Discussion: New Gamestop/Razer Going Rogue Promotion

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Trialtester View Post
So did I, but this other MMO pretty much suck in design, game play and development...
And is not backed up by industry giants DC Comic/Warner Brothers, is not based on a franchise that exists for about 80 years with several die-hard fans, does not have Jim Lee as "creative consultant (or whatever), doesn´t feature stories written by major comic book authors...
That all plus the "clerk pushing game for sale" in the post above combined with "no advertise at all for Going Rogue" at the same store doesn´t look well for us.

So yes, time for some red name (pointing at you BP!) to update us on this stuff.
Although, to be fair, the clerk pushing the other game did know about the pre order items. I made sure, asking "this is the pre order for the items, right?" and he said "this is the only way to get them." Then he started talking about how great the other game was going to be.



Originally Posted by Felderburg View Post
Although, to be fair, the clerk pushing the other game did know about the pre order items. I made sure, asking "this is the pre order for the items, right?" and he said "this is the only way to get them." Then he started talking about how great the other game was going to be.
That is very odd.

We have two GS one in Shreveport, one in Bossier... and both clerks I spoke with did THE SAME THING...

Edit: I'm not getting out anymore its simply too hot.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



The_Alt_oholic confuses me:

It isn't worth the price of admission. I'm getting the "bait-and-switch" vibe here which is never a good thing - in fact, it's illegal in some States.
"Bait and switch" is advertising one product, "running out" and trying to foist a different product at a different price on you. How does that even come close to applying here?

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
What do you mean by "active"? When you pre-order, you put something down (or the whole thing...reports seem to vary from store to store) on it at GameStop and when the actual game comes in, you go pick it up (or possibly they can ship it to you). Nothing from it will be "active" until the stores get the box. Conceivably, the actual game will have GR started before you actually have the box in your hands. I'm expecting so for me.
I mean I heard some people did some kind of pre-ordering that didn't count for the promotion through Gamestop (it was earlier in the thread). I'll check with Gamestop later today.



Originally Posted by Jordan_Yen View Post
I mean I heard some people did some kind of pre-ordering that didn't count for the promotion through Gamestop (it was earlier in the thread). I'll check with Gamestop later today.
Some of us "Pre-Purchased" the game electronically through the NCSoft website in order to get early access to the Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning powers. At the time that offer was announced, there were no preorder bonuses any of us were aware of.

The Gamestop Pre-Order offer and associated bonuses were announced months after many people had already pre-purchased the game, and Pre-Purchasing the game through NCSoft is not considered the same as Pre-Ordering it through Gamestop, for obvious reasons, so those of us who pre-purchased would either have to purchase the game again, or do without the pre order bonus goodies. Not sure if that's what you meant or not.

As much as I am enjoying the Dual Pistols powerset, I think if I'd originally been given the choice to Pre-Purchase and get early access to the powers, or Pre-Order and get the bonus enhancements, I'd have chosen to pre-order. What has a lot of people upset is that they were never presented with that choice, so if they want the Pre Order goodies, they have to purchase the game a second time, like I did.

This could understandbly be viewed by the players as a money grab on NCSoft's part, but I'm not in a position to say whether it was, or if they honestly had no intention of doing Pre Order bonuses when the original announcement was made.

For my part, I was going to be buying the Complete Collection Add-On pack anyway, which is what... $9.99? So buying the Gamestop version will save me that money and I'll get a free month, which is another $15, so I look at it as paying $15 for the enhancement bonuses. Which still seems like a lot now that I think about it.

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Originally Posted by Jordan_Yen View Post
Is the preorder active now? Last I heard, people were able to pre-purchase the pre-order (some goofy Gamestop garbage) that didn't count and they'd have to remember to switch it to pre-order. Is the difference whether you pay or not? How do I know if I go to Gamestop if I did it right?
If I was reading it correctly, what they meant was they pre-ordered through Gamestop before the Razer promotion came along. So they were asking the Gamestop people to change their order, after the fact, to include the Razer promotion. It seems that some of the stores / staff were willing to make that change without any trouble. Others were apparently insisting that the customer would have to cancel their previous order and then place a new one, if they wanted the extra promo items.



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
Thank you all for the feedback regarding this promotion. I would like to answer some of the more commonly asked questions.

Many of your questions are answered in the Going Rogue FAQ. As for some of the others:
  • As with most of our physical boxed products, the retail (boxed) version of the City of Heroes Going Rogue Complete Collection is stackable once, even if you have already bought or prepurchased the separate Going Rogue Expansion or the digital version of the Complete Collection.
  • Thus, if you prepurchased Going Rogue, and you also buy the Complete Collection at GameStop, you can enjoy the benefits from both purchases.
  • The five enhancements will not be purchasable separately when Going Rogue is launched. They will be exclusive to GameStop at launch.
  • The five enhancements will be provided via a code that is printed on your receipt when you receive your Complete Collection retail box from GameStop.
  • The digital version of the Complete Collection will be available from NCsoft for our US and EU customers on launch day.
  • The Complete Collection Item Pack will also be available for our prepurchase customers on launch day.
Why on earth would I prepurchase GR (which I did), Going to buy the Collectors pack on launch, and then go to Gamestop and preorder the game for one account. The hancies look very nice, but I cannot justify spending that kind of money. Don't get me wrong I love this game and support its new products (planning on buying the Mutant pack on release), but I wish the preorder was around through GS. I would have probably waited to GR and got everything in one awesome package.

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Well, I've stopped in about 5 different Gamestops around Chicago and haven't seen one promo or announcement in them about Going Rogue, let alone the special preorder. Sounds like Gamestop is dropping the ball.

