Super Booster V - Mutant Theme Costume Sets: Feedback




Originally Posted by Rush_Bolt View Post
While I don't know if I'll end up buying this pack, at the least it kinda makes me wish I liked the Fire powers since I managed to mix up a kinda nifty fire elemental with 'em:

*images removed*
Too bad that costume requires a character to be at least lvl 35.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Techbot Alpha wonders:

So what about US test? Im assuming that also has GR on it? Or does that get its own unique shard?
GR gets its own, just like CoV. In this case, it's the EU test server.

Dec out.



Subjective feedback:

  • This looks good if you have ultramode to see the glows. Without ultramode the set looks creepy and lackluster.
  • I would like to see a more human face option for this set.
  • There is no Bioluminate option for Lower Body->Monstrous->Feet.
Organic Armor:
  • I like the look of the Organic Armor wings with its translucent .
  • When choosen from the quick costume sets menu, the wings and crown of horns give Organic Armor a very demonic vibe on first impression.
  • There are no Organic Armor options for normal gloves (Smooth/Bare, Folded, Flared, Spiked, Finned, Large, and Banded) and boots (Smooth, Stilettos, Platforms, Folded, Flare, Spiked, Finned, Large, Banded, and Flat).
  • There is no Organic Armor option for Lower Body->Monstrous->Feet.
  • I would like to see with skin option for the Organic Armor.
  • The Organic Armor face needs a without skin option.
  • The Organic Armor horns in Head->Detail 1 clips in an ugly way with most of the available hair options. The worst of the offending horns for clipping are the side horns (They starts at the forehead, wraps around the head and meet a hand span behind the head.) The second worst are the lower horns. (They start behind the ear and sweep down to the sides of the jaw.) I would like see an option for Detail 1 that lacks these two pairs of horns.
  • There is no belt option Organic Armor, although Tribal Spikes, and Ribs come close.



Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
Dope. Didn't it accur to you that the resin that it isn't in this pack is that since so many people wanted those parts that they decided not to make you pay for it? As in it'll be released with the next issue. And not as payed/Rouge only peaces. : P


Please refrain from name-calling. If you have a point to make, you can do it without insulting other people.

To address your point though - Earlier today the art lead for the game, David Nakayama, stated "A monster-themed pack is something we can look into after Going Rogue, but that's a different set. "

From that statement, it sounds like there is no work on such parts going on right now, and when it does happen, it won't be free. The one exception to that was wolf tails, which David hinted might be coming at some point sooner.



Subjective feedback:

  • I would really like to see a option for monsterous feet since theres a option for monsterous hands.

Organic Armor:
  • I would like to see another Non thorn style shoulder option. I think a spinoff to the existing organic shoulders would be perfect.
  • I would like to see a chest detail, the set looks somewhat incomplete without one in my opinion.



Bioluminate is an option for spiked and finned gloves, but not boots.

How can we get a proper fishman look if I can't have matching finned hands and feet?
Another belt option besides Ribs and Tribal for female is needed for organic characters.



Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
last 2 (alien blood hound):

They link to larger pics
OK, that is ingenious. Making the contrasting torso seem like it's coming out of the machine parts is just brilliant thinking. I am SO stealing this ides (though not necessarily that particular design)

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by TigerKat View Post
Subjective feedback:
  • This looks good if you have ultramode to see the glows. Without ultramode the set looks creepy and lackluster.
  • I would like to see a more human face option for this set.
  • There is no Bioluminate option for Lower Body->Monstrous->Feet.
Organic Armor:
  • I like the look of the Organic Armor wings with its translucent .
  • When choosen from the quick costume sets menu, the wings and crown of horns give Organic Armor a very demonic vibe on first impression.
  • There are no Organic Armor options for normal gloves (Smooth/Bare, Folded, Flared, Spiked, Finned, Large, and Banded) and boots (Smooth, Stilettos, Platforms, Folded, Flare, Spiked, Finned, Large, Banded, and Flat).
  • There is no Organic Armor option for Lower Body->Monstrous->Feet.
  • I would like to see with skin option for the Organic Armor.
  • The Organic Armor face needs a without skin option.
  • The Organic Armor horns in Head->Detail 1 clips in an ugly way with most of the available hair options. The worst of the offending horns for clipping are the side horns (They starts at the forehead, wraps around the head and meet a hand span behind the head.) The second worst are the lower horns. (They start behind the ear and sweep down to the sides of the jaw.) I would like see an option for Detail 1 that lacks these two pairs of horns.
  • There is no belt option Organic Armor, although Tribal Spikes, and Ribs come close.
While I completely agree with everything stated here, I can't believe I'm the only one who wants MORE UPPER ARMS! Again, doesn't anybody feel like an Organic Armour upper arm to be used with, say, Robotic Arms 3 would be really cool?

Beyond that: David, if you're reading this, can you PLEEEASE see about giving us the ability to use basic patterns that glow like this? Please? I would KILL to have the ability to use, say, Isles or Tribal and make it glow. Please?

And, finally, the glowing eyes head (Organic Armour head) - can we have either a more human, cleaner version of that face, and/or a version of the Glowing Eyes head with eyes that actually glow?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
S Does that sound like b*tching?
Yes, It really does.

And this comes from a guy who anything but happy with the current state of affairs in the EU.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



After seeing the pic of the swords held by the DB character David posted I thought they would be a nice fit for my DB brute, so I decided to re-create him on test to see how he would look with them. I discovered two things while attempting to. The swords are apparently one of the options not yet available since they were not listed, and the barbed wire options from the shoulders are no longer available. My brute on live uses barbed wire on the shoulders and if I had copied the character over instead of trying to recreate him I would not have noticed that it has been removed. I hope it's just an unfortunate accident that will be fixed and not a decision to remove them. I thought the lesson of adding more stuff is good and taking away stuff is bad was learned years ago.

I do have some subjective feedback on the wings. The boney framework is too big while the membrane is too small.

I also agree with others, the skin parts do not color match well with the actual skin colors since it uses the costume colors instead of the skin colors. It's really noticeable with faces and when trying to use skin parts mixed with the mutant parts instead of using the whole set.

It would also be nice if the eyes from the organic face could be made a different color than the growths along the back and sides of the head.



Costume complaints aside, am I the only one that sees this set as a precursor to The Resistance style armor for player use? It seems Mr. Nakayama is performing an experiment here...




  • Request: a belt piece for organic armor (one that covers groin as well)
  • Request: organic armor chest detail (similar to ridges/crests in feet and arms)
  • Request: version of organic armor "pants" with feet piece style ridges/crests
  • Request: crested beard

These mostly because it would make mixing the sets more viable. It also feels weird that you can have full arm length organic ridges/crests but not full leg length? Costume parts are mostly fine but seem to be missing a few pieces that would make the set feel more complete.

Oh and the seam between head and torso in bioluminate set feels really really awkward.

On a positive side: luminescent parts are really cool. Any chance we can get some luminescent patterns for existing costumes? They would enhance nicely many tech costume pieces. It's also nice that you can mix hair with the organic armor "helm".




* I would really like to see monsterous feet options that allow for the continuation of the upper leg patterns. Most patterns for things like pants or armor have always ended abruptly and oddly. Specifically, I would like to see pants options (similar to the options for females>lower bodies>pants) that allow for pants with different shoe/feet options (not shoes, but robot, claw, etc.).

* I am assuming that it is just an oversight that the two new mutant types are missing from the monsterous feet section, correct?

* I agree with many commenters that the Bio* set looks far more demonic than anything else. Now, I'm not unhappy with demon stuff, but I feel like the set would be at home in a "Super Booster VI - Demons" set.



Some more feedback after some more testing and getting past the whole have/have not:

The seam between the org-armor chest and head is...jarring. In the extreme. The seam at the calf between boot and leg is too. The absence of armor overlay on the thighs and chest in the armor set is rather...surprising, especially the chest detail. I will join the chorus to recommend that the armor overlays need to be unlocked to use with other skins besides org-arm, as well as recommend that the new glow-tech be applied to the old Glowing Eyes face. A stinger at the end of the org-arm tail wouldn't go wrong, either.

I realize not everything needs wings but I'm kinda curious to see what biolum wings would have looked like.

Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.



Going to buy this pack for the organic wings and the temp power, but overall, I think this is one of the weakest packs yet. Magic has so far been the best and this pack is a far cry from that.

I'm not even really sure what the hell this has to do with mutants?

But you guys have the cheapest item shop around so I still consider it a reasonable value all things considered.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I don't know. I think they look decent enough.

C'mon people. Not every Booster Pack is going to have a power of Ninja Runs equal. Hell, NR was so good in all honesty it should have been part of a power pool. Booster Packs are simply there to add fun little quirks to the main game. Not every one is going to have a omgz factor.

I think you expect far too much.

I mean its not like anyone is forcing you to buy it...

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I'm pretty let down by this pack. It feels almost like it should be a Natural Pack since the features are organic. I don't get the Mutant vibe at all.

Defenders do it with protection.
Blasters do it from behind.
Tankers do it with a group.
Controllers do it with restraints.
Scrappers do it with a death wish.



Thanks for the feedback on the alien bloodhound pics... just trying to show that the new stuff isn't 'demonic only'.

OT - for monstrous we have claw and hoof; adding paws could go a long way. Will experiment with available pieces... see what kind of animal stuff can be concocted.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Terminotaur View Post
The one exception to that was wolf tails, which David hinted might be coming at some point sooner.
And we've seen how far we can trust such hints on this, so I will not believe it until I see it.

More Feedback:

Subjective: I'll throw my voice in with many of the others saying that Bio Armor needs a belt and that we need "with skin" options for this stuff. That would make it much more mix-and-match friendly. And yes, something for the monsterous legs and feet would help, too.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Originally Posted by Nebulhym View Post
Sorry but I have to quote this.

Subjective feedback: So far, the weakest booster pack . Is it me or is the organic armor very Saint Seya-ish? After the martial arts pack?
Still looking for anything mutant related. Even among the costume change emotes, only one looks vaguely mutant-like.
Honestly, you should really change the name of this pack.
All subjective!

I really hope monster heads, tails, etc. are incoming. If this is all we're getting costume wise in this pack I may be skipping it too and it'd be the first one I've ever skipped. I was really looking forward to animalistic parts - not monster parts.

I'm just now reading all the posts so maybe something will be explained further but I'm not happy with the lack of animal parts that most of us hoped for. I mean I do like the look of the limited items we've gotten but it's not anything what I had in mind.

EDIT - the CC emotes, while I want them as normal emotes - they will cause me to buy this pack. The Dimension Shift is PERFECT for my Reincarnate character costume changes. Just wish I could use it normally instead of just when changing costumes!

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



I agree with the others about this too:

Please let the textures work with monstrous hands and feet/legs.
Please have a organic armor with skin for females.

If these do end up being all of the costume bits that we git for this pack, let's get 'em done right!

The costume emotes ROCK I will say. Dimension **** is all that and a bag of.. you get the idea. What would it take to get these as normal emotes? These and the other CC only ones?

Oh and as an aside - please add monstrous fur back to female legs/feet/etc. for tights, skirts, etc.

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



Well after some pouting I went back and decided to see what I could do with the set and try to make the best of it. I grabbed a char concept I've been sitting on and refreshed it using some of the new pieces. Here's what I came up with, trying a few different things. Sorry for the quality, it's degraded more than usual on test.

Since I don't have UM and stuff to test, does pure black on the luminescent set still glow or am I safe to use it like this?

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Crimson Vanquisher View Post
You and your apologist attitude. What do you know? How do you know there's going to be more boosters?
because that's what they've told us.

and even if they hadn't, they are a cash cow the devs would be stupid not to continue milking.

on topic;

These sets seem to me a bit like l337 WoW armor- baroque stuff that looks great as long as you match it with other pieces from the same set. they look cool for what they are, but I continue to dislike the trend toward unified sets with limited utility alongside other costume options.

As I don't have anyone that screams out for either set it looks like this one will join the Wedding Pack & Mac Pack as the only boosters I've skipped.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



The bioluminate set is on Monstrous which is great and spiked and finned but it's not on finned boots. Makes it mismatched for those who wanted to have finned gloves and boots with this option.

In general I think bioluminate would be great on all the types (finned, large, banded, etc.) not just for the hands but for the feet. After all bio-organic does.

Of course the same goes with organic armor.

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Since I don't have UM and stuff to test, does pure black on the luminescent set still glow or am I safe to use it like this?
This stuff doesn't so much glow as not get darker when in shadow. So, the color it is in bright light is the color it is in dark caves and at night. It doesn't actually glow like Vanguard weapons do.

Bright white will always be bright white. Neon green will always be neon green. And black will always be black.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn