Super Booster V - Mutant Theme Costume Sets: Feedback




Caligdoiel will regret giving me an opening:

Unless, of course, those Marketing bustards (it's a bird!) have him by the mivonks and he can't say anything more.
So you're saying Marketing might have him by the...Black Pebbles?

Dec out.



Originally Posted by KemLi View Post
I'm sure this has been said, but I'd like to thank you for coming on and advising the base that, the Pack on Test was incomplete. Given expectations, I appreciate knowing as much information as possible and I'm frankly very impressed with the amount of communication in general you've been providing since your arrival on the boards.Costuming and the general look of everything in City is one of the main reasons I enjoy the game so much.Anyway, I tip my hat to ya.

Side note though. I would strongly suggest that lines of internal communications are streamlined somewhat so that you don't have to play catch up next time.When we saw the initial announcement for Pack testing, I'm guessing most folks thought that Test was previewing everything that was to be available.I'd think we'd have been able to avoid some gnashing of teeth.
You're quite welcome. In this case, a bug prevented certain parts from being accessible when the set went live, but as soon as we found out, our top priority was to make sure all of you knew the full extent of the Pack's contents.

In the midst of ongoing development, especially with a major expansion like GOING ROGUE coming up, it's easy to forgot when various things are going to Beta, but I'll do my best to keep on eye on things.

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
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SilverAgeFan belies the name:

In the future booster pack ideas thread in general discussion, I did suggest a Kawaii themed Booster, complete with floating heart auras. Butterflies would work too. Because it's cute, sadly the devs might dismiss it as a joke.
Just the mention of it makes me slightly nauseated, but it would probably sell like hotcakes.

Dec out.



In comic books, mutants are synonymous with Marvel and in particular, the X-Men. I'm sure that most of the player base here can agree with me on this issue. Although the new models for the mutant pack are nice, they are not what I would associate with what anyone at all was expecting.

I thought we would've at least gotten a short, smooth type fur a la Wolfsbane or Night Crawler. Also, new hand and feet types a la Night Crawler with his three fingers and two toes. I don't want fox heads or generic werewolves running around, reenacting the animal orgy scene from the Val Kilmer version of "The Island Of Dr. Moreau", but a slight bestial/weird look was what I thought we would be getting. There were so many established characters with unique looks (not necessarily mutants either) to have gotten inspiration from. A few would've been:

Mystique (movie version)
Skin (large weird hands and jaw like his would've been cool)
Husk (diamond skin and long, and I mean long, claws)
The Swamp Thing
The Toxic Crusader
Mr. Sinister
Chamber (and other cool auras and character effects like psionic daggers or halos like Jean Grey or Psilocke. Single eye energy aura's that bleed energy like Cable's would've been fricking awesome!)
Warlock (techno-organic alien version)

I just don't get how you could've possibly come up with the designs you did with all you had available to work from. You must've not read Marvel comics growing up, huh?

The costumes are cool, but they do not fit the mold for "Mutant Pack" at all.

P.S. The organic sword would've been way cooler as a mutated claw with blades where the animation/weapon would fit over/obscure the hand. I think you missed out on a great opportunity here to try something really different as far as costume and weapon design go.



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
In the lead-up to live, we'll definitely be talking more about the creation of the Mutant Pack. But basically, mutation's all about biological change, and we wanted to give players two distinct flavors of that and to make the parts as broadly usable as possible.

As a set, the Mutant pack gives you the abilty to make new heroes or villains to fit a fairly wide range of aestheic types: alien-corrupted, hell-spawn, genetic freak--all of that's doable with this set. And with 2 tails, wings, and sword, there's a cherry on top.

Here're some shots of the tails that you'll be getting in the next build, by the way:
*looks at tails. Vomits in mouth.* Those are some great mutant tails, very realistic. I'm sure the community that loves fur and tails will love them, David.

Excuse me, i'm going to have to vomit violently some more. d;D

P.s. Can we have a mop for the katana and broadsword set? and grungy looking tutus? Like this!



The only thing that bugs me with the new faces is that you can't have a secondary selection to them.

Take OrganicArmor face... it doesn't match OrganicArmor body because there is no skin on the chest to seamlessly merge into the face. You have a full chest piece, but all the skin around the front of the face has no "armor" protection. This could easily be fixed by allowing the secondary selection (masks) to be in use with this face, like many of the other faces.

I dunno.. for some reason I'm not really feeling it with this costume set. I mentioned before how it feels we have less and less options the more and more we get "new" and "Fancy" costume pieces. This set feel like we're going backwards rather than forwards.

I mean, having new pieces that can only have 1 color option whereas 95% of the older pieces have 2 color options, really doesn't make me feel that I can do much more with this set than make a "cookie cutter" character that everyone else will be running around with.

I hate to say it, but I really don't feel this set is anything extraordinary, unlike all of the other boosters we've gotten.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



I have no idea what fur and "animal parts" has anything to do with mutations specifically...

To me mutation is exotic abnormalities in otherwise-normal species. While that may include fur and animal parts, it's not limited to it.

I would've been disappointed if this pack was full of dog heads and fox tails.

It seems lots of people were expecting this pack to be "Booster V: Animals" pack. But it's not. And they're all furious now. While this pack isn't all too "Mutant"y, I don't think it's far from it either. It's generic enough to allow lots of concepts to use it, and yet it's exotic enough to count as "exotic abnormalities" for "otherwise-normal" species.

Or maybe I just love this pack cause I am a huge Witchblade fan!



Hey all, was just curious is anyone else having an issue where they only get one set in Test? I have Organic Armor and Alpha and Omega auras but I do not have the other set... Are we only able to access one or the other?





Alpha and Omega auras?

I sure don't get those.



Techbot, before you shoot your mouth off again remember that Avatea already said why this couldn't go to EU test: BECAUSE GR BETA IS HAPPENING THERE. She said they'd have that down to test this. Pretty good reason, I'd say.

Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
You sure? One of my characters has over 30 outfits. I have 5 versions of her just to avoid tailor fees. I also have every costume pack.

Yeah, notes said new heads, new armor, new tails. Didn't see any of those. So really hoping this means there's more to come.

True, but also animal parts does not equal furry. Unless these guys are all furries:

Furies are of any animal nature, reguardless of having Fur or not. Think Anthromorphic (Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human characteristics to, or, some would argue recognition of human characteristics in, non-human creatures and beings OR vise versa).

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Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
3) Bio Organic armor needs to have a 'with skin' option to go with it otherwise the only way to match skin types is to use unnatural colours and this creates a problem when matching it up with the Bio Organic face option which IS a skin option.
This needs repeating. I get the whole growing form with out thing, but color restrictions of costume vs skin are a big limitation on this.

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Originally Posted by Baneful View Post
Furies are of any animal nature, reguardless of having Fur or not. Think Anthromorphic (Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human characteristics to, or, some would argue recognition of human characteristics in, non-human creatures and beings OR vise versa).
Wrong. Its in anything non human.

This guy?

He's an anthropomorphic personifcation. 'Death' is a thing, not a being. But humans took it and made it a him, and gave him, along with other things we put names to (War, Pestilince, Famine, to name but a few) and anthropomorphisised them.

'Furry' is a nickname given to animal based anthromorphs, and usually used as a term of insult to anyone who happens to like that sort of thing. Which just shows humans are, deep down, a bunch of -

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
In the lead-up to live, we'll definitely be talking more about the creation of the Mutant Pack. But basically, mutation's all about biological change, and we wanted to give players two distinct flavors of that and to make the parts as broadly usable as possible.

Bioluminescent represents the change-from-within concept of posthumanity: with these parts, your hero or villain is clearly changing at a genetic level and doing so in style--with tintable glows that really pop in dark environments.

Organic Armor represents change-from-without. With these parts, you can acheive a carapace/exoskeleton look, as if your character is growing a new skin or shell or perhaps being taken over by a symbiotic entity. And for added visual punch, you get the tintable glows here too.

As a set, the Mutant pack gives you the abilty to make new heroes or villains to fit a fairly wide range of aestheic types: alien-corrupted, hell-spawn, genetic freak--all of that's doable with this set. And with 2 tails, wings, and sword, there's a cherry on top.
Sorry, but I can't say you've hit anywhere close to that mark. That mark you've hit is an interesting one, but it's not Mutant. It still feels more science and/or demonic to me.

So... to be fair and judge it on its merits, I'll just start thinking of it as "the BioDemon Booster Pack". With that firmly in mind:

Subjective: The Bio armor tail needs a bit of something on the tip, much like the demons from Demon Summoning have. You have all these things sticking out, but the oddly tail's lacking.

The Bio armor wings... I would suggest making the membrane glow more, though I'm not sure what others will think of that.

Question: Are we to take it that there are not heads in the booster, just the two faces? Also, any chance of getting this new "glow" trick applied to the old Glowing Eyes face?

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Originally Posted by Spadra View Post
Hey all, was just curious is anyone else having an issue where they only get one set in Test? I have Organic Armor and Alpha and Omega auras but I do not have the other set... Are we only able to access one or the other?


Shh! :P I had the same issue Sparda but when I logged out and then logged back in it was there.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Wrong. Its in anything non human.

This guy?

He's an anthropomorphic personifcation. 'Death' is a thing, not a being. But humans took it and made it a him, and gave him, along with other things we put names to (War, Pestilince, Famine, to name but a few) and anthropomorphisised them.

'Furry' is a nickname given to animal based anthromorphs, and usually used as a term of insult to anyone who happens to like that sort of thing. Which just shows humans are, deep down, a bunch of -

Quoted for truth. Anthro is just anything non-human given humanoid features.

Killer Croc, Mako, The Lizard, Toad and Nightcrawler (To name a few) are not Anthropomorphic, they're humans with animal parts... Not furries/Scalies/Sharkies/Whatevers.

A wolf standing on their hind legs, speaking english, smiling or anything vaguely human is Anthropomorphic... Because it's a wolf doing human things. Animated stones, Gremlins, Demons and ROBOTS are Anthropomorphic because they're DOING HUMAN THINGS like talking, walking about and generally being humanoid.

'Furry' is generally used as an insult by people who don't know it's a term used for things with fur/a group of people who like Anthropomorphic animals for whatever reason because they don't understand/don't care to learn what it means.



Originally Posted by Stephen1s View Post
Alpha and Omega auras?

I sure don't get those.
I just noticed them for the first time around 8:30 (East Coast Time) when I was looking through everything. Alpha is pretty cool. Omega I'm on the fence. Here are the screens.



What my Warshade ended up looking like if you're curious:



You need to work on your BBC coding.

also fix'd that last [img][/img] tag for ya.



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
It's comin'...
Not what I had hoped to hear, but it's enough to appease me. ^.^

"And of course, Steven Jay Blum is in it...He's the Sam Jackson of anime." -AmuroNT1



Front and Back view of my main character on test server

Front View

Back view



I am unable to find the sword. Is it missing currently as well?

Subjective Feedback: I personally love these two sets. I will get plenty of use out of these, but probably not as much as the Natural pack.



Originally Posted by Rabid_Metroid View Post
Sorry, but I can't say you've hit anywhere close to that mark. That mark you've hit is an interesting one, but it's not Mutant. It still feels more science and/or demonic to me.

So... to be fair and judge it on its merits, I'll just start thinking of it as "the BioDemon Booster Pack".

I agree. And it actually makes sense when you compare it to the other packs. Each one had a theme which was more specific then the group it represented. The Magic pack was stage magician themed, the Natural pack was ninja themed. And this one appears to be BioDemon themed.

I think the disappointment that some people have is just that its not what we expected. Considering that some of the most requested costume parts are the animal themed ones, and also considering Positron's hints that we would be getting exactly that - it's no wonder people are feeling disappointed. If this pack had been animal themed, it still would have fit with the pattern of the other origin packs - as representing a subset of the origin.

Personally, the reason I want an animal themed pack is that I prefer complete animal costumes for my villains. I'm not that comfortable role playing as a human on that side of the game, so most of my villains are animal-themed. My main on the villain side is a werewolf. And I've had him ever since CoV beta. I've been asking for wolf tails for years just so that my character would look complete. I had thought that we would be getting it with this pack. I have no use for a BioDemon costume.



I'm really not liking that there are faces specific to this set. I've been playing the same characters for 4-6 years, and to have to use a specific face to get the look that I want, just isn't something I'm willing to do.

I made a mention of a "cookie cutter" character in my last post and making 2 faces for male and female just tells people that you should fall in like with the rest of the crowd.

My biggest complaint, overall, about Booster Packs is that there is less and less individuality with each pack. I'm going to get this pack because I'm supporting the product, but I'd like to see future packs have less hinderance to creativity.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Objective Feedback: Head Detail 1: Organic Armor accepts only one color. Other options such as Shoulders: Organic Armor accept two colors.

Subjective Feedback: A with skin version of many pieces would be nice. In particular I think the Organic Armor boots (and Organic Armor Thorny) need a version with a skin texture underneath. The gloves would also benefit from having this option.



Hmm... the costume pieces are interesting, but I think they're a bit too specific to really appeal to me. Which is a shame since I really like the idea of glowmapped costume pieces. I can only hope this sort of tech will be used in the future for creating "energy body" types and/or invisible limbs (to have things like floating armor pieces and all).

While I don't know if I'll end up buying this pack, at the least it kinda makes me wish I liked the Fire powers since I managed to mix up a kinda nifty fire elemental with 'em:

Some subjective feedback:
The skin color doesn't appear very well on the Bioluminescent pants. In fact, the only places you can see the actual skin color is on the backs of the knees. This is a little jarring especially when paired with the Bioluminescent chest. The Biolum chest shows the skin color pretty well, but it comes to a rather abrupt stop at the waist.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize