been impressive for 6 years.
I've caught a lot of flak off and on as someone who 'hates the game' due to some of my negative opinions on certain aspects of it, and while I wouldn't go so far as to say "excellence" or "impressive" (substitute "adequacy" and "decent") I pretty much agree with the quoted assessment.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
on second thought, what I was going to type here would probably have to be deleted according to forum rules... so I'll try to keep this neutrally stated as possible:

It has been indicated in the past that certain development houses and marketing arms of certain publishers have paid for direct marketing in a competitors product. The method of this paid marketing in some cases followed a pattern where the hired-marketing personal purchases a competing software product, engages in the use of that competing software product, then uses the communication systems of that competing product to disparage, demean, insult, or other-wise inflict intentional harm to the competing products usage base. The method is considered successful if the marketing-personal succeeds in driving the existing user-base of that competing product to look at the product the marketing-personal has been hired to indirectly promote.

My gut reaction is that anybody stating that Going Rogue will fail as a software product release, at this point in time, is possibly one of these types of marketing personal.
Infiltration and derision marketing only works if you drive those people somewhere else.

Directionless ranting about GR or any other of the devs actions is likely just what it sounds like - directionless ranting.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Did you know that Nature magazine did an extensive check of Wikipedia's factual accuracy and found it comparable to the Encyclopedia Britannica?
It should be noted that their check was on entries regarding pure science, not on Wikipedia as a whole.

As to the subject of the thread, it's been my experience that 99% of the people on the internet who use nothing but their claimed expertise as 'proof' of what is solely opinion are lying about their credentials. And my statistics are always correct because I work for a statistics gathering company and know lots of statisticians.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
It means the OP is braindead.
Ouch. Didn't think it was that bad of a post.



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
The updates aren't free.
Unless you paid money to be given a download link for the update, yes, they very much are. That's like saying free popcorn with your movie isn't truly free because you had to pay for the movie. Or because you had to pay for a parking spot.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
Ouch. Didn't think it was that bad of a post.
I think the Devs are playing it "safe" with GR and have been playing it "safe" for the past several issues.

I expect them to continue to play it "safe" however much I disagree with the approach. I'm still subing and will probably continue to subscribe up untill November or October.

I tend to look at GR with sobering skepticism, for my own sake I hope I enjoy it. For now i'm enjoying my fox-tails and mutant booster. d;D

synopsis: Are they doing it wrong? Probably not. Have they been avoiding taking risks? most definitely. I really feel now is the time to take a few risks however.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Unless you paid money to be given a download link for the update, yes, they very much are. That's like saying free popcorn with your movie isn't truly free because you had to pay for the movie. Or because you had to pay for a parking spot.
Unless you can take the popcorn and leave, no, it isn't actually free. It's a percentage of whatever the movie cost. I could just as easily flip it around and say that I payed 7.95 (or whatever) for popcorn and it came with a free movie. Either way I payed something.

Much in the same way you can't play the update unless you pay 15 dollars a month. So no, the updates aren't actually "free" either. They aren't very expensive though!

@Tokyo: I can kind of understand them playing it safe after that whole AE thing, not to open up sore wounds or anything.



Is it really that much better to say "the updates are included at no extra charge with your monthly subscription"? Yes, technically, they're not "free", but they're not "extra" either.

Are we really having this conversation?

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
And now you know why you never ever question GG's winks. Just look at the mess you made all over this topic. Who do you think is going to clean this up!?
I'm sorry. I never meant to make this kind of mess. I'll get a mop and bucket...



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
It means the OP is braindead.
Ouch. Didn't think it was that bad of a post.
i think Kheldarn wasn't thinking in terms of OP normally meaning Original Poster, which is the person who started the thread, but maybe the OP as the subject of the tangent they were replying to instead? Otherwise the context implies that any time G G posts cutesie one-liners with emoticons in place of punctuation in a thread it causes brain death in the person who started the thread. Which would be bad. And unlikely. And a good reason to not start threads.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
So a GG emoticon is some kind of...virus?


**runs away with flailing limbs**
Wait...you didn't actually know this?? It means you're infected already...



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
Wait...you didn't actually know this?? It means you're infected already...
poor Decorum... we hardly knew him...



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
It doesn't mean anything. Few of the posts do.
GG suffers from a nervous twitch. It's not winking. *grin*



Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
I'm not a dev apologist, but our devs are awesome, and I'm sorry for anyone who can't handle that.

I know there have been things I've been critical of. But mostly that is because I like this game enough to want it to be perfect. We do have the best devs, and the best game.

Now... if they would just listen to me all the time...

(Let me know if you need the wink translated.)

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
Ouch. Didn't think it was that bad of a post.
Umm... let me formally apologize, here, Fury.

I am truly, deeply sorry.

While I was at work this morning, I was thinking about various things (since there was no work to do...), and this post I made came to mind. My eyes got as wide as can be, as I realized I said, "OP", instead of, "poster of the 'comment'".

I never meant to imply you were braindead, just that the gorilla is. Please, accept my humble apologies, and some internet bacon.

Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
i think Kheldarn wasn't thinking in terms of OP normally meaning Original Poster, which is the person who started the thread, but maybe the OP as the subject of the tangent they were replying to instead? Otherwise the context implies that any time G G posts cutesie one-liners with emoticons in place of punctuation in a thread it causes brain death in the person who started the thread. Which would be bad. And unlikely. And a good reason to not start threads.
Heh. Not quite that convoluted.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Is it really that much better to say "the updates are included at no extra charge with your monthly subscription"? Yes, technically, they're not "free", but they're not "extra" either.

Are we really having this conversation?
I just don't want anyone falling for evil marketing schemes =O

My grandmother will routinely buy things like the slap-chop for 30 dollars because "it came with another slap-chop which was FREE."



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I just don't want anyone falling for evil marketing schemes =O

My grandmother will routinely buy things like the slap-chop for 30 dollars because "it came with another slap-chop which was FREE."
Well, you do get 50% free in a 2-for-1 deal if the price is the same as a single item - but it's only useful if you actually need the free item

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork