Discussion: New Gamestop/Razer Going Rogue Promotion

Adeon Hawkwood



So how about people who prepurchased? And how about those people in the EU? Remember? No box over here right? So even if I would want to buy this stuff from Gamestop I can't do anything with it right?

I'll wait for the answer but I have a bad feeling about this...

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I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?




Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
Even though I don't like this at all, fair being fair the advantage only lasts until level 17. At that point, it's evened out by being just as good as the other SO.
For sure, it's not significant for long, but they will be damn handy for leveling up new toons.


This is the inverse. A subversion. A flip. A flop. A double pits to chesty.
Oh Marcian, I am so disappointed in you. *shakes head sadly*

I agree with you and all, but that expression does not need to get used for anything ever.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



While this will get lost before anyone with anything close to a redname can see it, here goes:

In order for the consumers to make an informed decision, is this the ONLY pre-order exclusive you guys are going to have or can we expect more to pop up as we get closer to the release date?

(Yeah, I know, they should have mentioned this before the prepurchase phase, so "informed decision" is already a bit dinged up, but that horse has already escaped the barn.)

Edited to add: and I will not be surprised if this goes the way of other preorder bonuses quite quickly, being released as a Vet Reward for the old timers.




These Enhancements are only available to newly created characters. Each new character will receive one of each Enhancement. They cannot be sold, stacked, or traded. These Enhancements are equivalent to a Security Level 20 Dual Origin Enhancement.
Bolding mine. Do you really mean a level 20 DO? Cause that isn't a good benchmark at all. Non-IOs are more/less effective depending on your relative level to the piece.

Are you meaning a Level 20 Dual Set IO? Each aspect would enhance by 16% in that case. (ref).

Also, for clarification: do these pieces expire? My guess would be no, but I just want to be clear.

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Originally Posted by McNum View Post

I thought you guys were better than this. Store exclusive ingame preorder items in a multiplayer game is the worst trend in video games so far. Sure, they're not that powerful, but it's a really bad precedent.

I'm disappointed. I really thought NCSoft were better than this.
They did this for both the CoH and CoV launch. Your outrage should have happened 6 years ago. And 4 years ago.

I already pre-ordered through NCSoft, and I honestly don't see what the big deal is.

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Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
This would make the most sense; enhancements that are nice, a little too good even, but stop working after level 20. Then you pretty much have to go and buy "real" enhancements to replace them.
I don't think they'll stop working. The pics show them as being level 1 enhancements so I bet they work like an IO, just with DO numbers. Thing is, at level 20, common IO's are better than DO's, so these quickly become obsolete. But not totally worthless.

I think that's how it will work, anyway. It'll be nice for leveling up a new toon, but you'll replace them pretty quickly.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
I agree with you and all, but that expression does not need to get used for anything ever.

I hate it, too. It was a special phrase I had tucked away in a molded and stenching chest to be opened and smeared across something I dislike, leaving it in a state of dripping disbelief that I would associate it with something so disingenuous, cynical, and foul.

It has had its single use for which it was hatched into this reality and shall now slink back into a non-existence substantiated only by campfire stories whispered, flashlight in face, into the white dress shirts sitting on decidedly non-untamed wild as part of a corporate team building exercise.



This is totally a guess, but my bet is that they act like IOs (good at all levels) but their bonuses are those of DOs (with the exception of the proc attached to each one) so a level 50 could still have all 5 slotted and functioning if they didn't mind the smaller enhancement values to Dam/Rech which, honestly won't matter to many 50s since they're slotted near the ED cap for both of those anyway, and wanted to keep the proc ability.



Well, if they are DO level, then you may or may not want to replace them. they are basically a DAM/RECH enhancement, with a Proc on them as well. if its minor damage, then it scales up to about 70-ish damage at level 50. as well as giving you dam/rech. I see that as a means to replace those damage procs people just throw into their 6th slot...



I'll probably end up buying this for my account, even though I already prepurchased GR.

I'll just wait till we're closer to GR's launch. There really is no advantage for me to have to buy it RITE NAO

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I'm happy to see the promotion, but sad that I may miss out on new shiney things because I love this game so much I gave them my money at the earliest opportunity instead of waiting.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
I hate it, too. It was a special phrase I had tucked away in a molded and stenching chest to be opened and smeared across something I dislike, leaving it in a state of dripping disbelief that I would associate it with something so disingenuous, cynical, and foul.

It has had its single use for which it was hatched into this reality and shall now slink back into a non-existence substantiated only by campfire stories whispered, flashlight in face, into the white dress shirts sitting on decidedly non-untamed wild as part of a corporate team building exercise.
OK, in that case, I guess I'll let it slide.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
Your loyal players are the ones that didn't get this preorder. They're the ones that bought this the day or week it came out. So here we are, posting angrily and listening to Family Guy when we should be doing their job filling in Excel sheets. Who's fault is that? It's MINE, I tell you. I LIKE Family Guy and find Seth McFarlene's voice soothing. I don't even mind that it has pervaded my posting so much that it's undermined a very serious and very angry rant.
Maybe this isn't for loyal players. Just a theory (And a bit of rationalization, as I did preorder and am now uncertain at how I feel about that) but the bonus is something to entice fair weather players, or new players, rather than current subscribers?

You know, "Come, play this game, you'll even get this shiny new bonus that current players don't have!"

I mean, it's not a television ad, but once it hits the game blogs and what not, it might even be some sort of pseudo-advertising, or at least what amounts to advertising in the Toon Town Acid Trip that is modern video game advertising...

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Hmmmm... from level 5 to 20, a five-slotted Brawl would be great in the attack chain.

It's also a great way to teach newbies the power of dual aspect IOs and procs.
Wow yeah, I hadn't even thought about using them in Brawl. Might at least be worth trying out, especially on a brute. I tend to auto-brawl them at low levels anyway.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
Guys, new characters get one of those enhancements, apparently at random. They're nothing to go crazy about. You can enhance ONE of your powers more than you naturally could until level 20, but afterwards, the cheapest double aspect IO does the same and has bonuses, too. They're no big deal.
Good. Thanks for that info.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by PsychoPez View Post
Maybe this isn't for loyal players. Just a theory...
Taking this part that is what I though about this also. It is something cool to entice new people to play the game. We got our incentives of getting Demon Summoning and Dual Pistols and other tid bits that were going to be in GR now cause we pre-purchased.

I know it seems like something major, but most of us have inf to kit out lowbies if needed or know how to make it. To me it is nothing major, I might pick it up for the niceness of having it but I do not think it is crucial for us anymore.



Good going as usual devs, way to screw over your loyal fan base who pre-ordered back when dual pistols first came out. Yeah this was really a smart thing to do. I am kind of upset that they didnt just make them temp powers instead of enchancements either way you guys royally screwed by doing this with gamestop. Many of us have an extreme hatred for that Corporation. Should have gone with either Amazon, or Bestbuy, but never Gamestop.

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Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Good going as usual devs, way to screw over your loyal fan base who pre-ordered back when dual pistols first came out.
Your pre-order bonus was to play DP and DS before anyone else. That's what you were told you'd get, that's what you got. You didn't get screwed. This is a different bonus, for other customers.

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Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Good going as usual marketing, way to screw over your loyal fan base who pre-ordered back when dual pistols first came out. Yeah this was really a smart thing to do.
Please at least point your nerdrage in the right direction. I highly doubt the developers had anything to do with allowing exclusive rewards, nor were allowed to decide which brick-and-mortar store got what special goodie.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Those enhancements are kinda neat, but they don't make me regret my decision to prepurchase GR. I'm fine with this bonus limited to those who pre-order through Gamestop. It's a nice incentive.



The five exclusive Enhancements increase the damage and recharge value of a character power and have a small chance to trigger an additional ability. The Enhancements and their additional abilities are:
  • Will of the Seers—Chance for minor psi damage.
  • Clockwork Efficiency—Chance for minor energy damage.
  • Might of the Empire—Chance for knockdown.
  • Resistance Tactics—Chance for minor smash damage.
  • Syndicate Techniques—Chance for minor lethal additional ability triggered.
These Enhancements are only available to newly created characters. Each new character will receive one of each Enhancement. They cannot be sold, stacked, or traded. These Enhancements are equivalent to a Security Level 20 Dual Origin Enhancement.
Each character gets all 5 enhancements. I am going to guess that you can only use 1 per power since five procs in a power that will also be slotted for damage and recharge seems a bit much, even at DO levels.

Of course, you would probably miss a lot if you did slot all five into one power.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Marketing
These Enhancements are only available to newly created characters. Each new character will receive one of each Enhancement. They cannot be sold, stacked, or traded. These Enhancements are equivalent to a Security Level 20 Dual Origin Enhancement.
Can they be stored in a base enhancement bin?

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