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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrWentworth View Post
    I'd go with Roderick's suggestion to contact Zwillinger and Black Pebble first. If there is no objection from Paragon Studios, then we'd be happy to find out how we can work with you to use them to benefit the next Real World Hero charity drive. Please PM me if you'd like to talk about the possibility.

    Thanks for thinking of Real World Hero!
    Sure thing! In the meantime, I've decided to use them for a headhunting party (I... guess?). Basically, anyone who can help me get on a TV show gets it all. If that fails miserably (or you guys can pull strings) then I'll be back to talk to you about the cards.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    If you're looking to give them away, might I suggest contacting Sultry Siren or Mr. Wentworth about possibly making a donation to Real World Hero and their charity auction? Granted, they only operate during the holiday season for this, but I'm fairly sure that if you wanted to make a donation in your business' name, they'd pimp that up on their site in return for bringing in a couple grand worth of auction donations (16 years worth of cards at full price is roughly $2900, or about 1/3rd of what they raised last year).
    Neat suggestion! Thank you
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Pretty sure any kind of non-City promotion is frowned upon, especially if it leads to you possibly making money off it.
    That's what I'm worried about. I'll figure out something though. Thanks
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    PM Zwillinger or Black Pebble. I doubt that any player can accurately answer this question for you.
    Ha ha! Dur...

    I guess I've been away too long... I didn't even think of that.
  5. Hello all, I could use your help with an interesting situation.

    I worked on a webteam for a City of Heroes partner site and online store of sorts, but the site ended up not working out. Now I have over 16 years worth of timecards and I want to give them away (the owner gave them to me and said I could do what I want with them).

    I was thinking of promoting my speaking business and asking for links/leads in return, but is that something I'm allowed to do here?

    I won't mention the site/business until I get confirmation (trying to be polite).


    P.S. These are not for sale at any price. I highly doubt that it would be the "right" thing to do under the circumstances not to mention the possible legalities. I'm also not running a contest or drawing (there are crazy rules about that too). Just looking for advice right now.
  6. Jordan_Yen

    Safeguard badges

    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    May I make a suggestion?
    1. Get a friend/2nd account with a lower level character (40-45 would be best as Founders Falls safeguard has all the side missions, but really anything from level 5 on will do).
    2. Do the lower character's required number of radio missions.
    3. Have them pick up the safeguard.
    4. You enter the mission, but they stay outside.
    5. You leave the team after you've zoned in.
    6. You head to the bank, ignoring the mobs in the bank lobby.
    7. You defeat group trying to break into vault. This stops timer.
    8. You do all the side missions.
    9. You continue to ignore all mobs in the bank.
    10. You exit the safeguard and rejoin other character.
    11. Safeguard owner resets mission, go back to step 4 as often as needed to get credit for all the badges.
    12. If you've used a character lower than 40, you may need to go back to step 2 to see if you can get the "right" side missions.
    13. Help the other character by completing the safeguard on the team with them in the map.
    The above should considerably shorten your time.
    And now that I admit that I have a second account AND I've used this method before, I know that I lose all sympathy

    But thanks for reminding me because I think I have someone in that range. The key here (which I don't shink you mentioned) was that doing 40+ is best because with lower SG's you have a far less likely chance of having the side mission you want. In high level you either get all every time or most of them (in my experience).
  7. Jordan_Yen

    Safeguard badges

    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Well at least you know now.

    But if you do everything OV_ohms said it's not really -that- hard to rack up new Safeguard/Mayhem missions. Avoid doing the longer paper/radio missions (like the kidnap ones). Only doing ones you can easily stealth (like "Defeat XYZ and guards" or "Click the glowie" types) you should be able to unlock a new Safeguard/Mayhem in under an hour each.

    Honestly in the greater scheme of things having to "farm" for Safeguard/Mayhem badges is not really that hard compared to many other badges in the game.

    You're right. It isn't as bad as it could be. RV badges come to mind as do warburg badges (of course with the damage buff to fenders, maybe I can solo those scientists better now).
  8. Jordan_Yen

    Safeguard badges

    Originally Posted by OV_ohms View Post
    No 'almost' about it, definitely easier to get the badges solo.
    That's what I expected. At least Jordan is 50+1 with over 70% damage buff when solo (not counting the alpha damage on top of that). She's a tough defender

    It's still going to take a long time to do the 80 or so missions required to get the badges and I feel a bit justified for resenting the fact that I've already done tons trying to get the badge thinking it was just bugged. If I'd known, maybe I could have done things differently
  9. Jordan_Yen

    Safeguard badges

    Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
    Wiat until the mission is -1, then set your difficulty level to -1/x0 as well. That makes the mission effectively -2 (everything is now green and blue.) At that level, even my FF/Rad Defender (who wears Non-Combat Pet as her badge title) can solo the Safeguards.

    And if you are already level 50, then still at least set the difficulty to -1. By the time you reach 50, you should be able to solo -1 PI Safeguard missions no matter the AT and powerset.
    Right, but that only works for one. Since you have to do like 8 missions just to get the SG, then the SG (repeat 10 times), this, to me, seems like the poo.
  10. Jordan_Yen

    Safeguard badges

    SG badges are kind of a pain, but at least everyone on the team gets credit... I thought.

    I just put in a support call and they're telling me the reasons I've done 7 SG's but only gotten two badges is because I have the be the person who gets the last kill on the "prevent robbery" event.

    Really? REALLY!?

    Is this how it was intended? That means that I either have to beg everyone else on the team to leave the mission or not do the side missions or I have to go completely solo to prevent anyone else from getting that last kill shot or I'll never get that last danged badge.

    Maybe this has been covered before, but is there any red-name looking into this system? I've always hated the way they have the mayhem arsons which work the same way, but at least that's a glowie for pity's sake. Trying to make sure the right person gets the kill shot (assuming you even know which character is the "last enemy") is just a bit ridiculous.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Camper View Post
    Slightly off topic, but I (an American) once had an Australian girl say the following to me. "Can I pinch a chip off ya, mate?".

    It was a bit frightening, to be honest.
    I once had an Aussie gal say "Oy! 'Ave ye got a rubba?"

    I'm pretty proud of the fact that I knew she meant "eraser".
  12. One thing I'd like to see us concentrate more on is the idea that the players themselves might help our EU friends. Not only can we contact the holders of the global for you, but some of us would be willing to give up globals too.

    For example, I won't give up my Jordan Yen global at all, but my second account doesn't matter to me nearly as much. When the merge happens, please feel free to PM me anytime. I, and many others like me, would be happy to help.

    It's the kind of community we have after all
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    On this day of merriment, frivolity and green beer, I come to you bearing updates.

    So let's get down to Brass Tax. We've been in serious discussion regarding many of the concerns expressed here. While some of our planning is still nascent, and as such I cannot go into a great deal of detail regarding our intent, I can state the following:
    • To those stating we should not move forward with the Global Server Access plans, we cannot consider this. For a number of operational reasons, it's important that we move forward with Global Server Access.
    • For those of you who have known conflicting @Global chat handles due to having accounts in both the NA and EU account database: We will be offering a reactivation weekend for those with inactive accounts on NA servers and active accounts on EU servers. This will coincide with the ability to rename your @Global chat handle prior to the database merge.
    • We are currently investigating options to free up @Global chat handles off of inactive trial accounts. Please keep in mind, we will only do this if it does not present a considerable amount of risk.
    While several of the options presented are interesting and have merit, remember that what may seem fair to some, would seem entirely unfair to others. Additionally, some options, while good ideas, present more risk to character records than is acceptable.

    We're going to make every effort we can to ensure that your in game persona remains as intact while presenting the least amount of risk to character records as possible. As someone who's job it is to manage online communities and provide a place for people to build relationships, I understand the importance of your virtual identity and the value you're placing on it.
    Well done! *slow clap*
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperYeesha1 View Post
    LOL Well if you're going to quote me, Jordan, at least quote the entire sentence. And you make a fantastic point as well.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quildo View Post
    Or just someone official popping in to say "Hey guys, we -are- talking about this, please bear with us."
    A reasonable request and a very smart thing for them to do IMO
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperYeesha1 View Post
    I stand with Veterancy rather than Geography determining who gets which Global Name. Why would you want to figuratively slap the face of your loyal customers? Bad for business.

    A name may sound like a silly thing to argue over... (other stuff I didn't quote because I can make the point better...)
    No, no, no. Anyone who could think this way probably isn't playing this game for fun. They'd have to be a gold farmer or something. I suppose some people may only care about the characters and not the global, but that's probably a very small minority.

    I really think NCsoft needs to pay attention to what people are saying here. It's like they're walking down the beach kicking down all the sandcastles people have been building.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Capa_Devans View Post
    Last I checked America wasn't in the EU and therefore doesn't have to follow their Directives.

    All that is required here is for someone at NC to recognize that racking off their player base - irrespective of their location - is a bad idea.

    To the US players saying 'so what', let me ask you one question. The situation is reversed. The global you've had for years - and are known on the forum by - is changed. That ok by you?
    It's kind of my main and the name of my comic character... and the name of my website so... no. That wouldn't be ok with me.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    So an EU player creates an account in September of 2007, plays for two months and quits. A NA player creates an account with the same name in October 2007 and stays subscribed for nearly three fours straight. You're saying it's "fair" for the NA 45 month vet to lose his account name to the innactive EU account just because the EU player signed up a month before? Bollocks! (hope I spelled that right)

    Age of account - no. Number of veteran badges - I'm OK with. If both players have the exact same number of vet badges, use start date as a tie-breaker.

    Oh and I agree wholeheartedly with the suggestion that a block be put in place NOW to prevent NA users from creating an account with a name taken on the EU servers and vice versa.
    Age of account +
    Inactive accounts -

    If you factor both, you'd be fine.
  19. I hope rednames are watching because what people are saying about...

    * Active accounts > inactive
    * Older accounts > newer

    ... makes a lot of sense.

    That aside, I wonder if now people on the east coast will actually have people to play with early in the morning if the EU folks are still up
  20. I just got around to reading my e-mail and got back in. Fortunately, I remembered the fake birthday I gave them (whew!)
  21. Shameless bump!

    Also, is there a way to connect to CoH and protect the traffic? Perhaps a tunnel or proxy of some kind?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Maybe port blockage:

    Try other ports.
    command port 80 not recognized
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    Not sure. A few things of the top of my head:

    1. Update your DNS cache just in case. At the cmdline, type "ipconfig /flushdns"
    2. Is this a new install? If it's Vista/7, do you have COH set as "Run as Administrator"?

    Other more competent people will chime in, but the two points above are worth considering, I think. Good luck!
    Tried 1.
    2. -> been playing on this computer for months and months and months. It's probably being blocked somehow by the hotel. I tried wired and wireless. Full net access, but no CoH
  24. I really want to play, but I can't I even uninstalled my firewall just in case (but turned on Windows Firewall so I had something).

    I can log in to the point of selecting a server, but then it hangs and fails. I've tried several different servers and tried the same server multiple times.

    I have perfect Internet access to everything else. Any ideas? Any special options I should know about?
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Falke View Post
    At first I was surprsied that this thread isn't longer. But people don't log into their master accoutns every day. Half my SG didn't even notice it yet. But they will and this crap will get worse and worse. I can not believe what an amazingly bad move this was. Stop making people send tickets and just fix the stupid login!
    I wonder how much this is costing them.