I'm not a dev apologist




Going Rogue will have some nice lowbie stuff, nice background on Praetoria and will have nice QOL stuff for various aspects.

Now...the key part is, does the Dev team build on Praetoria with post 20 content or does it become Faultline 2.0, a nice zone to do missions in and get some content and Merits, but quickly discarded after awhile. Since they intend Praetoria to be a staging ground for the new epic content through zone events...well, let's wait and see.

As far as standalones go, it's not City of Villains by a long shot, which gave us five new archetypes, level 1-40 content then more content with the launch of Grandville, but it's decent enough.

Originally Posted by Decorum View Post


**runs away with flailing limbs**
Actually, the new Ghoul code (many thanks to my emissary @Shotty Mario, who donated his from Comic Con) lets you at least get close to "flailing limbs".

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
Going Rogue will have some nice lowbie stuff, nice background on Praetoria and will have nice QOL stuff for various aspects.

Now...the key part is, does the Dev team build on Praetoria with post 20 content or does it become Faultline 2.0, a nice zone to do missions in and get some content and Merits, but quickly discarded after awhile. Since they intend Praetoria to be a staging ground for the new epic content through zone events...well, let's wait and see.
Some of the new Incarnate zone events will take place in Praetoria, according to the devs at SDCC.
War Witch also said they want to expand on Praetoria, but nothing's been decided yet.

As far as standalones go, it's not City of Villains by a long shot, which gave us five new archetypes, level 1-40 content then more content with the launch of Grandville, but it's decent enough.
That might have something to do with GR not being a stand-alone like CoV was

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, you do get 50% free in a 2-for-1 deal if the price is the same as a single item - but it's only useful if you actually need the free item
If having two of the same item isn't useful to you, then gift the other one!



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
Actually, the new Ghoul code (many thanks to my emissary @Shotty Mario, who donated his from Comic Con) lets you at least get close to "flailing limbs".
I still want the 'panicked' run that civilians get!!



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
If having two of the same item isn't useful to you, then gift the other one!
Holy crap! The nervous twitch is catching!



Originally Posted by Doctor_Gemini View Post
As to the subject of the thread, it's been my experience that 99% of the people on the internet who use nothing but their claimed expertise as 'proof' of what is solely opinion are lying about their credentials. And my statistics are always correct because I work for a statistics gathering company and know lots of statisticians.

Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
I think the Devs are playing it "safe" with GR and have been playing it "safe" for the past several issues.

I expect them to continue to play it "safe" however much I disagree with the approach. I'm still subing and will probably continue to subscribe up untill November or October.

I tend to look at GR with sobering skepticism, for my own sake I hope I enjoy it. For now i'm enjoying my fox-tails and mutant booster. d;D

synopsis: Are they doing it wrong? Probably not. Have they been avoiding taking risks? most definitely. I really feel now is the time to take a few risks however.
I'm not sure what exactly has been them playing it safe, or what risks they are not taking.
Mission Architect and Power Customization were a few issues ago, but were very far from playing it safe.
The only "playing it safe" I can fathom is how they've been focusing on GR more than breaking ground in any of the free (yes, I said it) issues.

Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Is it really that much better to say "the updates are included at no extra charge with your monthly subscription"? Yes, technically, they're not "free", but they're not "extra" either.

Are we really having this conversation?
Heehee... some of you are!

Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
I'm not a dev apologist, but our devs are awesome, and I'm sorry for anyone who can't handle that.
Blood Spectre said my take on it perfectly.

I play a game that I enjoy. I don't rely on future updates nor what is to come (Or hope for), because I like what I've got. Plain and simple. As for Paragon Studios, I think they're a great bunch and find them to be one of those excellent examples of great work and down-to-earth personalities, with care and excitement for what they have.
It's a pretty cool thing and I'm glad I'm here and enjoy this game, because the whole scenario is pretty nice and fun to be around.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Umm... let me formally apologize, here, Fury.

I am truly, deeply sorry.

While I was at work this morning, I was thinking about various things (since there was no work to do...), and this post I made came to mind. My eyes got as wide as can be, as I realized I said, "OP", instead of, "poster of the 'comment'".

I never meant to imply you were braindead, just that the gorilla is. Please, accept my humble apologies, and some internet bacon.

Heh. Not quite that convoluted.
Heh, no need to apologize. I figured it was a mistake.



Originally Posted by ZephyrWind View Post
Pfft. I've worked in software development for over 20 years and have yet to work for a company that was "doing it right". The one time we actively tried upper management squashed us, and we gave up and found better jobs.

I'd say the success of their title makes them closer to "doing it right" than many, many other companies out there.
Exactly. How many online games can survive 5-6 years and still make profits? To me that IS "doing it right". There is no perfect game but I just came back to this game again...and again...and again! I took two major breaks and Going Rogue got my attention.

It is also true that City of spoiled me because I find other games too involving and very very unfriendly when it comes to teaming.

I think this game has done a lot of "right things"!

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
If having two of the same item isn't useful to you, then gift the other one!
I've done that sometimes

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post

I mean...what does the wink even mean in the context of this conversation??

As Ex Libris would say, the same thing it usually means, I'm right, you're wrong and go *uck yourself.

Occasionally I miss the permabans that were erased with the new forums.



Originally Posted by RottenLuck View Post
1.) If they are in the Beta they are really braking the rules.
Somebody should put a stop to that.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's not a twitch
So they're what? Signs your brain isn't working?

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is a natural manure. -Thomas Jefferson

Read the Patriot newsletter. It's right, it's free.




I am mostly positively impressed by CoH. Sure, there's stuff I'd like to see fixed, there's more typos than I'd be comfortable with in anything I'd release (but then, I used to edit stuff professionally), but... This doesn't look badly done at all, and a lot of what I've heard about GR sounds not merely tolerable but pretty good.

FWIW, I'm not particularly in great shape or beautiful or anything, but I am a genuine recognized expert in some fields of software development. (No, really!)



Eva Destruction is so mean:

They're signs that you really have nothing to say and probably shouldn't have posted

Oh wait...
Hmph, if I waited until I had something to say, I'd never get to post!

Alright, who's the wise guy in the back that just said "And?"?

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
how the developers don't know what they're doing and that current studio is using software development methodologies one step removed from card readers and vacuum tubes.
Well, the sad truth abouyt software engineering is...


Tl;DR version: If it works and employees are happy, the methodology is right, no matter what exactly it is.

If on the other hand, your product is best described by four-letter words and the staff looks like characters from Dilbert, you're in trouble, even if you're using what appears to be a modern methodology that successful companies use.



Originally Posted by 3dent View Post
Well, the sad truth abouyt software engineering is...


Tl;DR version: If it works and employees are happy, the methodology is right, no matter what exactly it is.

If on the other hand, your product is best described by four-letter words and the staff looks like characters from Dilbert, you're in trouble, even if you're using what appears to be a modern methodology that successful companies use.
Thanks for that link. That was actually quite interesting. I've been in a couple of organizations that subscribe to the Cargo Cult methodology - all process, no results. Fortunately, my tenure with both organizations was mercifully short.



I bet CO and DCUO devs likely have accounts for CoH and each other to keep an eye on each other. CO has already employed pretty messed up marketing in the past so it's likely that if there is that type of marketing mentioned... it would be from them.

As far as the devs doing it right...

Communicating with your customers, getting feedback, and using it to make the game better. Bad? suuuuure

Look, go play any other MMO out there you won't find a more quality product.
Nothing is up to par with QoL stuff
Customization, CoH is still in the top
Graphic wise, the game looks better than just about any other MMO and does so authentically and not using some crappy trick.
Oh and not to mention that graphic quality, customization, and QoL stuff all has Lore, a great community... Oh, and runs on a rig that won't cost you a fortune and has a very low buy in for the software.

Realistically this is one of the best products out there and considering that MMO devs are under constant pressure... yeah it's likely one of the best dev teams out there.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
I bet CO and DCUO devs likely have accounts for CoH and each other to keep an eye on each other. CO has already employed pretty messed up marketing in the past so it's likely that if there is that type of marketing mentioned... it would be from them.

I can just see Emmert logging in with some of his Cryptic buddies into a Statesman's TF.

"See, now that is a a super hero! Look how powerful I am!"



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Hmph, if I waited until I had something to say, I'd never get to post!

Alright, who's the wise guy in the back that just said "And?"?
*raises hand*

Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
I bet CO and DCUO devs likely have accounts for CoH and each other to keep an eye on each other.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Jack is a certain account that somehow manages to evade punishment for rule breaking

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
A couple of nights ago I got into a rather raucous argument with a person who belongs to the same global chat channel. He was going on and on about how Going Rogue will fail, how the developers don't know what they're doing and that current studio is using software development methodologies one step removed from card readers and vacuum tubes.
Any idea on what the other person considered "fail" to mean? I think some people have the belief that we should have all the servers go yellow/red on August 17 from a sudden influx of people and anything less than that would be a failure in their minds.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's working just fine
Stop sticking your tongue out, GG, you're not a frog and even if you were, now is not the time to catch flies

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Stop sticking your tongue out, GG, you're not a frog and even if you were, now is not the time to catch flies
Dogs use their tongue to get cool... They have no sweat glands.