Discussion: New Gamestop/Razer Going Rogue Promotion

Adeon Hawkwood



i am glad that they are doing more promotions

however, i am kind of annoyed that they didnt have this option of ordering 2.5 months ago when they announced the other options

i think thats why some poeple dont seem happy is cause they didnt get this option till now and there are a lot more people who would prefer this option to just getting 2 powersets early

i wanted the powersets early, and i do like them, but if i had the option of this or the prepurchase option, i think i might have gone with this since the prepurchase didnt offer anything except the powersets

IMO, i am glad they are doing more to promote the game and will be purchasing this when i get the chance because i like more shineys

(on a side note i do feel bad for EU people since they dont have any gamestops over there)



Originally Posted by Ice9_ View Post
Ah, you're psychic mastery of space and time allowed you to "see" the Devs in their meeting place deep within Mount Doom. Bravo.

Seriously, you never learn. Just because you assume you know something does not make it fact, and presenting it as often and loudly as you can doesn't make it so either.
Perhaps you didn't see the post by Black Pebble saying basically exactly the same thing that GG said, in a lot more words.

PS; Black Pebble works at Paragon Studios/NCsoft Marketing.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Perhaps you didn't see the post by Black Pebble saying basically exactly the same thing that GG said, in a lot more words.

PS; Black Pebble works at Paragon Studios/NCsoft Marketing.
You're wearing white after Labor Day. It's SO in to disregard her posts and make fun of her, even when she's being a valid and worthy contribution to a discussion.

You want to be in, don't you?



Originally Posted by Invisobill View Post
Uh oh, looks like a faulty move on Paragon Studios part. Do they not realize a huge player base of this game is college age people? September is around school time and my classes are going to be insane this fall. Good going Paragon, looks like I'm just going to not even bother picking Going Rogue up till at least December, maybe. Might as well play for one more month then allow my subscription to run out.

Did I mention, and I'm surprised no one mentioned this, that the temporary activation of a power included in the newbie enhancement can be seen as a precursor to the Incarnate System? Tell me, if the level cap is still going to be 50, how else would they go about it? Enhancement system. Looks like we're going to get a new power slot for each level and corresponding I.O.'s with a chance of incarnate power activation upon a successful strike of an attack. The release of this information pretty much confirms it in my book. Mark my words here people, logically it's the only way the Incarnate System is going to work within the confines of what the developers have already stated. Paragon Studios, stop giving us the run-around and concede to the fact that we guessed right on the Incarnate System!

I want to add that it's a cheap way to go about the system too. We're looking at a possibly corny type of secondary effect or power. I think we're going to be disappointed here unless the powers are awe inspiring in visuals and effect. You know my first inclination would be a transformation effect into a god or demon-like being a la Onimusha, if I were at the helm of the Incarnate System. But that's just me. At the least I expect it to rain hellfire when I hit that incarnate power.

One more afterthought. The new enhancements should sure as hell better not make current invention enhancements obsolete or have the new ones be a vast improvement over the current ones. There are going to be a lot of pissed off people if that is the case. It would just be so much time wasted on our current characters.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed here hoping that Going Rogue will deliver the goods.
I would much prefer them to do away with the caps. -or- ED...

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
You're wearing white after Labor Day. It's SO in to disregard her posts and make fun of her, even when she's being a valid and worthy contribution to a discussion.

You want to be in, don't you?
I only make fun of her/ignore her when she's being bull-headed wrong. I acknowledge that she is correct (or at least can parrot words correctly) at times.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Invisobill View Post
Did I mention, and I'm surprised no one mentioned this, that the temporary activation of a power included in the newbie enhancement can be seen as a precursor to the Incarnate System? Tell me, if the level cap is still going to be 50, how else would they go about it? Enhancement system. Looks like we're going to get a new power slot for each level and corresponding I.O.'s with a chance of incarnate power activation upon a successful strike of an attack. The release of this information pretty much confirms it in my book. Mark my words here people, logically it's the only way the Incarnate System is going to work within the confines of what the developers have already stated. Paragon Studios, stop giving us the run-around and concede to the fact that we guessed right on the Incarnate System!
I disagree with your logic. There are several other possibilities for the Incarnate System than adding IOs that give a chance for power activation on a hit with an attack.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
I would much prefer them to do away with the caps. -or- ED...
<understatement>I don't think that'd be a good idea.</understatement>

ED (and caps) put a limit on what we can do with enhancements (and depending on what caps you mean, power stacking). Without those limits, there's much less freedom for the devs to add new stuff (such as the IO system), and they'd be more limited in how strong they could make powers.



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
Today, we announced a new promotion with GameStop and Razer. For those of you who may not have seen this information, customers who place an early reserve for the City of Heroes Going Rogue: Complete Collection at GameStop will receive a Razer Sphex gaming desktop skin with a Going Rogue design, five unique enhancements and a $5 off coupon for use at the Razer store. These benefits are in limited quantities.

I would like to take this time to provide some insight as to how this initiative came about.

What is the Goal of this Promotion?
As many of you have picked up on, City of Heroes Going Rogue: Complete Collection is really designed to attract new players to the game. One of the greatest challenges new MMO players face is learning how the game works. The enhancements are designed to make the starting experience even more convenient for these new players, but we didn’t want them to be game-breaking, or make our veteran players feel like they had to have them as well.

This is why these are only provided to new characters and cannot be sold/traded/stacked. First, you can’t have enough of them to 6-slot out any power. Secondly, for a L1 character, that 16% damage/recharge boost is nice, but once you hit L20+, IO’s start getting a lot more competitive. The proc rate is low to begin with, and at L21 they won’t even kick in anymore. A L50 character could use these enhancements if they chose to, of course.

We believe this would benefit the new players much more, as our veteran players have a better understanding of the options available to them.

Why Now?
When we launched the prepurchase program, we did not plan on offering incentives for preordering the Complete Collection. A preorder program is different from a prepurchase, and we did not see a value in offering competing programs.

Since we launched our prepurchase program, we have been having discussions with GameStop, Razer and some of our other partners about new ways to promote the launch of Going Rogue. As some of you have mentioned, as a new expansion for a major MMO, Going Rogue deserves a lot of attention. We agree with you, and so did our partners. But evaluating ideas and nailing down the details took a good amount of time, which is why you haven’t heard about it until now.

Why Are We Doing This?
As you probably know, GameStop is the top gaming-focused retailer in the US. When they expressed interest in putting together this new program, it felt like a great way to get the word out on Going Rogue and to make sure every GameStop store in the country was promoting our launch.

Fine, but what about people who don’t have a GameStop nearby, or don’t shop there? That’s where Razer comes in. As part of the GR launch, Razer will be launching their own GR site, promoting CoH in all of their forums, newsletters, providing a coupon for GR customers and even designing a brand new mouse pad with our help.

So we decided to pool our resources to create one powerful marketing campaign, designed to create an opportunity that seemed so interesting that someone who doesn’t yet play CoH would be interested enough to try this game.

Our goal is not to force anyone’s hand, or cause you to feel regrets. This was an amazing opportunity to have two of the strongest names in the gaming industry support the launch of Going Rogue, and we feel confident that it will provide some of the visibility and buzz you have been asking for. One of the biggest features in Going Rogue is that we are redefining the new player experience. Our partners are helping us make that experience even more attractive.

Will There be Any Other Preorder Programs?
We have no plans at this time to have any other preorder program.

What About Prepurchasers?
We do understand that some of our prepurchase customers may have decided differently had they known upfront that this preorder program was coming. This is why we tried to make the in-game goodies something that would have a stronger value for new players than for existing veterans. We do hope you’ve enjoyed these past few months with early access to Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning. Prepurchasing Going Rogue is still the only way to get early access to these two awesome new power sets.

If you have any other questions or concerns that were not addressed by me, or in the information released by GameStop or Razer, please let me know in this thread. I want to make sure that you have all of the information available to you, and that details of this promotion are as transparent as possible.

So, you are going to add these pre-order bonuses to people who already pre-purchased, right? Since thats not infringing on anyone who would pre-order from Gamestop (since they have already boughtit) and would make it so you didn't explictly lie to to people about there not being any pre-order bonuses.


Always remember, we were Heroes.



Meh. DO strength enhancements with minor procs isn't anything to get excited about. I'd be tempted if they were SO strength.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
So, you are going to add these pre-order bonuses to people who already pre-purchased, right? Since thats not infringing on anyone who would pre-order from Gamestop (since they have already boughtit) and would make it so you didn't explictly lie to to people about there not being any pre-order bonuses.

No, they're not going to add the preorder bonuses to prepurchasers' accounts. They're only available to people who preorder through Gamestop.

And no, they did not lie to people. They changed their minds.

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City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



While I don't really care about the enhancements(they are kinda nice and would probably be making the first 20 levels easier) I'm more worried about again not being able to buy it even if I wanted too(and I would have). Although of course, without having confirmation from one of the rednames that is still not certain however,that theOcho and Black Pebble are ignoring the EU people says a lot I think.

What's next? War Witch coming in saying that they do really care about their EU customers and they have big plans they can't talk about yet? Heard that one before, didn't really convince me then either.

I love this game and want to give Paragon Studios my money...why do they make it so damn impossible to do that.

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I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?




Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
Meh. DO strength enhancements with minor procs isn't anything to get excited about. I'd be tempted if they were SO strength.
They effectively are.

They give DO enhancement values to two aspects, so if you slot two of them, you gain enhancement values equivalent to 1 Damage SO and 1 Recharge SO.



Originally Posted by Lyrik View Post
Although of course, without having confirmation from one of the rednames that is still not certain however,that theOcho and Black Pebble are ignoring the EU people says a lot I think.
They aren't ignoring people, they posted about it in another thread.



Stargazer, while I don't discount entirely the fact that there could be a grade or tier system to the Incarnate System, i.e.: Level 50 Brute Tier 2 Incarnate, I find that very unlikely given the new information released that shows that they have now attached powers to enhancements; it's right there for you to see! It seems to me from a game design/programming perspective that it would be much easier, not to mention, much cheaper, to integrate the Incarnate System into a preexisting system such as the Enhancement System. Just makes sense to me from a money and programming standpoint, but I could be wrong. Hopefully all of these delays in the release of the game are due in part because of development of an independent system for the new incarnate system.

One thing's for certain, if the new powers are integrated into the existing enhancement system, those powers had better make my pants explode when I see them rather than it be a disappointing, invisible secondary effect.

What are your thoughts on this out there everybody?



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
No, they're not going to add the preorder bonuses to prepurchasers' accounts. They're only available to people who preorder through Gamestop.

And no, they did not lie to people. They changed their minds.
So, are they going to refund people who changed their minds about pre-purchasing and now want to pre-order instead?

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
I hate to be "that guy" but...

... is this something that people who already preordered the game aren't going to get?

See, 'cuz Gothess got me and her matching Going Rogue Pre-orders in order to play Dual Pistols and experience the other treats. And now we're not getting the skins or exclusive enhancements?

So this is how all the people that created characters before the Isolator badge was released felt...
Agreed!! This is not cool at all. I pre-purchased a month ago and now I don't have access to these things.

Edit: Hey devs, how about a gamestop upgrade? I was already planning on buying the normal upgrade when the game hit the shelves. I'm willing the pay the difference but I'm not willing to pay full price when I already pre-purchased.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Perhaps you didn't see the post by Black Pebble saying basically exactly the same thing that GG said, in a lot more words.

PS; Black Pebble works at Paragon Studios/NCsoft Marketing.
Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
You're wearing white after Labor Day. It's SO in to disregard her posts and make fun of her, even when she's being a valid and worthy contribution to a discussion.

You want to be in, don't you?
Perhaps, if people included relevant quotes or links in their posts to support their declaratives, all of this banter wouldn't happen at all.

No one can recall all they've read in a given thread, especially when they are as massive as this one. Quoting previous posts, in part or whole, and links to information referenced actually speed up the dialogue process by reducing or elimating the need for anyone to explain the origins of other's posts.



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
So, are they going to refund people who changed their minds about pre-purchasing and now want to pre-order instead?
They might - or they might just twirl their marketing moustaches, and roar wih evil laughter.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
So, are they going to refund people who changed their minds about pre-purchasing and now want to pre-order instead?
No. Also good luck getting a refund from any MMO. Sorry but you prepurchased instead of trying to buy the complete edition. the fact is your not missing out on much.
Now my only problem is to buy with gamestop or see if amazon has a promotion some time. since i buy through them more often.

What really sucks is the proc not working after lvl 20. I get the reasons for that. but man it sucks.



Originally Posted by GhoulSlayer View Post
Agreed!! This is not cool at all. I pre-ordered a month ago and now I don't have access to these things.
But you did get early access to DP and DS.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The main difference between bind on pickup (thanks for correcting my language there: that's what I meant) and unique is that a unique item can be farmed by one character and given to any number of characters, so those items have to be balanced around the worst case scenario, which might be a level 50 exemplared down to farm the items. With bind on equip you can make something that is worth a lot to a level 20 but less to a level 30 so in effect the earlier to try to go for it, the harder it might be to get but the higher the benefit will be to you if you get it.

You can also grant rewards based on the earner: I could give a special bonus Res/Def/Heal enhancement to a tanker or scrapper that completed Positron Part One and a Dmg/Rech/End enhancement to a blaster that completed the same task, knowing those cannot be traded around.
The problem with that is it makes using an exemplared level 50 to farm them harder, not impossible. It basically becomes a variant of powerleveling where the exemplared level 50 farms them accompanied by the lower level chars. In WoW it's pretty common for PvP twinks (low level characters with XP turned off) to get the best BoP gear available at their level simply by having a friend's level 80 run them through the appropriate dungeons. BoP limits the ease of acquiring gear, but if it's worth the effort people will figure out ht easiest way to acquire it.

I just don't buy the idea that BoP inherently makes more powerful items more practical. It can slow down the rate at which people acquire the more powerful items, make them harder to acquire or impose limits on how they can be acquired but at the end of the day if you put a desirable item in the game somebody will use the maximum possible/desirable number of them. PoB can limit the rate at which they achieve this (which may be a design goal) but it doesn't in and of itself limit the number that can be used. To do that you have to put a limit on either how many of the item can be acquired by a character ever* or how many can be used at once. In both of these cases it's not the BoP that's allowing the items to be more powerful it's the limited availability.

BoP is a great tool for MMO designers to use in creating a time sink. It means a player has to do the content to get the times (rather than buying them from a farmer) and with the use of daily quests and the like potentially requires a certain length of calendar time to get them all. While I personally don't care for BoP being used this way I recognize the inherent value of it in maintaining a playerbase so I do grudgingly accept it. But in any case eventually people will farm enough of the item to reach the limit of however many you let them use.

Similarly for AT restricted gear having the gear flag as AT restricted would have the same practical effect as making it BoP.

I guess my main point is that BoP itself doesn't serve to restrict total power level in any way that couldn't also be handled by limiting who can equip items and how many they can equip. What it does serve to do is limit the rate and ease with which items can be acquired. Making items significantly more powerful just because they are BoP is a dangerous route to take. They can be made slightly more powerful (assuming a commensurate difficulty in acquiring them) but eventually someone will acquire the maximum possible so you also need limits on how many can be used.

*Side Note: As a player I HATE having items which are better than regular items but can only be acquired a limited number of times, I always worry about losing them. I'd much rather have items which can be acquired infinite times but only a limited number can be used at once. This way if I accidentally delete one or just respec my character such that I now want Item B instead of Item A I'm not completely hosed.



Hawkwood, love your sig, lol.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
There's a whole subject of discussion called "The Philosophy of Language", and I believe one of the topics in that is "Can someone be lying when they, themselves, were sincere but did not know the truth?"
There's this other subject of discussion called "the internet" and one of the most heavily debated topics in it is "can you ever please those lunatics?"

It was probably one of the most heavily analyzed topics of the late eighties and early nineties.

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Originally Posted by Ice9_ View Post
Perhaps, if people included relevant quotes or links in their posts to support their declaratives, all of this banter wouldn't happen at all.

No one can recall all they've read in a given thread, especially when they are as massive as this one. Quoting previous posts, in part or whole, and links to information referenced actually speed up the dialogue process by reducing or elimating the need for anyone to explain the origins of other's posts.
You're seriously blaming her for both your being wrong, dead wrong and your choosing to attack her about it?

Even if you were right, dead right you could have chosen to not be so inflammatory and crass.

And I quoted you for your convenience.