Discussion: New Gamestop/Razer Going Rogue Promotion

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
"A whole lotta words in some oddly sized fonts"
I was trying to decide if I was going to let myself be persuaded by this. Then Glee's cover of Safety Dance came up on my iTunes. It's a good sign.

While I understand both the natural evolution of this decision and how it has no sincere effect on veterans, I am still feel slighted. Perhaps it isn't as upsetting as I originally made it out to be, though.

Thank you very much for posting your response. That means a lot, and I will be supportive during this time.

I hope get more people from this!

(Note: Seriously, people. Safety Dance.)



If you have any other questions or concerns that were not addressed by me, or in the information released by GameStop or Razer, please let me know in this thread. I want to make sure that you have all of the information available to you, and that details of this promotion are as transparent as possible.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
I'm happy to see the promotion, but sad that I may miss out on new shiney things because I love this game so much I gave them my money at the earliest opportunity instead of waiting.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
We believe this would benefit the new players much more, as our veteran players have a better understanding of the options available to them.
I understand that I want to give my new characters a nice-to-have benefit, so I pre-ordered the complete collection. If the pre-order bonus is a separate code, I will most likely give away the complete collection to a friend or in some contest. I can't seem to spend too much money with this game sometimes.

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Can't believe everyone missed:

"Syndicate Techniques—Chance for minor lethal additional ability triggered."

...the Syndicate Plot, which is a Nemi plot... or is it the other way, both or neither.

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AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



I think this is a cool and reasonable bonus.
It is figuratively nothing, but not literally.

Hehe, when marketing goes and puts super cool bonuses in different packages for the same products, I find that disappointing, cheap, lame, blah blah blah (My personal opinion).

And, honestly, when I first saw this announcement, I though, "Oh no...".

Then I read the original information... and said, "Oh. That's cool. I don't feel the need for that, but it'll help people who do get it when they're 1-20".

It's like a bit of edible candies. Here ya go... enjoy these... try and make 'em last.

I don't mind not getting some candies while others are.

If it were awesome looking costume parts, ninja-run-like powers, or whatever... I'd be all Boohoo and and stuff.

This, however, is a nice level of bonus and balance. Not something worth any rage or envy.

Seriously, that is a tricky balance and I thank the Devs for making something that is a bonus, but not something that really stinks to not have. The Procs are a nice touch to push them above what we can obtain relatively normally.

I only hope that this is it and further things aren't laid out that counter what I've just said, hehe.

Then again... that's part of trust and all. I honestly think this Team has shown how cool they are. And I am using that as a basis for thinking that they won't parade a multitude of different options that will leave a reasonable person upset for not buying three or more copies of the expansion.

Thank you and good job, Paragon Studios

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and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
Today, we announced a new promotion with GameStop and Razer. For those of you who may not have seen this information, customers who place an early reserve for the City of Heroes Going Rogue: Complete Collection at GameStop will receive a Razer Sphex gaming desktop skin with a Going Rogue design, five unique enhancements and a $5 off coupon for use at the Razer store. These benefits are in limited quantities.

I would like to take this time to provide some insight as to how this initiative came about.

What is the Goal of this Promotion?
As many of you have picked up on, City of Heroes Going Rogue: Complete Collection is really designed to attract new players to the game. One of the greatest challenges new MMO players face is learning how the game works. The enhancements are designed to make the starting experience even more convenient for these new players, but we didn’t want them to be game-breaking, or make our veteran players feel like they had to have them as well.

This is why these are only provided to new characters and cannot be sold/traded/stacked. First, you can’t have enough of them to 6-slot out any power. Secondly, for a L1 character, that 16% damage/recharge boost is nice, but once you hit L20+, IO’s start getting a lot more competitive. The proc rate is low to begin with, and at L21 they won’t even kick in anymore. A L50 character could use these enhancements if they chose to, of course.

We believe this would benefit the new players much more, as our veteran players have a better understanding of the options available to them.

Why Now?
When we launched the prepurchase program, we did not plan on offering incentives for preordering the Complete Collection. A preorder program is different from a prepurchase, and we did not see a value in offering competing programs.

Since we launched our prepurchase program, we have been having discussions with GameStop, Razer and some of our other partners about new ways to promote the launch of Going Rogue. As some of you have mentioned, as a new expansion for a major MMO, Going Rogue deserves a lot of attention. We agree with you, and so did our partners. But evaluating ideas and nailing down the details took a good amount of time, which is why you haven’t heard about it until now.

Why Are We Doing This?
As you probably know, GameStop is the top gaming-focused retailer in the US. When they expressed interest in putting together this new program, it felt like a great way to get the word out on Going Rogue and to make sure every GameStop store in the country was promoting our launch.

Fine, but what about people who don’t have a GameStop nearby, or don’t shop there? That’s where Razer comes in. As part of the GR launch, Razer will be launching their own GR site, promoting CoH in all of their forums, newsletters, providing a coupon for GR customers and even designing a brand new mouse pad with our help.

So we decided to pool our resources to create one powerful marketing campaign, designed to create an opportunity that seemed so interesting that someone who doesn’t yet play CoH would be interested enough to try this game.

Our goal is not to force anyone’s hand, or cause you to feel regrets. This was an amazing opportunity to have two of the strongest names in the gaming industry support the launch of Going Rogue, and we feel confident that it will provide some of the visibility and buzz you have been asking for. One of the biggest features in Going Rogue is that we are redefining the new player experience. Our partners are helping us make that experience even more attractive.

Will There be Any Other Preorder Programs?
We have no plans at this time to have any other preorder program.

What About Prepurchasers?
We do understand that some of our prepurchase customers may have decided differently had they known upfront that this preorder program was coming. This is why we tried to make the in-game goodies something that would have a stronger value for new players than for existing veterans. We do hope you’ve enjoyed these past few months with early access to Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning. Prepurchasing Going Rogue is still the only way to get early access to these two awesome new power sets.

If you have any other questions or concerns that were not addressed by me, or in the information released by GameStop or Razer, please let me know in this thread. I want to make sure that you have all of the information available to you, and that details of this promotion are as transparent as possible.
I am glad to see that you are promoting GR in ways to try and attract new Players. The 2 questions I have are:

A) What guarantee that a place like Gamestop (Which carries very little in the way of PC games last time I stopped in their store) is going to actually push and promote GR heavily, especially in their franchise stores.

B) What about the statement that was made that all in game items will be available through the special $7 pack to those that pre-purchased the game.

I'm not made about this at all, but from a long time player standpoint, that second question is a big factor, mostly because of a trust level that it instills in us. I understand that situations change, and I love the idea, but that second statement is where the biggest problem with a promotion like this comes in.

thanks for your response in advance.

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When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
If you have any other questions or concerns that were not addressed by me, or in the information released by GameStop or Razer, please let me know in this thread. I want to make sure that you have all of the information available to you, and that details of this promotion are as transparent as possible.
I was going to ask about the EU, but as this is a promotion uniquely negotiated with a prominent US retailer, and you have no other preorder bonuses in the works, then logically in specific you have no preorder bonuses negotiated with EU retailers. Which is unfortunate for EU players, to be sure, but apparently it is not the sole decision of Paragon Studios to engage in these promotions - it takes two to tango. We have to take your word on how vigorously you pursued a dancing partner, of course.

Speaking as a US player, I wouldn't call it out of line to give EU players some kind of general loyalty reward. They've missed out on a lot of stuff over the years.

As for the rest, it certainly seems like you attempted to negotiate a fine line between pursuing promotional opportunities and disgruntling your existing customers. I'm happy to see that you were at least aware of the potential issues and tried to work around them.

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Major point here:

Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
The proc rate is low to begin with, and at L21 they won’t even kick in anymore.
So, after level 20, they're just a bunch of frankenslotted IOs that provide no set bonuses.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Is this the pack that we can upgrade by spending 10 more Dollars on?

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Originally Posted by Robo_Knight View Post
Is this the pack that we can upgrade by spending 10 more Dollars on?
No. The pack is:

Alpha- and Omega-themed costume sets
Alpha- and Omega-themed auras
Four stance emotes
The Shadowy Presence invisibility power

And on the GR site, they said it will be $6.99

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Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post
I am glad to see that you are promoting GR in ways to try and attract new Players. The 2 questions I have are:

A) What guarantee that a place like Gamestop (Which carries very little in the way of PC games last time I stopped in their store) is going to actually push and promote GR heavily, especially in their franchise stores.

B) What about the statement that was made that all in game items will be available through the special $7 pack to those that pre-purchased the game.

I'm not made about this at all, but from a long time player standpoint, that second question is a big factor, mostly because of a trust level that it instills in us. I understand that situations change, and I love the idea, but that second statement is where the biggest problem with a promotion like this comes in.

thanks for your response in advance.
Originally Posted by Robo_Knight View Post
Is this the pack that we can upgrade by spending 10 more Dollars on?
From what I understand the enhancements are only part of the gamespot pre-order

Order Through GameStop and Get Exclusive Items

Reserve a copy of City of Heroes Going Rogue™: Complete Collection at GameStop, and get five exclusive Enhancements and a Razer Sphex™ City of Heroes Going Rogue Edition Desktop Skin.
They are not part of the booster pack that comes with Complete Edition or that can be upgraded to on launch day

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Originally Posted by Tired Angel View Post
From what I understand the enhancements are only part of the gamespot pre-order

They are not part of the booster pack that comes with Complete Edition or that can be upgraded to on launch day

Thats the way i've read it too.

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I'd think it would make more sense to flag each of them as a Unique IOs but make them reclaimable on demand, myself. It's not like you can trade them. That way if you want to shift around how you have those procs slotted later you could (without burning a Respec, that is)

Or people could just drop every darn one of them in their quickest recharging power and make it a little proc buzzsaw. BRAWL FTW!!!!11



For Pete's sake, what ever happened to the exclusivity in exclusive promotions.

If you pre-purchased GR; you were granted exclusive early access to 2 powersets

If you pre-ordered; you get exclusive enhancements (which, honestly, are no big deal when you actually read up on them)

If you wait until release; you get an exclusive free months playing time.

I fail to see any doom, slights or slaps beyond (possibly) the lack of information on how EU players are affected.


Perhaps the timing could've been more closely grouped so that people could've better assessed the situation and made a more informed decision. But when it boils down to it, it's all to do about nothing.

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Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
Or people could just drop every darn one of them in their quickest recharging power and make it a little proc buzzsaw. BRAWL FTW!!!!11
All 5 in Brawl would bring its Recharge from 2 sec to 1.2 sec and give it a 82% Damage boost plus maybe a 50% of doing some sort of extra damage or a knockdown.

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Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
This comment is a slap in the face to all those who have been slapped in the face over many, many years of face slapping.
Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
This kind of slap. The hard kind. [...]
Originally Posted by Coin View Post
[...]the EU gets kicked in the teeth again, but as always, we get ignored. [...]
Originally Posted by Lyrik View Post
The least the marketing department could do is be honest and just close the damn EU servers already if they don't care about them. That would make at least clear what their intentions are.
So from what I gather here, Paragon/NCSoft/marketing slap (hard) & kick (in the teeth) players, particularly EU players, while ignoring them, and lying to them... and their intentions are to shut down the EU servers.

I'm really trying to picture how you can ignore someone you're slapping, and kicking in the teeth...
And if you're kicking them, why are you slapping, and not punching?
And if you don't care about them, why would you waste the energy to beat them?

Originally Posted by Mylia View Post
Too bad they did not hit you hard enough to get your senses corrected.
One can always dream...



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
All 5 in Brawl would bring its Recharge from 2 sec to 1.2 sec and give it a 82% Damage boost plus maybe a 50% of doing some sort of extra damage or a knockdown.
Might be useful on a lowbie brute and then at level 20 either respec or swap builds and "faux respec" with new enhancers and slotting.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
All 5 in Brawl would bring its Recharge from 2 sec to 1.2 sec and give it a 82% Damage boost plus maybe a 50% of doing some sort of extra damage or a knockdown.
From how Black Pebble phrased it, I don't think it will be even that high. Consider how low the percentage is on a normal proc, then remember that the implication is that the proc rate on these is lower that THAT. EDIT: And that's only until level 20 as well...

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



After reading Black Pebble's post, I'm feeling a little less hard done by. So my thanks to Black Pebble.

Although I won't be buying, I too am curious about the EU. Is Paragon Studios looking into EU retailers for a similar arrangment?