Super Booster V - Mutant Theme Costume Sets: Feedback




Originally Posted by Human_Being View Post
If it were technically possible, I'd really like to have the Bioluminescent stripes as a Tights option; having just the glowing pattern and not the scabby-skin texture.
Very very good suggestion.



Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
last 2 (alien blood hound):

They link to larger pics
o WOW...I have SO many ideas for costumes thanks to this booster.



Subjective Feedback: I really like both of these sets. As people have mentioned before, a Tops with Skin option would be nice for both, so that they really feel like part of our characters and not something our characters are wearing. I think I saw a few posts about the seams at the neck and the boots, so I'll add my vote onto the pile for fixing that as much as possible

On a slightly related note, I would also likely to agree that the Bioluminescent stripes should be an Detail option without the scales, either in this pack or as a separate addition to the game. This would allow many new options for characters with glowing tattoos or runic magic on their bodies. Perhaps this could even be a way to facilitate both the bones from Organic Armor and these stripes onto a more skin-like/Tops with Skin option for both male and female models.

Senith - 50 Dark/Regen Scrap - Triumph
Tripper - 41 Illusion/Emp Troller- Triumph
Dark Senith - 50 Necro/Dark MM - Triumph
Frayed- 42 Elec/Elec Brute - Triumph
Hellfire Harlequin- 38 Fire/SR Scrap - Triumph



Originally Posted by Senith View Post
On a slightly related note, I would also likely to agree that the Bioluminescent stripes should be an Detail option without the scales, either in this pack or as a separate addition to the game. This would allow many new options for characters with glowing tattoos or runic magic on their bodies. Perhaps this could even be a way to facilitate both the bones from Organic Armor and these stripes onto a more skin-like/Tops with Skin option for both male and female models.
Yes. Please. This would be really awesome.

I'm already in love with this set, and this suggestion would make the possibilities of it a lot more diverse.



Originally Posted by Caligdoiel View Post
I second a call for a redname response to this thread; I PM'ed David Nakayama last night.
If Jay, as sexy as he may be, has a personal issue that interferes with his willingness or ability to do his job, then perhaps they need to give him something else to do and find someone who will get the job done. One person's personal objections should have no business impairing the creativity of the entire playerbase.
Oh what the...? Did Jay turn into Gecko somehow while I wsn't looking? People demanding a dev be taken out because OMGSOMEONEONTHEINTERNETSAIDTHEYDIDN'TLIKESOMETHING ?


Kung Ru - 50++ MA/Regen Scrapper
Kalleesta - 50 Necro/Dark MM
Hidden Justice - 44 Kin/Psy Defender



Originally Posted by Caligdoiel View Post
I second a call for a redname response to this thread; I PM'ed David Nakayama last night.
If Jay, as sexy as he may be, has a personal issue that interferes with his willingness or ability to do his job, then perhaps they need to give him something else to do and find someone who will get the job done. One person's personal objections should have no business impairing the creativity of the entire playerbase.
Sexy Jay doesn't decide what's going to be in each booster pack, or what the theme of the pack's going to be.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
Both Bioluminescent and Organic Armor have tails. They simply missed the current build, but they'll be in the next one.
I'm sure this has been said, but I'd like to thank you for coming on and advising the base that, the Pack on Test was incomplete. Given expectations, I appreciate knowing as much information as possible and I'm frankly very impressed with the amount of communication in general you've been providing since your arrival on the boards.Costuming and the general look of everything in City is one of the main reasons I enjoy the game so much.Anyway, I tip my hat to ya.

Side note though. I would strongly suggest that lines of internal communications are streamlined somewhat so that you don't have to play catch up next time.When we saw the initial announcement for Pack testing, I'm guessing most folks thought that Test was previewing everything that was to be available.I'd think we'd have been able to avoid some gnashing of teeth.

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
Not required at all for character FX. Ultramode essentially handles effects in the environment( with the exception of self-shadowing).
Please explain this in more detail.



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
Y'know how every 'answer' on LOST always led to 10 more questions? Adding new stuff's exactly like that.
Very true.

Of course, the worst case scenario is the playerbase coming back with "That looks great. OK, we don't need anything else, thanks", ammiright?

Global name: @k26dp



Originally Posted by SkarmoryThePG View Post

Nope, still don't think Biolum will work well with anything else that isn't Biolum.

ESPECIALLY the neck. Can we please get a version that has the neck fleshy instead of glowy?
I take that back. Biolum chest doesn't even work with biolum head.

What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?

PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes



Subjective: Honestly? And I'm really really surprised no one has mentioned this yet but everyone seems caught up on mutant=animal, but I was hoping a Mutant pack would give us something in the direction of the Shields, elemental designed gloves, boots, belts, models like the fire and ice swords as dual blade options...I would have loved an energy crown or crystalline gloves for instance. The organic sort of works in that direction, and the sets are pretty, but if anyone's reading feedback, how about sticking an Elemental booster in the pipeline?



Originally Posted by Dolphin View Post
Please explain this in more detail.
I assume he means any FX relating directly to the player model. So that would cover auras, power effects and the new glow effect, which simply ignores lighting cast on the player.
What does need Ultra mode are the new reflective surfaces, as they have to map the surrounding environment to work.

On a related note, am I the only one who expected some kind of animation when glowing textures were mentioned? Rather than just a static luminosity, I imagined something that faded in and out, even just a subtle amount. Maybe that's a future feature (*crossed fingers*).

Justice Hunter, 50 Inv/SS Tank

Slenszic, 50 Sword/Energy Stalker

MA Arc IDs: 1355, 2341, 2350



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
Nice sword, and it looks like the handle extends far enough to be wielded two-handed as well. Which is nice for those of us who like to use Katanas.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Oh, right. I guess I should use that Objective/Subjective format.

Objective: The colors on the Organic Armor overlay in the Detail 1 slot for heads don't work properly. It has two color slots, but only the second slot matters. On the rest of the organic armor overlay costume bit things, like shoulders, you can set the base color to one thing and then set the bright spots to another, but Detail 1 Organic Armor seems to set both of its colors to whatever you have selected in the secondary color slot, ignoring the primary.


-I'd like it if bioluminate looked different around the neck, so that it could blend into a wider variety of heads. Argus, for example, should in theory look excellent on a bioluminate chest, but doesn't.

-I wish the top stripe on the bioluminate gloves were moved down a bit, so it isn't split between the gloves slot and the chest slot. I'd really like to make a character who uses bioluminate on chest, pants, gloves, and boots, but has one color glow for the chest/pants and another color glow for the gloves/boots, but I can't do it without the top glove stripe looking all half-n-half.

-I'd like a "tops with skin" option for Organic Armor.

-I wish this set was scheduled to come with a piece of chest detail armor in the style of Organic Armor, because I love those things, and the Valkyrie breastplate ended up being the single most-used costume piece on my mains once it showed up.



Originally Posted by Nebulhym View Post

Is it coming, or are you guys still thinking about it? Those comments seem to contradict one another.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Subjective Feedback: Organic armor highlights some animation timing... issues.

I put together a mixed Organic / Witch costume and coupled it with the animated cat tail on the smallest female skeletal frame.

When I activated sprint and ran down the tutorial, I couldn't help but think that something was... well... off... about the rear end animation.

There's nothing I can pin point, but it looks like when an avatar with an animted tail is in sprint mode, the tail does it's twitching animation every time the rear-end moves back and forth, and small frames, this movement is quite rapid. This causes the animated tail to rapidly switch animation states, something that I really haven't noticed on other costumes, but seems to standout against the organic armor's jutting leg peices.

Maybe the tail needs to be given a seperate animation when in sprint / run modes? Like it has in Jump modes?



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post

Is it coming, or are you guys still thinking about it? Those comments seem to contradict one another.

The tail is coming.

They're thinking about a full monster pack.

How was that hard?

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Since I can't go on test I have to judge it by the pictures in this thread.
But I like what I'm seeing so far. I got a couple of concepts in mind I can use the bioluminous parts for and the bioorganic armor thing'll look great on my demoness.

As most people I was expecting animal parts, but unlike most people I'm not dissapointed to find out the actual contents of this pack, on the contrary, I'll get a lot more use out of this.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Ok, I´m being only subjective here but I have to... And sorry about the long post.

I really like the costume sets and think there can be done some great costumes as some people have shown here, but as many have said they´re few and NOT what we were expecting... Specially after some comments made about montrous parts seeming like a mutant pack.
Correcting myself, I can´t talk for everyone, but it was not what I was expecting at least.
And considering we already have some of that in-game, even if only to NPCs, I am a lot dissapointed...
- Shark head, fins and "finger-claws" in Mako
- Werewolves
- Cyclops and Minotaur heads are in Cimerora
- Organic armor and "hair" in Coralax
- Tentacle arm (ugly, but assymmetrical even!) in the Lost... BTW: That seems more mutant to me than this booster.

Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
CO has bird feather tails and fish fins and all kinds of things we don't have. It's one area where they have us soundly beat. And a lot of people were expecting this to be it. But from the way David talks, they haven't even started thinking about doing it yet.
Ok, never played Champions and don´t have the intention to do it anytime soon but... Sorry guys, we are losing the battle in what counts for customization. Maybe it is time to work on it. From what I saw before while they were in Beta you could already create A LOT of stuff you can´t do here and if you got to their store you can see lots more... They have Transparent/Invisible, Feathers, Fur (not only "Furry", but "Beasty"), Monter heads, Robot parts... Heck, they have back accessories! And "chest details" that can be, besides chest, used in back and head emblems, insignia shoulder pads, and belt!
Since we´re paying for these boosters, as they do in their store, I don´t know why I can´t expect something like that.

Originally Posted by Kai View Post
Subjective: Honestly? And I'm really really surprised no one has mentioned this yet but everyone seems caught up on mutant=animal, but I was hoping a Mutant pack would give us something in the direction of the Shields, elemental designed gloves, boots, belts, models like the fire and ice swords as dual blade options...I would have loved an energy crown or crystalline gloves for instance. The organic sort of works in that direction, and the sets are pretty, but if anyone's reading feedback, how about sticking an Elemental booster in the pipeline?
An Elemental booster would be really great... We can´t even costumize how we look with Granite Armor on yet... And just to add to it, water based power would be wonderfull too.

Edit: Anyway, even if not what I expected I like it, so I´ll probaby be buying this if able to...

"Looks can be deceiving" - Statesman (in Memoriam)



Two things Trial:

First, citing an MMO that's failing / failed as an example of what City of Heroes should do is probably Not a Good Idea(tm). Now I'm not saying I don't want to see further customization in the game, or that I don't want to see some of the developer only costume parts made available to players, but, there needs to be more logic to implementing feature sets beyond pointing to game that will likely never actually pay back it's development costs.

Second, citing granite armor isn't a good idea either. The fact that it needs ENGINE AND USER INTERFACE WORK TO EXPOSE COSTUME OVERLAY TO THE USER has been mentioned so many times, I might as well keep a standard copy of the usual rant saved in a text file.



I have to agree, you seriously need to work up some variant pieces for Monstrous gloves and boots.

I think they look pretty sweet. Still as hard as always to combine with other costume pieces, though. I know you guys like to really cut loose, but I like to be able to cherry pick costume pieces as well, and these look a little hard to mix and match. I can probably figure something out, though.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Two things Trial:

First, citing an MMO that's failing / failed as an example of what City of Heroes should do is probably Not a Good Idea(tm). Now I'm not saying I don't want to see further customization in the game, or that I don't want to see some of the developer only costume parts made available to players, but, there needs to be more logic to implementing feature sets beyond pointing to game that will likely never actually pay back it's development costs.

Second, citing granite armor isn't a good idea either. The fact that it needs ENGINE AND USER INTERFACE WORK TO EXPOSE COSTUME OVERLAY TO THE USER has been mentioned so many times, I might as well keep a standard copy of the usual rant saved in a text file.
Hey, I don´t even plan to play Champions... Just saying they get more customization than we do. And as we were able to go on and say we had the best customization, it may not be true anymore. And sorry, I don´t know much about MMOs, but any other example I could give uses only items gained in game for customization, not things that can be edited from scrap in the creation of the character... So that´s why I used that game as an example.

Yes, I know the reason why Granite armor can´t be customized... Unfortunatelly same thing goes for the other forms of HEATs and MM Pets I believe. Yes, it was a rant, I know... It was subjective after all, so it CAN be a rant.

"Looks can be deceiving" - Statesman (in Memoriam)



Originally Posted by Endlessly View Post
Hmmm... Maybe I'm just not too familiar with most mutant characters in fiction. Most I think of have mutations like metal claws, laser eyes, metal skin.
Wow, you really need to broaden your knowledge of the genre. You're not talking about a sub-genre; you're not talking about one company's fiction; you're talking about ONE HERO TEAM. And, FYI, those metal claws are not a mutant characteristic at all - those are a surgical modification.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project




With your pictures here is my -new- feedback.

Wow, that Organic Armor looks great. Can we get a Shield variant?

Also I feel, the Bioluminecent rips in the flesh would go MUCH farther as a Mutation if it were an overlay that was accepted with MORE skin types; placed in the secondary paint channel like Perplex or Islanders. So that we could be Bioluminecent and not necessarily a Frog thing too. Adding it to Stone, Lizard, BioOrganic, ect... would have much more utility for executing the same idea; giving it more breadth.