Discussion: New Gamestop/Razer Going Rogue Promotion

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
Only after the promotion was over. It was a store exclusive for Wal-Mart in September 2006, and the item pack was released in January 2007 when the "exclusive" period was over.
That assumed you local Walmart even had it or knew what it was. That exclusive was a bit of a comedy of errors and stupidity in a number of areas. Three of our local ones didn't get it for 2 weeks and then even when they had it, STILL said they didn't have it, and would look you straight in the eye, with you showing them the box from their shelves and STILL claim not to have it in one case.

Of course, the entertainment value alone on that one may have been worth it in my case.



Originally Posted by Cheese_Martini View Post
Seems to me that some people who post here should try a little role-playing. When's the last time you heard of a superhero or supervillian whining about being "slapped in the face?" I have a hard time envisioning any of my favorite comic book characters saying, "He gots a Shiny an' I wants one too or I'ma hold my breaths. Waaah!"

Seriously, though, these enhancements are SO trivial that I just can't see the point of all this high dudgeon... even on principle.
People like to make noise when in the echo chamber.

That's the only theory I have to go on...

Edit: Although, Tired Angel below does make an interesting point. It's not much content, but it is a bit difference, I can understand this line of argument at least.

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Originally Posted by Lyrik View Post
So how about people who prepurchased? And how about those people in the EU? Remember? No box over here right? So even if I would want to buy this stuff from Gamestop I can't do anything with it right?

I'll wait for the answer but I have a bad feeling about this...
Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
Your Zero senses are correct. Not only do people outside the US NOT get a box, they are now excluded from another perks related to buying the expansion.

That's 2-0 NC Soft! Way to go Marketing guys! You really, really are doing your best to keep up your image as heartless people only interested in sucking the last cent from buyers. Bless your little black shrivelled pebbles.
This and this!

I made my peace with not getting an EU boxset a little while ago but hearing this has actually really annoyed me again.

The reason for this that although these pre-order bonuses were a marketing idea they would have taken developer time implement. So it has actually gotten to the point where the EU servers now do not have the same access to content as the NA ones!

Its left me disalusioned with the future of the EU game if the developers are going to be putting in time to content that won't be made available to them.

And I just want to be clear, I am happy with the idea that there are pre-order bonuses as they will help attract people to the game and I'm not bothered this was announced after the prepurchase. What I am not happy about is that content is being made for the NA servers that the EU ones have no way of getting.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Notice I edited it? I pre-purchased to support the game. I make no secret that I play mostly scrappers. Do I really care? Nope, I will admit I posted in haste.
Sorry; I didn't notice your edit until after posting mine. Maybe I'm an optimist, but I'm sure this will be eventually made a vet reward; we have the precedent of the sprints and the helmets, and the enhancements themselves have generic names that aren't associated with the store prepurchase in any way.

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Originally Posted by Redbone View Post
That assumed you local Walmart even had it or knew what it was. That exclusive was a bit of a comedy of errors and stupidity in a number of areas. Three of our local ones didn't get it for 2 weeks and then even when they had it, STILL said they didn't have it, and would look you straight in the eye, with you showing them the box from their shelves and STILL claim not to have it in one case.

Of course, the entertainment value alone on that one may have been worth it in my case.
I agree that walmart was a horrible choice to do that promotion because their workers tend to be more incompetent than any other workers for this kind of thing. For the most part with any store I never ever trust the sales people because chances are they know absolutely nothing about a product. Those that do are told to lie to customers to get them to buy stuff they dont need. Its very rare you see an honest sales person these days.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
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Well, that's a thing. Aesthetically, I don't like it. I'd like to be able to make informed buying decisions, and I'd like to be able to purchase all aspects of the product without having to go through a particular vendor. However, my overriding concern is for the health of the game, and I'd rather have a game that survives on decisions I find mildly distasteful than a game that dies on its principles.

At times like these, I meditate on the words of the sages:

Your 15 dollars a month entitles you to access to the game servers, provided you comply with the terms of service, until they are shut down, and nothing else.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Forgot to mention: personally I think this is a good idea. I know some people don't like the concept, but for me it allows for much more freedom in the kinds of benefits the devs can give out when they know they cannot be shuffled around, stacked beyond what a single player can acquire, or exploited in other ways.

If the choice is between bind on equip and not bind on equip, the choice seems obvious. But if the choice is between bind on equip and all of these bind of equip goodies we can make, or we just don't ever get them at all, that choice is a different one, and one I come down on the side of diversity of power options.
Well technically these are Bind on Pickup not Bind on Equip.

I don't particularly mind Bind on Pickup items but I'm not convinced that Bind on Pickup offers the developers any significant balance advantages that the current Unique tag does not. Bind on Equip and Bind of Pickup serve very different purposes in MMOs. Bind on Equip serves to take items out of circulation and thus help regulate the in game economy while Bind on Pickup serves to force players into performing specific actions to get certain items (with the potential to limit how frequently they can get them).

The net result is that Bind on Pickup doesn't, by itself, impose any limits on player power levels. It can be used to limit how fast they can reach those power levels but at the end of the day the total power level is based on how many they can use at once. So if you want to limit characters to one Enhancement of Pure Awesome you could make it Bind on Pickup and only allow them to get it once in their career or you could make it more readily acquirable and trade able but then make it unique so they can own as many as they want but only slot one at a time.

Bind on Pickup is a great tool for developers to adjust playing styles or limit player advancement I have no argument there but I'm not convinced it's a more useful tool for general balance than simply using unique or max-equipped tags.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
That's *exactly* why soulbound items are tagged such. To prevent you from earning them from multiple sources (however easy or hard that is) and then stacking them into a single ultra-powerful character.

