Discussion: New Gamestop/Razer Going Rogue Promotion

Adeon Hawkwood



It's not that. It's that every other thing available has been made available to existing players through an item pack. The only exception I know of is the Collectors Edition Power Slide and Cape for City of Heroes; even the City of Villains pre-order helmets are available to veterans.

So, this is a break with what has happened in the past. Something only available to preorders from a specific company, and no apparent plans to make them available to existing players.

That's disturbing. Even as other MMORPGs are moving towards the "make everything available to existing players" model that City of Heroes has, City itself is hinting that they're moving away from it.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
...and then the Devs watch the anguish unfold while rolling naked in a big pile of money and laughing maniacally.

Wait... I thought we weren't supposed to mention any of the details from that Going Rogue video that was briefly viewable...

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
Gamestop and Razer have launched the Gamestop/Razer City of Heroes Going Rogue™ Complete Collection promotion. For a limited time, early reserve customers at Gamestop will receive unique Going Rogue items. Find out more at the Gamestop/Razer City of Heroes Going Rogue™ Complete Collection promotion site.
Doesn't seem to Worth it to me, if there a rare Costume Piece or a rare badge then Sign me up but I don't see anything special about these.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
It's not that. It's that every other thing available has been made available to existing players through an item pack. The only exception I know of is the Collectors Edition Power Slide and Cape for City of Heroes; even the City of Villains pre-order helmets are available to veterans.

So, this is a break with what has happened in the past. Something only available to preorders from a specific company, and no apparent plans to make them available to existing players.

That's disturbing. Even as other MMORPGs are moving towards the "make everything available to existing players" model that City of Heroes has, City itself is hinting that they're moving away from it.
If that's the problem you're having, you're jumping the gun on it.

First off no preorder was EVER in an item pack, they were free bonuses for preordering and then, years later, Vet Rewards. The CoH preorder wasn't made available as a Vet Reward for something like 2 and a half years from its initial release and then only as a Vet Reward at the 12 month mark. The CoV Preorder helmets were made Vet Rewards around two years after they were released and then as a 51 month Vet Reward. Now, I admit this is from memory, but I'm at least close on the timing.

At this point, it is impossible to say that the GR Preorder is a break from what happened in the past, since not enough time has passed to reasonably assume they will not be released to everyone in the same way previous preorders were and every reason to think they may be.

Remember, at the time of the CoV Preorder there was no Vet Reward program so no one could have guessed that those preorders would ever be available in any other form since the CoH preorders had never been made available again. As far as anyone knew there were "no apparent plans to make them available" in any other way (and the helmets were ONE only, you couldn't apply other preorder codes after the first and get the bonus).

Now, when we pass the 84 month vet reward, you could reasonably show some mild concern. If we get to the 96 month reward you can reasonably get a bit miffed. When we get to the 108 month one and it's still not shown up, this might be a valid point.

For those who were around, active on the forums and have a long enough memory, some of these same types of complaints were being made about the helmets being different for different locations. All those problems vanished when everyone got them, even though it takes 51 months to do so.

Every edition except the CoH Deluxe/DVD edition has had a digital "item pack" that went along with release (although I am now blanking if the CoV CE had any sort of item pack, I don't think it did because of the physical goodies, but I could be wrong). Even the CoH DVD Edition had an item pack you could buy (it cost $19.99 or so with shipping way back when) and was not digital, it was a physical package sent to your home because of the heroclix and comic book with a card that contained your add-on code. So far the GR goodies are precisely like every previous edition from the preorder to the "exclusive items." The only difference this time is there were two sets of perks, one for prepurchasing and one for preordering and the one for prepurchasing cannot be put in a pack or made into a Vet Reward after release.



You know, if the proc actually remained procs for the toons whole life time, I MIGHT MIGHT see a problem.

And even then, the chance for the proc to fire is less than the worst proc is now.

Don't see why anyone would get upset at losing out on these. And I've enjoyed my pre-purchase. My DS/DM is at lvl 45, working her way to lvl 49, so I can GR with her and hit lvl 50 on a STF! \o/

What I've read in this thread has been alot of doom and gloom (not everyone) over something so trivial, you'll 1) Lvl so quickly to lvl 20 to begin with, you won't be using the proc THAT long 2) want to respec out of later for something better.

Now, if you go the generic IO route...

2 Lvl 50 DMG IOs plus the starting IO, MAY give you a reason to keep it, if it has enough of a bonus to put you at 95%ish damage...MAYBE...and even then, you're better off going with IO sets.

