Discussion: New Gamestop/Razer Going Rogue Promotion

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by AwesomusPrime View Post
To me it's obvious that automatic beta access applies only to prepurchase as, unlike with CoV, there is no advanced code sent out by the retailers to apply to the account. NC has no way of know who pre-ordered. It's also obvious that the loyalty program stuff was written up way before any pre-anything plans were finalized, and at the time they probably assumed things would work like they did for CoV.

To me this is the only logical state of affairs, and there's no need for clarification, but hey... I could be wrong.
While I think you may be right, with the information we have, you'd have to make a slight change:

Automatic beta access does NOT apply to Pre-orders as, unlike with CoV, there is no advanced code sent out by the retailers to apply to the account. NC has no way of know who pre-ordered. It's also obvious that the loyalty program stuff was written up way before any pre-anything plans were finalized, and at the time they probably assumed things would work like they did for CoV. Because of this we cannot make a definate statement on prepurchases getting access, but it is reasonable to assume they do under the original tier statements.



People say they want to skip the first twenty levels because they're a grind, so the Devs offer something that will make those levels less grindy and arguably more fun, and other people complain that the new shiny "expires" at level 20.

They aren't going to give away game-changing abilities or items as a pre-order perk. If those enhancements kept working throughout the life of the character, how do you think the people who didn't know about, or weren't able to preorder the game would feel?

And regarding them being all but worthless after level 20, maybe for THAT character, but you'll still get them on every other character you ever create on that account, so it's not like it's a One [Character] and Done kind of deal.

I love how people can find something to complain about even when it comes to FREE stuff.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
There are a lot of us that are still REALLY hurting because of the economic down turn. Anyone that mocks people because they are poor are jerks.
You pulling the exact same jerkery in the very same post as this one.

Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
They knew what they were doing when they bought it. They wanted to be L337 and on the cutting-edge - and they were at least one of the two.
That reads like you're assuming anyone who pre purchases this thing is a horrible internet troll who'll mock you relentlessly for not pre purchasing. Are you seriously refusing to team with anyone and flat out mocking anyone who didn't make the same purchasing decision as you?

And at the same time referring to anyone who mocks you is a jerk?

Didn't your posts used to be a little better thought out than that?


Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
I have to say, I agree with you on almost every point and support you most strenuously on the money front. Let's face it, this game gets expensive in the long run and deciding to wait for the complete collection to come out is just SMART. I wouldn't quit a team because of someone's AT, but that is just me and obviously you are welcome to do so if that is what you want. I just wish more people could look at the game this way, would be a lot more fun if they did.
I don't get it, GMan. You think the game would be better anyone who prepurchased was blacklisted from teams? Because if so, I'm not seeing where 'better game' comes in. It sounds like blacklisting people who roleplay, or who don't roleplay, or who have hasten, or who don't have hasten, based on your personal preference.

And then claiming that the game would be "better" if everyone else blacklisted those people as well.

Or did I misunderstand?

Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/
/ AIL - Celebrating five years!



I purchased the collectors edition just now having read this thread. The fact that I dont have to mess around with anything to get a character very up to speed is fantastic.

I view it this way. 1 power, with 80% rec/dam, + 5 attempts for extra damage, out of the gate, makes my fastest recharging attack a monstrous powerhouse at level 1. In fact, its kind of dirty. Yes, I get a month, and I get slots, and whatever. But more than anything, I am not in any way gimped, no matter WHAT kind of character I make, at the start. Even the weakest defender at level one, can do some nasty proc based damage. It's one power I dont have to worry about slotting until im rich and in my 30s. I think this is truly an awesome bonus for the promotion.

Hew in drag baby



Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
I purchased the collectors edition just now having read this thread. The fact that I dont have to mess around with anything to get a character very up to speed is fantastic.

I view it this way. 1 power, with 80% rec/dam, + 5 attempts for extra damage, out of the gate, makes my fastest recharging attack a monstrous powerhouse at level 1. In fact, its kind of dirty. Yes, I get a month, and I get slots, and whatever. But more than anything, I am not in any way gimped, no matter WHAT kind of character I make, at the start. Even the weakest defender at level one, can do some nasty proc based damage. It's one power I dont have to worry about slotting until im rich and in my 30s. I think this is truly an awesome bonus for the promotion.
Reading the promo info again, I'm not sure that it will be possible to place all of them in a single power. It's stated "(t)hey cannot be sold, stacked, or traded", which would appear to indicate that they are a "set of one" so to speak in that you can't place more than one in a power.



Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
No, this pre-order from gamestop is only available now. Once GR goes live, the pre-order special is gone. If you currently have the game pre-ordered at gamestop, when you go in to buy your box, your receipt will have the pre-order code printed on it. You update your account with that code, and you get GR+all the gamestop goods virtual goods.
Is the preorder active now? Last I heard, people were able to pre-purchase the pre-order (some goofy Gamestop garbage) that didn't count and they'd have to remember to switch it to pre-order. Is the difference whether you pay or not? How do I know if I go to Gamestop if I did it right?



What do you mean by "active"? When you pre-order, you put something down (or the whole thing...reports seem to vary from store to store) on it at GameStop and when the actual game comes in, you go pick it up (or possibly they can ship it to you). Nothing from it will be "active" until the stores get the box. Conceivably, the actual game will have GR started before you actually have the box in your hands. I'm expecting so for me.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Jordan_Yen View Post
Is the preorder active now? Last I heard, people were able to pre-purchase the pre-order (some goofy Gamestop garbage) that didn't count and they'd have to remember to switch it to pre-order. Is the difference whether you pay or not? How do I know if I go to Gamestop if I did it right?
Just did this last night, so I'm speaking from experience.

Go to Gamestop; tell them you want to pre-order City of Heroes: Going Rogue; pay for it then, or just put a down payment of $5 on it.

That's it. You don't even have to worry about losing your receipt because they can reference your order based on your phone number.

As I undertstand it, when GR comes out and you go to pick up your copy, a code will be printed on your reciept. You enter that code into your account just like any of the upgrade or costume codes, and that's what unlocks the pre-order goodies for you.

ETA: I guess Gamestop is affiliated with Electronics Boutique, but I don't know if we've ever gotten word on whether you can preorder at EB and get the goodies. Anyone know?

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Still very little advertisement in Gamestop... None at all at Razer.

Meanwhile DCUOnline has already a release date for those who Pre-Order....

And with •"Extreme customization" allows you to create your own custom hero or villain
and •DCUO uses a state-of-the-art physics engine that turns the world into your weapon (wich seems like the destructable universe many asks around) it looks bad for us...

"Looks can be deceiving" - Statesman (in Memoriam)



Well, I went in to a Gamestop, pre ordered. Everything went fine, but the guy working there, after asking me if I'd played it for a while, and liked DC & comic books, went on a little spiel about how cool DCUO was going to be. If there hadn't been people behind me in line I would have inquired as to why he was pushing it so hard.



Originally Posted by Trialtester View Post
Meanwhile DCUOnline has already a release date for those who Pre-Order....

And with •"Extreme customization" allows you to create your own custom hero or villain
and •DCUO uses a state-of-the-art physics engine that turns the world into your weapon (wich seems like the destructable universe many asks around) it looks bad for us...
They've already announced the first two expansion packs too - "Batman's *****" and "Superman's Slave", both of which will help broaden and deepen the player experience of existing in the DC universe.

It's lucky for us that there hasn't been another superhero MMO until now that offered extreme customization and an interactive environment, otherwise it would have crushed CoH.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
They've already announced the first two expansion packs too - "Batman's B*itch" and "Superman's Slave", both of which will help broaden and deepen the player experience of existing in the DC universe.

It's lucky for us that there hasn't been another superhero MMO until now that offered extreme customization and an interactive environment, otherwise it would have crushed CoH.
Yeah, but what's going to really sell it is the Rated M, Adults Only "Wonder Woman's Whipping Boy" expansion.....



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post

It's lucky for us that there hasn't been another superhero MMO until now that offered extreme customization and an interactive environment, otherwise it would have crushed CoH.

I see what you did there!



I thought everyone might want to know. I checked the GameStop website sunday morning and it is listing no release date for GR . . . BUT when I stopped by a store later in the day, I asked one of the clerks to look it up and he said September 1st was the release date for GR. He also was clueless about any special deal between GameStop and Paragon Studios for the pre-order (which was really annoying) and suggested I try to find it at the on-line store. Lastly, ABSOLUTELY NO ADVERTISING in the store for GR.

Now I know this is not exactly "Binding" information, but I now feel comfortable in believing that GR is not coming out in July, even more so since the veterans closed beta period just began this week.

As for the other things, I just found them irritating and was wondering if everyone else is seeing the same things?

BTW, if a RED NAME see's this, how about a big update as to what is going on? It really is time now.



Originally Posted by Undead_Steve View Post
I see what you did there!
So did I, but this other MMO pretty much suck in design, game play and development...
And is not backed up by industry giants DC Comic/Warner Brothers, is not based on a franchise that exists for about 80 years with several die-hard fans, does not have Jim Lee as "creative consultant (or whatever), doesn´t feature stories written by major comic book authors...
That all plus the "clerk pushing game for sale" in the post above combined with "no advertise at all for Going Rogue" at the same store doesn´t look well for us.

So yes, time for some red name (pointing at you BP!) to update us on this stuff.

"Looks can be deceiving" - Statesman (in Memoriam)



I don't know about the rest of you, but my Gamestop and EB have absolutely no advertising for ANY MMO, with the possible exception of WoW. If you walked in with no prior knowledge, nothing in the store would lead you to believe that games like CoH, CO, Aion, STO, et.c even existed, so it's not just a bias against or lack of marketing from CoH. I didn't even see anything on DCUO.

Also, who says DCUO's design or gameplay isn't going to suck too? Jim Lee is a fair artist, but to my knowledge he's no game designer. And just because you have comic book professionals writing stories it's no guarantee those stories are going to translate well to the MMO experience. Not to say DCUO isn't going to show up and eat CoH's lunch, but it could just as easily show up and be an annoying mess.

Hopefully I'll get to play around with it a little at SDCC next month.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



My GS carries no ads for any MMO. I'm starting to think that maybe trying to advertise an MMO in a store that is geared for consoles wasn't such a good idea...

or am I too soon in forming an opinion?

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



GS here at the Arundel Mills Mall has the preorder, and no advertising. Can I get some claification from the Devs here? The gentleman at the store said we should be able to apply the preorder code on top of whatever else we have ordered. I am willing to pay the money to get the box, as I am upgrading my PC soon anyway and it will save me on Download time, but I am concerned that the preorder bonus won't apply to my account since I already preordered to get the DP set.
Can I get a ruling on this?

"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...



I think what you have to look at here as well as the game is the developers behind it.

Sony are known to release good games originally then destroy them completely a year later with an entire game changing update, they have done it several times now and for that reason alone I wont be buying into DCUO.

The store clerks will always push DCUO over CoH simply because DCUO is the new shiny complete game where as GR is just an addon. They did the same thing with CO as well and look where that ended up. I do feel DCUO is by far the bigger threat of the two and Im not sure if CoX will stand up to the release without something major to keep players here that will make the game live longer than 50.

Looking at incarnates I'm not quite sure it will be enough and GR does look pretty but Im not quite sure its enough to compete simply because DCUO is the new game and GR is an addon. Just like the store clerks, people are always interested in the new shiny, and DCUO is simply newer and shinier than GR will be since we already know CoX mechanics, powersets and gameplay etc.



Originally Posted by Trialtester View Post
Meanwhile DCUOnline has already a release date for those who Pre-Order....

And with •"Extreme customization" allows you to create your own custom hero or villain
and •DCUO uses a state-of-the-art physics engine that turns the world into your weapon (wich seems like the destructable universe many asks around) it looks bad for us...
I've seen so many MMO launches that I'm now quite cynical. You read all the breathless hyperbole even from supposedly objective websites, then you let a few months go by after launch and a different story often comes out. Remember how Tabula Rasa was going to reinvent MMOs? Warhammer was going to surpass WoW. CO was going to crush CoH.

So DCUO may be a killer game that makes CoH look horrible by comparison. Or it may have a bunch of new shiny eye candy and lack depth and engaging gameplay. Or something in between. We just don't know yet. But I'm not fearing for CoH's future just based on prerelease hype.

We also have to remember that it's not like the cool stuff here ends with Going Rogue. There will be an issue 19, 20, etc. CoH is definitely not played out. The only thing that would make me fear for CoH's future is if they gut the dev team the way Cryptic did after the release of CoV.

EDIT: one more thing. Sony is developing this for both the PS3 and the PC. That really means, in effect, that it's a PS3 game. Forget sending tells, since most of your teammates won't have keyboards. You're likely not to have complicated attack chains because the game's going to be optimized for a gamepad. It's going to have a heavy emphasis on action. Until I hear otherwise, I'm betting that this is going to be seen as something new and unique for the PS3 rather than as competition for CoH on the PC.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



One thing that already killed DCUO for me:


its in their name

"Son....why? just...why?"

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
Its been stated, but not in this thread, that there will be 2 additional character slots for those that purchase GR. They are in no way related to this pre-order gamestop special. You cannot exceed the maximum character slots per server limit (36).

No, this pre-order from gamestop is only available now. Once GR goes live, the pre-order special is gone. If you currently have the game pre-ordered at gamestop, when you go in to buy your box, your receipt will have the pre-order code printed on it. You update your account with that code, and you get GR+all the gamestop goods virtual goods.

"2 additional character slots" is a joke.

It isn't worth the price of admission. I'm getting the "bait-and-switch" vibe here which is never a good thing - in fact, it's illegal in some States.

We could have based much speculation on this based on the CoV release. Apparently, they have decided to be stingy.

They have little to lose by giving us more character slots, and much to lose by alienating the player base.

There are a lot of Yes-men running around that will say that "it's great!" regardless of how crumby it actually is.

This is not a good thing. In fact, I've seen the information about "extra" slots removed from websites.
Hey! Removing them after the fact that people have purchased the game doesn't remove the fact that it was part of what they bought!

As for me, I'm looking at not buying GR at all at his point. The new power sets look fun, but they aren't worth the money for me.

I have a great game now. I'll keep playing what I have.

There is no "deal sealer" to make me want to buy GR.
There are many "deal breakers" that make me not want to spend my money on GR. I don't have a high-end graphics card and I only have 3 slots left free that I haven't added to my account yet. A couple of characters with new powers isn't worth the price of admission.

I love City of Heroes and that's where I'll be.



Having too many alts requiring additional slots is an exploit.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad