Discussion: New Gamestop/Razer Going Rogue Promotion

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
No - at the time they wrote it, they're weren't aware that one retailer was going to suggest/ask for some in-game items as an exclusive.
To call a spade a spade, any marketer working for Paragon Studio prior to this should have known that Gamestop or other company would do this. Anyone new to the company and not realizing this should have done their homework.

This (and the controversy) is nothing new.

  • EB Games: Crab Spider Battle Helmet (male)
  • Gamestop: Helmet Of The Blood Widows (female)
  • Best Buy: Arachnos Mystic Helm (male)
  • All other U.S. retailers: Wolf Spider War Helmet (male)
Anyone claiming that this comes as a shock needs to be questioned.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
To call a spade a spade, any marketer working for Paragon Studio prior to this should have known that Gamestop or other company would do this. Anyone new to the company and not realizing this should have done their homework.

This (and the controversy) is nothing new.

  • EB Games: Crab Spider Battle Helmet (male)
  • Gamestop: Helmet Of The Blood Widows (female)
  • Best Buy: Arachnos Mystic Helm (male)
  • All other U.S. retailers: Wolf Spider War Helmet (male)
Anyone claiming that this comes as a shock needs to be questioned.
Didnt they come as part of the COV pre-order pack? and if not they are now veteran rewards anyway

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
To call a spade a spade, any marketer working for Paragon Studio prior to this should have known that Gamestop or other company would do this. Anyone new to the company and not realizing this should have done their homework.

This (and the controversy) is nothing new.

  • EB Games: Crab Spider Battle Helmet (male)
  • Gamestop: Helmet Of The Blood Widows (female)
  • Best Buy: Arachnos Mystic Helm (male)
  • All other U.S. retailers: Wolf Spider War Helmet (male)
Anyone claiming that this comes as a shock needs to be questioned.

I think we'll see some interesting vet rewards in the not too distant fuiture

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Didnt they come as part of the COV pre-order pack? and if not they are now veteran rewards anyway
Yes, they did - and after a suitable length of time had passed, the "exclusive" items became something anyone could earn

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Felderburg View Post
Well, at some point they had to develop the enhancements...
I'm sure by then Marketing had turned on their [Info Containment Field]. It's their signature power: a zone-wide AoE that causes an Unresistable %1000 Reduction to Developer Comments, and persists until de-toggled. (And apparently, its secondary is a %60 chance for a Mag 5 Confuse against player-class targets.)

Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
(clip) Personal opinion o' Tony is that this is likely not a matter of what's fair or not fair, but a simple accounting maneuver. It's not secret that City of Heroes's numbers have been falling lately. (No, that's not DOOOOM!-crying, it's likely a result of last quarter not having a major issue release and people waiting for Going Rogue to invest in the game again.) Instead of having one massive influx of cash in July, they released one preorder in May to get some money for May's books, they're releasing another preorder for June to get some money for June's books, and then the official launch will bring in money for July's books.
There's also the upcoming Mutant Booster. Feature packs may not be as obvious to financial results as expansions, but they make a significant impact. They're likely waiting for just such a lull before they "Release the Mutants!"

Plus, let's not forget here... these MOs (Marketing Origin) are damage/recharge, not damage/endurance reduction. You're using your powers more often but not recovering your endurance any quicker. Go into crazypunchstuff mode and you're gonna tire out more easily. That alone balances it for most low-level characters. It is a pleasant bonus, but it's not so phenomenal that a person will hurt for not having it.

From the registration dates I can see, most of the folks doing the complaining here have been leveling up characters for years. I'm sure you'll do just as well with or without these bonuses as you did last week, before you knew they existed. I'm sorry, before you knew they would one day exist.

Take a breath. Relax. *Hands everyone a cookie and some hot cocoa*



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Didnt they come as part of the COV pre-order pack? and if not they are now veteran rewards anyway
Yes, they did come as a pre-order. Not as a pack, each was for pre-ordering at a different store. Just like the prestige sprints. And yes, both sets are now Veteran Rewards (much to the disgust of at least one player that I know: LiquidX).

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think we'll see some interesting vet rewards in the not too distant fuiture
Depends on how long the "exclusive" period is.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
So, you are going to add these pre-order bonuses to people who already pre-purchased, right? Since thats not infringing on anyone who would pre-order from Gamestop (since they have already boughtit) and would make it so you didn't explictly lie to to people about there not being any pre-order bonuses.

I don't think it's fair to call it "lying". By all accounts the information they gave was correct at the time it was given, and things do change.

I also do not think that it is reasonable to expect that all statements shall be set in stone, with no possibility of change if change would be desirable.

However, the following two things seem clear:

1) People made purchasing decisions based on the information that was given, and a subset of the people that pre-purchased would have made a different decision if they'd know about the pre-order bonuses.

2) If people can not trust that the information given in these situations will be honored, they will be less inclined to pre-purchase in the future.

Both those things are unfortunate.



i feel a little riped off after seeing this today that if nothing done for us who preordered day 1 and 2, i may not resub so sick of mmos screwing ppl recently



Originally Posted by Myster_Hero View Post
i feel a little riped off after seeing this today that if nothing done for us who preordered day 1 and 2, i may not resub so sick of mmos screwing ppl recently
Keep subbing, and keep an eye on your vet rewards

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Triplash View Post
Plus, let's not forget here... these MOs (Marketing Origin) are damage/recharge, not damage/endurance reduction. You're using your powers more often but not recovering your endurance any quicker. Go into crazypunchstuff mode and you're gonna tire out more easily. That alone balances it for most low-level characters. It is a pleasant bonus, but it's not so phenomenal that a person will hurt for not having it.
Increasing Damage also increases DPE - making your attacks more Endurance efficient. Having the equivalent of 2.5 Damage SOs can give a significant DPE boost at lower levels.

Being able to attack "faster" is also a significant benefit, even if it means that you run out of End faster. (there's also a small End efficiency benefit to attacking faster)



Eh... no worries.

This is one of the few exclusive offers I'll be missing out on that I could care less about. No biggie.




I can understand the need for a little gift for the new folks, and I hope this works, and brings in a lot of them.

That said, I am a completist, as far as expansion packs go for this game. I have them all. I bring this up because I think, from a NCSoft financial standpoint, the thing to do is not to offer these goodies as a vet reward down the line. I think the thing to do is offer the goodies as a purchasable pack when GR comes out. I know a lot of people who would buy it for the same reason I will. IOW, don't give it away for free when people will throw money at you to get it.

Also, I'm not in Europe, but I have had Belgium chocolate, French wine, and German beer. As this makes me an expert, I'd like to ask that this pack be made available to purchase outside the NA area so that the folks who produce those cool things will remain happy and continue to provide us with them so we can satisfy our various vices. And since I've bought these items, and others, from our European friends, I do know that monetary transactions can easily be made over these wondrous interwebs. If you don't do this, I will pout. And no one wants that.

(Plus Black Pebble already cost me a million inf, so you all owe me big time!)

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Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
For Pete's sake, what ever happened to the exclusivity in exclusive promotions.

If you pre-purchased GR; you were granted exclusive early access to 2 powersets

If you pre-ordered; you get exclusive enhancements (which, honestly, are no big deal when you actually read up on them)

If you wait until release; you get an exclusive free months playing time.

I fail to see any doom, slights or slaps beyond (possibly) the lack of information on how EU players are affected.
Everyone who gets the complete collection gets the free month, including gamestop pre orders...



Nice to see some marketing action for our beloved game.



Originally Posted by Demonic_Gerbil View Post
You people that pre-purchased got months of pistols and demons that the people who really wanted to wait for a box they could hold in their hands won't get. So suck it up.
I don't think that's fair.

In the choice between pre-purchasing and waiting until the release, players had to consider how much they valued the following:
1) Early access to Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning
2) The Complete Collection goodie pack
3) A physical box
4) The Complete Collection free month (value varies based on subscription periods)

A number of people made the decision that they valued early access enough to warrant a pre-purchase. Others decided that early access was not worth pre-purchasing, and chose to wait instead.

Now, you're essentially saying that since the people who waited (decided that early access wasn't worth enough) didn't get the early access (something they had every opportunity to get, but didn't value enough in the first place), the people who pre-purchased shouldn't be upset because the choice they made was based on incorrect information.

That's not fair.
If you already valued the bonuses associated with waiting higher than early access, the difference in value only increases with added pre-order bonuses.

If you valued early access higher than the (stated) bonuses for waiting, adding pre-order bonuses can, depending on how much you value the pre-order bonuses, change which option you value the most.

Yes, the people who pre-purchased did get the benefit of early access (something they obviously valued), but, there are some that would have made a different decision if they'd had all information from the start.



Originally Posted by xXHalfSliceXx View Post
I want to eat that. Unless it is a deep fried dog turd, as someone looking over my shoulder just suggested.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
I want to eat that. Unless it is a deep fried dog turd, as someone looking over my shoulder just suggested.
LoL well looks like a Chocolate chip cookie. And I know thats bacon. But, I am still trying to decide what that is under the bacon.... Gravy? *Drool* i love gravy.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post

"Bacon is Meat Candy."
What the heck is that pig on the packet looking so happy about?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
What the heck is that pig on the packet looking so happy about?
Because he likes Candy Too



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
... ugh. "Soulbound" items have made it to COH.

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate soulbound-type items?
My only beef with these is that they are for new characters only. It would be far more attractive if they activated them similar to veterans rewards. Creating a new category in the badges section called "Perks" would do quite nicely.

Memphis Bill: there are already soul-bound items in the game. All veteran reward powers, tokens, and pets cannot be traded. All items from the Super Boosters cannot be traded either. So... you are a tad late to complain about soul-bound items.

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



I preordered Going Rogue, because I thought that was the way to get the most out of my money, get my early access and it showed my LOYALTY to City of Heroes. Now, I have had that loyalty breached by a second preorder promotion offering things, I won't be able to apply to my account, becuase I took the initial internal preorder.
At least make it so if I preorder the box set, I can apply those enhancement goodies to my new toons I am going to be making for Going Rogue, I don't really mind if I have to pay twice, I just want my goodies darn it all.

"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...