Useful, okay to have. But then so are my vet rewards, and I never use them.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post

The over-reaction and hyperbole is getting to be a bit much these days. It's almost like the Negative Nellys think that the Devs are out to target them personally and find the thing that will honk them off the most, and then the Devs watch the anguish unfold while rolling naked in a big pile of money and laughing maniacally.

Newsflash, folks: It's ok if you don't purchase every little booster/upgrade this game has to offer. If you don't like it, it doesn't mean it's evil and no one should have it. THE PLAYER is the biggest advantage in this game, not some silly enhancement or a special costume piece or a temp power. Life will go on without you having to purchase the latest and greatest widgit.

OK I'm on the OPs side. Sorry I was so mad.

Bashful Banshee

Enjoy your day please.



Originally Posted by Redbone View Post
From what i've been able to find out there is no "preorder box." It's a code printed on a receipt with instructions how to get the items. So, once it's over, no chance to get them again via gobs of boxes left over (I had several from a number of different stores when CoV exited the preorder phase).
Ah, you're right. The code for the pre-order goodies is a separate code from the one in the box which is for the full game. This means:

1. As you point out, no discount pre-order boxes with pre-purchase codes later on.

2. I'm still left wondering if the box code is stackable with the pre-purchase code for the completionists willing to spend the extra bucks.

3. If I don't pre-order, I'll probably get these double DOs as a Veteran Reward in about 18 months, anyway.

4. The fact that this is a separate code outside the box proves that Marketing wasn't lying in saying that this deal was made with GameStop rather recently and not a secret they were holding back when the pre-purchasing deal was offered.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Ah, you're right. The code for the pre-order goodies is a separate code from the one in the box which is for the full game. This means:

1. As you point out, no discount pre-order boxes with pre-purchase codes later on.

2. I'm still left wondering if the box code is stackable with the pre-purchase code for the completionists willing to spend the extra bucks.

3. If I don't pre-order, I'll probably get these double DOs as a Veteran Reward in about 18 months, anyway.

4. The fact that this is a separate code outside the box proves that Marketing wasn't lying in saying that this deal was made with GameStop rather recently and not a secret they were holding back when the pre-purchasing deal was offered.
CoH and CoV both had physical Pre-Order Boxes on shelves (in fact, I still occasionally find a store with CoV preorder boxes, and when Circut City liquidated, both the nearest ones had dozens in bins trying to clearance them for a buck each) so it was a natural mistake to make. While it was in the original announcement that the code was on the receipt with the instructions, it was the guys at one of the GameStops (the one who looked it up on his iPhone and suggested I wait until their system updates before preordering) that pointed it out to me.

Earlier, I made mention that anyone who had prepurchased check to make positive the preorder code and the Complete edition code was compatable with the prepurchase code, but a redname didn't respond to it, so that's still really good advice.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
What the heck is that pig on the packet looking so happy about?
It's probably all the hickory it smoked.



Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
Yeah, that's the thing that boggles me about this whole ridiculous tempest in a teapot. Once you get past level 20 (which presumably you plan to do at some point) the darn enhancements are WORSE THAN A LEVEL 21 DUAL ASPECT IO IN EVERY WAY. There is literally *NO* long term advantage to having them. What the heck is the point of getting all worked up over it? This is an outstanding example of the dev team doing it *right* in making a bonus which is useful but not too much so.
I wish people would stop saying this.
There *are* long term advantages to having these enhancements. Take for instance powers that take Targeted AoE Damage sets. There are only 3 Damage/Recharge IOs in the 3 "normal" Targeted AoE Damage sets, and getting any from the other sets is problematic (or impossible) below the top levels. These new Damage/Recharge enhancements provide a way to add more Damage and Recharge (in one slot) for these powers. Another example is Recharge Intensive Pet sets, where Recharge is only available in 2*A/D/R and 2*E/D/R (and here there aren't any other options at *any* level).

I'm not saying that this is in any way problematic (I think it seems like a reasonable advantage that basically only exists in a limited number of cases), but there *is* an advantage here. I agree that it seems to be a bonus that is "useful, but not too much so", but you're wrong when you say that "There is literally *NO* long term advantage to having them".



Originally Posted by Casual_Player View Post
This makes me long for the days when Cuppa and Cricket were the marketing staff.
Also, I miss the days when the space penguins were invading Earth. So much fun to be had....
Wait, that didn't happen either?

(Cuppa and Cricket worked with Community relations, not marketing )



Originally Posted by Stargazer View Post
I wish people would stop saying this.
There *are* long term advantages to having these enhancements. Take for instance powers that take Targeted AoE Damage sets. There are only 3 Damage/Recharge IOs in the 3 "normal" Targeted AoE Damage sets, and getting any from the other sets is problematic (or impossible) below the top levels. These new Damage/Recharge enhancements provide a way to add more Damage and Recharge (in one slot) for these powers. Another example is Recharge Intensive Pet sets, where Recharge is only available in 2*A/D/R and 2*E/D/R (and here there aren't any other options at *any* level).
That may be true at level 21, but totally wrong at level 22 when SOs become available. A single SO is as potent as these doubled DOs because an SO is worth exactly 2 DOs.

If you put 2 of these new enhancements into a power, you get the same benefit from 2 SOs, one Recharge and the other Damage.

Sure, there may be a few edge cases where one of these Dual DOs provides the perfect amount of extra Dam and Rech without hitting the diminishing returns of ED; or that you only have room for just one more slot and you need a little more DAM and Recharge and there are no Dual Aspect IOs that fit the need.... but such cases are going to be very rare, and there will be workarounds. And at level 35 and higher, switching to IOs will satisfy your needs better 99% of the time.

For those Recharge Pets, use common Dam and Rech IOs... they'll always be better than the Dual DOs.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Originally Posted by Stargazer View Post
I wish people would stop saying this.
There *are* long term advantages to having these enhancements. Take for instance powers that take Targeted AoE Damage sets. There are only 3 Damage/Recharge IOs in the 3 "normal" Targeted AoE Damage sets, and getting any from the other sets is problematic (or impossible) below the top levels. These new Damage/Recharge enhancements provide a way to add more Damage and Recharge (in one slot) for these powers. Another example is Recharge Intensive Pet sets, where Recharge is only available in 2*A/D/R and 2*E/D/R (and here there aren't any other options at *any* level).
That may be true at level 21, but totally wrong at level 22 when SOs become available. A single SO is as potent as these doubled DOs because an SO is worth exactly 2 DOs.

If you put 2 of these new enhancements into a power, you get the same benefit from 2 SOs, one Recharge and the other Damage.

Sure, there may be a few edge cases where one of these Dual DOs provides the perfect amount of extra Dam and Rech without hitting the diminishing returns of ED; or that you only have room for just one more slot and you need a little more DAM and Recharge and there are no Dual Aspect IOs that fit the need.... but such cases are going to be very rare, and there will be workarounds. And at level 35 and higher, switching to IOs will satisfy your needs better 99% of the time.

For those Recharge Pets, use common Dam and Rech IOs... they'll always be better than the Dual DOs.
Key phrase in the post you quoted: "in one slot".

Yes, if you're going to use two slots, then 1 Damage + 1 Recharge will be better. If, however, you are only going to use 1 additional slot, then these enhancements will be able to do something you otherwise would not be able to do. It doesn't even have to be near the ED limits for either aspect (though the effect is amplified there). Sometimes you can just prefer having a little Damage and a little Recharge to a lot of Damage or Recharge.

I agree that this is only a benefit in a limited number of cases, but the benefit is there.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post

"Bacon is Meat Candy."
ROFL Wow...
Thank you SO much for that. I REALLY needed that laugh.
I am rather upset about this, mostly for fluff reasons. I have a toon based on clockwork who now won't be able to have a nifty clockwork enhancement. Also because the "reasons" given aren't really reasons. Helping new players is awesome, but why couldn't it *also* help vets? I've played the current starting areas many times over, and would love to get through them faster with my new characters. Oh well, if the code for it is separate as Gamestop's site suggests, then maybe I'll buy this for my gf and take the code for myself.

EDIT: Side note, some people might remember that even the original main game had store specific pre-order bonuses. I had the "Rush" sprint power before it became a vet reward.



Originally Posted by BashfulBanshee View Post
So? I've been here 3 years now, loving almost every minute of it. I totally support them wanting to bring in new players and can see the point of bonus things. But to make them exclusive shortly after they got all of our money? Not fair

I mean, this is almost worthy of an SNL "Really? w/ Seth" segment, IF the Proc portion of these didn't stop working at above lvl 20.... Well, then I'd actually be seriously upset - atm its merely a big fresh 'cup of disappointment' to start off my day with...

More specifically - It's like a big steaming hot 32oz. insulated mug - full of coffee from the local convenience store. One so hot, (you just add in your standard amount of sugar/creamer and stir) - you don't even taste it until you're well on your way down the road (and don't have time to go back).

And when you DO taste it, you find out that its 'Mud & Bugspray'-flavored, and you're fairly sure its fraking Decaf!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
"The U.S. is in no more danger of coming under Sharia law than it is the rules of Fight Club." - Will McAvoy.



Originally Posted by crazyhorse2 View Post
I fail to see what everyone is whining about. If you are reading this and you already preordered, then you are enjoying dual pistols and demon summoning now. This is a much better reward than a lame mouse pad and 5 enhancements for new characters only that will be no good by level 20.
I think in some people it's a semi-unconscious fear that that a new player might be able to show off something to a vet player that they don't have, which reduces the effect of trying to wow a new player with all your leet vet lewt - and if you can't crush a new player with how awesome you are with all your leet vet lewt, then what's the point of living anymore?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think in some people it's a semi-unconscious fear that that a new player might be able to show off something to a vet player that they don't have, which reduces the effect of trying to wow a new player with all your leet vet lewt - and if you can't crush a new player with how awesome you are with all your leet vet lewt, then what's the point of living anymore?
A costume piece might have that effect. An enhancement is invisible to other players; unless they have set bonuses that show in the info window, which these don't.

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This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
A costume piece might have that effect. An enhancement is invisible to other players; unless they have set bonuses that show in the info window, which these don't.
They can still be dragged and dropped into the chat window, and the new player can ask "what does this do?", and then the vet will start weeping from a sense of rage, jealousy and loss

Or even worse, the vet mightn't even know if the new player had the unique phat lewt or not, and the not knowing would eat away at them, haunting their every waking moment, and most of their nightmares too.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
You got access to dual pistols and demon summoning several months before others.
This about covers it. When the first pre purchase was anounced i thought do i want to play DP and DS early that bad? It's not like we weren't told that there were differences if you bought now or bought later. As well up thread someone posted where they did warn us that retailers may have other offers. Plus...
Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
You got access to dual pistols and demon summoning several months before others.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I'm filing this in my bin of "decisions that I don't like and that I understand people getting upset over, but that ultimately, I'm not personally terribly upset over." I've gotta admit, I'm scratching my head over giving people who didn't preorder early an extra reward.
Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
Today, we announced a new promotion with GameStop and Razer....

[A bunch of explanation that I'll omit to avoid taking up tons of forum space...]
Okay, I'm cool with that, and it makes sense. Normally I rail against exclusive stuff, and the Wal-Mart thing a while back was boneheaded in the extreme. Once nice thing about this bonus is that it's not really "braggable." Really, there's no way to tell if someone has these things slotted or not. It's function over form. I approve.

By the way, slaps in the face are highly underrated. They can be bracing. I've been known to slap myself in the face, for example, when I'm driving while really sleepy.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



The history of COH tells me that this bonus will be purchaseable as a game add on for probably about 10 bucks. Personally, I don't see these enhancements as worth that much, so I'm not making any complaints about the "exclusive item".

Topher Wade lvl 50 Claws/Regen
The Crimson Heroes Society SG
Chaos Faction VG

Official Naturalized Citizen of Justice since 2007



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Yes, they did - and after a suitable length of time had passed, the "exclusive" items became something anyone could earn

So, given the suitable length of time used last time, you expect these will become vet rewards about 2 and half years after the release of GR?

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
Today, we announced a new promotion with GameStop and Razer. For those of you who may not have seen this information, customers who place an early reserve for the City of Heroes Going Rogue: Complete Collection at GameStop will receive a Razer Sphex gaming desktop skin with a Going Rogue design, five unique enhancements and a $5 off coupon for use at the Razer store. These benefits are in limited quantities.

I would like to take this time to provide some insight as to how this initiative came about.

Although I'm not a big fan of special preorder perks tied to a specific vendor, I completely follow your reasoning on all accounts here. I think it's great that effort is being taken to get this great game some visibility in the shops so new players are more tempted to pick it up.

Unfortunatly this won't do me any good since none of those new players are going to be coming to the EU servers. The EU servers REALLY could use an influx of new players. But we all know by now that that isn't going to happen. At least we still got another appeasing 'we're aware of the problem and we're looking into it' post over in the EU section. So thanks for taking the time to at least acknowledge our existance. But I'm not buying it anymore.

I would've gotten the prepurchase the moment it was released AND a boxed set (with or without pre-order perks) on top of that. Now, however, I'm honestly contemplating to let my subscription lapse (that would be first time in 4 years) till a month or two after GR launch and go play some EVE again in the mean time. By then most of the kinks will have been ironed out and it'll be clear if the GR release has had any lasting positive effect on EU numbers.

No, I'm not bitter, just sad to see the decline (well, at least in the part that's relevant to me) of the game I enjoy so much.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.