Discussion: New Gamestop/Razer Going Rogue Promotion

Adeon Hawkwood



interesting items included... a lil surprised they are enhancements...

now where is that video that was promised on facebook?

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



They cannot be sold, stacked, or traded.
... ugh. "Soulbound" items have made it to COH.

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate soulbound-type items?



Just saw this over on Razor's Facebook feed. Is this going to be the only retail promotion? If so, I'll preorder it today. I was going to do Complete Collection at retail anyway.

Proud member of the Paragonian Knights



I hate to be "that guy" but...

... is this something that people who already preordered the game aren't going to get?

See, 'cuz Gothess got me and her matching Going Rogue Pre-orders in order to play Dual Pistols and experience the other treats. And now we're not getting the skins or exclusive enhancements?

So this is how all the people that created characters before the Isolator badge was released felt...



Not too thrilled that the enhancements are for new characters only.

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
... ugh. "Soulbound" items have made it to COH.

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate soulbound-type items?
i am hoping these promo items are some how tagged.. and that this applies to NOTHING else in the game... or I will flip my lid...

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
I hate to be "that guy" but...

... is this something that people who already preordered the game aren't going to get?

See, 'cuz Gothess got me and her matching Going Rogue Pre-orders in order to play Dual Pistols and experience the other treats. And now we're not getting the skins or exclusive enhancements?

So this is how all the people that created characters before the Isolator badge was released felt...
Except that the Isolator badge didn't give any actual in game advantage...

Yeah. I am glad I didn't prepurchase on my second account but now I have to decide if these enhacements are worth the price to get for my primary account as well.

Let's see it's $39.99. I get a month of play time, which is $14.99, so that's $25. Knock off another $6.99 since I won't have to buy the item pack online, so about $18 is what I'm paying that I wouldn't have paid anyway.

Hmm. Gonna be a tough call. I might need to see the numbers (i.e. what's the % chance to proc, what's the damage/kd mag when they do proc).


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Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Yeah, I'm curious to know if we can get those goodies any other way, since I too went and prepurchased. The day it became available, I do believe.

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I thought you guys were better than this. Store exclusive ingame preorder items in a multiplayer game is the worst trend in video games so far. Sure, they're not that powerful, but it's a really bad precedent.

I'm disappointed. I really thought NCSoft were better than this.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



I'm curious about the enhancements. They're compared to level 20 DO's. Does that mean that their enhancement value scales with my level, and that they eventually expire? Or will they provide their enhancement and proc effect from level 1-50?




Guys, new characters get those enhancements, and they can't be traded or sold. They're nothing to go crazy about. You can enhance one or two of your powers more than you naturally could until level 20, but afterwards, the cheapest double aspect IO does the same and has bonuses, too. They're no big deal.

Edit: adding the contents of theOcho's later post so people who only look at the first page see it:

Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
Hey Folks,

I know a lot of you are curious about the new enhancements, and I wanted to give make sure you folks are fully informed.

What are these new enhancements?

Will of the Seers:
+ Increase the damage of your power and reduce its recharge time by 16%.
+ Your power now has a chance to cause additional Psi Damage

Clockwork Efficiency:
+ Increase the damage of your power and reduce its recharge time by 16%.
+ Your power now has a chance to additional Energy Damage

Might of the Empire:
+ Increase the damage of your power and reduce its recharge time by 16%.
+ Your power now has a chance to knock down opponents

Resistance Tactics:
+ Increase the damage of your power and reduce its recharge time by 16%.
+ Your power now has a chance to cause additional Smash Damage

Syndicate Techniques:
+ Increase the damage of your power and reduce its recharge time by 16%.
+ Your power now has a chance to cause a Lethal Proc

How do the enhancement bonuses work?

Much like Invention Origin Enhancements, these enhancements provide an unchanging bonus towards the respective effects. This is affected by Enhancement Diversification like any other enhancement.

What about the chance to cause damage?

From levels 1 to 20 the enhancement provides a chance to cause a small amount of additional damage. After level 20 this chance will no longer occur.

I hope this clears any confusion up.


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Yeah, are the in game enhancements part of the compelte edition add on that we can get for $7 or are they exclusive to this promotion?

I am under the assumption right now, since they are in game items, and we were told that we would be getting the in game items for that $7 price when GR comes out that they are included.

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Given my previous experience of US and UK codes being incompatible, my Zero senses are tingling that if I order it anyway I'll most likely get gimped and won't be able to add it to an EU account.

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Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
Guys, new characters get one of those enhancements, apparently at random. They're nothing to go crazy about. You can enhance ONE of your powers more than you naturally could until level 20, but afterwards, the cheapest double aspect IO does the same and has bonuses, too. They're no big deal.
I don't think they're a big deal, but new chars get one of each, the site says. And they're procs, not just duo enhs.

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Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
Except that the Isolator badge didn't give any actual in game advantage...
Even though I don't like this at all, fair being fair the advantage only lasts until level 17. At that point, it's evened out by being just as good as the other SO.

I don't mind the Veteran Reward advantages. By the time you get to the ones that offer a true upper hand, the players have been here for so many years, it's reasonable to argue that they deserve some special treatment.

This is the inverse. A subversion. A flip. A flop. A double pits to chesty.

Your loyal players are the ones that didn't get this preorder. They're the ones that bought this the day or week it came out. So here we are, posting angrily and listening to Family Guy when we should be doing their job filling in Excel sheets. Who's fault is that? It's MINE, I tell you. I LIKE Family Guy and find Seth McFarlene's voice soothing. I don't even mind that it has pervaded my posting so much that it's undermined a very serious and very angry rant.



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
Guys, new characters get one of those enhancements, apparently at random. They're nothing to go crazy about. You can enhance ONE of your powers more than you naturally could until level 20, but afterwards, the cheapest double aspect IO does the same and has bonuses, too. They're no big deal.

Each new character will receive one of each Enhancement.

you get them all for the new toon... not one at random

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Yeah, I'm curious to know if we can get those goodies any other way, since I too went and prepurchased. The day it became available, I do believe.
Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
I'm curious about the enhancements. They're compared to level 20 DO's. Does that mean that their enhancement value scales with my level, and that they eventually expire? Or will they provide their enhancement and proc effect from level 1-50?
DOs have a 16.7% bonus, which would make this either 16.7% to each attribute OR 8.3% to each attribute (16.7% total). No idea why they'd specify the level of a DO.

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Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Yeah, I'm curious to know if we can get those goodies any other way, since I too went and prepurchased. The day it became available, I do believe.
This x2 copies for me.

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Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
Guys, new characters get one of those enhancements, apparently at random. They're nothing to go crazy about. You can enhance ONE of your powers more than you naturally could until level 20, but afterwards, the cheapest double aspect IO does the same and has bonuses, too. They're no big deal.
Originally Posted by http://goingrogue.na.cityofheroes.com/en/gamestop/
These Enhancements are only available to newly created characters. Each new character will receive one of each Enhancement.
Where do you get that you only get one enhancement?




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Does that mean that their enhancement value scales with my level, and that they eventually expire?
This would make the most sense; enhancements that are nice, a little too good even, but stop working after level 20. Then you pretty much have to go and buy "real" enhancements to replace them.

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!