Think about those three big enhancements they give us in the tutorial. Think about what they could be if they were bound to the player and couldn't be traded or exploited by making tons of new characters just to get them. How about instead of a large respite, an enhancement that boosts recovery for an entire mission? Or an awaken that works like Soul Transfer? All possible with binding, all impossible without.
But the same benefit can be gained by simply making you only able to equip one at a time (as was doen with the stealth enhancements). Now more powerful inspirations would (possibly) need to be made pind on pickup but those are consumables so different rules do apply.



Do you all think they will use the Bind on Pickup or Bind on Equipe on alot more stuff in the future?

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Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
+ Increase the damage of your power and reduce its recharge time by 16%.
Either way, saying "These Enhancements are equivalent to a Security Level 20 Dual Origin Enhancement" is a misnomer: DOs don't have an absolute level, they have a relative level from -3 to +3.

What they are doing is providing the equivalent of *two* even-level DOs, namely an Even-Level Damage DO plus an Even-Level Recharge Reduction DO.

They are close to providing the same enhancement of a Level 20-21 Dual Aspect *IO*.

So... Once one hits level 21, any slottable Damage/Recharge IO will be better then these enhancements, which I think is very fair and balanced bonus: it's a boon to lower levels and by level 21, gives no extra advantage than what's available in the game. Good stuff.

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Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Do you all think they will use the Bind on Pickup or Bind on Equipe on alot more stuff in the future?
We don't have Bind on Equip tech; that would require an enhancement to turn from tradable to non-tradable when we slot it, and I can't think of anything that does that (technically, slotting enhancements was a kind of bind-on-equip, but then respecs came along and let you remove stuff). Bind on Pickup, we already have the two types of merits, Day Job invention/tailor coupons, and now this. I'm certain we'll have more of that in the future.

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Originally Posted by Cheese_Martini View Post
Seems to me that some people who post here should try a little role-playing. When's the last time you heard of a superhero or supervillian whining about being "slapped in the face?"
I'd go further and put a moratorium on the whole phrase "slap in the face." It's grown into a meaningless cliche that's tossed around without any thought whatsoever.

There are a lot of similar bromides, but that one in particular is always brandished once or twice on any forum discussion where someone doesn't like what the company does.

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*contemplates how her name got in ZMan's quote of theOcho...*

aww, he ninja edited ;-;

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Do you all think they will use the Bind on Pickup or Bind on Equipe on alot more stuff in the future?
I can easily see them using BoP with any zero-effort items. We've had a "hidden" version of it in the game forever and a day (Vanguard Merits and Reward Merits) so I don't see them not using it with an "exploitable,"* limited item that is attained by a subset of players without any effort beyond logging in.

*And yes, it can be argued it's not classically exploitable, but it is outside the design of the original game that players have loads of enhancements (enough to slot in every slot) that modify two aspects of a power (plus a proc) from level 1 onwards, especially since it can be done at virtually no cost to one subset of players and, eventualy, minimal cost thanks to the easy of creation for the rest.



Meant to work from 1-20. So it's meant to be used primarily in Praetoria?



Pre-purchase: You get to play two powersets a few months early.

Pre-order: You get free enhancements on every newly made character forever.

So yeah, I feel that the perks might be a tad lopsided. And I do agree that this is the sort of thing that needs to be hashed out in advance, rather than piecemeal.

As long as these end up as Vet rewards eventually, I suppose I won't be too upset, though.

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Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
Meant to work from 1-20. So it's meant to be used primarily in Praetoria?
All new characters get them, not just characters that start in Praetoria. Villains that start in the Isles and Heroes that start in the City also get to use them, and they don't have access to Praetoria.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I'm not seeing much of a problem with this promotion. These are going to be nice for the low levels. And look folks, you get the free month with the box anyway so ask yourself if these enhancers are worth $25 to you.

Given that folks have paid $25 for mounts in WoW and EQ2 recently, having all my new characters start with these enhancers might be worth it.

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Originally Posted by infallible View Post
I'd go further and put a moratorium on the whole phrase "slap in the face." It's grown into a meaningless cliche that's tossed around without any thought whatsoever.
This comment is a slap in the face to all those who have been slapped in the face over many, many years of face slapping.


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I pre-ordered it.

If the pre-order code is separate from the game activation code, then I will have a Going Rogue Complete Collection I can gift to someone.

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Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Just to clarify: this also affects the knockdown proc, correct?

Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post
There was an inferred additional ability under Syndicate Techniques. Was it the proc damage or something else? If it is 'something else'. does it also lock out after 20?
It's just different wording for the same thing: Chance for Minor Damage. It doesn't nothing extra than the other ones.

Originally Posted by Severe View Post
yeah it sounds like a slap to those who already preordered going rogue. are we not capable of such things at the start of preorder ?
A slap? What kind of slap?

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Originally Posted by Severe View Post
yeah it sounds like a slap to those who already preordered going rogue. are we not capable of such things at the start of preorder ?

i mean yeah its great to people who might be new buying it .but to your established fanbase your kicking them down cause 90% already preordered and get nothing. who's the genious behind that?
Slapped and kicked? I guess that means marketing are using ninjas and their elite hate-fu - which would explain why they're invisible, I guess

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post

It's just different wording for the same thing: Chance for Minor Damage. It doesn't nothing extra than the other ones.

A slap? What kind of slap?
This kind of slap. The hard kind.


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Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
In only somewhat related news, did anyone else lol as hard as I did at the mouse pad wording? It's a "desktop skin" and a "high performance, repositional surface". No, guys, it's a mouse pad. Mmmooouuussseee pppaaaddd.
This is why you were temporarily the source of TheOcho's quote. I conflated the two quotes.

I just wanted to point out that while yes, it's a mouse pad, it's a mouse pad FROM OUTERRRR SPAAAAAAAACE!

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