Discussion: New Gamestop/Razer Going Rogue Promotion

Adeon Hawkwood



Hey Folks,

I know a lot of you are curious about the new enhancements, and I wanted to give make sure you folks are fully informed.

What are these new enhancements?

Will of the Seers:
+ Increase the damage of your power and reduce its recharge time by 16%.
+ Your power now has a chance to cause additional Psi Damage

Clockwork Efficiency:
+ Increase the damage of your power and reduce its recharge time by 16%.
+ Your power now has a chance to additional Energy Damage

Might of the Empire:
+ Increase the damage of your power and reduce its recharge time by 16%.
+ Your power now has a chance to knock down opponents

Resistance Tactics:
+ Increase the damage of your power and reduce its recharge time by 16%.
+ Your power now has a chance to cause additional Smash Damage

Syndicate Techniques:
+ Increase the damage of your power and reduce its recharge time by 16%.
+ Your power now has a chance to cause a Lethal Proc

How do the enhancement bonuses work?

Much like Invention Origin Enhancements, these enhancements provide an unchanging bonus towards the respective effects. This is affected by Enhancement Diversification like any other enhancement.

What about the chance to cause damage?

From levels 1 to 20 the enhancement provides a chance to cause a small amount of additional damage. After level 20 this chance will no longer occur.

I hope this clears any confusion up.




Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
In only somewhat related news, did anyone else lol as hard as I did at the mouse pad wording? It's a "desktop skin" and a "high performance, repositional surface". No, guys, it's a mouse pad. Mmmooouuussseee pppaaaddd.
If this thing is even marginally like the Destructor, it is not a mouse pad, it is a weapon disguised as a mousepad. I am not kidding, that thing is like a giant, extremely thin axe blade. You could decapitate people with it. It's so dangerous, it has to be packed in a zippered, padded case to keep it from randomly killing people who handle it.



I think it's garbage that people who pre-order get a gameplay advantage not given to people who laid the full purchase price months in advance, just because NCSoft inked a promo deal with gamestop.

Yes, it's minor, whatever. I doubt an IO with two enhancement types and a damage proc is ever going to be useless.

@Dysc, on virtue:
Virtue blues: Overnight (DP/MM), Kid Ridiculous (FC/rad), Panorama (Ill/time)
Virtue reds: Block Party (SS/SD), Goldcrush (earth/fire), Deadwire (claws/elec), Snowcrush (ice/kin)



Originally Posted by Stargazer View Post
Level 20 common IOs are better than DOs, but these aren't DOs. They're dual aspect enhancements (Damage/Recharge) that are described as being "equivalent" to DOs.
Good point, but I'm betting that means the total enhancement value will be equal to a DO, so half in Damage, half in Recharge. I think more than that would be considered too powerful for a very low level character.

If it's full DO in each aspect? Yeah, then I will absolutely be getting this for both accounts, even though I prepurchased on one of them.

Edit: And while I was typing this, Ocho seems to have proven me wrong - still worded a little bit ambiguously but now sounds like it is full DO in each aspect. But then you lose the proc at 21. Heh. Give and take.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Originally Posted by Redbone View Post
If this thing is even marginally like the Destructor, it is not a mouse pad, it is a weapon disguised as a mousepad. I am not kidding, that thing is like a giant, extremely thin axe blade. You could decapitate people with it. It's so dangerous, it has to be packed in a zippered, padded case to keep it from randomly killing people who handle it.
OK, now I want one.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
What about the chance to cause damage?

From levels 1 to 20 the enhancement provides a chance to cause a small amount of additional damage. After level 20 this chance will no longer occur.
There you go. After level 20, any cheap IO recipe is stronger, and you get set bonuses with them.

TheOcho: PLEASE add that to the first post.

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Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Good going as usual devs, way to screw over your loyal fan base who pre-ordered back when dual pistols first came out. Yeah this was really a smart thing to do. I am kind of upset that they didnt just make them temp powers instead of enchancements either way you guys royally screwed by doing this with gamestop. Many of us have an extreme hatred for that Corporation. Should have gone with either Amazon, or Bestbuy, but never Gamestop.
There are people that hate Amazon and Bestbuy also. What makes your hatred more special than theirs. Also, as far as I know Amazon doesn't have actual stores in actual places people can walk into and see the box.

Personally, I have no problem with the bonus enhancements. If it acts to attract new players to the game, and the net benefit is something that mainly assists them with the lower levels of the game when we most want to make a good impression, count me in. Not even a tiny little bit am I jealous. Heck, if it would attract a significant number of new long-term subscribers I would probably donate my inventions to give to them.

Us old timers have got to think in terms of helping NCSoft attract newer customers, not stomping on every attempt to do so as an affront to our "loyalty." Loyalty is faithfully supporting the game because you believe in it. Supporting the game because you believe you will get perks before anyone else and the game will always treat you better than anyone else is not loyalty, its bribery.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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...Totally not fair to everyone who already bought the game.

I can live without the booty pad, but I'd /really/ appreciate it if those 5 enhancements were in the $7 Item Pack. Shop Exclusive in game Pre-Order bonuses blow.

Meh... IOs are better anyway...



Originally Posted by Canine View Post
I'm somewhat confused by the level of response to this.

(disclaimer, I'm in the EU and so don't even get the option of these shinies, so I may not be running at a full rage/bile quotient)

People on these board have been screaming for marketing to do something, anything to promote the game.

So Marketing are now doing something to promote the game.

Cue board rage.

Par for the course, man. Especially from SOME posters.


Us old timers have got to think in terms of helping NCSoft attract newer customers, not stomping on every attempt to do so as an affront to our "loyalty." Loyalty is faithfully supporting the game because you believe in it. Supporting the game because you believe you will get perks before anyone else and the game will always treat you better than anyone else is not loyalty, its bribery.
And then you have SOME posters that think logically.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
That has nothing to do with the decision to offer exclusive goodies, nor the decision of which store gets what goodies. Marketing says "Gamestop gets goodies." Developers say "okay, what are we doing for them?" Marketing and developers hash out possibilities, with marketing having the final say. Marketing decides to tack on another goodie in the form of a physical item (in this case, a mouse pad).

In only somewhat related news, did anyone else lol as hard as I did at the mouse pad wording? It's a "desktop skin" and a "high performance, repositional surface". No, guys, it's a mouse pad. Mmmooouuussseee pppaaaddd.
I know, it was more of a tongue in cheek comment.

And I did indeed think the description of the mousepad was weird. "Desktop skin" made me think it was a wallpaper for my computer's desktop.



I admit, I have no love for GameStop but no directed anger towards them either. That said, there are other places I would prefer to buy from for reasons outside love/hate (location, location, location being the top three and "I have a coupon" being a really strong fourth). That said, IF this is the only pre-order going, I have no problem with it, it's just spare miles and spare minutes out of my day twice to get the preorder and then the product, but I do want to know if this is the only one or if we can expect others comming up so I can go ahead and take those spare minutes and spare miles and get it done.



Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
What about the chance to cause damage?

From levels 1 to 20 the enhancement provides a chance to cause a small amount of additional damage. After level 20 this chance will no longer occur.
Just to clarify: this also affects the knockdown proc, correct?



I decided to wait and get the box at retail for the complete collection. I didn't need access to the sets early, and it worked out to be a better deal to do that than get the item pack as a separate purchase. So I'm a beneficiary of this preorder benefit.

Having said that, I wholly agree with Marcian's point on this. But before continuing, I'll note that Landro made one of my points: Prepurchasing got those folks the new power sets way early. Because I'm waiting for the retail box, I can't use the new sets yet, so that's a benefit that you're getting now that I won't be able to get.

Though that's a decision that should have been available to folks beforehand. In a way, this punishes folks that decided to prepurchase because they didn't have all the information to make the choice. Most of them probably would have still chosen to prepurchase to get the powersets early, but those that wouldn't have are fully justified in being a little chafed over this.

Now, it's entirely possible that this was a deal that developed recently, making it impossible for this to have been announced earlier. If so, then I wouldn't know how to rectify this without negating the exclusivity of the promotion (by including them in the item pack or as their own microtransaction, for example)

I'll also say that this preorder bonus isn't really all that great, so it's not something that anyone should get too riled up about. It'll be a nice thing to have for a few levels, but then ditched.

Proud member of the Paragonian Knights



yeah it sounds like a slap to those who already preordered going rogue. are we not capable of such things at the start of preorder ?

i mean yeah its great to people who might be new buying it .but to your established fanbase your kicking them down cause 90% already preordered and get nothing. who's the genious behind that?



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Yeah but if we had known back then many of us would have waited, thats my point. We were deceived because they knew something better was coming.
How do you know when this deal was even signed? So far as I know, these enhancements didn't even exist at the time the original preoffer was made.

In fact, right now NCSoft might be talking to Amazon. They may, or may not come to a deal which may or may not involve perks that are or are not the same as the Gamestop one. Deal.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Enhancements seem more than fair to me, cant see any real advantage over other low level characters since imo enhancements up to level 15 [minimum] arent really worth going for the hassle.

Nice little pack though

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Purchasing options should never "roll out" Any company that does it instantly lose credability to me. I don't mind other aspects rolling out, but every purchase option should be finalized before any purchase option is made known. This is from a business standpoint. You lose people when you roll out purchase options and you lose credability. These things shorten the life of your product in the overall and doing it shows that you're not looking at a long term game like you should be but a quick buck which always feels like a scam... regardless of how much money you possibly get from this you lose it in the long run and that's bad business...



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
There are people that hate Amazon and Bestbuy also. What makes your hatred more special than theirs. Also, as far as I know Amazon doesn't have actual stores in actual places people can walk into and see the box.

Personally, I have no problem with the bonus enhancements. If it acts to attract new players to the game, and the net benefit is something that mainly assists them with the lower levels of the game when we most want to make a good impression, count me in. Not even a tiny little bit am I jealous. Heck, if it would attract a significant number of new long-term subscribers I would probably donate my inventions to give to them.

Us old timers have got to think in terms of helping NCSoft attract newer customers, not stomping on every attempt to do so as an affront to our "loyalty." Loyalty is faithfully supporting the game because you believe in it. Supporting the game because you believe you will get perks before anyone else and the game will always treat you better than anyone else is not loyalty, its bribery.
I disagree with you on this. It makes more sense to try to keep your players hooked on the game than it does to try to bring in new players who probably wont stick around past the free month anyways. I dont see it as bribery at all. I see it as rewarding our faithfulness for sticking with the game since day 1, as many of us have. What we have here is a slap in the face to us loyal players because they didnt give us all the information before hand or a way to get this after the fact. If they come out and say these will be available for purchase after the promotion is done then I can deal with that but chances are they wont do this. Its going to be like a 10 year vet reward or something provided this game makes it to year 10.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
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Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
From levels 1 to 20 the enhancement provides a chance to cause a small amount of additional damage. After level 20 this chance will no longer occur.
That certainly limits their usefulness at higher levels (that's a good thing). I could possibly see myself continue using them in some powers on some characters, but in general I'd prefer regular set IOs.



Normally I hate GameStop and it's preorder bonuses, but these enhancements, while neat, are not game-breaking, and eventually every character will out level them. So, I don't care. I got GR pre-purchased already.



Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
Edit: And while I was typing this, Ocho seems to have proven me wrong - still worded a little bit ambiguously but now sounds like it is full DO in each aspect. But then you lose the proc at 21. Heh. Give and take.
For some reason, public statements about game mechanics often tend to be ambiguous (and/or wrong).



can we get word on whether EU customers are eligible for this promotion?

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
How do you know when this deal was even signed? So far as I know, these enhancements didn't even exist at the time the original preoffer was made.

In fact, right now NCSoft might be talking to Amazon. They may, or may not come to a deal which may or may not involve perks that are or are not the same as the Gamestop one. Deal.
Even if this deal happened after the fact, they still should have though "Gee, we dont want to make our loyal fan base upset, we need to think of a way that they can get these after the promotion is over."

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!