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Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post
Well, I've stopped in about 5 different Gamestops around Chicago and haven't seen one promo or announcement in them about Going Rogue, let alone the special preorder. Sounds like Gamestop is dropping the ball.
Agreed. The one I went to, the girl didn't even know they were doing the preorder. Big Bang Theory does more for City of Heroes right now:

http://i.ytimg.com/vi/fSaZIzcqe14/0.jpg (city of heroes and villains cutouts in the back)
http://shouldiwatchit.files.wordpres...sweatpants.jpg (Captain sweatpants, a recurring character, sports the Statesman star)

And in other news, I had no idea how popular BBT was with the geeks (though I should hardly be surprised):




Congratulations to you NA players for getting the option to have something we EU players can't have at all, not even if we wanted to, on our regular EU accounts that is.



Gamestop is horrible about informing their employees of things. Unless it's WoW related.



I know this thread is old but I am going to bump it because I went to gamestop a few days ago thinking maybe I should preorder GR and the sales rep said they still have a tentative release date of 9/1 even thought I told him the actual release date is 8/17. I don't want to preoder my copy if I have to wait 2 weeks after launch to play it. Has anyone who preordered from gamestop got confirmation that there copy will be available on 8/17?



GameStop will have the game on its release date. The fact that the store has not updated its release date (or the company has not done so on its distribution list) will not affect when they actually get it.

I've had a game arrive in the store that I'd pre-ordered, that was still showing it would come out at a later time the day I picked it up.

I'd say it's pretty safe to pre-order with confidence. Worst-case scenario, if you;re really worried about it, place a 2nd pre-order elsewhere and cancel it if you don;t need it.



Hallowed gets one addition:

GameStop will have the game on its release date. The fact that the store has not updated its release date (or the company has not done so on its distribution list) will not affect when they actually get it.
Not to mention the Sept. 1 date is a place-holder that GameStop completely made up anyway. So, yeah, the proper info just hasn't filtered down yet.

Dec out.



I apologize for reviving this thread, but I thought everyone might want to know that GameStop now seems to know what is going on. I pre-ordered the game through them today and they told me about the promotion AND the August 17th release date. Maybe I had an unusual experience, but I am hoping not. GL to the rest of you that decide to pre-order through GameStop.



I had to ask about it and have them check to see if the pre-order included the bonuses, but it showed up right in the description on their computer, which the guy read out to me. None of the Gamestops around here normally carry PC games anyways, so pre-ordering it is the only way I could ever get it through them.



Here's a question. I've added my code and everything....so....where are my enhancements? how do I get them?

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Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
Gamestop and Razer have launched the Gamestop/Razer City of Heroes Going Rogue™ Complete Collection promotion. For a limited time, early reserve customers at Gamestop will receive unique Going Rogue items. Find out more at the Gamestop/Razer City of Heroes Going Rogue™ Complete Collection promotion site.
They didn't have either the promo items OR the game box even though I pre-ordered AND put down a $40 deposit -- in JUNE. GameStop Canada SUCKS.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
They didn't have either the promo items OR the game box even though I pre-ordered AND put down a $40 deposit. Gamestop Canada SUCKS.
Yah! Me too! good ol pre order not being recieved!



Originally Posted by callis View Post
Why on earth would I prepurchase GR (which I did), Going to buy the Collectors pack on launch, and then go to Gamestop and preorder the game for one account. The hancies look very nice, but I cannot justify spending that kind of money. Don't get me wrong I love this game and support its new products (planning on buying the Mutant pack on release), but I wish the preorder was around through GS. I would have probably waited to GR and got everything in one awesome package.
And what did I go and do. The very thing I said I wouldn't. I got to have all the stuff.

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Sooo... I didn't get the mousepad. I will be calling the Game Stop back. I kind of thought it would be inside the box. We shall see.

Edit: called, the guy was nice, said he totally forgot, and that I can go back in and claim it.



I preordered a few weeks ago, and called today and asked Gamestop if I could pick it up, since their building is literally the same building I used to work in, and one that I now work a block from.

They said it no, I had to have it shipped.

My gamestop.ca status says it's not shipping until the 20th.

The Wal-Mart by my work didn't have it. Nor did the Best Buy or the EB Games near my place.


Thank you, Champion.



Originally Posted by tidalwave008 View Post
Here's a question. I've added my code and everything....so....where are my enhancements? how do I get them?
Same. No enhancements.

What's the deal?

Edit: Saw this in my Order History at gamestop.com:


Meanin' my mousepad hasn't shipped yet.

Still not sure what's up with the enhancements.

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The enhancements are only given to characters upon initial creation and entrance into the game. If the toon was created prior to GR's launch or prior to your use of the code, they won't get the enhancements retroactively.

At least, that's how it's working for me so far.

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Okay, before I ordered the game about 6 weeks back, I called the gamestop near me who told me they would not be getting the game in and the ONLY way to get the game and the promotion was to preorder it online. I told him I wanted to get it on launch day and made sure to get the enhances and mouse pad. He told me I could have it shipped to the store.

Then when I got to the confirm order part...they didn't allow it to be shipped to the store and if not overnight shipped, would take an extra 7-10 days to arrive.

I still went ahead and did it and ordered 2 copies. (Got one for my brother to save on shipping)

today we received the games BUT no mouse pad or codes. Now the web site says the codes will be e-mailed to the accounts (Check your junk mail) BUT the pads were to be mailed WITH the game.

As of now, I have not received either as I should have received 2 sets of each (Since I bought 2 copies). When I receive them, I will post up here.

EDIT: After scrolling up, I saw the post on "Mouse pad still on order." So I checked Gamestop.com and I have one on order too. Now my problem is I have ONE on order after ordering TWO copies of the game. Sigh.

The petition link to Save CoH: